The Kingdom of Nethiriza (OOC/Mature)

Started by KarlOmega1, November 22, 2011, 04:46:03 PM

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In then mid-21st century, civilization has reached an impass. Genetic modification, technological advances, and colonization on Mars have bought the people of Earth closer to achieving mastery over their lives. There's just one problem...a new technique of measuring the age of the solar system also told how much it had left to live. The Sun (Terra Sol) was discovered to have only decades left before it begins to die...that's billions of years off from the previous estimates. Although there has been advances in technology, the farthest scientist could get in space travel was Sublight drives...engines that can propel a spacecraft close to the speed of light (in this case, the closest speed they been is .92c ). The UN voted for a planetary evacuation to preserve civilization. While most of the population left for space, a group of people decided to use Chronoport Technology (developed originally to observe history's events for inconsistencies between the books and what really happened) to go back thousands of years...taking their technology, science and start over.

Centuries since the first settlement, the colony has grown into a sizeable kingdom. Cities, towns, and villages made with the most advanced technology, the people fended off the elements and hostile raids while prospering under their King and Queen....who were a couple from a group of genemods who's modification made them close to immortal. the rest of the group of immortals made up the royal council, the ministers whom govern the kingdoms everyday issues...such as revenue, defense, agriculture, etc.

The kingdoms borders are somewhat vast, reaching the edges of the Celtic and Norse Tribes in the the edges of the fledgling Roman Empire in the south. The capital of the kingdom, called Soulhaven, is located in a semi-remote part of what would've be modern-day Germany. While most cities/towns in the kingdom have two to three layers/zones, Soulhaven has accommodate the Royal Palace at it's center (most cities have an outer layer for it's Mining/Agriculture zones, second layer for suburbs, and the thrid innermost layer for the Metro/downtown zone). each layer is surrounded by a defensive perimeter wall, to keep invaders out.

(More information coming later...however, feel free to give your opinion of what's up so far)
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


A ... mistake of several billion years estimated lifetime really stretches disbelief, IMHO
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Quote from: VAE on November 22, 2011, 06:30:47 PM
A ... mistake of several billion years estimated lifetime really stretches disbelief, IMHO
It maybe that they didn't get their units correctly or there were errors in significant figures. It still happens today.


Quote from: justacritic on November 22, 2011, 08:38:05 PM
Quote from: VAE on November 22, 2011, 06:30:47 PM
A ... mistake of several billion years estimated lifetime really stretches disbelief, IMHO
It maybe that they didn't get their units correctly or there were errors in significant figures. It still happens today.

Scientists have been known to make mistakes once in a while these days.
Anyway...back to more info.


The Kingdom's armed forces, known as the Nethirizan Knights, not only serve as the military strength of the kingdom...but they also serve as law enforcement in the cities/towns they're based at. And I know what you are think...Isn't it dangerous to combine military and police into one force? They are trained to distinguish between an act of war and criminal activity, so that the problem of them going berserk on a civilian is not present.

As for equipment, a technology they developed in the original timeline made it possible for scientists to create Transmorphic Meta Armor. This armor was developed with a material called Mythrillium...Adamantium's lesser, but still durable, cousin. This Armor was stored in a device that used Digital-Molecular Conversion Technology that would Alter the armor to any form desired, as well as store the armor in a pocket dimension on either the the device's hard drive...or back on base in the military inventory server.

There are two classes of Meta Armor. Class 1 is regular meta armor that they use for operations on a regular basis. Class 2 is an adapted version of class 1...the adaptation is mostly for operations in regions where the temperatures are in the extremes (Deserts/Arctic regions/Volcanicly active areas) or during hot or cold seasons (Summer and winter). And although there are only two armor classes, the coloring of the armor indicates status. Bronze coloration indicates the person is from the mines. Silver  is the color of the armor that most of the Knights wear...with the higher ranks wearing red markings. Blue armor is what the Royal Council wears...and the king wears gold and White colored armor while the Queen wears what is a mix of Purple and Black colored armor.

(more on the technology/ Abilities and possibly the character profile sheet later. For now, Opinions on the updated info greatly welcomed)
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius