Verge of Extinction (OOC/Introduction)-[Mature]

Started by KarlOmega1, September 30, 2011, 12:51:11 AM

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Since my last attempt failed at even getting any players to start it off with, I'm gonna try a different RP based off the topic I posted in general discussion.

In this RP, your character is a member of a group of survivors of the zombie apocalypse. The group is looking to rebuild civilization in the ruins of a city while fending off the zombies that are roaming loose. Even though everyone in the group is expected to fight the zombie infestation, each character has different abilities to contribute to the group. When everyone works together to keep the group thriving, they can save civilization from the Verge of Extinction!

Also...just to let you know that this RP takes place in an alternate universe where Humans and Furres both exist on Earth. The Zombie Apocalypse reduced the sentient population from 6 billion to 600 thousand worldwide...but we'll start this RP focusing on one city. The Survivors in the city have formed into a group looking to form a colony to hole up while the zombies are running loose. Assuming we get enough players/characters joining up, we'll then put to a vote where the starting point/home fort will be.

While making a character profile, please take note of the classes you will pick from:

Leader- the top-tier of the group. Leaders are expected to organize and lead the group in keeping them from falling into chaos. There will be a minimum of three leaders allowed in the group...they will lay down ground rules, organize activities within the fort, and lead the survivors in the defense of the fort.

Architectural/Mechanical Engineers- the builders of the group. Engineers are responsible for construction/modification/maintainence/deconstruction of fortifications/buildings/utilities/vehicles. They are a vital part of rebuilding civilization.

Agricultural experts/Farmers- Farmers are the sustainers of the group, they are expected to grow crops that can feed the survivors within the fort. Of course the effects of the gardens/farm won't be immediate, but it will be vital for the future of the group.

Scavengers- the salvagers of the group. They are responsible for exploring the area outside the fort for materials and supplies that the group can use to thrive. It is recommended that there be at least a few of these in the group.

Medic/medical researchers- the healers of the group. They will be vital in helping keep the health of the group from deteriorating and vital into the research for the vaccine/cure to the bug that caused the Zombie Apocalypse in the first place.

Soldiers- the military forces of the group. They are better trained at combat than the rest of the classes and are vital at fending off the zombie horde. It is recommended that some escort the scavengers while the rest help defend the fort.

Weapon/Ammo smiths- the arms/ammo manufacturers of the group. They are vital for the defense of the group due to their ability to construct weapons and ammo to arm the survivors with.

Chemists/Smelters- the material processers of the group. They are responsible for processing the materials obtained through salvaging and deconstruction and making new the raw metals needed by the engineers, antibiotic/medicine components for the medics, components for the weapons/ammo made by the smiths, combustibles used for heat and burning dead bodies and other stuff.

Cooks- the meal makers for the group. Some foods needs cooking in order for it to be consumed and that's where these guys come in..they provide meal/ration cooking for the survivors in the group.

As for the Character Profile sheet...I'll start off by giving an example by posting mine.

Name: Karaius Shadoufire
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Species: Human
Physical traits (hair/fur/skin length/style/color, eye color, height, build, etc): Short, brown hair. Light skin. Blue eyes. A little chubby around the waist. Height is 5 feet, 8 inches.
Class: Leader
Projectile weapon of choice: Ak-47
Melee weapon of choice: Katana

Note: no classifying your species as a demon or cubi whatever. I'm saving something up for later in the thread to explain why.

Here this the list of characters, categorized by class---

Leaders: Karaius Shadoufire (KarlOmega1)

( about it? Sound good?)
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


To give people more information (and prevent this thread from dying a pitiful "no reply" death), I'm gonna give some details about the antagonist of the RP...the cause of the Zombie apocalypse, the Daemius Virus.

Daemius Virus
Pathogen type: Virus
Virus: Trans-mutagenic
Origin: The Daemius Virus, and its variants, were named after a guy by the name of John Daemius. John was watching a meteor shower one night when a stray meteorite landed in this yard. While he had called NASA to come pick it up, he felt kinda strange. After some Officials came and took the meteorite, John was really ill. His family was in the process of taking him to the hospital when he turned on them and proceeded to attack them, causing the car to crash. While the family survived, they were riddled with bite marks and wounds. By the time the Police arrived at the incident, the virus was already at work turning those near the accident into flesh-craving undead. When the virus nearly had taken over the city, the scientist at NASA Discovered how Daemius got turned into a zombie. It had turned out the meteorite was harboring the virus when it entered the atmosphere.
By the time they tried to contact the federal government, it was too late. It turns out the whole meteor shower was a viral attack spread out over hundreds of miles...cities were under siege by zombies. before the government could shut down international travel, a few unknowingly infected boarded planes to escape...only to spread the virus to other continents. In the end, 99.99 percent of the world's population were infected and only the .01 percent that were not infected were left to fend for themselves in a world where almost everyone else were monsters.

EDIT> please, someone join...this RP is one I don't want to die before it's even started.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius