Dreams of the Past (OOC. Mature Themes)

Started by Paladin Sheppard, January 06, 2011, 08:14:57 AM

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Paladin Sheppard

Your eyes open and stare at the early morning sky, blinking you sit up and look at the remnants of a camp fire.

You can not recall where you are, only pretty sure that it isn't where you went to sleep. And every thing you do remember seems as if a dream...

Resting in your hands is a worn but very well maintained (Pistol, Machine Pistol, Sub-machine-gun, Shotgun, Rifle, Assault Rifle, Marksman Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Grenade Launcher, Rocket propelled Launcher (one of only except for pistols and MPs) ) which for some reason you know is yours and you have carried for what seems forever.

You may (or not) half recall having had the mightiest of magics at your command but when you touch that part of you that taps into it it seems dimmed and weak.

You may (or not) vaguely remember being able to lift small boulders or cutting through metal with your bare hands, but now only feel as strong as a dedicated weight lifter.

As you are collecting your thoughts the silence around you is shattered as a large truck passes nearby. It seems the Camp is only off a major road by a few tens of meters.

Then you realize you aren't alone, and there are others at the camp fire looking just as bewildered as you....And they are armed...

Ok Character registration is now open, and  have drafted a Character Sheet for use:



Full name: Kandela Sunbless

Nickname(s) or Alias: Kande

Gender: Female

Species: Tauren

Age: 24

Nationality: Horde

Religion: Light (Paladin)

City or town of birth: N/A Nomadic Tribe at time of birth


Height:  8'8" (264 cm)

Weight: 170kg

Figure/build: Athletic/muscular (for a Tauren)

Hair colour: Black

Hairstyle: Two Pony tails hanging forward of the shoulder.

Eye colour: Blue

Skin/fur/etc colour: Tan and Brown patches on a white base. (hair)

Tattoos: None

Scars/distinguishing marks: None

Preferred style of clothing: Heavy Armor


Smoker? No

Drinker? No

Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: None

Any medication regularly taken: None


Kandela is generaly kind and tender hearted, but forceful when required, able bring her former Warrior training to the fore displaying an oddly controlled fury.

Fears/phobias: Kandela loathes snakes.

Favourite colour: Blue


Kandela is an accomplished alchemist.


Peaceful or aggressive attitude? Aggressive

Fighting skills/techniques: Kandela prefers an attacking shield stance

Special skills/magical powers/etc: World of Warcraft Paladin spells and abilities.


Kandela had fought the last days of the third war as a mere teenager, allowed to fight only because the combined forces of Warchief Thrall's Horde and Jania Proudmore's Alliance army, was short of warriors to fight the demons of the Burning Crusade. After distinguishing herself in the defence of a Dwarven Paladin who had been un-horsed, from no less than five fiends, the Paladin sensed the light she served inside the young Tauren. After the destruction of the world tree the Dwarf Casidebie took the warrior and moulded her into a skilled and talented Paladin.

When the Argent Dawn was founded Casi and Kandela were quick to join. Whilst Kandela was sent to Northrend to assist in the destruction of the Undead Scourge, she was not part of the attack on the Icecrown Citidel, instead leading a holding action on the flanks.

The last thing Kande remembers was laying down to sleep on a Zeppelin heading to Mulgore to a long awaited visit to her family.


HK 21 light machinegun w/ Holographic sight, 100 round Drum magazine, modular tactical device containing laser designator and hi power torch, forward grip.

(Taurus Raging Bull in thigh holster w/ speed loader and LAM)


Worn digital forest camouflage one piece overalls w/ tactical vest.

At this time apart from the weapon in your hands (and/or an optional pistol) and some traveling clothes, you know of nothing that you own. As the RP progresses you may find/aquire more gear.

Please feel free to ask me questions or PM me with Character sheets for approval.

Current Characters:

Raymond "Ray" Danval
Salem Mosley
Cinna Dian
Sifa Lorienda Machnovi
Angel Alazraqui
Christopher M. Fawkes
Nick Talos
Tommaso Vennet
Tor Blackwind
Gregory Kazmir Trotsky

Ren Gaulen

Let me be the first to post my character sheet, then! :B


Full name: Raymond "Ray" Danval;

Nickname(s) or Alias: Raiden;

Gender: Male;

Species: Anthro dingo;

Age: 22;

Nationality: Grien Empire (a militaristic state constantly at war with its neighbours);

Religion: Grien-Goran, god of war (worshipped by many if not most of the Empire's soldiers);

City or town of birth: Unknown, lived at Fort Gilead military base since early childhood;


Height:  183cm (6');

Weight: 80kg (~175 pounds);

Figure/build: Athletic, toned and kinda wiry;

Hair colour: Grey, turning black toward the roots;

Hairstyle: Relatively short wild "poofy"hair;

Eye colour: Pale blue, almost grey;

Skin/fur/etc colour: Reddish fur on most of the body, tan fur on the front of the neck, torso and abdomen, dark brown muzzle, tips of the ears and tail, forearms and legs below knees;

Tattoos: None;

Scars/distinguishing marks: Has a small piece of his left ear missing, and a small but noticeable scar on the nose; there are a few scars on his body, but they all are small and cannot be barely seen through his fur;

Preferred style of clothing: Military uniform or just simple clothes; likes leather jackets, though;


Smoker? No;

Drinker? No;

Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: None;

Any medication regularly taken: None;


Raiden is somewhat introverted and suspicious of others; very serious and no-nonsense; lacks in the social skills department;

Fears/phobias: Raiden does not like to be touched;

Favourite colour: Sky blue;


Raiden is skilled with firearms, both in using and maintaining them; skilled in knife and hand-to-hand combat; can drive a motorcycle and a car;


Peaceful or aggressive attitude? Aggressive;

Fighting skills/techniques: Skilled in different forms of infantry combat;

Special skills/magical powers/etc: None;


Raymond was born in the middle of a war. The place of his birth or the fate of his family are unknown, but since early childhood he was growing at the Fort Gilead military base, among other orphans chosen to become Empire's soldiers. By the age of sixteen he was already fighting on the frontline. All his life he knew nothing but war, and excelled at it. Never questioning his orders and fiercely loyal to the Empire, skilled and ruthless, he made an excellent soldier, and by the age of nineteen he was made a member of a Special Operations unit, carrying out missions behind enemy lines. Living in the company of fellow soldiers, Ray always somewhat looked down on the civilians, sharing the belief of many soldiers that they were a superior caste. Yet at he same time he was an awkward youth with no social skills and a rather vague concept of peaceful life. By twenty one he was promoted to lieutenant, and his military career was starting to really look up as the Empire was starting to win the war against the United Principalities of Kadagan.


A Saiga 12K automatic shotgun with a 10 round magazine, forward grip and folding stock (http://world.guns.ru/shotgun/rus/saiga-12-e.html ); also an OTs-33 Pernach machine pistol with a 27 round magazine and tactical light in a thigh holster (http://world.guns.ru/handguns/hg/rus/ots-33-pernach-e.html );


Worn woodland camo pattern fatigues, tactical vest, military boots, fingerless gloves, a bandana.


since it wasn't answered in the interest thread, can my character have a taser or stungun (or both) as his weapon(s)?

Paladin Sheppard

As most tasers I have seen are about the size of a small handgun yes.


The stungun is also about the same size, but it's the one you actually press against someone, and it'd be useful to have both, and quoting from your last thread

As for the limit...This isn't a FPS so you realistically can only carry say a rifle and a pistol, or a GL and a MP, but not a RPG and an Assault rifle.

Is it allright if I have both?

Paladin Sheppard


Full name: Salem Mosley

Nickname(s) or Alias: Wraith

Gender: Male

Species: Panther Hybrid

Age: 27

Nationality: Polaris Imperium

Religion: N/A

City or town of birth: Genetic Enhancement Lab, Shadowhand Wing


Height:  2 Meters

Weight: 88 Kg

Figure/build: Muscular, fit, athletic

Hair colour: Sandy blond

Hairstyle: Styled Messy, slightly feathered

Eye colour: Blue

Skin/fur/etc colour: Black/blue fur, with a slightly lighter charcoal gray around the belly, along with 'boots' that end just below the knees.

Tattoos: a small tribal-esque patten from shoulder to breastbone that doubles as a means of identification within the shadowhand

Scars/distinguishing marks: None

Preferred style of clothing: Mk VII Reaper SPI

HEALTH: Enhanced

Smoker? No

Drinker? socially, and when a job calls for it

Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: None

Any medication regularly taken: None


Salem trusts few, and is friendly with fewer.  Until one earns his trust, he is cold, distant, and possibly even slightly hostile.  With zero regard for "sanctity of life" he has no problems shooting through human shields, or causing collateral damage.  He has borderline sociopathic tendencies.

With friends, Salem seems an entirely different person.  Friendly, playful, and even a bit of a joker.

Fears/phobias: He has a fear of captivity.

Favourite colour: Green


Salem is a skilled climber, and a martial artist.


Peaceful or aggressive attitude? Aggressive

Fighting skills/techniques: Salem has no regard for "honor" on the battlefield.  If it's physically capable of happening, then he has no problems doing it.  He has a preference for sniping, or stealth.

Special skills/magical powers/etc: As with all shadowhand, he is physically enhanced, stronger muscles, with higher muscle density.  Enhanced reaction time, enhanced senses, decreased time between switching from high light to low light vision.  enhanced low-light vision.  Expanded lifespan.


Raised from the beginning as a shadowhand agent, Salem was taught combat from the moment he could hold a gun.  In fact, he was purpose bred for being a superior infiltrator.  He developed more personality than most, and, at the age of 16, he started performing missions.

By the age of 24, Salem had accomplished his 100th mission, and was well on his way to placing into the officers corp.  However, he failed the entrance exam, and continued his field-work.  By the age of 27, he had become quite the veteran, and yet, none of the slaughter seemed to bother the young man.  He was consistently partnered up with an agent known as Darkshine.  The pair worked well together, and the last thing Salem recalled before waking up in the forest, was finishing a planning session for a hit on an insurgent cell's hideout, in an old industrial complex.


FN Scar-H: ACOG Scope, Flash-hider, tactical laser, vertical fore-grip, 3-point harness mount

10mm Glock20 with extended barrel and suppressor


Dark gray hoodie, camouflage cargo pants, tactical vest with 3 point harness mount, ear plugs, sun-glasses

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


I'm kinda interested in playing... Could I have an aphrodisiac as my weapon on waking?

EDIT: It was pointed out to me over IRC that this is a very troll-sounding statement, so if I may, I'd like to clarify. Yes, this is a serious question. I want to try playing a face character, as it is something I haven't played before, and I felt like an aphrodisiac would be a weapon fitting for this character's personality and style. As it is both a very strange and non-combat item, I also believe this would provide an interesting challenge personally, both mechanically and in terms of roleplaying. If this is inappropriate for the setting or rating planned, just say the word and I'll go with a more combat-usable weapon. Sorry for the confusion! :animesweat


Full name: Cinna Dian

Nickname(s) or Alias: none

Gender: Female

Species: Saedra Mythos (Rabbit)

Age: 22

Nationality: Saedra Mythos (which is basically none)

Religion: Hazhan (God of potential, patron to the Saedra clan)

City or town of birth: None, the Saedra are nomadic.


Height:  5'6"

Weight: 120 lb

Figure/build: Athletic (Saedra are naturally slightly stronger and more agile than beings but no more resilient, and it is only those who focus on improving their body that outstrip beings. Cinna is quite strong and agile for her size and build; along the lines of some of the upper levels of being athletes.)

Hair colour: Black

Hairstyle: Long, usually tied back

Eye colour: Green, with her third eye being sapphire blue.

Skin/fur/etc colour: Grey with white mittens and boots, and a white patch on her right cheek.

Tattoos: None

Scars/distinguishing marks: white patch of fur on her white cheek. Cinna has a third eye on her forehead (mentioned above) that allows her to percieve auras. While looking through it, she sees auras that are overlaid on to what she would normally see through her other eyes. Since looking through both sets of eyes can be tiring after a while, she usually just periodically glances out of her third eye rather than using it like she does her other eyes.

Preferred style of clothing: Light Armor


Smoker? Only when she's on fire.

Drinker? Of many things, mostly water based, but occasionally imbibes alcohol in social situations.

Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: None

Any medication regularly taken: None


Cinna has a very optimistic personality. She can be described as perky, or bubbly at times, but she gets along with others very well. Cinna absolutely adores anything fuzzy or cute (both is a plus) especially her own tail which is he pride and joy. She has a habit of picking up shiny or interesting looking stuff as well, and typically keeps a piece or two as a memento.

Fears/phobias: none

Favourite colour: Green


Cinna is an accomplished Seer.
Saedra are naturally more agile than normal folk, acrobatics comes naturally to them and Cinna is no different. She is an accomplished Acrobat.


Peaceful or aggressive attitude? Peaceful, she typically avoids conflicts if she can.

Fighting skills/techniques: Cinna typically uses an acrobatic fighting style by utilizing a staff and generally avoiding retaliation. More often than not, she bides her time till her opponent makes a mistake, or she can make her escape.

Special skills/magical powers/etc:

Luck Manipulation: Cinna can siphon luck off people and either stores it, uses it herself, or bestows it onto others. She typically siphons a very small portion of luck off of every person she meets and, as the ability is innate to her race rather than a spell, it typically goes unnoticed unless she decides to focus on one person in particular. This means that where she goes there typically is a rash of very minor mishaps (stubbed toes, cant open drawers because that one ladle shifted sideways, ect) follows, but most people tend to hand wave it away.

There are two methods in which she can siphon luck away. The first is where she concentrates on her target, and she can slowly wick luck away. This style is nigh undetectable, can be performed within a moderate distance, but is very slow. The second method requires that Cinna strike the target with any melee attack, at which a moderate portion of luck is stripped away in a blue flash. Regardless of which method she uses, Cinna can only steal luck from one source. And, should she change targets, her previous target no longer looses luck, but at the same time they still do not regain the luck stolen from them.

Those that have had their luck stolen, will find that their Luck evens out over time.

Magic: Cinna has trained extensively in divination, though she does practice some nature, fire, and lightning elemental magic on the side. She is no archmage, with her strength in the ability to cause roots, plants, or vines to move to either ensnare people or provide assistance in moving through an area (providing footholds and whatnot), in terms of combat she is only capable of minor blast of elemental damage.

Dowsing: Cinna can try and determine whether an action will yield favorable results. The three possible answers she can receive are yes, no, and no result. The farther into the future she tries to determine a result the more likely it will return with no results.

Location Finding: by using a pointer and a focus related to her quarry, Cinna can locate a person or object. The spells strength and accuracy is depending on how close the focus object is related to the target. Actually having held, or met the target is more accurate than having to use something the target wore or rested on which in turn is much more accurate than just a description or name.

Item Reading: By touching an item or person Cinna can catch glimpse of their past. The longer she concentrates the farther backs he can pull snatches of visions from.

If used on a person, the ability allows her to see random snatches of their life, unless they concentrate on a particular moment, at which she then sees that moment in full. When reading from a person, Cinna is only able to sense what that person could observe. That is if they were blindfolded she wouldn't be able to see. Deafened and she wouldn't hear.

Aura Viewing: Cinna can see people's auras through her third eye. The auras she sees is a combination of the person's disposition, magical and physical strength, and emotional state. She can identify any aura she has had a chance to study and memorize, but can only guess at unknown auras, though being auras tend to be the least powerful. The aura viewing can penetrate thin barriers such as thin wood doors or cloth tents, but any thicker barriers blocks it.

Auras can be easily modified, typically with magics.


Cinna was born into a traveling clan of Saedra Mythos who practiced their trade as seers going from town to town. At the age of 18, Cinna was struck with an extreme case of wanderlust and set off on her own to "see" the world through her own eyes, and away from her family. She immediately headed off to the first major city, where upon she spent the next two years between making friends, studying being culture and earning her way through gambling. At the end of the second year her luck manipulation had caused the local crime boss to make a major mistake which resulted in the police breaking up the gambling ring there. Unfortunately this mistake revolved around Cinna and she was now a target for the criminal organization, so she packed up her bags and decided to continue wandering.

The last thing Cinna remembers was curling up under her sleeping blanket in between towns.


9mm pistol.


Long-sleeved plaid shirt, brown cargo pants, and boots.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...

Paladin Sheppard

Inumo: This is somewhat of a serious RP and the storyline I have in mind somewhat requires a firearm. If you still have an interest please PM me with a character. ( If you aren't failure with small arms let me know and I can suggest something for you)

Squirrel: I did ask for Character sheets to be sent to me for approval first, but so far I can see nothing objectionable, but I do wish to ask what kind of 9mm pistol? Every one is unique hand has its own oddity. 


Eh... sorry I missed that, I didn't see it at the bottom of the character sheet Wall O' Text.

As for the particular gun? I dont know, I just figured some 9mm pistol, but if you really want the specifics, Beretta 92FS (M9)
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...

Paladin Sheppard



Full Name: Sifa Lorienda Machnovi
Nickname(s) or Alias: "Seefs," "Lori"
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Age: 24
Nationality: American
Religion: Atheist
City or Town of Birth: Unknown (found on the side of a California highway at age 5 with no memory of childhood)


Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 180
Figure/Build: Slim/Average
Hair Colour: Brown
Hairstyle: Straight, slightly longer than shoulder length, bangs grown out
Eye Colour: Blue
Skin/Fur/etc Colour: Lightly tanned
Tattoos: A black ring around her atlas vertebra, there since adoption
Scars/Distinguishing Marks: Birthmark in the hollow between clavicle bones (hope that makes sense), scar over left eyebrow from argument during a party
Preferred Style of Clothing: Black calf-length dress for parties (of which she attends many), skirt, shirt, and tights for everyday wear


Smoker? No
Drinker? Only socially
Physical Ailments/Illnesses/Disabilities: Aside from childhood amnesia, none
Medication Regularly Taken: None


Sifa is friendly and apparently open, with a small array of conversation-starting tidbits.
Fears/Phobias: Rhubarb pie. She's not sure why.
Favourite Colour: Gray


Sifa is known for her ability to make connections in many social circles. She is also known for her ability to change the subject away from her past.


Peaceful or Aggressive Attitude? Peaceful
Fighting Skills/Techniques: Basic training with a pistol
Special Skills/Magical Powers/Etc: None


After being adopted by a middle-class family, she made her way through the school system at an average level; she never got below a C, but didn't take that many advanced classes. Because of her personality, it wasn't uncommon to be out with friends three or more times a week. This exposed her to many facets of society, though she was careful to avoid what drugs she could. After graduating from high school, she was accepted into Stanford University with a major in Psychology.

The last Sifa remembers was going to bed at her shared house after a professional party she'd attended.




Skin-colored tights, knee-length dark blue skirt, dark red shirt, and bright green jacket.

Paladin Sheppard

Well with just a few more players I think I can kick this off...


Hug da police.

Full name: Angel Alazraqui
Nickname(s) or Alias: G
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Age: 32
Nationality: Spanish-American
Religion: Catholic
City or town of birth: San Francisco, Parallel United States of America


Height:  5' 11 ½"
Weight: 154 lb
Figure/build: Athletic
Hair colour: Black
Hairstyle: Cornrows
Eye colour: Black
Skin colour: Very lightly tanned
Tattoos: None
Scars/distinguishing marks: Canine bitemarks/scars on throat, usually covered by wearing high-collar shirts.
Preferred style of clothing: Light formal wear off-duty, light vests and padding while working.

Smoker? No
Drinker? No
Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: None
Any medication regularly taken: None

Angel has a pleasant, not particularly notable demeanor while off from his duties, but a considerably more solemn one when the occasion calls for it. Not to say he can't laugh at a joke or see the grim humor in a desperate situation, but he tends to compose himself very professionally, especially when others are watching. He is often slow to trust others, but not to the extent of looking like a quiet, suspicious jackass.

Fears/phobias: None
Favourite colour: Teal


Angel has knowledge on the basic use and upkeep of firearms, in addition to above-average mechanical talents (car repair in particular).


Peaceful or aggressive attitude? Peaceful. Unlike other officers in his district, Angel does not support coercion or other forms of threatening behavior.

Fighting skills/techniques: When up-close, Angel tends to use techniques of a grappling and disabling nature to avoid needlessly brutalizing his opponent, mainly holds and elbow smashes. Unfortunately, his technique is more suited to handling one person at a time rather than several at once. That's what backup is for.

Though in any and all situations, he likes to put as much distance between himself and the target as possible.

Special skills/magical powers/etc: None


Angel was born the first of three children, the third generation in an upstanding Spanish-American household: police officer for a father, accountant for a mother, a punk for a younger brother and a kid sister with more smarts  than he and his brother combined. Like his father, grandfather and great-grandfather, Angel took to law enforcement at an early age, enrolling and graduating from San Francisco's local academy with flying colors. He is not driven by a sense of upholding a great ideal or keeping the dangerous in check, but rather, he's driven by the need to protect and serve others. For him, there is no greater reward than saving a fellow man's life, or giving children a safe street to walk to school on.

At 32, he has a position on the SFPD's SWAT team as a sniper, though performs adequately as a spotter, scout, weapons expert, and communications officer as well. Could have made lead, but just didn't have the stone-cold nerves to command others against the horrors lurking in a parallel universe San Fran.


FN Five-SeveN handgun
Remington 700P rifle

Black BDU cargo pants, black BDU shirt, Men's Air MT waterproof boots, navy blue bandana.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."

Paladin Sheppard

Going on the numbers we have now I think I'll kick this of on Saturday (For me) or Friday night, just to give those still working on their Characters a few more days.


Okay, got this approved...


Full name: Christopher M. Fawkes

Nickname(s) or Alias: Old man, Fawkes, and once upon a time... Monsoon

Gender: Male

Species: Human - Angelic

Human Age: 70-90

Nationality: Horde

Religion: Agnostic/Belief that nothing actually really exists.

City or town of birth: Linsunatha


Height:  5'8''

Weight: 150lbs

Figure/build: Wiry

Hair colour: Silvery

Hairstyle: Slightly long in front hanging loose with excess growth in back pulled loosely into a ponytail, just past shoulders. It's been a while since he cut his hair.

Eye colour: Slate, kind of the gray color you'd see in an overcast sky.

Skin/fur/etc colour: White, slight tan, but mostly pale, and a few wrinkles here and there. Wings are similar in color to eyes.

Tattoos: An old lightning bolt on the inside of his right wrist

Scars/distinguishing marks: None

Preferred style of clothing: Somewhat upclass but not too expensive. Khaki pants with collared shirt and vest, but worn casually. Usually wears a dark cloak that marks him as a wizard in his world.

Given Impression: This old man seems to be frail and faded away at first glance, as if all the color and life had been washed out of him by long years of hardships. A closer look will show this to be untrue via his strong grip, way of holding himself, and a certain look in his eyes. While he may not always act it, this man is far from old and out of touch with life.


Smoker? No

Drinker? No

Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: Not unless you count old age.

Any medication regularly taken: None


Described by many as a crotchety old man, this fellow has definitely seen better days. He long ago lost hope for the younger generations and would probably be more depressed about the future if he didn't believe that there wasn't a point to anything anyway and that nothing was actually quite real. This has lead him to acquire a non-caring attitude about many things, though he still goes through the motions of caring. Whether this is from habit, a still surviving deep down belief that things actually DO matter, or something else entirely is something that he doesn't quite know.

Fears/phobias: While not quite a phobia, Christopher will go out of his way to avoid getting mess on him that doesn't come off easily (syrup, mud, and other sticky stuff)

Favourite colour: Silvery-gray/blue


Once upon a time, Christopher was a very accomplished weather mage and a top member of a guild (membership marked by his lightning bolt tattoo) responsible for regulating weather where he came from. However he has long since retired and besides, his magic in this new world doesn't really work right anyway. He has retained a strong knowledge of weather systems and other academic pursuits such as cosmology, physics, and math. He is quite intelligent and very good at solving problems (logical or otherwise) when he puts his mind to it.


Peaceful or aggressive attitude? Peaceful

Fighting skills/techniques: Knows more aggressive techniques from his younger days, but currently is more fond of a tai-chi like martial art that use the movement and attacks of opponents against them.

Special skills/magical powers/etc: Spells with elements related to weather such as snow, ice, winds, electricity, passable with fire and water, downright crap with earth. Tends to use magic similar to how he fights physically these days.


A bright and promising student when he was young, Christopher picked up many skills in his youth and managed to join the elite ranks of society and politics. However over the years he grew quite disillusioned with his society as a whole, and the ranking structures in particular. Not really caring enough to try to change things (after all, the system did work after a fashion for all that it was corrupt and such) he retired and removed himself from most of the equation to live in a manor on a cliff by the sea where he has lived ever since.

He occasionally will pay visits to society, or keep in touch with friends but for the most part doesn't like to deal with the social games the elite often play. He was once forced by politics to take on an apprentice, and it was a horrible experience for both him and the unlucky apprentice who really wasn't all that great. After that his old life mostly left him alone until one day he fell asleep in his library while doing a bit of light research and woke up in the described setting.


A somewhat old fashioned looking kingkobra revolver with a modification to hold seven shots. Engraved on the side for inexplicable reasons is the word 'Leo'


Cargo pants and a long sleeve shirt with boots, a light jacket, and a vaguely australian looking hat. Like the rest of him, his clothing is somewhat muted in regards to color with black pants, dark blue shirt, and dark gray jacket.


Well, here's my guy. Apparently, there's something "wrong" with him that is going to cause a "problem" down the road, but let's see what happens :U


Full name: Nick Talos
Nickname(s) or Alias: none
Gender: male
Species: human
Age: 22
Nationality: non-parallel USA
Religion: none
City or town of birth: Reno, Nevada


Height:  6'1''
Weight: 154 lbs
Figure/build: Lith and flexible
Hair colour: Black
Hairstyle: nothing particular
Eye colour: Blue
Skin/fur/etc colour: light
Tattoos: None
Scars/distinguishing marks: None
Preferred style of clothing: casual


Smoker? No
Drinker? No
Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: None
Any medication regularly taken: None

PERSONALITY: Nick is a quiet fellow, preferring to keep to himself, except when something catches his curiosity. He doesn't like confrontations, and usually prefers flight to the fight response.

Fears/phobias: He actually likes most insects and arthopods, but he can't stand rodents.
Favourite colour: Neon green

SKILLS:Nick has some basic electronics and mechanical skills, enough to fix a radio or a car.


Peaceful or aggressive attitude? Peaceful. Nick will avoid when possible, but will attack if forced to.
Fighting skills/techniques: He just uses liberal application of his taser or stungun until he's sure an enemy is incapacitated, not being strong enough for much else.
Special skills/magical powers/etc: None.


Nick's just a fairly average joe; an avid gamer just starting out in college.

WEAPON IN HANDS ON WAKING: Stungun and taser. He doesn't know where he got them, but he finds he's decent at using both. He can aim well with the taser, and is not inept at using the stungun in close quarters.


Jacket, t-shirt, and cargo pants.


I bet an upcoming character is a rat. Possibly by the name of Gabriel. And SquirrelWizard already has a rabbit, which I think counts as a rodent. Or maybe this is a universe of rodent people in general.

Paladin Sheppard


Sorry AmberCross, but you are mistaken.  I'm not playing a rat this time!

Full name: Tommaso Vennet
Nickname(s) or Alias: Tommy, Agent V
Gender: Male
Species: Human Cyborg
Age: 32
Nationality: Technocrat (technically Italian by birth)
City or town of birth: Padova, Italy
Religion: Iteration-X/Son of Ether

Height:  5'9"
Weight: 185 lbs
Figure/build: Naturally Muscular
Hair color: Black
Hairstyle: Short and Wavy
Eye colour: Dark Brown
Skin/fur/etc color: Pale
Tattoos: None
Scars/distinguishing marks: None at the moment
Preferred style of clothing: Business suits.

Smoker? Yes
Drinker? Sometimes
Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: None
Any medication regularly taken: None

Tommaso is opinionated and to-the-point.  He prefers to be doing things rather than sitting around.
Fears/phobias: No major ones.  Small crawling things tend to bother him a little from perceived uncleanliness.
Favorite color: Blue

As befitting his Iteration-X membership Tommaso is both an accomplished inventor of advanced technology as well as an accomplished medical doctor.  His focus was, of course, biomechanical integration, but he also studied emergency medicine as a matter of necessity.

Peaceful or aggressive attitude?  Perfunctory.  He would rather not have to fight, but confrontations can't always be avoided, so he tries to finish them ASAP.
Fighting skills/techniques: He is trained in basic self defense and marksmanship, but his primary combat skills are medical.
Special skills/magical powers/etc:
Dimensional Science (spirits and alternate planes):  No training.
Mind (the mind and intellect):  No training.
Entropy (endings/destruction):  Practitioner training.
Time (the speed of things):  Practitioner training.
Correspondence (distance, space, and the transfer of information):  Professional training.
Prime (magic in its raw state):  Professional training.
Forces (the various forces of the universe):  Expert training.
Life (biological material):  Master training.
Matter (non-biological material):  Master training.


Tommaso grew up in a well-to-do family that took regular vacations.  He was expected to excel in life and initially went to school to become a doctor.  This may have been foreshadowing because when he started showing strange skills he was approached and eventually tutored in Technology Magick by the Sons of Ether, with an emphasis on biomechanics.  His adoption into this secret society immediately placed him at odds with several other factions, including the most powerful one in the region.  He has spent the last several years engaged in a bloody shadow guerilla war against it.  His main job is to patch up his compatriots.  The last thing he remembers before waking is falling asleep on a cot after a 16 hour emergency surgery session to save several returning friends who were ambushed after an operation.


Steyr AUG Para 9mm with suppressor and 1.5x telescoping sight


Urban fatigues.
            <-- #1 that is!

Paladin Sheppard

Just to let anyone still wanting to join know, the RP will be open till the end of the current round, then I'll be closing it.


What do you mean current round? Because I'm currently working on my char. sheet.
Abel needs a hug...

Ren Gaulen

Quote from: That_wolf on January 15, 2011, 10:42:01 AM
What do you mean current round? Because I'm currently working on my char. sheet.
I believe he means the round where all of the characters wake up and became aware of each other's presence.


Ah, ok. REALY hope I can finish the last bit of my sheet before then.
Abel needs a hug...

Paladin Sheppard

Quote from: Ren Gaulen on January 15, 2011, 11:09:10 AM
Quote from: That_wolf on January 15, 2011, 10:42:01 AM
What do you mean current round? Because I'm currently working on my char. sheet.
I believe he means the round where all of the characters wake up and became aware of each other's presence.


Paladin Sheppard

Squirrel I take it Cinna thinks she's still dreaming?


Nope, she knows she's awake. She's just handling it differently than some other people would.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...

Paladin Sheppard


*Wonders if any of the characters in the game are sane*.



oh... and Wraith is plenty sane from where he comes from... he's just in a field with strangers with guns... and doesn't like the whole paranoid doggeh with a semi-auto shotgun :P

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->