
Started by JousterL, August 12, 2006, 01:25:33 AM

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A couple friends of mine from the KYFurs group linked me to this site... it's just started (Alpha release, apparently. @.@)

Anyway, it acts as a sort of Friendster-like service, only it's focused purely on furries. I hopped on, figured I'd get an idea if anyone else was interested (Hey, it'd be cool to get a DMFA group going there. :D)

My name on there is (surprise surprise) JousterL. XD


I'm on there myself. I've tried stuff like Tribe, Friendster, etc. but never had much luck. This place seems pretty friendly though. :)

And while I'm at it... *pounces JousterL when he isn't looking*  :3

We will now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.  :mowmeep


I'd take a look but I wouldn't know where to begin searching, could you provide a link?  If you already have and I've missed it, I apologize for being dense.

I'm curious, anyway.


Gotta catch'em all! :B

Now I just need a MySpace... but Kasarn is already taken :<


 D: I just noticed there was no linkie. So here ya go: http://www.furiends.com




Since peoples are posting profile links, I will as well: http://www.furiends.com/profiles/100565/


there's me!


please add me to your friends :3 ...despise i think i will hardly get there again! :p

Jack McSlay

Keyboard not detected. Press F1 to resume.


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Sounds fun. ^^ *skips on over*


Whoops, sorry. XD
Forgot to link
Here's mine


Hey ... not all of you bothered to write in your little overview boxes, I feel conned!

Okay, so I went, I wrote, I didn't kick any arse but I'll likely be responsible for a few aneurysms.  It's more babblesome than I usually am, in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if most don't make it past the second line of my overview box without becoming bored or having their heads exploded.  I honestly wouldn't blame anyone either way.

I tried to cover a little of everything, which I probably shouldn't have.  I don't actually know what to do with those little text boxes on these kinds of sites.  They daze and confuse me!  That much will be evident from reading most of my profile.  Oh yes, it really will.


Anyway!  Without further ado, Rowne's Profile 'O Absurdity.



Quote from: Rowne on August 12, 2006, 07:17:16 PM
Anyway!  Without further ado, Rowne's Profile 'O Absurdity.
'So, is it a toaster or a communications device?' one might ask, to which Rowne would promptly throw up his arms and exuberantly reply, "YES!"

That is going to have a home, forever, in the little place in my brain where I file things away. It is never to be forgotten! Strange, disconnected allusions that very few will understand are to be made! *punches the sky with fist*

Quote from: BillBucknerI hate ending sentences with URLs, since you can't put a period after the URL name.


Cellular, modular, toasteractiveodular.

That description sums up my primary character rather well.  I'm most certainly a fixer, not a fighter.  Which might explain the strange attraction I have to resource gathering and building in games.  I still spend most of my time in Trickster, merrily drilling away.

That said, have you finished yours Hilary?  I'd love to read it.


Quote from: Rowne on August 13, 2006, 03:16:31 AM
That said, have you finished yours Hilary?  I'd love to read it.
The verification email doesn't seem to want to be sent, so I'm having to go through the annoyance of waiting for it to be sent manually. I'm ticket number... XCU-986479.
When I tried to check on the status of the request, it said I needed to be verified. Ahh, catch 22s. Gotta love smashthedamnthingsintotinybits 'em.

Anyway, it's probably not going to be interesting or clever or anything like that, mostly long-winded as my happy little character's history is quite long and boring. But I'll post a link all the same... if these stupid people ever respond.
I suppose it is alpha testing, after all. *cuts them a little slack*

Quote from: Rowne on August 13, 2006, 03:16:31 AM
I'm most certainly a fixer, not a fighter.  Which might explain the strange attraction I have to resource gathering and building in games.
When I play video games with my friends (as I lack any p34rsome playstation-type thingies) I ignore the rules and make my character do amusing things. (Does this say something about my character? Perhaps.) *is lost in fond recollection*
The Elvis impersonations in Soul Caliber III... those were the days.
Actually, that was last month. So I guess those are still being 'the days.' Hmmm.
*stares into the distance muttering incoherently*


What is this? A double post? It deserves d34th! *deals out destruction*

(Sorry. Over-exposure to Largo from 'Megatokyo' has resulted in a 5% raise in chatspeak frequency. Follow in the footsteps of the l33t master!)


Quote from: Hilary on August 13, 2006, 04:53:39 AM
Quote from: Rowne on August 13, 2006, 03:16:31 AM
That said, have you finished yours Hilary?  I'd love to read it.
The verification email doesn't seem to want to be sent, so I'm having to go through the annoyance of waiting for it to be sent manually. I'm ticket number... XCU-986479.
When I tried to check on the status of the request, it said I needed to be verified. Ahh, catch 22s. Gotta love smashthedamnthingsintotinybits 'em.

I guess I'm not the only one who didn't get the email. D:

I had to send them a ticket thing. They replied and said CHECK YOUR JUNK EMAIL FOLDER.

D: I checked that durn thing like 7 times god dangit.

They makes me feel like I iz duuuumb...Durrr. [/redneck-ish]


Quote from: Dakata on August 13, 2006, 09:31:26 AM
I had to send them a ticket thing. They replied and said CHECK YOUR JUNK EMAIL FOLDER.
D: I checked that durn thing like 7 times god dangit.
They makes me feel like I iz duuuumb...Durrr. [/redneck-ish]
They told me to do the same thing... *shakes fist* I do have a brain, people! (Contrary to popular belief.)


may i say something?
we are already in a forum (a cool one) we talk we chat why would we need this thing?
i am sorry if i am being inconvenient or stupid...


*Ponders* We could meet cool new furries and snare them in the DMFA trap, plus I find filling out all the little boxes really fun. ^^


Quote from: Hilary on August 13, 2006, 01:10:51 PM
*Ponders* We could meet cool new furries and snare them in the DMFA trap, plus I find filling out all the little boxes really fun. ^^

It can also group people geographically.  For instance it tells me that Rowne is actually in the same valley as I am.
Not that it does me much good since I'd be far too scared to actually meet anyone...

Ah, not quite - it's the other side of Mynydd Maen.  Still closer than I'd expected.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on August 13, 2006, 01:26:28 PM
It can also group people geographically.  For instance it tells me that Rowne is actually in the same valley as I am.
Not that it does me much good since I'd be far too scared to actually meet anyone...
Hey, that's really cool! I think it'd be neat if you did. But then, it's not me having to do the meeting. ^^


*snickers* Ya should go with it, Tapewolf. :3

Anyway, in regards to my intentions to this thread, it was more for ensnaring more DMFA fans. >3
That, and it would be cool to get a nice large group going and see how far the web of networking actually extends for people. :)


Here are two maps of DMFA-ers that I know of: Frappr and Mapservices. Discussion in this thread:mowsmile


I'll say one thing that Furiends has done, it's gotten people talking and I have much, much to reply to.

The mail: That's a bit depressing that they still have bugs like that in the system but it can be forgiven since it is just alpha but what they should do is allow people to delete accounts that are being processed if they supply the correct information so that folks can try reprocessing themselves.

Hillary: I share your disregard for rules.  Back when I actually found some fun in World of Warcraft, I was one of the earliest wall-walkers, I spent my time exploring regions the devs had thought locked off and I found some bloody strange stuff.  In Everquest II I went seeking holes in the World and so on.  It's always so much more fun to find out what the game wasn't designed to do rather than play it by the rules it was designed for.

Actually, Tapewolf does this too.  You should read his write up on Ultima V: Lazarus, it's one of the bloody funniest things I've ever read.

Jesus smash unruly Codex of Wisdom!

Tape: This is true for both you and I.  I'm very shy outside of the internet, I'm a mousy little omega of a Wolf and the last person to try to catch me on camera e'en was chased around with a beanbag.

I'm not sure how I'd do either but I'm quite happy with the thought that there's such a talented musician and generally amusing person living moderately close by.

JousterL: You will not give people the idea of meeting me!  I will flee to France!  <.<

Nowait, France can be as authoritarian as Britain.  So if I'm going to flee, I'm not going to flee there.


I will flee to Sweden!  Probably.

Anyway, I'm actually torn about meeting people, whilst on one level it would be fascinating to know someone who perhaps wouldn't be absolutely terrified of my eccentricities, on the other hand I'm filled with fear over the fact that someone I like might be scared off by my eccentricities.


Oh and I forgot to mention, my profile now has a shot of Ochi, my little Samoyed friend in it.  Be careful though, you might drown in the cute!


Quote from: Rowne on August 13, 2006, 10:38:03 PM
The mail: That's a bit depressing that they still have bugs like that in the system but it can be forgiven since it is just alpha but what they should do is allow people to delete accounts that are being processed if they supply the correct information so that folks can try reprocessing themselves.

QuoteActually, Tapewolf does this too.  You should read his write up on Ultima V: Lazarus, it's one of the bloody funniest things I've ever read.
Oh, I have...

Wait until night, when the sheep are in their pen and open the gate. This has an interesting effect, in that all the sheep will try to escape. Closing the gate is not sufficient to halt this exodus - they will in fact schlupp through it using osmosis.

That's some good stuff. XD

QuoteI'm a mousy little omega of a Wolf and the last person to try to catch me on camera e'en was chased around with a beanbag.
The last person to manage a picture of me subsequently got pizza dumped in his lap. The fool should have known better than to come between me and the kill cafeteria food.

QuoteI will flee to Sweden! Probably.
I have a friend in Sweden you can crash with.
Well, alright, he lives in America. But he's still Swedish!
Well, okay, on his mom's side.
He goes by the name 'Swede,' though, that counts for something.

QuoteOh and I forgot to mention, my profile now has a shot of Ochi, my little Samoyed friend in it.  Be careful though, you might drown in the cute!
*gives doggy-cuddles* :cvheart


The osmosis sheep never cease to amuse me, that and the fact that he assumes so many roles.  He's even Captain Nemo at one point with mystical underwater breathing apparatus.

Tape is an impressive sort when it comes to finding breaks in games and I admire his ability to do so greatly, that and his humour.

He needs to do more of that!

As for cameras ... I just flee, I don't know what it is.  I have this morbid fear that I'll be judged by how I look rather than who I am when it comes to life outside the internet and I look like a burnt out hippie/metal fan.  Which is probably why I spend most of my time hidden behind a jacket and a hat.  Preferrably a fedora.

Though whenever I speak of that, I get Spy versus Spy flashbacks.  Though that's probably just me.