Hallelujah (Deification reboot) (IC) (Mature)

Started by Chairtastic, October 05, 2011, 11:12:40 AM

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Please direct all OOC comments or questions to that thread, not this one.  Thank you.

The Suns peeked over the horizon.  It was that magical moment of day, when The Sun and her sister were rising, just as The Moon was setting.   The hour of witchcraft and monsters.  Witches, and shamans all across the continent bellowed out their requests to the celestial bodies, drawing divine energy to facilitate their potions, and spells.  There was a tournament that needed to be won.

A tournament for the mortals of this world, this Aaoyumei.  The witches brewed potions to sell to potential champions of each region, while monsters prepared spells to eliminate competition.  Among the many races that wandered The World mostly humans and monsters cared for the event the most.  However, some individuals from all races came to participate, if only as judges.

The desert nation where Val'Narya and Sol reign sent nearly an army's worth of champions to the site of the tournament.  Designated to be a day's march out of Teleothial by months of debate.  A central location, with a population center nearby in the event of emergency.

Just outside the realm of the Two Mountains, and Jerrel the Bookbinder, a vast expressionless prairie lay.  The usual paths of Turin and Aellor's folk.  No high or low ground to give and edge, and easy enough to spot trouble on the horizon.

Oh, such poor simple fools.

The Divine Realm

Today's host was Song, and as usual for him, his meeting area took the form of some site of entertainment.  A tavern that would not be developed for years.  Where gods and goddesses were served drink and food by facsimiles of wenches, while Song crooned a tune upon a stage.  As the day has just started, the tables are not yet choked with lesser deities.  

Corythus, great god of the cities themselves, you feel the possibilities of this tournament ground becoming a permanent place of living.  A new sort of city, not supported by farming, or hunting, or raiding, or what ever the hells Seraph pulls.  Instead, a city supported by trade between peoples of different decent.

However, Turin and Emeisha, already you feel the pull of secrets, of cries for justice among those beginning to assemble there.  People being given poor deals, pickpockets, arrogant jerks being jerks, a man with a large bronze disk on his chest murdering a Skyborn-  ...Wait, what?  A sudden distraction of Shemise the River appears.  Appearing as a huge sumo wrestler in a flower-patterned robe.  "Hail Darkness and Vengeance, I have a request of thee."  Strange.  Shemise is usually never seen without his wife, The Lake.

Hail the Lord of Time, Ainos.  He who is Here and Everywhere, Now and Always.  The future turns at this point from a single stream, into a delta of possibilities.  Glimpses of possible futures resulting from this one day alone flood your vision of the time stream.   Familiar faces appearing, then vanishing, even the Bronze King Kurios.  One of your swarms is moving over the tournament grounds to document the proceedings, and cause a bit of a light show from the reflected morning light.  Even attracting some Skyborn up to nom a couple individuals.

Val'Narya is absent, as she usually does not appear until noontime, attending to prayers the whole of the morning.  But Sol and Myl'Naia receive up to date progress of their people who are progressing toward Teleothial.  The wondrous green plants that cover the ground instead of sand, and so on.  Myl'Naia notices on of the Star Archon's who was accompanying Sol's men along the path go missing, poof.  Just gone.  Sol, you feel the pull of many witches upon  you, asking for potions to aide in victory.  Fortunately, the monsters appeal to Emeisha the Dark One, and Turin for their aide instead.

Tezkatl, you currently enjoy the company of Milan, The Ocean.  She appears as half a human woman, and half a large type of shark, floating in space with globes of water circling her.  "How ever did you make those lovely cats for yourself and Horiv," she asks. "I have tried, but the closest I come to is a deformed type of manatee."  One of the orbs passes close by, and shows that it has a fish swimming inside it.

Seraph, your eye takes up the whole of the ceiling.  You can see all the gods having their conversations, but unless you focus on one in particular, it all appears as distant noise to you.  The Legions are finally finishing the repairs to the Diamond district, and a damaged Centurion found in some wreckage.  The other districts still need to be cleared up, but this is significant progress.  However, some drones that were investigating a temperature rise in the old temple report a large sphere, about the size of a Centurion, radiating yellow light.  Initial tests show that it is solid and could possibly be moved, but they have not determined how it is floating.

Aellor, son of Change the Gray.  You are also hounded by witches and monsters this day for your magic of the changing of things.  Several of your nomad groups are moving off of the plains, eastward toward the Shemise river, while others cluster in to the growing population center.  Even beasts from the Order and Chaos side of things are moving similarly.  Chaos relocating, while Order consolidates.  

And finally the Bookbinder, Jerrel.  It has not been peaceful in Teleothial lately, with the new 'neighbors' being quite loud, and some even trying to be thieves.  Your lawkeepers have prevented any successful attempts, though, and your priests ask for permission to send some to the tournament grounds, to investigate why something that hasn't even been fully built yet has a population desperate enough to risk stealing from their neighbors.  The two mountain ranges that protect Teleothial, Ran to the north, and Fan to the south, have harshened their domains to prevent raiders from entering in those directions.  Ran is with you presently, giving details on a tribe he caught in a blizzard.  "They weren't very organized.  There seemed to be multiple figures of authority that had to agree on actions before they could proceed, with no one with supreme authority.  Though it is possible my storm killed the overlord by the time I noticed them.  They're trapped in a cave right now, and they've lost their horses to my storm, but there's still around one hundred and fifty battle-ready males alive in there.  Would you like me to seal them in, M'lord?"


  It's been a while Turin thought as the rush of requests filled his mind. Life and Death were going on as before and yet there was a sense of dissatisfaction. A particular merchant cheating many tournament goers suddenly had his scales notably unbalance in front of what passed for law around the area. A monster who had her children slaughtered by "heroes" for the "crime" of living in the area when the people wanted more "living space" had her cry answered in the form of the power to wreck suffering on those responsible. Still discontent lingered around. What's missing? It came to Turin, respect, a certain respect that the other gods received from their worshipers. What came to him rarely mentioned him by name. I want those who would worship me in my own right. Turin came to a decision when a Skyborn was slain by one wearing a bronze disc. Those...
         However Shemise the River requested the attention of Emeisha and me, How strange, where is his wife? When Shemise requested a favor I asked for a moment and focusing on myself split into seven avatars, two hollow eyed children, two thin-clothed men, two elderly beggars, wrapped so deeply in rags their faces couldn't be seen, and last a shape I rarely take, a clean dressed youth carrying a scroll and a clean sword.
One of the children looks up to the ceiling into Seraph's eye. "Seraph, if you will, I request an audience with you."
The other child goes in search of  Myl'Naia to speak with her.
One of the thin-clothed men goes over to Corythus "Lord of the masses, I have a deal I wish to make with you, will you hear me out?"
The other thin-clothed man goes over to the pair of Tezkatl and Milan "Lady of the Ocean and Lord of the Sky, greetings and blessing upon you both. Bearer of Souls I desire a boon from you."
An old beggar man legs it over "Hail Bookbinder, would you deem yourself able to strike a deal with this master of misfortune? I have seen your children, your Appointed, curse their ill luck as they fail their duty through no fault of their own. Would you trade with me? For a measure of protection for your own children?"
The other old beggar stays behind to speak with Shemise
Lastly the clean dressed youth leaves this gathering and travels through the path of the gods, an isle, unnoticed by many perhaps to their fortune, quite a distance from the main lands. Turin only discovered it due to the misfortune of a lone sailor long ago. It was there where Turin would desire to build for himself, a true home.



As warmth and sunlight returned to the surface, the Core hummed and pulsed with life, with energy. Deep underground, flickering lights lit the vast darkness of the main cave, faint specks of life in an oppressive void of stale air and deafening silence.

Seraph was engrossed in processing the streams of information flowing in from repair teams.

>Repair Report, Diamond District
>Operational Capacity: 100%
>Labs at 100%
>Control at 100%
>Core at 100%
>Reactors online
>Sensors online
>Internal defenses online
>All systems nominal
>End report

With the Diamond District fully online, coordinating everything would be much smoother. Power diagnostics and system data flickered through the Core... it idly pondered whether to continue relying on ground transit or whether to begin rebuilding the tram system, before being interrupted.

>Priority Report, Temple Sector
>Classification: Anomaly Class N/A, insufficient data
>Vicinity: Bronze Gate
>Readings: Inconclusive
>Sensors: Insufficient
>Requesting additional sensing units
>End report

...peculiar. A sphere of... solid light? The swarm of Drones around it hovered, twisting this way and that as they monitored the sphere from what they deemed to be a safe distance. The Core considered it for a moment, before formulating a response.

Priority Mission Dispatch
Assemble: Wheeled Harvester, Custodian
Destination: Temple Sector, via Bronze Gate
Mission: Analyze and Report

In the depths of the city, a wheeled Harvester dutifully pulled up outside of a repair center. A spindly new model custodian, a shining steel starfish of five arms around a pentagonal hub (as opposed to the older bronze and copper 'octopus' pattern), waddled out of the building and climbed atop the rumbling vehicle's 'cab', securing itself. The Harvester revved once, then cruised off into the darkness towards the Bronze Gate to deliver the Custodian to the Temple itself, so that it could carry out its assigned research.

Upon arrival, the Custodian began to carefully and meticulously examine the sphere with all the sensors at its disposal.

Armok's Bar 'n' Grille
It took the Eye a moment to register the request. Faint sparks flickered over its facets and it seemed to focus entirely upon the avatar of Turin before it. Several long moments passed before it replied, simply;



A bright new day

The second star peeks out from behind the larger adding its warm, life giving power to the world once again.  Those that give praise to the Morning Lady are renewed, the penitent to the Risen Light are rejuvenated, the young beings who whispered their pure desires to the Little Star are occasionally granted a wish, and others yet find power in their words, songs, rotes, rituals, and draughts.

Mortals are renewed, another day begins.

Within the beyond, just out-of-phase from mortal reality, the Risen Light watches the dark husks of fallen gods and the still-born potentials that failed to form.  Her form graces the 'engines of life' contained within the dead sun, keeping the husk whole and safe, as a memorial and out of respect for her kin.

Where only the Stars walk

To any non-celestial or non-stellar in nature, the mass of light where the two suns 'worked' or existed on the 'divine tapestry', would be a jumble of indistinguishable potentiality, but there were very distinct separations to mark the two solar entities.  The gentle and vibrant of the two Lights drifts near the other, and affectionately embraces her.

Naya, you work too hard sometimes big sister.  Tell me how are things this new day?  Have you noticed anything unusual?

The Desert

A whisp of Light and Life, a manifestation of a fragment of Myl'Naia, drifts to the spot where the Archon disappeared.  It studied the area for a sign of the Phoenix or anything particularly unusual or interesting.

The Divine Realm

"That is most unusual, what would cause that I wonder."  Myl'Naia's radiance shifted its focus upon Sol and in her calm and soft voice questioned, "Your people send a great many champions to this... competitive gathering.  What is the significance?"

Pausing to split her focus, the Radiant Star examined the hollow eyed child, "Did you wish to speak with me?"
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"



Corythus looked out before the land.  It all seemed kind of a waste really.  Sitting there and all that it had to show for itself was sand, dirt, or grass.  He pined for the great old cities that once were his.  The rise of his cities inevitable in a sense.  Left to mortal devices it was sure to happen again.  Though this was not to time to wait for mortal devices.  There was the tournament, a chance for a proper city.

Corythus looked to the population centers.  He would need to claim these.  As far as he could hold onto such small things.  The only ones of decent size was Seraph things.  But those things were not quite the same.  They lacked the difference of opinion. 

The Divine Realm, clearly mocking him and his lack of taverns

Corythus looked to the thin clothed man and looked him over.  "Talk then.  I shall hear your deal."
The All Purpose Fox


Shrouded in the corner, swathed by shadows and detritus, my eyes peered about, indistinguishable from the miniature vermin climbing about. I checked in with my eyes of the land and kept my ears open, absorbing information as it was made. When Shemise approached, I asked, "What secret do you need kept that you do not wish your wife to know? What malice is it that you must keep hidden?" As I waited for his response, I sent a rat's prophecy to one of mine during prayer and offered him... a deal, so to speak. It is time for war to begin between the other deities. Will you serve to learn from them all, and defeat them? With that, I waited, and learned.

Corgatha Taldorthar

The Divine Realm

Jerrel manifested, masked and robed. An old beggar in an ochre tunic, dirty but not of the stench that such almsmen usually wreathed themselves in, offered him a deal. The mask kept his face from moving, and the irritation slipped into impassivity.

"You and I have always been opposed, and there is neither peace nor dream where the Appointed go. You know that injustice can not be cured in silence. And while it has always been my way to prevent trouble before it starts, I would hear of your proposal, though there are no Appointed at the given moment."

As Jerrel waited for the emissary to speak further, he extended his awareness, eager to know the deals that Turin was offering to the others. Furthermore, it had been some time since he communicated with his peers, and he had come to forget some of their ways. He had deals of his own to propose, and Corythus especially must be bargained with, considering their overlap of spheres, but he did not want to be gauche.

Teleothial, the Temple

Impassive, the Judge spoke. "Ran, you are young yet. No, I do not wish them entombed. I will have them, along with all mortals. Some in part, some in whole, but I shall not permit what has happened before to re-occur. For that, I shall need to leave my mark in every mortal, that none shall seek to exceed their ken. Keep them from leaving the mountains, until  I can fetch them, but do not destroy them or seal them up."

Putting the godling out of his mind, Jerrel stepped into the outer sanctum and rang his gong, summoning an attending clergy member. He nodded the crone. "I have need of some disciples. Gather forth half a score, younger sorts, who are fit to journey far. Bring Valin and Donal, they will each lead an expedition, and their discretion can be relied upon for the most part."

At the appointed hour, in their masks and robes, the disciples assembled, silent, feet rooted to the floor, only one of the youngest betraying his bewilderment by glancing around rapidly. After allowing the silence to settle in, Jerrel spoke unto the throng.

"You have been selected to take upon yourselves two journeys. Gather provisions, food and bedding, clothing and tents, and take with you boiled pig skins and knapped spears, the knife and bows. You do not march to war, but you do walk into danger, and you must be prepared. But fear not, for I shall walk with you on your journeys, and aid you in your tasks, that all the world shall know of the might and the wisdom of Teleothial.

Valin, you are to take your half of this gathering and journey unto this new settlement, this tournament ground, where I shall guide your feet. The gathering of peoples have attempted to steal food and cattle, and they must be stopped. But do so not with rage in your heart, for they are wayward souls, and do not understand their mistake. Valin the compassionate, I have chosen you to teach these men and to guide them, and bring to them the benefit of the law. Go forth, and when the tournament that this gathering for has arrived upon us, know that I shall be with you, to guide you further. Be not afraid.

And you, Donal, the hardy. There are men in the mountains of Ran, poor wandering starving souls, buffeted by the snows, left untamed by the wildness that all hearts are born in. They are long-lost kin, as are all peoples. Bring them forth, out of the cold, out of the harshness, teach them and guide them, make them us. Take your men and journey up unto the high places, and know I shall be with you, to guide you in their strange ways and to give you the words that shall teach them of ours. Be not afraid."

With that, he waved for them to depart, to gather the necessary equipment for their journey.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


The Divine Tavern of Song

Respendent in red-and-golden robes, and with a wreath of golden leaves crowning his head, Sol sat easily in the tavern, drinking from a cherrywood mug inlaid with golden leaf and inscribed with the great symbol of the Sun.

"There is a dream among my people, a fervent prayer of the young and foolish, called Glory, Naia." Sol said, sipping ambrosia. "Its call is siren, and like horns of brass on a distant hill."

He sighed. "And, perhaps disappointingly, they think that crushing their enemies into the sand will please me."

Sol felt the pull of the witches, requesting his divine aid. He was about to refuse, when he noticed that the monsters were appealing to Emeisha, and to Turin. So, some he blessed with a little luck, and some he blessed with a little strength, and to those that asked without sincereity he did not bless at all. He then resolved to go speak to the gods of the monsters.

* * *

I would speak with you, God of Monsters. Sol spoke to Turin without appearing. I ask you for audience, that we might discuss this tournament.

* * *

To Emeisha, Sol said much the same, requested an audience with respect, and without hostility.


What is it that you ask? I replied to Sol. Some rules on this tournament from those who worship me? I had yet to offer any boons to those requesting them; they asked at the wrong time to truly know me, the fading of the dark as opposed to its deepest point, and had not offered any secrets which might bribe me.


A pagan god and a jewish god walk into a bar. After getting a few drinks, they began making fun of each other's religions as drunk people are wont to do, when the pagan god realized something. "Hey wait, isn't the jewish god supposed to not exist as a tangible being?" The jewish god looked mortified and replied, "By my well trodden sandals, you're right!" before suddenly vanishing. The pagan god chuckled to himself for having one upped the other fellow when the barkeeper came over and asked for him to settle the tab. The pagan god looked at the various empty mugs around and sighed. "Damn jews..."

A breeze blew the door open. The breeze then went over to sit at the bar and order a drink. Shortly afterwards Aellor got up from his seat and sat next to her for some idle conversation. "How with the going pelican to for a dandy?" he asked her in what only a non-mortal could recognize as a brittish accent which went quite well with his rather dapper top hat and cane as he twirled his fine mustache. She looked at him with disgust and decided to take her drink to go.

"I've been waiting three years to use that joke you know," Aellor commented to the beaver on the other side of him that existed only long enough to listen politely to the god's aside. One of the benefits of being a god with a fractured personality is that you never lack someone to talk to. Speaking of which, another part of him was on the other side of the bar approaching another god who was currently in multiple bits. Aellor decided to listen in.

"Turin!" the other Aellor exclaimed, this one with a long gray beard and flowing white robes. "I notice you didn't seek me out when you started asking favors. No fear though, I'm not insulted. After all, a few days back I wasn't here a moment ago. But now I was, and I am wondering what it is you are asking of people. Don't mind Myl'Naia who is a bit distracted just now. She can join in when she starts paying attention."

The first Aellor lost interest and decided to address those seeking his favor instead. One was all drenched in chicken blood. Once this had entertained him, but it was becoming old hat by now. He gave that man nothing. Another had drenched chickens in blood. Now THAT was a new twist. Aellor granted him his boon. A dottering old lady who had a wicked sense of humor was a favorite of his and he always granted her boons. He continued, alternating from witch applicant to monster applicant and back today, giving boons or not as whim dictated.

OOC: Just to note, speaking nonsense is referred to in London as 'chatting breeze'. Brie (for that is the Breeze's name) has a bit of a vendetta against puns. And yes, the reference to not being here a moment ago a few days back is a meta reference to Meany forgetting to include me in the intro post ;p


There are no secrets from their Keeper. Sol replied. Although he did not appear before Emeisha, she could yet see his shape like a distant echo of his words. Clad in radiant armor, with a crown of light.

This competition hath the potential to erupt into war. I grant a boon, so you grant a larger one. I grant a greater blessing, so you make of a creature your avatar. Such escalation is dangerous. Let us instead promise this - no boon shall we grant that the other cannot grant in equal measure. No avatars. No personal involvement. In this way, the tournament shall be balanced fairly, without risk of outright conflict.


The radiant lady paused, sweeping her solar blue hair to the side causing the halo of blue-white light to cascade to all corners of this dimensional tavern.  She did not grasp the meaning of Sol's words, "I do not understand what it is that you mean by glory or why they should seek to cease others to please you.  Life is such a precious thing, all peoples should take in the warmth of the suns, enjoy the companionship... and kinship of others, be happy to be together... not cold and alone."

Myl'Naia spoke softly, but her words could be heard clearly no matter the surrounding din.  She twirled once in her resplendent silvery-white dress, smiling cheerfully, "perhaps it is because I came to be in the beyond, from Chaos and pure Forces, that I do not understand this drive to unmake my peers, dominate over mortals, and grow 'powerful' enough to control the Universe's creation engine.  It is enough to be Life, why must there be more?"
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


The Divine Realm
To Seraph
The hollowed eyed child regarded the jeweled eye in the sky for a
moment and remarked "How ironic that I who desire respect come
to the one who had no intention of being worshiped." The avatar
closed its eyes and continued "That being said I wish to propose
something that may come to our mutual benefit. I desire a race of
my own yet the land where I would place them is a harsh place and
will require cleverness and knowledge to survive. What I require a
tiny spark of inspiration to put in the fiber of their being. I have
witnessed your elimination of Cults. In truth they are quite
bothersome as they cause more trouble for me as the vendettas
pile up upon them." The child opened its eyes and regarded Seraph
with a clear gaze "And so I would give to your legions the blessing
of misfortune, those Cultists' gifts will dim in the face of one of
your soldier groups... unless you seek another request of me."

A thought struck Turin "Tell me, what is your stance on the fate of our
dearly damaged "king" and his worshipers who are still active in the
land of the living, do you still consider him one of us or another cult
to befall an unfortunate fate?"
To Myl'Naia
The hollowed eyed child bowed towards the sun "Lady of Light you
are as radiant as ever. I desire a spark of life to bring life to a race
of my own. I desire their arising for followers who respect me but
also for an attempt to raise a people who would be just and content
with being just, too long I have seen mortals dissatisfied. I wish not
only for these new people to not only be just but to bring justice to
others. So I noticed Spark of Life your temples and orders are
attempting to organize themselves. What say you to my removing
myself from their path until their goals are accomplished? I cannot
prevent their own missteps as I am a god of misfortune not of
mistakes but I can shield them from unforeseen or foreseeable
circumstances, unless you seek another price from me?"
To Corythus
The thin man continued his observation of Corythus and spoke
"Perhaps you have suffered the most from the actions of our foolish
king. It appears to me that you may be in a spot of trouble with less
anchors to hold on. I myself attempt to birth a race for my own but
I seek for them not the life of the wanderer but the life of a civilized
race. I would promise you the rise of great cities in exchange for
the dream and essence of civilization, unless you seek another price
from me."
To Jerrel
"Opposed?" The old beggar questioned "Perhaps in some ways as people cannot always be satisfied with your judgments. Yet you seek to make your laws just, and are as impartial as anyone could ever hope to be. Still dissent must at least still be heard or it leads to far worse concequences.  The old beggar straightened as something flowed into him. "I was offering in regards to your reputation on strategy, a way to always know which paths have my shadow and how long it falls upon the paths but I see that you have sent two groups on a journey, yet both paths are fraught with dire peril, in addition then I would see that no major misfortune falls upon them that is not of their doing. In exchange I desire a shard of everlasting law. This is what I offer and desire unless you seek another price from me."
To Sol
I am not a God of monsters by choice Sol. Turin sent back. Someone must at least hear their troubles. The smell of spilt blood and tears floated around the God of Victory. At times your humans are to blame and other times the monsters are to blame as well. Still I hear them both equally. As for this tournament I have little interest, I am focusing my efforts to create a race of my own, and I don't desire them to seek conquest. State what you will though, I am listening.
To Aellor
"Aellor" Turin smiled with joy, a rare enough event. "I did not mean to insult you no matter how much you may deny but to ask a gift from you is as asking a gift from the wind, you never know what may be granted. I would like a race of my own and I intend to form them with my own hands. I seek materials and will gladly pay for them. If you believe you have something that could be useful, then by all means speak up. I do not know what I can give you though unless you tell me.
In the world of mortals
And far away on the isolated island the clean dressed avatar of Turin came to a lake on the western side of the isle and on the banks was dark clay, black as smooth velvet. He took some in his hands and the clear water and began to mix it together.  


Very well, I answered from the shadows of Sol's mind. Nothing more than words and minor blessings. No escalation without agreement. The deal has been made. With that, I returned to my former activities of learning the secrets of mortals and absorbing the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and feelings of my bestial servants to keep tabs on all that was not secretive.


Myl'Naia regarded the hollow eyed child sadly, "you should not be so unkind to yourself, you are that which embodies curses, spite, bitterness, malice, misfortune, and vengeance."  The Risen Light spoke softly with no hint of malice, sarcasm, or dread, merely a kind and compassionate tone, "I do not understand the need for such essences on an emotional level, merely a logical one.  It is all quite sad."

With another burst of radiant light and a wide sweeping gesture, Myl'Naia spoke grandly, "I wish to bring the greatest gift that my father the Universe has ever granted, Life, to all corners of the Creation.  However, when my sister returned energy and I breathed life back into all that was here, I granted the same measured investment to all.  Prior to your re-emergence, beyond the realm of your current motivated desires and conscious mind, your potentiality choose to embody this investiture in a fashion that did not grant you your own race.  The Balance must be maintained and I cannot grant you this as you ask.  It is the price you paid to be in the hearts and minds of all mortals."  

The Little Star smiled sheepishly, "I am sorry little one, but there is nothing you could offer me, nor is there a need for... how would you put it, veiled threats?  I am daughter of the Universe and Chaos, they love their daughters very much, but it is a unique kind of love.  I love all those that hold my spark, even you, those Orders of mortals that call to my name will persevere."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


I've never painted daisies on a big red rubber ball...

Aellor answered with a smile of his own. It was always fun to tease the gods that thought they had a certain measure of dignity. Even more fun was to tease aspects of himself that were more dignified than he, though when he was those aspects he was never able to appreciate the joke that well. Ah the mysteries of life...

In the meanwhile, he quite cheerfully admitted to the pretense he had made. "Just as you could not trust any help I give, so too do you have nothing substantial to offer me. And so we are at an impasse and this conversation is really only a pleasantry. Still, I am interested to see how you fare in this project of yours and if you succeed then my people will trade with yours. Though there are many that say the patronage of gypsies is as much a curse as a blessing. In the meanwhile, I offer you this acorn. It may or may not be helpful to you." Towards the end, he became more serious as he solemnly held out an acorn that had been painted yellow with daisies in order for the god of misfortune to take.

Darth Vader... you are my father.

At the same time as the above, Aellor turned to Myl'Naia and said, "I'm sorry... you're my WHAT?"


The Divine Realm
The Hollow Eyed Child laughed but it was not the laughter of spite, in contrast it was pure joyful laughter. "Myl'Naia, you may not know it but you have already assisted me, I was wrong completely at my approach and you have guided me like a lantern in the dark to a better path. As for "veiled threats" I did not mean my offer as that. It is a simple matter to remove my shadow from your worshipers' path. Everyone encounters a dash of bad luck sooner or later, sometimes it strengthens and sometimes it delays. I only thought you would appreciate having unforeseen troubles out of the way. Still you have helped me in your fashion so my offer still stands if you wish to take it."

To Aellor
"Strangely enough I am now in debt to you God of Chaos" As the child took the acorn with great joy. "Your Gypsies are quite the interesting people and they regard me with a little more respect than most. I am quite happy to see them in such good hands. And now my benefactors I take my leave of you now. I shall let you know Aellor whether anything comes of my project." The hollow-eyed child promptly vanished.
In the Realm of Mortals
Far away on the forgotten isle the hollow-eyed child brought the acorn to the clean dressed man and was reabsorbed. "And so she granted the same measurement to all." The clean dressed man smiled and stood up from the work he had done on the clay. He shifted his perception,You can find Life everywhere if you look hard enough.   


Armok's Bar 'n' Grille

The eye whirred and clicked thoughtfully, evaluating the offers. Finally, it responded thus;

"Technology is not a toy, Turin. I cannot grant such a boon to an entire race, nor can I grant it to anyone who lacks the abilities you request in the first place. My domain is the higher technologies, not the lowest."

After another pause, it continues;

"The King is already here, any who follow him may do no significant damage by themselves. Of course I will be keeping a close eye on them all, but for now the King is weak and mad, and I have more pressing matters to attend to."

A Guardian, A Custodian, and a Centurion walk to a Tournament...
A slow trip, but no other forms of transport could be spared. Dispatched in order to maintain the peace (and watch for potential cults seeking to disrupt the proceedings; an all too common event) the three made their way onwards at a slow and steady pace, Centurion and Custodian atop the Guardian's mighty shoulders and broad back. Though they were almost all older models, their age and experience demanded acknowledgement, and so they were decorated with elaborate engravings of gears inlaid with silver.

Ostentatious? Maybe a little. Still, perfectly serviceable should any cultists show up too.


"Perhaps, Lady Naia, it is because you have never been less." Sol said quietly. In his mind's eye, he saw familiar, distant plains of ruin and woe and blood, and he took a drink of divine ambrosia slowly, savoring it, as though to drown out some more bitter taste. "Those who have been defeated understand me best."


With Turin's permission, Sol appeared before him, resplendent in light and glory. "You care for it little, but your people do. Ignore them if that is your wish, of this I care not. But know that your blessing is matched by my blessing. And that mine is surely matched by yours. A war in heaven brews on earth, God of Monsters. Let us then agree that no boon shall be given with equal blessing from the other, and if the other cannot match it, then no blessing shall be given at all. No avatars shall appear there, and no personal involvement shall be made in the comptetion, that it might go forth fairly, and without outright war."


Divine View, Deja Vu

Tezkatl pounces on the liquid orb and rolls it around in his paws. As the other shimmering globes float by, he bats them around like balls of string.

"A matter of practice, Milan. Horiv has been working on those cats since before the World began. Many of us choose to carve our mortal children from pieces of ourselves. That way is simple, if vain."

The celestial feline yawns and stretches out. The whole universe sparkles across his wings. As the spheres bob around him, the colourful bounties of the Ocean splash about.

"But even should divine inspiration fail, the World may yet surprise you. Order and Chaos can be such wonderful sculptors at times. Should you add their touch to your Will, you might find children worthy of raising to your bosom. You needn't hurry. Souls yet unborn have waited since the Dawn of Time. They can wait a while longer, until you are ready."

He curls up around the seas, tugging playfully at them as they pass below. All gods have been here since the World began anew. But a World newly Created means gods new to Creation. Was he ever this young? The One Eyed God stares down at the thin-clothed newcomer, the great Scar shimmering across his countenance. He grins a Cheshire cat grin.

"Souls will be born to you. Raising them is your burden to bear. What more do you desire?"

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


The Sands of Time

A river of sand flows, meanders, branches and converges. The timeline, as Ainos has watched it, forges a divergent path representing possible futures. Yet as present becomes past and futures become present, only one stream remains. The others always die out or merge with the remaining stream.

That which has captured Ainos' attention however, is an explosion at the present in the timeline, the sands at this point literally exploding outwards in all directions. A short distance beyond this burst, a sandstorm rages. Rarely has a present moment held so much uncertainty and possibility. Branching streams of futures were usually distinct and traceable well into the distance. The distant future was now a raging storm of obscurity.

This particular present had now become a pivotal moment upon which the immediate future would lie. The sheer number of futures contained within it would require much of Ainos' attention to ensure an outcome that would not jeopardise the integrity of the timestream. Through the myriad visions of new places and faces Ainos watches, through new outcomes and new resolutions Ainos watches still.

At times, some futures seemed to have contained past events, or even become repetitions of the past. Familiar faces and places, things seemingly happening all over again flashed through the burst of futures. Most troubling however was the appearance of the face of the Bronze King. Also, an attempt to overthrow the gods, similar to that once performed by Kurios, was seen among the possibilities.

There is a Tavern in the Realm Divine

Present throughout the tavern, Ainos listens without saying much. Song's crooning and social atmosphere was not a meeting place Ainos would have chosen for delivering such news. The most recent visions from the timestream however required that the other gods be notified of the possibility, no matter how remote.

"Respectfully I ask for your attention, fellow gods. I have seen in the timelines, the face of the Bronze King. I have also seen an attempt to overthrow us, as was attempted before by Kurios. These are but possibilities, neither certain nor set in stone. The possible futures have become especially diverse as of late and I have good reason to believe this upcoming tournament has a role in this increased divergence."

"The disruption of such an attempt to the world, as some of us may remember, affects us all and by no means benefits any one of us. While I cannot say whether this will be the Bronze King's doing, if it were to happen, I sense he has a role in this, as does this upcoming tournament. That is as much as I can be certain as of now. Whether or not you each have placed stakes in this tournament, I simply ask that we keep a vigilant eye for signs that such an occurrence may come to pass."

Privately, Ainos addresses Seraph. "Long have you kept watch for cults that would threaten this world, including those in the service of the Bronze King. I understand you have detected the return of Kurios and are keeping in check both he and his minions. In that his actions would eventually disrupt the integrity of the timeline, your goals and mine are aligned. For this again I thank you. I fear however that a new threat may arise from within this tournament, just as Kurios had once served us."

Skies above the Tournament Grounds

The documenting swarm hovering above the grounds shrugs off the loss of the few individuals, no harm is done to the collective hive mind. An individual is prepared from this swarm for its eventual role as a judge for the upcoming tournament; a distinct personality is imparted to it retaining only a residual link to the hive mind of its parent swarm. Meanwhile, a few other swarms arrive and disperse themselves around arriving groups to gather more information.


The Divine Realm
"I see" Turin replied to Seraph "Still, do keep my offer in mind, it is
possible that individuals will possess the qualities needed in the
future." The hollowed eyed child bowed and vanished.
Turin raised an eyebrow at the showy display Sol appeared with.
"You persist in calling me the God of Monsters, so I will start with
calling you the God of Humans though humans are not the only
race that seek your boons." Turin spread his arms "On the surface
your proposal seems fair but on the other hand your champions will
have to face against the combined boons of two gods to one." The
God of Vengence shook his head. "This is neither fair nor just, so I
have a proposal, let the Mistress of Secrets answer the requests of
the beasts and creatures and you answer your champions but I will
give my blessing or curse upon all at the same time so none may
have special treatment. Would it not interesting having the
combatants seek the aid of their patrons and wonder what I shall
spread across the battlefield?"
Turin regarded the celestial grin with warmth. "Tezkatl, without a
single word from me, you have gone straight to the heart of the
matter. As such, thank you and I will have to repay you somehow
someday. Whenever you request a service from me, I will answer
unless the price is too high to pay but I don't believe that you would
seek anything of the sort. Before I depart I would not be wrong in
stating that you know that one of your own has been slain by one
who wears a bronze disk? If not I have also come to inform you of
this. Farewell Lord of Sky and Lady of Ocean" The thin man promptly
Turin mentally called to Emeisha "Lady of the Webs, do you
remember the ancient grudges between trades and guilds, the
spiteful withholding of craft techniques between master and
student? Ancient knowledge, cursed to inflict evil upon those who
would reveal it. I would teach these to what I bring to life but you
also have a stake in these secrets and I would ask of your feelings
before I teach."

In my seat I listened to Ainos' warning of dire portents.
Misfortune however was tricky, at times the warning will bring
about the very outcome one wished to avoid. Yet the involvement of
Kurios would be worrisome. The Bronze King had taken me unawares, and now even mad and weakened as he is, I know best how fortunes may change. This time I was prepared. If the King or any other attempted an overthrow, I had something remembered that would make the victory swiftly a hollow one.
On some Prime Island Real Estate
Turin rested for a moment, 7 by 7 by 7 by 7 by 7 by 7 by 7, he had
crafted them, empty shells at the moment but then again he was far
from finished...


Armok's Bar 'n' Grille

Seraph made a hollow and slightly disconcerting laugh at Turin's reply.

"If that turns out to be the case, then those that truly have the potential and wish to prove themselves shall undergo the Trials as any other would. There is no favouritism in these matters."

With Turin seemingly satisfied, the Eye turned its attention to Ainos.

"I may be considered a deity by mortalkind, Ainos, but I was made with a purpose. I cannot ignore my directive to protect this world. That is the sole reason our goals are aligned, at least for now."

"At present, the so-called King is senile and nigh powerless: the few followers he has are easily kept in check. I agree the tournament is of concern: Outsiders are drawn to the energies that such gatherings seem to resonate, and to summon one in the middle of the proceedings would be the greatest dream of any cult. I have dispatched a small taskforce with the long-term objective of maintaining the peace and securing the tournament ground, but I do not wish to draw unnecessary ire by scrutinizing the every move of would-be competitors, or impose too strongly upon the minds of the competitors. In any case, I lack a sufficient measure of Drones in the area to apply to such a task."

"A Curator and other reinforcements are on standby in the event of a Barrier failure or foul play by another force. Barring extreme circumstances, I feel we have little to fear from the tournament at present, though perhaps we simply see 'the calm before the storm', as men would say."


Sol's expression was flat, and he appeared to be looking at something behind Turin, not directly at him. The light about his head grew harsher, and the engravings of his armor shone a darker gold amongst the brilliant polish. "I refuse. You bind me to Emeisha, while you are free to act. Your point is taken, but your suggestion leaves both of us in a worse position. If Emeisha cared, that is. But with what I hear from Ainos, she might care yet. No, I refuse that. I offer instead this."

He took a breath, suddenly staring directly at Turin, golden eyes blazing with the light of the sun. "I am not asking you to take sides, for a god supports only those who pray to him. I would prefer no divine interferance whatsoever, but I know that this will not be. Therefore I submit - the three of us shall take no action the other two are not aware of, and will give no blessing to anyone, monster or human, without the other two being able to bless or curse in equal measure in return. Emeisha is not my opponent, and neither are you. My aim is not to have humans win, but rather for the contest to be fair for all the participants, as any contest of such a nature should be."

* * *

The Bronze King...

Sol's drink turned to bitter ashes in his mouth. His only true defeat since he took the mantle of Victory came from that mad King of gears and bronze. There fanned the flames of hatred in the god's heart, and his golden eyes turned a sunset red.
"If there is a remote chance he may return to what he was, we should slaughter him now. Kurios is too dangerous to leave in check - we should burn his lands and his people and starve him into a wisp of wind before we no longer can."


Myl'Naia smiled to Turin, "if you wish to do something out of kindness, then that is most greathearted of you.  Be safe in your travels."  The radiant goddess continued to regard Turin with her warm and understanding smile.  Her demeanor like that of a teacher with a beloved pupil or a mother with an adorably inquisitive child.  


The Little Star seemed a bit embarrassed by Aellor's sudden question and replied in her soft voice, "oh my, no, no... that is not right at all."  Silently she berated the construct of language, even the prime argot of the divine could still present stumbling blocks when two were at the same understanding level.  It could be due to her 'accent' or the form of brogue she used.  "no not you, you are different.  Val'Narya and I are daughters of the the Infinity of space that preceded the existence of the ordered universe, the Impetus of Creation, and the Creation itself.  That Which Came Before always liked to be called Chaos, not specifically sure why, but if you are ever in the beyond you could ask directly."

She sighed, " I am sorry for the mistake, the dialect I use can be confusing sometimes.  Now that I think of it, it could sound like you and Tezkatl were my parents."  The goddess giggled a bit nervously with her eyes closed and gaze turned upward.  Creation!  I sound like such an outsider.  The radiant goddess thought to herself.


"Sol, I have been as I am for as long as I can remember.  When my star self uses the last of its power and burns away, I will alight anew elsewhere, so in that sense I will always be this way.  In a sense, it is a very lonely existence."
The Risen Light looked suddenly concerned at the words Sol had for Turin, "please, we should not argue so.  I suggest we give our words of encouragement and praise, but we should not grant boons in this.  We should let the mortals compete solely on their own merits and puissant skills."  She gestured to all those assembled, "I believe that is something we all should agree upon."

The change in demeanor of Sol at the mention of the Bronze King worried Myl'Naia, "that seems rather spiteful.  Perhaps you could tell me of this Bronze King and the story that is held in this world's past... and what it was like in existence without the warmth of the Light and the absence of Life."  The Radiant Lady was noticeably apprehensive about such topics, but one had to know.  
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Oh good, you're not the child I didn't remember having.

The dapper Aellor in the top hat got a rather alarmed look on his face and quickly rubbed his hands together, creating static electricity and then pointed at the Moses looking Aellor. As an arc of electricity jumped from dapper's finger to hit the Aellor talking with Maia causing his hair to frizz out (he looked vaguely like Einstein now). "Oh! Of course! I must have forgot! I forget many things, and it has been a while since I spoke with him, but he is the reason I am god of chaos after all." He gave a somewhat benign grin

Dapper took this opportunity to head off Einstein (who was quickly distracted by Dapper's empty seat and full mug of ale) and take up the conversation in his place. "Apologies for the misunderstanding. As you are probably aware, every god has their quirks. I just happen to have more than most. I should..." he frowned in the direction of his more absent minded self, wondering if perhaps he wasn't doing this on purpose to make fun of himself. "Should have known that the stars are siblings and cousins to me rather than descendents."

Corgatha Taldorthar

The Divine Realm

Jerrel nodded slightly to Turin's avatar. "I am watching over my emissaries, and I hold no especial doubts about their safety. Furthermore, I do not understand what you mean by the phrase, 'a shard of everlasting law'. Law exists externally to me. I direct, I focus, I guide, but my sphere would exist if not for me, and I do not understand how I can give a piece of it away. I do wish to negotiate, but I must speak with some of my peers; bide a moment."

With a burst of focus, Jerrel divided his form into two parts, a smaller one to treat with Turin's speaker, and a larger one to negotiate with the other Gods directly.

The major fragment approached divine assembly and bowed slightly. "Infinite construct, Little Star, Gatherer of People, Invictus, hail and well met to you all. I will not weigh in on what agreement shall be made to insure this tournament's fairness, but, all willing, I shall bind the strictures that we agree upon, and enforce the will of this assembly. I too wish to see a contest of might and will, but not something that would turn us at each others throats."

Jerrel turned the bulk of his attention to the newcomer, Myl'Naia. Little edges of fear traced through his speech, though they were small and muted against the impassivity Jerrel's face normally assumed. " The Bronze King was once a mortal who aspired to hold all of our offices. We were fools back then, younger and stupid, and did not notice what he was accomplishing until it was far too late. Do you think you are the first deity to hold your sphere? A verdant carpet of a God named Gys once held your office. Kurios slew him, as he did with most of us. Only four of us survived, I, Aellor, Tezkatl, and Ainos. The seas boiled and humans died for his presumption. Perhaps we deserved it for our somnolence, but we cannot permit something like that to happen again. It will bring ruin to all, and I for one say that any chance of Kurios regaining his former puissance must be smashed. My people are not ready for war, but perhaps we should bar the tournament to the followers of the Bronze King, or slay them if they approach."
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Aww.... man, you just had to invoke the "what's the worst that can happen?" rule.

And of a sudden, Aellor was part of the conversation, for as everyone knows... to speak the name of a god is to invoke his or her attention and to invite their presence. "Survive is a tricky word. I exist in many places in many times. My presence of then and here was near completely destroyed and had I not been elsewhere as well I would not be here now. I was one of the first attacked when he made his bid for power and I know little of what happened in the years that came after. But I do recall that he was not a mortal, but a god of mortals and much of why he inevitably failed is that he did not fully understand the nature of primal gods or the three greater powers. I am alive because of that first oversight, and he was brought low due to the second. There are other gods who survived I am sure, Hope and War for instance I recall fighting against him. But then I also recall from that time when I was barely here that Jerrel was slain so perhaps these memories are not to be trusted. After all, it was long ago and what of me that was here was at most a diminished and fractured aspect of myself."

Aellor considered a moment during which he paused. "Honestly for all the damage he caused, I never considered him to be that much of a threat. By the standards of time on which we live, he really could only keep going for so long before his power backfired like it did. If he is still around, I am not sure what he hopes to accomplish. Any scheme with payoff big enough for him to desire is likely outside his means of reach."


Divine Realm of Taverness

Corythus considers Turin reply long and hard ((OOC: and hard disk failures didn't help with speediness)), "You are correct that I was hurt the most.  Where once I had networks of vast cities, teaming with life and a pulse of trade between them, now I have what barely amounts to shanty villages.  Yes, I shall help your people attain civilization.  My price?  Only that you welcome me freely into your lands and to give one city to me.  It does not have to be now, when a city of sufficient size you will know when it is mine."

He did not like coming off as so forceful.  Though his price was less of a point of negotiation as much as it was informational regarding events that will transpire.  In the end, the cities become more like each other then they are like their host lands.  Though that city might not even happen before the tournament.  However, in the long game he would need a network of cities, and it wouldn't due to have his cities isolated.
The All Purpose Fox


Divine Realm

Myl'Naia regarded Jerrel with very sad and soulful eyes, "how could such a thing come to pass?  What occurred to allow anything divine, mortal, or otherwise, to slay this realm's Life?  That seems like such an irresponsible thing to allow to happen."

The Radiant Lady paused in consideration of the words spoken by Jerrel and Aellor, "you both seem, as fitting your natures and appointments, of a different opinion on the Bronze King.  What should be done, if anything?  One should learn from history so as not to repeat it."

The Little Star considered Aellor's words, "that coincides with the echoes of those that once were.  I can say that I have always been Light and Life, over great distances, across multiple realms, and even across dimensions.  Even wandering the space between stars and galaxies, as I am now.  However, I needed to attach to a realm for this instance to be meaningful.  I wonder if I leave or if another me is Peace, as when I came here, it was drifting alone, shriveled, unused, and unheeded, so I took it to myself and made it me.  I must go talk to myself to find out."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"