[Art, Writing] Lostangles' fridge scribbles and storybook corner

Started by Lostangles, May 23, 2010, 08:34:25 PM

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I can only hope that I don't muck this up somehow, forums are not my forte so with any luck this won't just end up a pile of mangled links. Any advice on how to keep this thread clean along with whatever you have to say about the art would be appreciated. Moving on.

Here's my DA account:

And here are the links for my only two bits of art so far, one obviously is my avatar, the other something I just threw together today to practice pen tool inking.
C-knight - A random creation which also serves as my avatar.
The Boggles - Random page with boggle eyed cartoons, huzzah Boggles.

Any of my creative writing can be found here at New Worlds Stories.
WARNING: There might be some mild language/violence in the stories here.
\\\"Hold on tight and keep the loud pedal down\\\"

Castle Pokemetroid

Quite simple drawings you have there. That knight reminds me of Meta Knight from the Kirby series.

As for your links, use this formula:

[ url = Put URL here ] Type words here [ /url ]

Don't use any spaces.



Press the quote button to see how the URL code works.


Quote from: Castle Pokemetroid on May 28, 2010, 09:54:33 PM
Press the quote button to see how the URL code works.

Pokemetroid: You could use the code tag, thusly:


Lostangles: Cute drawings, but... not a lot to be said.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


Boy has it been a while, unfortunately a lot has been going on for the past few months. I'm back now for the time being though, and thought I might as well show what I've been working on. I have a blog of sorts I'm using to host some writing I've been doing it's called New Worlds Stories. It's a little rough at this point, and I'm still working on my proof reading, so feel free to point out anything I may have missed. Also please be warned THERE IS MILD LANGUAGE/VIOLENCE IN SOME OF THE STORIES, it's nothing over the top, but there might be a bit of cuss or two every couple of paragraphs. I'll post updates here when episodes are completed rather than individual parts just to keep things from getting too cluttered. With any luck I might be able to put up some illustrations for the stories as well.

\\\"Hold on tight and keep the loud pedal down\\\"