It finally happened... My bunny passed away.

Started by Drayco84, October 19, 2010, 09:25:55 AM

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As of 9am this morning, my 9-year-old rabbit, Chinchu, passed away. It's odd... Really... Because I'm not normally up before 10am or even noon... A lot of sources say that rabbits move off and away from the rest of the group before passing, and I think he didn't want me to watch him go. However, it makes it a LOT easier for me to know that I was with him during his last moments.
Things hadn't been easy for him the past half a year or so... He had gotten bad arthritis in his front legs and couldn't move around anymore. The year before he finally got to have offspring, and each and every one of the boogers reminds me of him in one way or another... The day before he passed I let him see all the other bunnies, so that also helps.

So, in short, if I seem like I'm depressed for a while, this would be why.