Deification (OOC) (Mature)

Started by Chairtastic, February 15, 2011, 05:49:43 PM

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No worries. We've kinda gone stagnant allasudden.


We seem to have run out of steam. I've been tossing around ideas for a bit of a reboot since I think this concept could go somewhere, it just needs a little... refinement. Anyone else interested?


I wouldn't mind. If Meany's not up to it, I could probably try my hand at GMing again, too.


I was curious if anything had been done about this reboot idea.  Anyone?
The All Purpose Fox


This could be interesting I would like to join this so here's my god
let me know if there's any problem to it so I am able to join, thank you :mowhappy

Name: Varnel

Depiction: Before you is a dirty little urchin filled with mischief in his eyes, no wait you see a slightly disheveled tinker, in his hands and on his clothes are various tools for his craft, look again, the tinker is now a peddler wheeling a cart displaying his wares, small treasures and knick-knacks could be yours for the purchasing.

Domain: The powers of Varnel stem from the half-hearted prayers, the muttered curses, the annoyed outbursts of mortals and life, when mortals request for divine assistance, whether or not the gods answer the power of their request flows to Varnel indirectly. In this Varnel can become powerful or weak. His strength is dependent on the number of people contributing to a request, an individual plea may only bring a little action that may not result in any change at all, while a massive collective desire from mortals may bring greater action. Yet there is still a limitation, because the energy Varnel gains is not directed to him and nearly all requests fall into domains in which Varnel has no skill, his ability would be 1/8th of that of a god specializing in the particular domain in which a request is made.

Titles: God damn it! , God! God! Please don't let this happen, God I swear to you if you let me live, become rich, get healthy again, etc.

Island: He has only just awoken so Varnel has no particular territory or people.

Origin: Throughout the ages people have taken the name of the gods in vain, sometimes a particular person might just forget the name of their god in the excitement or those who have no particular deity will exclaim the usual when frustrated, afraid, desiring or joyful. Yet the prayers and faith of the people do not go into the void in vain. These people's wishes and thoughts collected together into a primal force, the desire for the divine to touch the lives of the mundane. Still all this power remained untouched and forgotten as there were gods and goddess enough. This all changed with the Betrayal resulting in divine voids where many gods and goddess existed, now there is room for this primal force to awaken and take form and so he awakes, Varnel the god born unintended from the people.

Temperament: Varnel knows not enough to form a personality but he watches mortals in their daily lives and is interested in their hopes, their fears, their dreams, and everything about them.

Clergy: All intelligent life is his cult though they may not know it; the request for divine intervention is his worship. Whether or not he answers is entirely up to his whim.

Symbols: As he has just awoken he has no symbols

Backstory: Nothing but blind oblivion and then awareness, the rush of sensation fills his tiny mind expanding it. He feels it, the wishes of mortals in their daily lives endlessly asking for help, for mercy, for power, for a sign. Then he feels another thing, the dying thoughts of the gods betrayed by one of their own. He is afraid, life is wonderful and Varnel does not want to give it up. Now he hides and waits, testing his powers and wondering what should he do...?

Family Tree: A primal force only just awoken, there was never a chance that he has had children.


Aside from the way overpowered nature your god (we may be god modding, but we do try to avoid god modding), his domains seem a bit incompatible with the story so far. Beyond wondering how exactly technology has anything to do with half considered prayers, it should be pointed out that technology in this RP has barely progressed beyond the idea of levers. Seriously, we haven't even reinvented the bow and arrow yet. I could mention a few other things, but being not the GM (just someone who got bored at some odd hour of the morning) it's really not my call on how significant an issue prayer poaching, controlling fate, and other similar things are.

Of course this all boils away into insignificance because this RP is three kinds of dead and has been for months now. (It's a joke cause we have three death gods. Get it? Three kinds of... oh, nevermind.)


That and my god kinda took technology already, too. Admittedly, I'm probably not going to stick around for the reboot, but there you go.


(Sigh) You're right, the concept really has power issues, the original concept was something that involved the area of divine intervention but when I tried to branch that out I got the problem that AmberCross pointed, perhaps this would be less broken if I went with the original concept? I've edited Varnel now to reflect that, if this RP still lives I would still like to join anyway.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 20, 2011, 12:13:05 PM
That and my god kinda took technology already, too. Admittedly, I'm probably not going to stick around for the reboot, but there you go.
You know, I thought about bringing up that issue, but your god already died (got a GM post and everything) so a brand new god that came into existence after the Betrayal would have no reason not to take up your dropped mantel. Besides, we have three death gods, two sky, two tied in with magma, and my god has overtones of fate himself. I think we're a bit beyond worrying about godly domain poaching.

And to critic, the issue here is that your proposed god would have a significant hold over the other gods. He's like this omnipresent barkeeper that can cut off anyone he wants if he put a mind to it. I would suggest (assuming we do restart this) looking into a specific domain that gives a similar feel. When I read your post, I get the impression of a god of (mis)fortune with perhaps ties to impish behavior (mischief). I'm seeing in my mind's eye a sort of Murphey's Law incarnate. Just watch out you don't get too close to Squirrel's character ^.^;


Ummm... I really liked this RP concept, I wonder if you guys still accept new members...  I would like to join...


Meany hasn't shown his face around here to help resolve some IC issues, so we're deadlocked for now. There's been talk of a restart but nothing confirmed yet.