28/03/2011 [DMFA# 1205] - Hubba-hubba.

Started by Les, March 28, 2011, 01:00:16 AM

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Quote from: Drayco84 on March 29, 2011, 02:49:20 PM
Also, apparently you CAN have nekkid man-butt in PG-13 (A Knight's Tale), but NOT nekkid lady-butt. (R-Rating, if not NC-17.)
For what it's worth, they way movies are these days, I can attest that a woman's backside doesn't constitute an NC-17 rating by any means.  For that matter, if it were even "R" material, I doubt that one episode of Star Trek: Enterprise ever would have aired. (Hey, I only know about it because they'll take any excuse to plug that picture in on the wiki...)

As far as how this situation sprang up... I think AxiLarin is on to something.  One way or another.  I also suspect magic may be involved somehow.
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.


Please in this world magic is always involved.  I just have to see if Regina, Lorenda or a Fae are involved in this one.
Proud member of the "Let the artist know how much you love her work" club


I'll put a better intro a little later, I promise! ^^' I actually just wanted to post this before heading to work after reading about the whole rating system.

PG-13 can actually get away with a lot these days. It actually got away with a bit several years ago still. I submit case and point: "The Fifth Element"

The movie was indeed rated PG-13, and it contained: Clear nipple on side boob shots, a blurry boob shot later, overall naked and nearly naked lady. Also at the end, it had clear indications of sex, though no details were shown in the scene, just the two of them doing what is obvious while kissing and moving. Also in the movie was blood and a load of violence. An alien lady with the main character sticking his hand inside her to pull out the stones. Also, I am fairly certain there was more than a little 'foul' language in the show.

So yeah, black box indeed, I was surprised too when I noticed it was only PG-13.

As for the comic, I would vote on the magical influence, but it is common for someone to realize what is going on only after the moment is broken. I would guess it has more to do with those Rum Balls and the like. Plus Kria being... Kria.


I'm not ruling out some kind of influence happening that made Dan and Kria get something going in the backroom, be it magic, emotion-jamming or just plain old alcohol. But what I really don't get is why Kria would do it.
Sure, she showed more then interested in Dan before, but that was before she knew Dan was Lorenda's boyfriend. I'm sure we all remember Kria ate/killed Lorenda's father for cheating on her while she was pregnant, it has been brought up often enough, so I would think she is against such practices yet here she pulled Dan into a room seemingly with the intent on having him cheat on Loranda with her.
Maybe I'm just reading too much in it, or maybe Kria is just hypocrite when it comes to herself.


Quote from: LordViking on March 31, 2011, 05:13:47 AM
Sure, she showed more then interested in Dan before, but that was before she knew Dan was Lorenda's boyfriend.

Well, she already seems to have figured out that it was a ruse (see pages 1105-6).  I do wonder if she arranged the dinner because she wanted Dan, rather than to annoy Lorenda/DP - but on the other hand she must have known that he had spent the night with Matilda.

I'd say the crucial difference with her late husband was that she was with child when she was being cheated, whereas Dan hasn't got to that stage in any of his relationships so far as we know.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Soryu on March 31, 2011, 02:45:54 AM
The movie was indeed rated PG-13, and it contained: Clear nipple on side boob shots, a blurry boob shot later, overall naked and nearly naked lady. Also at the end, it had clear indications of sex, though no details were shown in the scene, just the two of them doing what is obvious while kissing and moving. Also in the movie was blood and a load of violence. An alien lady with the main character sticking his hand inside her to pull out the stones. Also, I am fairly certain there was more than a little 'foul' language in the show.

"Anyone else wanna negotiate?"

... oddly enough, that more or less encapsulates the forum moderators' style... ;-]
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Quote from: RobbieThe1st on March 28, 2011, 06:07:14 AM
Y'know, there's a perfectly logical explanation here: Emotion Jammering. Remember, Dan's quite susceptible to that, as shown when Abel did it to him.

Who wouldn't be susceptible if they don't know to put up barriers against it? AFAIK it's only been done to him once.
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


Quote from: AmigaDragon on March 31, 2011, 04:26:54 PM
Who wouldn't be susceptible if they don't know to put up barriers against it? AFAIK it's only been done to him once.

Are demons capable of emotion jamming? I mean, we've only seen it done twice: Once by Abel to Dan (#670) and again in an introverted way by Fa'lina removing all emotion from Abel (Able's back story, pt. 2, #29). Considering that cubi can't emotion jam beings (#649) It would make sense that emotion jamming is strictly a cubi-to-cubi thing, or at the most, cubi-to-creature. In which case it would have had to been Dan doing it to Kria, which is unlikely since he doesn't know how to do it yet.


Maybe not all demons but the female ones are, course females of all races capable of emotion jamming. Slinky dresses and push up bras make it super effective.  :mowdizzy


Quote from: nevwyn on March 31, 2011, 08:25:14 PM
Maybe not all demons but the female ones are, course females of all races capable of emotion jamming. Slinky dresses and push up bras make it super effective.  :mowdizzy

I think in Kria's case, her seductive abilities come a bit more...naturally  :boogie
'It'd be such an honour, to be personally smacked upside the head by the artist herself' - Bjalf


now, allow me to make minor nitpick, but i'm not sure whether i like how Amber's drawing Dan these days, but in the fourth panel, his head looks kinda flat/squashed in, it might just be me, or the angle, though.

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Quote from: Mr_M on March 31, 2011, 06:11:33 PM
Are demons capable of emotion jamming? I mean, we've only seen it done twice: Once by Abel to Dan (#670) and again in an introverted way by Fa'lina removing all emotion from Abel (Able's back story, pt. 2, #29). Considering that cubi can't emotion jam beings (#649) It would make sense that emotion jamming is strictly a cubi-to-cubi thing, or at the most, cubi-to-creature. In which case it would have had to been Dan doing it to Kria, which is unlikely since he doesn't know how to do it yet.

I always thought that emotion jamming was possible because cubi draw energy from emotions and such, thus are more sensitive to changes in such emotions. Abel was used to be around cubi and nothing but cubi, thus he had to remind himself such things don't work on beings. If a creature, or maybe even a being, knows about this weakness he/she might learn it too. So I don't think emotion jamming is a cubi-to-creature thing so much as a creature-to-cubi thing as well as cubi-to-cubi off course.
Cubi-to-creature or even creature-to-creature emotion jamming might only be possible if the creature that is being jammed is sensitive to emotion changes.


Emotion jamming may not have been needed here. Let us not forget the power that a female can have over a male with a gentle stroke of her hand on a an arm and a face  and the warmth of her whispered breath in your ear.  These can do amazing things with a persons emotions, especially if they are dulled by some substance.   :mowwink
Proud member of the "Let the artist know how much you love her work" club

Ryy Lazurus

Dan is a wee bit of a drooling "me like pretty girl" sort.

Add the booze, and Kira acting more sophisticated, he's likely to be a touch helpless. I also think it's been a while since he *censured by desire not to banished from here sin die*.

What confuses me is why he was seduced by Kira, given his reaction the last time she tried.


Mayhap Kria couldn't resist a challenge?   :)
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