Just when you thought it was safe to... TFTD, the soldier genocide simulator.

Started by Saphroneth, August 28, 2010, 04:51:41 PM

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"Everyone look sharp. There are civilians present, though apparently the Commander's going to mindwipe anyone who's left after the mission to prevent a panic."

"Heh, looks like Stingray was right!"
"Another one, near the left wing! We're surrounded!"

"Not on my watch."

"Okay, time for action - crap, missed. This won't be fun..."
"What the hell? It's like some sort of...ergh, I don't even know."

"That Gillman's powering up a shot!"
"Bye, guys, see you on the other side..."

"Damnit NO! Sylvie!"
"You'll pay for that..."

"Guys, I'm getting this back to the sub. We could be in deep trouble here, this is at least something."

"Request fire support, I'm pinned here!"
"You've got it, give me a sec..."

"Thanks, man."

"No problem."

"Moving north, this building clear - ogod."

What? I like the crazy powerful. Or is it just crazy...

I also write stuff: http://saphroneth.deviantart.com/ and http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2996114/Saphroneth
Caution: things posted when they're finished, not in any real order.


"That was not a happy sight, Sonics leave a terrible mess..."


"Okay, everyone, check your ammo reserves. No point going in with one shot left, after all."
"So we're sure?"
"Yeah, the rest of the island's clear. They're all in that building there."

"Hey, Marc? Pop a grenade in the place, would you? I feel it'd be a bad idea not to."
"Sure, whatever."

"Ensign Cook here, I'm preparing to bring the entire facade of the building down."
"Go for it."

"Jackpot. Hold still..."

"Can we have an entry path, please ma'am?"

"Thank you."

"Commander! Hostile count?"
Krug's just reached the last Gillman, two Deep Ones left also.

"Praise the myopia of a deep sea race!"

"Not many bolts left in this thing..."

Ensign Ramirez! Position?
"Just peachy, sir."

"Live Deep One obtained."

Area secure.

Good work, everyone. And let's see if we can rework those plastics in the Deep One for our own use.
What? I like the crazy powerful. Or is it just crazy...

I also write stuff: http://saphroneth.deviantart.com/ and http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2996114/Saphroneth
Caution: things posted when they're finished, not in any real order.


Yeah, sorry about that. The pics have been sent but they're not up yet, and I decided to post now - as it's a stonker of an update - rather than wait.
Skype's being annoying, essentially.

I know what the pic addresses WILL be, since they're always in the same pattern, so I wrote it with my copy of the saved pics. Now waiting on VAE to receive the last pic of the batch and upload them.
What? I like the crazy powerful. Or is it just crazy...

I also write stuff: http://saphroneth.deviantart.com/ and http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2996114/Saphroneth
Caution: things posted when they're finished, not in any real order.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Indeed it was - a stonker, I mean. It made much more sense after the images were finished uploading. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Working on the next update, probably it'll be up later today.

In the meantime, I found this which I think can go here - it certainly fits the general theme of TFTD.
English fandub of Cruel Angel's Thesis.
It fits so very well - everyone dies due to attack by "supernatural" beasties, and all that.
What? I like the crazy powerful. Or is it just crazy...

I also write stuff: http://saphroneth.deviantart.com/ and http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2996114/Saphroneth
Caution: things posted when they're finished, not in any real order.


Ooh, the Evangelion theme song.. Yeah, that anime had soooo much supernatural beastie stuff. Makes sense the theme song would have it as well.


Sorry, may be no update for some time. VAE is possibly incommunicado in Slovakia. Either that or he's just not got his internet set up there yet.
If first, then there won't be one until the new year. If second... it'll be perhaps a day or so.
What? I like the crazy powerful. Or is it just crazy...

I also write stuff: http://saphroneth.deviantart.com/ and http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2996114/Saphroneth
Caution: things posted when they're finished, not in any real order.

llearch n'n'daCorna

It's okay. We're not under any particular time pressure.

... Well, other than "post more frequently than once every two months", that is. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


In case nobody's mentioned yet, Terror From the Deep really is the worst thing, and I'd argue it's worse than Enforcer ("Hurry, Enforther! Purge my lab of these inthidiouth invaderth! :B") and Interceptor. At least those were doing something different, albeit crappy; TFTD is literally a palette swap of X-Com, and even if the game hadn't shipped with crippling research tree bugs and difficulty issues, it still would've sucked since the designers got the genius idea of making two-part terror missions on cruise ships. You have to search every little nook and cranny for each alien, some of them spawning in rooms without doors so you have to blow up every wall, and when you head to the second part there's a chance that your soldiers will magically lose random equipment from their inventory.

If you thought searching for the last alien in bases or supply/battleships was annoying, you haven't seen anything yet.

Literally the only thing it did better than UFO Defense was make it so you could open doors without walking through them, but the UFO Extender mod adds that and more anyway.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


I'd say that it's nice in that it's a guaranteed hard mode (Even Steam XCOM apparently defaults to easy, my playthrough certainly did.) and the weapon choice, while worse in almost every way except for the lovely, lovely drills, at least is different.
Essentially, there's enough change in layouts and the difficulty is much greater - remember that I stomped Cydonia and that was my first go - so that it can be considered more than a mere pallette swap.
Could have done with more work, but it's by no means something entirely to miss.

(Besides, for some terror missions I will be following Guava Moment's guide to Terror Missions, which is essentially:

"Captain of the MV Freedom of the Seas, welcome aboard X-COM, good to see you could make it"

"This is X-COM leader Zander, what sort of infestation do you have"

"Well, they look kind of like lobsters, and--"

"Yeah, fuck this, we'll file the insurance claim for you, lifting off now, Zander out"

Or, in other words, DON'T.)
What? I like the crazy powerful. Or is it just crazy...

I also write stuff: http://saphroneth.deviantart.com/ and http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2996114/Saphroneth
Caution: things posted when they're finished, not in any real order.

Corgatha Taldorthar

Stun weapons can knock the lobstermen out, and once they're on the floor, grenades can usually kill them. You lose the corpse this way though.

And of course late game, there are the drills  :mwaha
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


One can only hope They do not find us.

At last, a worthwhile weapon. Things are looking up. Now, how do you reload it?

Pity it takes a few days to decipher Alien safety instructions... ah well.

At least the council of vagueness think we're doing OK.
And the sonar picked up a new contact. Wow, that was quick.

Looks like a larger crew this time. Forward, men!

"How the hell are you that good with a harpoon gun?"
"Practice, try it sometime."
"Thanks for the advice."

"Wow, it does work!"

"USO spotted."

"I think I see where the hull was breached, possible entry point marked."

Our foe await in ambush by the conventional entrance.
I will prevent his-

Shots missed.

Hull damage! Falling back.

"Imrahil, what are you doing! Get away from the main door before something happens to you!"
I still function, that is all.

"Damnit, no!"
"You will be avenged."

"Got the little monster, clear here."

That could have gone better.

Sonic Blastas now available.
Well, these look pretty neat, at least.
And apparently we might be getting armour sometime soon. The boffins think the Deep Ones we retrieved from Tonga might hold the key to the workings of the mysterious Aqua Plastics.

To work, gentlemen.
Oh, done already?

Save the tortoises!
We don't have the armour yet... everyone deploy with the Sonic Blastas, it's a good opportunity for a field test.

Well, we've arrived. Hang on...
"What NITWIT ordered the underwater-only tank?"
Lancelot reporting... is everything alright?
"Ergh... Lancelot du lac, that makes sense. Well, no sense complaining now."
What? I like the crazy powerful. Or is it just crazy...

I also write stuff: http://saphroneth.deviantart.com/ and http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2996114/Saphroneth
Caution: things posted when they're finished, not in any real order.




Cydonia Actual knew it was doomed. But it could at least revenge kill the planet of the infernal Humans...

Forsooth, our foe!
"Someone take a note. Next tank AI is from a modern fantasy series, I want a lot less forsooth, and a little more plain English."
"Duly noted, sir."
"Everyone got their blastas charged up?"

"These. Things. Are. Awesome!"

"Stay sharp, people."

"Tango on the southwest perimeter! Someone get a shot off before-"

"Well, I suppose the humble harpoon gun isn't totally useless."
"We lost the newbie! And at least one other, sniper on the roof!"

"Looks like they've been cryogenically flash frozen. This is a reverse engineered thermal taser effect... these aliens are learning from us, that's not fair!"

"Hey, at least they're still alive."

"Please tell me I get a blasta next time, I'm running through far too many harpoons here."

"Eastern map half clear, three more down and out."
"Got it, checking south perimeter."
"The hell?"

"Are we on Easter Island or something?"
"Huh. That's weird."

"Another down, looks like the rest are holed up in the mansion."
"Understood - ah!"

"Claire here, that one... got me too. I'm... badly hurt, but the suit sealed the wound. Danni... she wasn't so lucky."
"Understood, we'll be back for you. Everyone?
"Take them."

"Area secure. Get the paramedics in, now!"

Activate PR machine!
That went well...
Turns out that the sonic blastas are quite power intensive, but we can manufacture more clips for them with our Zrbite stocks. That's not the issue, really. The issue is the relentless soldier turnover. We need two more troopers for the base, now. One for the injured Claire King's spot... one for Danni's.

So both our subs and the aliens' can fly. Why are they "subs" again?

Calling skydiver... oh, wait, wrong series based off alien invasions being fought off with a high casualty rate. And that one was another Gerry Anderson! Was the man psychic?
Seriously. I am starting to wonder if Gerry Anderson was a T3 or better  clairvoyant.(cf. civilian classification; T3 refers to Psi 90-95 in specified field. For comparison, the current commander is T1 telepathy and telempathy, T1 mind war, T2 small scale kinetics and T7 large scale kinetics, with T10 or worse in other fields.).
What? I like the crazy powerful. Or is it just crazy...

I also write stuff: http://saphroneth.deviantart.com/ and http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2996114/Saphroneth
Caution: things posted when they're finished, not in any real order.


"Where the hell are we? I don't remember there being anywhere on Earth you can have molten lava in contact with ocean water, let alone off the coast of County Donegal."
Avaunt! A Knight Does Not Die With Empty Hands!

"You missed."
A Knight Does Not necessarily have very good vision.
"Tango, south! Take 'em!"

"Nothing like a one gauge bullet to handle aliens."

"Another target, further west, one of the sonic gunners handle it."

"Johnston here, I think an Aquatoid popped a pulser to avoid being taken alive. Bit of a twit, really..."

"This is one hell of a sniper position I found."

"Enemy taking potshots at me, request assistance!"

"You have it."

"We found the sub, everyone converge on location."
Ah. Er, I may have a problem there.

"Oh, for... how did you even do that?"
I am not entirely sure. It may have involved an octopus.
"Whatever. Hey, sweet shot!"

"There's only one left, nail 'im as he comes out."

"And that's a wrap. Nice work, everyone, no casualties there."

Base command agreed. That's Lt. Cook now.

What? I like the crazy powerful. Or is it just crazy...

I also write stuff: http://saphroneth.deviantart.com/ and http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2996114/Saphroneth
Caution: things posted when they're finished, not in any real order.


I say again. Who the hell are we funded by?

Ah well... at least we are funded.
New recruits!. Deborah and Rodriguez.

Oh, neat.
Aqua Plastics!
Apparently we can make it into things as well. It involves singing. Basically, the stuff is Wraithbone.
And we know how their engines work as well.
That description makes very little sense. I'm sure that's not enough power to explain transsonic speed underwater.

Why are you doing live alien studies?
I told you to work on armour, and... what? We actually need to study the least armoured alien we have found so far to manage making power armour? HOW?
Eheurgh... they're altered humans? And we need to know how the neural links work?
Disgusting, but I suppose it's lucky we stunned one on that Terror mission then.

M.C? What's M.C?
It's not that ridiculous command override thing in all terran life, is it? Christ, and I thought they weren't stupid enough to...
They made humans - all humans - connected to their own mental command and control link.
Right, as soon as possible get to work on back hacking that. But handle the armour first.

Good, a distraction.
Let's test the new armour. To the sub!
What? I like the crazy powerful. Or is it just crazy...

I also write stuff: http://saphroneth.deviantart.com/ and http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2996114/Saphroneth
Caution: things posted when they're finished, not in any real order.


MC Lab
where they peform research on Time Stop, Hammer Space, and deflective shielding.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...

Corgatha Taldorthar

I had forgotten the "Dense, yet light" line for the Aqua Plastics. Sounds a lot better than "thin", that's for sure.

And Pshhh. Most of your funding should be coming from flogging alien stuff. Who needs the council? :D (Although I never was brave enough to try the game where you eventually let the entire funding council go under and try to survive solely off of alien scavenging)
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


In this game, as I rushed Sonics and skipped Gauss, I have no super-quick money scheme like Gauss Cannons. I may rectify that later, but for now the monthly stipend is more than enough.
But it does mean I have people with double digit kills.

I may get Particle Disturbance Sensors in there somewhere in my frantic rush to Mag Ion Armour, as that's highly profitable.
What? I like the crazy powerful. Or is it just crazy...

I also write stuff: http://saphroneth.deviantart.com/ and http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2996114/Saphroneth
Caution: things posted when they're finished, not in any real order.

Corgatha Taldorthar

Usually I've found that my engineers are busy making stuff for usage, not sale. I was really talking about directly selling the stuff you recover from UFOs. (But I'm a dweeb who likes to tail the UFOs so I can assault them on the ground intact, thus ensuring you'll have more power sources than you'll ever need and the navigation is worth a lot too.)
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


"Stay sharp."

"We don't know how many of them are out there."

For the Round Table!

"Nice work. That's what, two?"
I believe so.

"USO identified. It's a small one."

"Another hostile guarding the approach to the USO. Get a flanking position and - Pulser!"

"Okay, definitely take that one out from long range."

"Heh, the harpoon gun is not so bad, yes?"

Not much to recover, there... ah well.

USO buzzing the Faroes. Send one of the attack subs.
Buzzing? Whatever.
Anyway, the USO was downed, but another one appeared shortly afterwards. Since the second attack sub didn't have the endurance to intercept it after being sent out shortly beforehand, the transport sub handled the mission by intercepting USO-09 on the sea floor.

Ambush in the waters of the Arctic.

"Watch out, there's tumbled terrain close to the touchdown site."

Enemy in the hills. Exercise caution.

And another on the starboard flank of the sub. Firing.

"There's the would be ambusher!"

"Okay. This is King, I'll move ahead and scout."

"You see anything?"

"Everyone fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!"

"Phew. That's a lot of ammo downrange but... we hit them."
"Guys? You're not going to believe this."

"We missed one?"

"We didn't."

Contact! Sub found.

It's... quite big.

"Holy hell, is the one we sunk like that as well?"
"Good news is that the door's big enough for the SWS."

"Oh. Well, damn."
"Everyone exercise caution. We know there's high ranking aquatoids in there, so take it nice and slow."
Alert! This is Akira. Be advised, there are aliens on board the USO with Molecular control ability.
"Thanks. Okay. Plan P, don't give them time to get settled. On the bounce, people!"

"Engine room clear."

"Starboard gantry clear."

"Port main chamber clear - hang on, another by the door..."

"That's better."

"Starboard main chamber clear."

"What the hell?"
That's one of the high ranking Aliens! Stun it while you can!
"Thermal tasers, people!"

"Yep, that's a navigator."
"Ship is now in our hands. Nice work, everyone."

This was a good haul.

So we have an Alien with navigational training, and a complete Hunter class ship to be broken up for parts. Not bad.
What? I like the crazy powerful. Or is it just crazy...

I also write stuff: http://saphroneth.deviantart.com/ and http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2996114/Saphroneth
Caution: things posted when they're finished, not in any real order.


"Where are we now?"
"Looks like that Hunter we shot down sank near the oil fields in the North Sea. Watch your fire, people."

"Contact! Twelve o'clock high."

"...what did we just say about watching your fire?"
"Hey, it worked."

Another here.

"Damnit, careful people! Our mission is to clear out the Xenos, not to wipe an entire oil field off the map."

"That's another, makes what, five?"
"Yeah, nice work..."
"Scott? You okay?"


"You sure this is what he meant?"
"Hey, whatever works."

"Another one bites the dust."
"Nice work, now we need to curl around the flank and clear the door to the ship-"

She has fallen, I am afraid.

"I got a sniper position here through the hole the DUPs made. And I think I see an Alien engineer."

"Claire? You okay?"
Damn, they accessed her override level one. They triggered her fight/flight response.

"Everyone stay clear of her until she recovers, then."

"Okay, assault team in position. Go!"

"Ship clear, only a couple aliens left."

"There's the last one, and - hang on, what-"

Warning. Error. Salt water detected in survival center. Armour compromised. Magazines compromised.

I must flee, my apologies.

"I'll handle it... damn..."

In addition to the loss of rookie Deborah Bonal, we also lost Ensign Spanburg. He had recovered from the stun hits a few minutes after they were administered, and tried to help in the cleansing.
He was caught in the titanic blast from the weapon classified P.W.T, which annihilated an entire drilling rig in a colossal waterspout, and came within inches of destroying Lancelot's backup survival center.
His tank is being rebuilt.

We need some kind of progress on how to at least screen people for MC resistance.
What? I like the crazy powerful. Or is it just crazy...

I also write stuff: http://saphroneth.deviantart.com/ and http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2996114/Saphroneth
Caution: things posted when they're finished, not in any real order.


(Sorry about the lag in posts, this last bit made me feel awful. There was no sense of achievement in it.)

X-COM armour: thicker on the back. We're experienced with mind control here.

Damn hardpoint limits.
What possessed us to build a flying submarine and then forget to stick a gun on it that works in atmo?
Probably the same people who built an underwater minigun, come to think of it.

Marathon runner.

Right, everyone in the sub. And those with the nice new power suits, do remember to put them on.

Well, that was easy.

Survival brings promotions. As does being here first and having people to boss around.

Call Nimitz and Spruance, somebody.
...hang on, attack on Midway? Not only is the place is one big military base, but it's a PDC. Those things are abandoned. They're only activated if there's an Ethereal fleet coming in over the hyper limit, and this one isn't even important - it's more to prevent a small area of open air from being out of LOS of any PDC batteries, rather than any actual protective need.
But, we're told to go and go we shall.

At least NERV... I'll call them that for now... think we're doing well. Presumably we're not going to have to build an EVA yet.

We are not going to be able to make it there - the transporter's already at Midway, and there's not the time to make it back for refuel beforehand.

I'm making the executive decision to abandon the Midway op on the grounds it could cause unnecessary casualties - the dropship was hit on the way in, and we nearly lost Lance - and that means both Alien attacks go off. We lose one civilian ship, Midway PDC, and a lot of credibility with NERV.
On a related note, we need some equivalent of the old Hyperwave Decoder, and perhaps a new base or two.

Some days it's not worth getting out of bed.
Take a look at the current scan.
There are at least FOUR USOs buzzing around the Arctic. Based off first War alien conduct, that's practically diagnostic of a base.
I sort of meant we needed a new base of our own, not an Alien one...

Forward, to glory!

"...I feel rotten now."
"Eyeballed the bustard!"

"Anything else?"
"Damn it... we lost Lancelot through the only survivor of the crash. This has not been a good month."

At least we're making progress on something to do with all the Zrbite.
What? I like the crazy powerful. Or is it just crazy...

I also write stuff: http://saphroneth.deviantart.com/ and http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2996114/Saphroneth
Caution: things posted when they're finished, not in any real order.


PDC: Planetary Defense Centre. These structures range in size from underground bunkers the size of a block of flats through partially hollowed mountains like Mt. Dagger all the way up to the spectacular Geofront beneath the hills near Todai university. They are, broadly speaking, the modern equivalent of the Maginot Line, and intended to render the Earth all but unassailable.
Every PDC contains a Hyper wave decoder and point defensive weaponry capable of swatting the entire Fusion Ball loadout of the Cydonia fleet of the first war, from archaic water cooled chainguns all the way up to pulsed fire grasers. Every single station also has a minimum of one offensive direct fire weapon, usually a plasma cannon in the PDC-1 centres. The PDC-8, the Geofront, is the first location in the known universe to carry a gravity cannon, which it was once estimated could not only track but hit and pulverize Nereid.
PDC-2 and above also carry missile weaponry. The PDC-2 and 3 have silos with ready launch bomb pumped lasers, able to inflict a graser hit on a target from a 40,000 km standoff range. PDC-4 to 6 use Fusion Balls, and the PDC-7 and 8 use the most potent weapon in the entire arsenal. The Hyper Missile.
Hyper Missiles employ energy state matching by manipulated gravity to Tunnel Drive inside their targets, incidentally inverting their matter nature as they do so. An Ethereal Battleship targeted by a Hyper Missile would be instantly destroyed as a lump of antimatter the size of a car appeared within the main ship.
PDC-3 and above have passive defences, usually ECM that fuzzes their energy signature to make them hard to localize. Most missiles launched at a PDC with ECM will miss, some will self destruct and one in twenty will reverse course.
It is to the PDC-5 and above to carry the shield generators, capable in normal operation of generating a shield that encloses the stratosphere and bends incoming light paths to the planet, rendering them impossible. The shield, in operation, glows a faint azure blue - like the sky on a summer's day. This shield is also capable of taking repeated non energy weapon blows, and fusion balls in ten shot salvos force the shield down only a kilometer.
Finally, in PDC-6 to 8 is the true pride of the system. The Hyper Limiters. These devices render the operation of any form of FTL unable to return to realspace within the field - subspace is partitioned off, hyperspace ships return to 3+1 dimensions and tunnel drives do not see potentials within the field. This field is coordinated with the Hyper Launchers, allowing for picosecond pulses of the field rendering enemy ships vulnerable. The field normally covers the atmosphere out to the thermosphere, but on full blast covers the entire orbit of Jupiter.
X-COM is very very serious about the defense of Earth.

Midway is a PDC-1 covering itself, lending extra weight to beam salvos, and making it even more impossible to drop a tusnami trigger in the oceans of the Pacific. It is essentially a good example of redundancy.

Additional note: Most of the time, the power grid of Earth supplies 20% of it's power to the PDC network. This is adequate to keep the Ai gestalts on normal processing, the Hyper Limit at standard and the detectors ticking over. In full operation (not yet ever actually performed, though over half the network goes active every new year for systems check) the net would consume over five times the total power generation of the planet. When the weapons were not firing.
This is the reason for the Core Tap.
The Core Tap is an example of pure insanity at work. It is a stable wormhole with one end emplaced in a base in Antarctica, facing skywards, and the other end (the toroidal end, with no need for generation mechanism) held (as a Stapledon point when inactive) inside hyperspace.
The Core Tap is so horrifyingly powerful that it is prohibited by law from running for more than three hours at a stretch without the solar system being under active attack, for justified fear of major damage to the global climate system. By the time it is turned off after a full three hour system check, the average temperature of the Central Antarctic plain has gone up one degree.
Any suggestions of a modified Core Tap being used as an offensive weapon are met with sheer horror. Not only would the result be a barely directed flamethrower of Gridfire, but catastrophic battle damage to the generation mechanism, without the safeguards built into the ground station, would potentially destroy an entire solar system.
(In other words, find the Ethereal capital world and we'll do more than just consider it, but build the damn thing. The only thing more destructive would be shunting something planet-scale through an enormous wormhole at c-fractional velocities.)
What? I like the crazy powerful. Or is it just crazy...

I also write stuff: http://saphroneth.deviantart.com/ and http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2996114/Saphroneth
Caution: things posted when they're finished, not in any real order.


Work time.

"You know, these blastas are pretty sweet. Lot better than that trial Gauss weapon was, anyway..."

"Sometimes, the old reliable is the better option."
"You just forgot to get one."

"You missed, alien!"

"Big gun over here!"

"Nice work, everyone."

Nifty. Very, very nifty.

Ooh, this could be useful.

Our sub pilots are essentially insane. But no matter.

We're going in. With better kit than ever.
What? I like the crazy powerful. Or is it just crazy...

I also write stuff: http://saphroneth.deviantart.com/ and http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2996114/Saphroneth
Caution: things posted when they're finished, not in any real order.




It went term-shaped. That and I'm doing fanfic writing.
But never mind that, time for the kind of wholesale death and destruction it's surprisingly hard to justify in a fanfic of a G-PG anime.
What? I like the crazy powerful. Or is it just crazy...

I also write stuff: http://saphroneth.deviantart.com/ and http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2996114/Saphroneth
Caution: things posted when they're finished, not in any real order.


"Okay, people, this is a hot zone. Rifles to the front and heavies on call."
"You got it, ma'am."

"Aquatoid behind the sub!"
"Got it, activating countergrav. I'll take 'em by an up-and-over."
"Two more to the east, rifles ready!"

"Damn, that one didn't quite finish the alien off."

"Sub perimeter clear."
"Gaston, charge up your tazer. This one seems tougher, I want 'im alive."

"Got it, coming online now."

"Eat ice!"

"Well, you were right, sir. This one seems to be a squad leader."

"Last target downed."

Nice work.

A few days went by, nothing much happened. The new suits were tested out of water - turned out their Zrbite counter grav units couldn't quite allow flight in the air, but they did just about negate the entire weight of the suit, meaning that they could be used indoors with no fear of breaking the floors.

That's another sub downed, just off the Grand Banks. Looks like there was an old aircraft or two at the crash site.

Meanwhile, in the Pacific, a new base was established by moonlighting construction crew from the Hawaii PDC-7 station, the master for the entire Pacific central region. They'll never miss the beds we... acquired.

Or the enormous plasma screen TV installed in the rec room. Though for some reason the construction crew like watching appalling movies on it...

"Stay sharp. Move in short bursts, and keep watch."
"Anyone feel odd there?"
"Nope, not at all. Just keep that scanner suite hot, we don't want to lose anyone."

"I got it."
"Word of advice, do not stand right next to where your friend was killed by a sniper."

"Case in point."

"Last enemy left!"


That description is kind of... icky. We're mind reading them? Mind reading things made of Sectoid and Fish?
Ah well. At least we can see where they came from.
What? I like the crazy powerful. Or is it just crazy...

I also write stuff: http://saphroneth.deviantart.com/ and http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2996114/Saphroneth
Caution: things posted when they're finished, not in any real order.


Another day, another mission.

"Riflemen ready, go go go!"
"Spread out, don't wait to fire."

"Good work, keep it up! Althalus?"
Oh, you wanted some murdering done? Why didn't you say so?
"That AI concerns me..."

"Well, it's accurate. In both senses."

"Forcing entry. Weapons free."

I feel sort of disappointed.

Apparently, we got black marks for letting the Aliens steal all the biscuits from the wardroom of the Midway PDC. But we got money anyway because we basically have Gendo Ikari securing our funding.

This is concerning. Molecular Control networks?
We need someone to plant an explosive at the bottom of a pyramid in the Yucatan peninsula to destabilize the Sleeper, to give the Jjaro time to arrive.
Or that could be the popular game someone in X-Com wrote that technically violated secrecy statutes.

Oh, flip.
So now we get a close quarters battle through the middle of a cargo ship. Everyone load for bear. Better, load for water bear, those things are nearly indestructible.
Because the words "bug hunt" will really calm the troops down. These people have seen the Alien films.

"Game over man, game over!"
"No more Aliens quotes out of you. Now open fire, everyone."

Gill men sort of things.
"Lining up a shot."

"Damn, the Officer of the Watch is dead. Looks like the command structure, such as it is, has collapsed. If any hysterical crewmen get in the way, stun them. Actually, everyone take your Thermal Tazers out and just one hand the Blastas. Dump the tazer if you need to make a shot, then grab it again."
"It's our only CQC weapon."

"Who piles up fuel cans to block the door?"
Impolite people. Stand back.

Any time, old boy.
"Alien in the wardroom!"

"I've got you covered."

"Stun launcher. Nice. Pity I have no clue how to use it..."

"Storeroom 81, clear."

"Conn tower's a complete mess."

"Do Aliens watch Gurren Lagann or something? This is just silly, this is the fifth one of these."

"Main deck..."


"Conn tower clear. Able Seaman Gunkel's badly hurt though."
"I read you, administer what first aid you can. We really need a comprehensive medical pack."

"Last enemy up here. Everyone make for the big cargo lift."
What? I like the crazy powerful. Or is it just crazy...

I also write stuff: http://saphroneth.deviantart.com/ and http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2996114/Saphroneth
Caution: things posted when they're finished, not in any real order.