How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb (Fallout: New Vegas)

Started by ShadesFox, October 24, 2010, 12:31:15 PM

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Since this seems to be the in thing lately, and I would hate to miss a bandwagon, I thought I would chronicle my first Fallout: New Vegas run through.  I'm going to try and make it more narrative based, throw in a few screen shots, and avoid going into stats and exact loot counts.

For full disclosure, I did roll one character before this, but never got past the front door.  I'm thinking I'm not happy with the current stats and such things.  Especially if I want to make this fun to chronicle :3
The All Purpose Fox


I heard the PC port was buggy almost to the point of being unplayable, which didn't surprise me at all since this is Obsidian we're talking about.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


Have fun! Are you going to take Wild Wasteland, or nah? I just got the PS3 version, so I'll be following your adventures with interest. :)

Ryudo Lee

Quote from: Tipod on October 24, 2010, 12:48:31 PM
I heard the PC port was buggy almost to the point of being unplayable, which didn't surprise me at all since this is Obsidian we're talking about.

Only a small percentage of people had the unplayable bug.  I got it on Steam (preordered!) and didn't have any bugs at all.  They did already put out a patch to fix the bugs that came up, so even those few people who found it unplayable can now play it.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


They've released a patch for the PC game, and besides the crashes and occasional really fucking inconvenient glitches ("Hello, hostages! I've come to free you! ...Why aren't you going anywhere?"), I love it. :3 I've been waiting for this game for foreverrrrrrrr. ;_;

...The game plays almost exactly like FO3, though.

I don't want to give away too much, but compared to the Capital Wasteland, the Mojave is like the garden of Eden. Screw Project Purity, they could've made everyone in D.C live near the Hoover Dam.


War... war never changes.  Except for the frilly bits.  You know, the things at the edge.  Sure they started out nice and simple, a guy and a few neighbors gets together and bashes in the other guy's head with rocks.  Then they added all sorts of fancy frills, like knives, and armor, and spears.  Before you know it, the frills just get ridiculous with people lobbing nukes all over the place and shooting each other with laser guns.

Why mention all of this?  Well, because I love laser guns.  I recently even got one to call my own.  I call him, Mr. Pew Pew.  It was a busted up model, hence dirt cheap, why I could afford it in the first place.  I was gonna fix the thing up myself, right after I finished my next job.  But then I got shot.  Good story eh?  Except I DIDN'T DIE!

This is always either a really good sign, or a really bad sign

Fortunately a robot found me and took me to the doctor.  I think the doctor intentionally made me look uglier.  Maybe not, I think a bullet hole in the head is kind of hard to patch up.  I DON'T KNOW!  More importantly, Mr. Pew Pew was saved too.  Which was most fortunate.  The doctor advised that I should check out the local bar, talk with someone named Sunny.  May as well too, since with how tiny this town is there is absolutely nothing else to do.  I talked with Sunny and she wanted to show me around the town.  Normally I wouldn't take kindly to being shown the ropes... but...


That and I got to shoot a bunch of geckos.  Annoying little things.  But more importantly,


Now, upon getting back there was trouble.  Almost immediately. Apparently some doofuses with explosives want to make the whole town explode.  Normally, I wouldn't care, but they did something nice for me, patching up a hole in my head, I guess I have to reply the favor.  Especially since they kept Mr. Pew Pew safe.  This, apparently, involves me helping out the guy they were hiding from the doofus gangers.  I talked to him over a game of caravan.  His mistake.  After cleaning him out I agreed to help out.  You would think that getting other people in town to help out would be simple, for the cause of not having your town exploded and all.  Turns out that the only people I could recruit, was Sunny, her dog, and the robot that saved my life.

I think he is kind of creepy

Fortunately enough, it was sufficient.  Between them and Mr. Pew Pew we didn't have any issues.  Except for the ganger leader.  Then again, can you have issues if you're dead?

Mr. Pew Pew does not put up you your shit

I was just wondering where Victor, the incredibly useless robot was.  I didn't see him do a damn thing.  After that pile of shit I didn't want to hang out long.  Doofus gangers were going to hunt me down.  Nothing quite gives you away like a huge town.  I unload a bunch of crap on the shops for all the caps they own and took a hike.  It wan't long before the doofus gangers were on me again.  Some how word travels fast amongst them.  Odd, since they don't seem bright enough to set up a communications network.

They should have learned to communicate that Mr. Pew Pew knows no mercy

It was around the time that I found an old airplane that I found the useless bot again.  On one level, I know that I should be glad that he saved me, but on the other hand...

He is getting more creepy

I barely escaped him without my head exploding from creep factor by the narrowest margins.  Hopefully this next town, Primm, shouldn't have any robots.  But what it better have is answers.  I was shot, and I goddamn want to know who did it!
The All Purpose Fox


Does our friend happen to have a name? Also, energy weapons can be a pain in the beginning...

Ryudo Lee

I am amused :giggle.  I will also be using that "War never changes" intro in the next Fallout game I run with my friends.  That was priceless.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


QuoteMr. Pew Pew does not put up you your shit

I lawled, so hard.

I'm gonna keep a close eye on this thread.

Help! I'm gay!



GOD DAMN HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO GET TO PRIMM!  I shot a lot of gekos and a lot of doofus gansters along the way, that may have something to do with it.  I can't help it, they shot me first.  And I have to shoot back at anyone who shoots me.  Which reminds me, Primm, where I was looking for the person who shot me.  Well, one of them.  The only one who attempted to leave me for dead anyways.  Except it was full of more doofus gangers.  Making my way to the hotel and shooting just about everything in between in the process I go inside and...

God damn robot...

I swore that I would shoot the next robot I found in the face.  Unfortunately, this robot has no face.  Just a dumb cowboy hat.  Really, what the fuck is wrong with you?  At least there isn't a cowboy face to go with it.  Cause it would have gotten shot.  Anyways, the doofus gangers are apparently holed up in the hotel across the road, they kidnapped the princess, blah blah blah.  Why do these people think I'm going to solve their problems for them?  You know what, fuck it.  I need to shoot some more people in the face.  A mistake, perhaps.  Mr. Pew Pew no long has the kick it quite used to.  BUT THAT WAN'T THE WORST PART

Who are you and why did I not shoot you in the face?

This jack hole.  See, I cleared out the entire hotel, and was making several trips to gather all the loot to sell (except for a few choice items... hehehe...) and when I get back, all the bodies are gone and THIS GUY IS HERE!

You took my shit, don't even lie

He tells me a story.  About people who shoot each other over bottle caps.  Ones with blue stars.  Apparently there is some sort of sekret treasures that you have to gather bottle caps for.  And people have killed others over this.  I guess some people are just really bored.  Take Malcolm here.  A stalker.  By the time I got over the shock enough to shoot him in the face he was gone.  Next time I see him he is dead.

Worst part of this whole thing?  They want me to find them a new sheriff.  I really don't care enough, I'm just going to pawn this one off to the NCR.  The alternative seems to be storming a prison that has been overrun with doofus gangers.  Sounds like fail.  Of course, what does the NCR doofus do?  Pawn it off to his superior.  Which apparently he expects me to talk to.  It is just a ways over that way...


More walking through the desert.  Great.  Hopefully this NCR thing has parts for me to fix Mr. Pew Pew with.  But worse then that, because things always get worse, never better...


I stand corrected.  GREATEST DAY EVER!  Just going around shooting zombies!  The nuclear apocalypse has certain benefits.  So, after a nice rousing day of shooting the shit out of zombies night falls, the stars come out and it gets cold.  Only one way to solve this.

Burninating the zombified!

After their screams and howls died down, and it looked like I had killed every last zombie in five miles I decided to head back to the NCR outpost.  It was a good day after all.  Now I just have to hope things keep going my way.
The All Purpose Fox