Charaters DMFA Inspired You to Make?

Started by Akisohida, October 17, 2010, 07:23:41 PM

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I think I brought this up a year or two ago but let's take another look at how Ambers insanity (Ambsanity?) inspired us!

Nagendra Azziz-Mu'Tasim

Gender: Male

Species: Ice Mythos (Cobrataur)

A 'Mythos' in my RPing world, is the catch-all term for half-elementals; beings who are not fully mortal, and their magial nature has an affinity for one element. Therefor, an Ice Mythos (Cobrataur) is a cobrataur who is half-elemental and his affinity is ice.

Before you stands an odd critter indeed! Six and a half feet tall at the head and nine feet long from forelimbs to tailtip, this critter must be an adult of its kind. Starting at the head, the first strange thing you notice is that it has three eyes! That right, two where you would expect eyes to be; both blue, and then one in its forehead; which is golden! Lower down, you notice the critter has no nose and, below that blank area, is the things mouth. When the taur-creature laughs, you see it has VERY sharp teeth and a forked tongue, though its tongue is not thin like a snakes and so the critter does not lisp. Taking in its head as a whole, you notice the taur also has a cobras hood that always seems manteled, even when it is relaxing, though the hood does fold back a little when it is confused or scared. Just like a normal furs ears.
The creatures face and down its neck are a green color, and though this color runs all the way up and over to the back of its head, it become blue about halfway over each eye, making the hood blue on the back but it is green on the inside. When it waves to you, you notice the taur has four fingered hands, though it does not seem to suffer for ability to grab things.
Now onto its chest! Its chest is, like its face, green. The taurs chest is flat, marking it as male or a masculin female. It does not help the guesswork that the creature has no nipples. Lower still is its lower taur half, its underbelly is green and its sides are blue, with its back having a 'skunk stripe' of green that is, as noted earlier, connected with his underside via his face. Its feet are two-toed and lack any claws that can be seen.
The green of its back and belly taper out about an inch from its tailbase (and undertail, respectively), leaving its tail, which is about half the length of the rest of its body, fully blue. Eying that tail, which tapers into a whiplike tip, a person may get the feeling that, if cracked right, it could leave nasty welts or even split skin.
Taken as a whole, the taur is rather odd and looks a little shiny due to its very short, silk-like fur. Also of note is that there is 2 scars on his back, in an 'X' shape.
His left arm also has a scar going from the shoulder down all the way to the wrist. It looks like the scar once went down the back of his hand as well but that hand is long gone. Replaced with what looks to be clear crystal or glass that still flexes like his flesh hand did.
The taur currently seems to be wearing a vest made of linen. The main body of the vest is a muted crimson and edges of the vest (the cuffs and such) are gilded and glint softly in the local light. Rather than closing with buttons or such, it is open, revealing his muscled chest, with a fine, golden chain making a link across the opened front.

Yes, he was inspired by Matilda, but I went the distance to make him origonal. He is an elemental being, speaks his own language (though I based it off of an Al-Bhed translator, due to not wanting to figure out how to make my own codex and javascript translator for it), and there is a big backstory. :D

His kind existed with other species quite normally for thousands of years, until the kingdom they lived in decided they were monsters. The history has been lost to them (and destroyed by the historians of the kingdom since), so no one is quite sure WHY the peoples turned on them.
They were forced out of the lands and to the north, past a ring of mountains that stretch higher than can be seen. Within this bowl was a desolate wasteland of snow, made such by the gatherings of elemental magics. The cobrataurs were left in this land, believed to have died out by the outside lands, though the hardy ones survived.
It went unnoticed for thousands of years but, withe very birth, the taurs were changing; the magic was permeating them, making them less mortal and more magical.
About three-thousand years after they were forced into those lands, they made outside contact, and trade began. All history of the war had been lost so both sides welcomed trade with 'new, interesting beings'. After about two thousand years, rumblings in the merchants guild insisted that the cobrataurs held great treasure, though this could not be verified because they did not allow outsiders too far in, as they wished to protect their burial grounds.
The merchants guild pressured the newest king to the throne to force the border and see what the cobrataurs held...
The army pushed in, surprising the, taurs, and found houses of crystalline construct. Jewelry and carvings sparkled in the frigid sunlight..and the armies lines collapsed into a wave of greedy chaos at the sight.
The greed did not last as, once the crystals were taking from the lands, they quickly melted, being but magically-constructed ice!
The cobrataurs were all but destroyed as a race once again, though they were left their lands, as the frozen wastes were not a place anyone wanted to settle. So they quietly grew in numbers after the army left, over thousands of years, and then, when they were powerful enough, came forth once more to seal the borders.
The vain kingdom had, once again, destroyed true history, and the war was believed to be one of wiping out 'monsters', so there was outcry when they reappeared, but a wiser king did not force the issue, as they were not moving into his lands even one inch.
Many merchants once again believe that the taurs lands hold great treasure. Why else would they seal the borders? But they are turned away and any who force the issue are slain on the spot, their bodies and belongings left for others to claim.
The lands are well-guarded; only four ways in in four narrow passes guarded by the taurs at all times and the mountains are so high, the very air gives up climbing.
So for now, the taurs live in their own, winter world, knowing training for battle from a young age, in case the 'outside peoples' should try to strike again.
Amber-ism #700: If the problem isn't solved, there are still survivors you missed.


I wouldn't say I've made characters thanks to DMFA, but I have started drawing more anthro characters...


I'd say thanks to the whole cubi outbreak, quite a few people owe their "main character" to DMFA...

Amber Williams

Quote from: Kenji on October 17, 2010, 07:37:09 PM
I'd say thanks to the whole cubi outbreak, quite a few people owe their "main character" to DMFA...

And soon I shall reap the copyright harvest and retire in the tropics.  :mwaha


Yes, and hopefully you signed for a percentage of the gross and not the net right?  Those 'cubi are a tricky bunch!
The All Purpose Fox


Come on, anyone want to stay on topc and post inspired characters? :)

Amber! What characters did DMFA inspire YOU to make? :D
Amber-ism #700: If the problem isn't solved, there are still survivors you missed.


Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Akisohida on October 17, 2010, 11:31:55 PM
Come on, anyone want to stay on topc and post inspired characters? :)

... but the topic is inspired charaters, not characters... ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


actually, i was having trouble years ago deciding a way to make an incubus without him being unanimously labeled as a soul sucker and bringing in all kinda people who wanna RP with just to get their soul eaten, among other things Dx

then i saw the Cubi of DMFA and my brain exploded... more accurately i was like, holy frick, that's PERFECT. and thus i made someone named Shiryusei, though i can't post him here since he's not PG. XD

but, i have another in the works, who is PG, and i'm planning to use as a main 'incubus' character, though it's not my 'main'.... yet.... i never know what i might lead myself to when i think things up o.o but i'll post him here once i'm done inventing him. maybe even with a picture XD


I do have several characters that have been inspired by the DMFA universe; however the character that I got my namesake from is actually one of my own design and she is one of my favorites.  :mowhappy

Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3

MT Hazard

The back tentacles and tentacle heads of cubi are an idea I've worked into some of my writings. I specifically added them to an alien race and a mythical creature, mostly for the 'freaky' (or sensual) value
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


I made a couple characters based on Warp Aci. SO CUTE. :mowdizzy


Here's the one i've been working on, and probably will work on more for a while. still needs his warp aci added into the description. XD


I'd say; Too many.

But then again, I make up characters all the time.

100+ and still going ... >.>


My avatar (Keaton), all of her family members and characters involved in her story, and a few others I never really introduced on the forum. :B Also have two Cubi clans, a mafia clan (Kamei'Sin) that was tied into several other Angel crime families, and a clan filled with bloodthirsty zealots (Jyraneth).

My oldest character, Jax, had a design that was based off of Devin and Anthicus for a while.

DMFA inspired me in a lot of ways. :3


I keep wanting to apply a 'Cubi template to one of my D&D characters.  Does that count?  However, I know that as soon as I do our GM will introduce us to a city full of Mind Flayers.   :<
            <-- #1 that is!

MT Hazard

Quote from: Shachza on October 19, 2010, 02:07:24 PM
I keep wanting to apply a 'Cubi template to one of my D&D characters.  Does that count?  However, I know that as soon as I do our GM will introduce us to a city full of Mind Flayers.   :<

Just start from the succubus or doppelgänger template and work from there. Just leave out the level adjustment (I hate those things)

d20 succubus

If it hasn't already been done I'm sure lots of people would be willing to help with templates for cubi, demons, angles, mythos and others (just no Fae,Mow or dragon player characters)
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


Quote from: Shachza on October 19, 2010, 02:07:24 PM
I keep wanting to apply a 'Cubi template to one of my D&D characters.  Does that count?  However, I know that as soon as I do our GM will introduce us to a city full of Mind Flayers.   :<
If you care, me and a couple of friends (Saphroneth, Liatai and Meany) are working on a dnd3.5 DMFA races implementation.
It isn't properly tested yet, but that's why a test game is running on thursdays, and probably another will after, until it properly is  :mowtongue

Among other stuff, there is a cubi race which works like a prestige class, with the obvious restraint that once you start levelling as cubi, you have to finish off the 10 levels before taking levels as anything else again.

The stuff is here, but be warned, it isn't all debugged yet
We are glad for helping hands, especially in the playtesting and "Doh that's broken" department  :mowhappy

Also, as this is on topic for one, and for two, noone gets cash from it, i really hope this doesn't constitute advertising.
if yes, delete the post plz.
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Quote from: danman on October 19, 2010, 07:33:51 PM
The stuff is here, but be warned, it isn't all debugged yet
We are glad for helping hands, especially in the playtesting and "Doh that's broken" department  :mowhappy

Also, as this is on topic for one, and for two, noone gets cash from it, i really hope this doesn't constitute advertising.
if yes, delete the post plz.

Yeah, someone showed me that.  I haven't looked at it in great detail, but it does look interesting.  I notice that Fae were (sensibly) not allowed as a player race, but you should probably think about blocking Dragons too, as they're equally powerful according to the demonology.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on October 20, 2010, 03:09:21 AM
Quote from: danman on October 19, 2010, 07:33:51 PM
The stuff is here, but be warned, it isn't all debugged yet
We are glad for helping hands, especially in the playtesting and "Doh that's broken" department  :mowhappy

Also, as this is on topic for one, and for two, noone gets cash from it, i really hope this doesn't constitute advertising.
if yes, delete the post plz.

Yeah, someone showed me that.  I haven't looked at it in great detail, but it does look interesting.  I notice that Fae were (sensibly) not allowed as a player race, but you should probably think about blocking Dragons too, as they're equally powerful according to the demonology.

I believe it was Tech as he was in stitches from the "Member of the Lollipop Guild" which was the name of Daryil clan membership feat.

Now, Fae and Phoenixes A are disallowed simply because they break the game by certain powers - in the second case it is knowing the future.  As for dragons i still think that they can be made to work with a sufficiently high ECL - the dragon rules from Savage Species are a good base. Dragons are powerful, but in a mundane way for a furrean value of mundane. :D Similar with tri-wings i guess.
Of course, they are also low priority because of this status - they will likely be added when other stuff is done and we're happy with it
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


I started a comic using the DMFA setting. It has holes, since I don't know everything there is to know aout DMFA canon, and new stuff gets revealed that contradicts ideas I had or assumptions I'd made, but it's pretty well all inspired by the comic (...except for the characters. They're all original. Or so I claim).

I had two RP characters: Nethalzar, an undead demon necromancer; and Gabriel, a half-pint rat. I'm not RPing with either of them at the moment, but I'm working on a comic for Gabriel as a side project.

I started developing source material for the DMFA races in GURPS, got pretty far along. All the races other than Fae, including Phoenix A's, ex-treeem Mythos, and Dragons, are viable as player characters, without cutting back on any of their capabilities. The only thing I had trouble with was figuring out how to handle 'cubi soul stealing, only because I didn't know enough about how it works or what it's exact effects are in canon.

GURPS has rules for how to handle creatures like the Fae: deific entities don't have character sheets or use dice rolls. It's all GM's whim. I did an mockup of a Fae racial template for giggles, and it came out to about 3500+ character points. That's like having a Lv. 200 character in DnD.

[Edit] I really should be more observant about how old a thread is, shouldn't I?  :B
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


I made a techno-organic cubi named, 'Techus', and, he was from D'nasus. Might use him in an RP, eventually...If there are ever any open ones featuring Furrae.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: WhiteFox on October 30, 2010, 11:31:57 PM
[Edit] I really should be more observant about how old a thread is, shouldn't I?  :B

Yes. Although eleven days isn't really enough to get us upset.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


This is going to sound off topic. But it was inspired by DMFA, so there.

For the upcoming NaNoWriMo, I'm attempting to write a book called Experiment 3. I may post some things about it later in the Tower of Art.

Anyhow, the scare/terror tactic Abel used on Dan (posing as a reflection, distracting Dan, and then batting him) inspired me to create a character who used these kind of things to heckle and maim two detectives who are trying to find it, due to his abilities and such.

Believe it or not,  the detectives are the protagonists while experiment 3 is the antagonist. That being said, the genre is horror/supernatural. So.... in other words, DMFA inspired probably what is the scariest scenario in my stories to date.
I'm just a little bit... Aiene, Geisteskrank, Insano, Elnebajos, Vansinnig, Fou, Atamagaokashii, Gek, Dolzinnig, Hullu, Gila, Meschuge, Nebun, Dement... INSANE.

And do not tell your daddy how to ----.


Not a character, but I've been half-tempted to name my next adopted greyhound 'Fa'Lina'  :mowwink
'It'd be such an honour, to be personally smacked upside the head by the artist herself' - Bjalf


I doodle random non-canon Cubi sometimes. Three of the ones I've completed were made before the Cubi Clan Leaders strips went up, so uhm, two of them belong to clans that don't exist / never existed, and I think one belongs to an existing clan but lacks the appropriate clan quirk. And one I made after, so she's Clan-appropriate.

Hm. *checks* Nope... Apparently the three pre-CCL Cubi I made were all from clans that just plain don't exist (jealousy, depression, betrayal).

The fourth is Clan Seme.

I'm slacking ridiculously on a Quoar-clan incubus. Lazy lazy lazy.
Got a deviantArt account? Go join DMFAclub!

I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.


Hey there, welcome to the forum! Read the rules, beware the mods, no necroing, and all that stuff.

Anyways, you realize that the Clan Leaders mentioned were just the ones that're still alive, right?


Quote from: Inumo on November 14, 2010, 05:02:16 PM
Hey there, welcome to the forum! Read the rules, beware the mods, no necroing, and all that stuff.

Anyways, you realize that the Clan Leaders mentioned were just the ones that're still alive, right?
Yeah, I've taken a quick peek at the rules but still need to read them in depth...

And I'd forgotten that! So, yeah, I guess my cubi just aren't in listed clans. 'cept for the Seme one. What with Seme being alive.
Got a deviantArt account? Go join DMFAclub!

I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.


Ryy Lazurus

Came up with this idea for a Seme Cubi to fit my Ryy Lazurus name.

If I ever write it down I'll post it (where would be a good place, sorry?).

He's be a reverse Abel, assuming that made sense.