Question about Donna's company

Started by Seth C Triggs, October 08, 2010, 11:08:53 AM

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Seth C Triggs

I wonder what kind of stuff Sharpe Press makes. And how big an operation is it? Heh heh always wondered...

I love this comic a great deal!

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Lesse...  Second question first.

Sharpe press has 2 full time, and anywhere from 5 to 15 part time and/or freelance employees at any given time.  (Frankie and Donna are officially the full time employees, there's also several pseudo-freelance copy editors and layout editors and a couple of graphic designers that sit in Donna's Rolodex and get called when they're needed)

Since it's so small, Donna keeps her focus on a few specific niches. 

Sharpe press keeps a line of self-help books, business books and a smaller line of romantic fiction as well as a steamier line of anonymous fiction.

As a sideline, they offer a vanity press service for people looking to get a book in print. 
Code Name: Hunter
Adventure, Magic and Hounds with Guns.

Seth C Triggs

Thanks! That's pretty remarkable there. Sounds like it's efficiently run too...and a very interesting niche presence there. So I wonder, would Donna do the marketing for the company too? Reason being, I find her to be extremely charismatic and could probably charm just about anyone.

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