Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)

Started by Drayco84, August 09, 2010, 08:58:16 PM

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Quote from: Draken on August 10, 2010, 12:06:21 AM
Will change.  And the third one is Japanese, last one is Italian.

If I need to, I will provide translations after the fact.


"Greetings.  My name is GDMFB-9000.  Usually christened GD.  How can I serve?"

Go ahead and make some auto-translations. However, make sure the english is correct. (Especially if said language is broken or the whole thing is miscommunicated.) BTW, nice ninja... Eh, Google language-chopped works too.

And how DARE you invoke tribbles before I do! The sheer, raw nerve of it!


Sorry for a bit of a long post, but I was somewhat inspired.  I added a bunch of silly references, name them all and I might find some way to give you a prize.

And yes, I know what Kintama (using romanji) means if anyone is wondering.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


I think I know two... the goatee=evil from Order of the Stick's Elan and Nale, and the red carpet from DMFA with the rats heading to SAIA?


I have the vague feeling I'm missing like... every other post in this thread. Then it occured to me that those posts were in the actual thing. Good lord RPs work differently around here :/

On a side note, I thought *I* was experimenting with a non-humanoid character. Turns out I got completely outdone by a rock ;>.> Actually in general I feel I've been outdone...
Quote from: Draken on August 09, 2010, 09:12:19 PM
Everyone looks so /awesome/.  This looks to be very very fun.  ^^

And, ouch.  By comparison, my thing looks so....tiny.   :erk
Pretty much what he said. Goodness knows WHY, but I thought for all the ridiculosity this would stay on human levels of insanity. Turns out I'm going to have to readjust my crazy-knob by a factor of ten or so. Anyone mind if I edit/buff my character a little? Still essentially the same character, but I'd sort of like to add in a few superpowers that I didn't touch for reasons of sanity like his antennae being able to 'see' energy fields and electricity stuff. I was considering having them be able to generate electricity too, but someone else already does that and I do hate pulling a used card. Not ready for anything too insane just yet so I'll see how the RP progresses before adding new powers.

Quote"How long have you been able to do THAT?!?"
"Oh, I've always been able to do that since yesterday. I just haven't because of various easy to explain, but mysterious reasons which I won't go into just now."

Also, when I read about the Rock I also totally thought of Blink. *high fives the Doctor Who fan*


DId your character just score with a kitsune Krystal?
Anyway, I know you're planning something... I just wish you would've let me know first...

And yeah AC, we don't just push the limits of insanity around here, why try to beat everyone else at it. One person sets a standard and then everyone else tries to outdo them. Then, THEY'RE the new standard.


Yeah sorry, when I started that post, only one person had posted so I thought it a good idea to get something up ASAP.

Yes that was kind of a Krystal kitsune... and the implications are a score, but they could have just been playing Star Fox Command too.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Quote from: AmberCross928 on August 10, 2010, 01:25:47 AM
Also, when I read about the Rock I also totally thought of Blink. *high fives the Doctor Who fan*

I only know about it through my brother... Gonna wait until tomorrow to watch it though, when I'm NOT about to go to sleep and have nightmares about it. As it is I've seen the first 7 minutes or so. First thought at the angel was "OH SHI- It's gonna warp her! FFFFFFFFFFFFFF--" Then it waited until about 7:30 before the first angel moved in.


just for the record, here is a full list of the 37 incidents involving Seras's stay at Ketric R&D

1) AI malfunction caused by missappropriation of memory banks.
   2) Fire in lab caused by aggressive sterilization procedure.
   3) Crushed prototype on test range after adjusting hydraulics.
   4) Caused entire Cybernetics laboratory mainframe to gain sentience.
   5) Destroyed Cybernetics Laboratory's mainframe.
   6) Designed a new compound that resulted in three coworkers needing treatment for smoke inhalation.
   7) Melted Lab with experimental compound.
   Cool Performed biological tests upon fellow workers.
   9) irresponsible activation of device due to pressing of button.
  10) excessive overclocking of labs' computers.
  11) misuse of company resources to create a cybernetic prototype body.
  12) misuse of AI resources.
  13) unauthorized installation of AI in cybernetics.
  14) rampage caused by cybernetic prototype.
  15) Insulted Chairman's intelligence.
  16) Classified.
  17) Withholding of information resulting in injury of superior.
  18) Activated artifact resulting in alien possession of AI.
  19) assaulted officer with deadly weapon to demonstrate prototype defense field's effectiveness.
  20) Filled senior researchers office with unknown foam substance.
  21) Killed alien specimen after its infestation of several coworkers.
  22) Assaulted senior researcher with a potato.
  23) Destroyed laboratory with potato.
  24) Warming meal on reactor heat manifold.
  25) riot caused when testing mind altering drug on religious group.
  26) responsible for new sect within local religion.
  27) immolated new fireproof material.
  28) Teleported toilets in male bathrooms into space.
  29) Caused senior officer to be ingested by lab specimen.
  30) Removed senior officer from lab specimen in inhumane manner.
  31) Vaporized second page in every file of CEO's office.
  32) Engineered new life form without proper authorization.
  33) transferred consciousness from coworker to cat
  34) Activated unknown device resulting in gravitational shift of complex.
  35) Created spray on stealth coating, explosion resulted in multiple harassment suits.
  36) Performed unauthorized adjustments to co worker's cybernetics.
  37) Mass Vandalism.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Quote from: SquirrelWizard on August 10, 2010, 02:28:17 AM
just for the record, here is a full list of the 37 incidents involving Seras's stay at Ketric R&D

1) AI malfunction caused by missappropriation of memory banks.
   2) Fire in lab caused by aggressive sterilization procedure.
   3) Crushed prototype on test range after adjusting hydraulics.
   4) Caused entire Cybernetics laboratory mainframe to gain sentience.
   5) Destroyed Cybernetics Laboratory's mainframe.
   6) Designed a new compound that resulted in three coworkers needing treatment for smoke inhalation.
   7) Melted Lab with experimental compound.
   Cool Performed biological tests upon fellow workers.
   9) irresponsible activation of device due to pressing of button.
  10) excessive overclocking of labs' computers.
  11) misuse of company resources to create a cybernetic prototype body.
  12) misuse of AI resources.
  13) unauthorized installation of AI in cybernetics.
  14) rampage caused by cybernetic prototype.
  15) Insulted Chairman's intelligence.
  16) Classified.
  17) Withholding of information resulting in injury of superior.
  18) Activated artifact resulting in alien possession of AI.
  19) assaulted officer with deadly weapon to demonstrate prototype defense field's effectiveness.
  20) Filled senior researchers office with unknown foam substance.
  21) Killed alien specimen after its infestation of several coworkers.
  22) Assaulted senior researcher with a potato.
  23) Destroyed laboratory with potato.
  24) Warming meal on reactor heat manifold.
  25) riot caused when testing mind altering drug on religious group.
  26) responsible for new sect within local religion.
  27) immolated new fireproof material.
  28) Teleported toilets in male bathrooms into space.
  29) Caused senior officer to be ingested by lab specimen.
  30) Removed senior officer from lab specimen in inhumane manner.
  31) Vaporized second page in every file of CEO's office.
  32) Engineered new life form without proper authorization.
  33) transferred consciousness from coworker to cat
  34) Activated unknown device resulting in gravitational shift of complex.
  35) Created spray on stealth coating, explosion resulted in multiple harassment suits.
  36) Performed unauthorized adjustments to co worker's cybernetics.
  37) Mass Vandalism.

I love just how many infractions lead to other infractions, practically telling a story on their own (especially 10-16/17)

Oh, and AC: BRILLIANT! Snivers now feels totally insane, and will likely talk to the wrong person next time he makes contact with the Ohgawd. >:3


Damn you Squirrel! Damn you for your quickness!

But thank you Inumo, I felt rather inspired when I came up with that idea ^.^


Meany, I'm going to have to insist that you use a different color text for the Tok'Ra voice because that shade of red hurts my eyes

Lime Green
Or use bold or underline... Those would work too.


I think I shall take the feminine path and go with pink. :B

To the editings!


Okay, so this JUST occured to me while looking at my character's initials, but can I change his name to Homer Abel Lunsweci (pronounced Lun-swe-key)? For someone who works with computers and (like a more famous Homer) is going on an odyssey (except this one's in SPACE), this name just seems amazingly appropriate.

And yet I still like the original name I came up with :/ I think Homer etc will be original name that he got changed to Chris etc for some reason or other... This way I don't have to change anything and I still get to have the epic ^.^


Would it be bad if my guy occasionally tries to fiddle with technology? It's in his bio(if I remember) and I feel it could lead to fun new events. Also, is there a limit to the insanity that can happen?
Abel needs a hug...


you do understand that your chances of becoming a test subject are directly proportional to the amount of time you spend in Seras's lab?
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Abel needs a hug...


Is anyone at the briefing room yet?  If so, I want to collab on an entrance >.>
"TEETH!  TEETH!  He's a biter!!!"
Go get'em, Jy!

Pancakes.  The evilest food thing since THOSE brownies.  You know the ones.

Currently a complete non-fan of Mab.  Say what you will, I will forever consider her the Big Bad >.>


I think Ash just got draged there, but I don't know, exactly. He's where everyone else is.
Abel needs a hug...


Further insight as to what goes on in his head processor.  Please note that there will be moments of clarity.  Just not necessarily when we need it.
And yes, he is focused on that Tamaranian.  But can you blame him?  For a being that focuses on colors, an alien that wears purple when they have orange skin and green eyes is just too interesting not to focus on.
"TEETH!  TEETH!  He's a biter!!!"
Go get'em, Jy!

Pancakes.  The evilest food thing since THOSE brownies.  You know the ones.

Currently a complete non-fan of Mab.  Say what you will, I will forever consider her the Big Bad >.>


So, we're going down to the launch-dock, and picking up our nerf guns?
Abel needs a hug...


Er, I don't think so.  I just had mine get his cause he got paranoid.  And, you know, no fourth wall.

By the way, does anyone thing I'm playing my character too innocent?  Should I keep it that way?   (Remember, we're about to go into the soul-sucking emptiness of space, where there are little to no radio transmissions....and a character that has gotten comfortable with the constant flux of random conversations.)
"TEETH!  TEETH!  He's a biter!!!"
Go get'em, Jy!

Pancakes.  The evilest food thing since THOSE brownies.  You know the ones.

Currently a complete non-fan of Mab.  Say what you will, I will forever consider her the Big Bad >.>


Jason is now totally freaked out by Special Study Case #006782-AA3, the rock. :3


Ok.  I have to go to work for a few hours, so if anyone needs to use my char, go ahead.  Just keep it in character.  As best as possible anyways.
"TEETH!  TEETH!  He's a biter!!!"
Go get'em, Jy!

Pancakes.  The evilest food thing since THOSE brownies.  You know the ones.

Currently a complete non-fan of Mab.  Say what you will, I will forever consider her the Big Bad >.>


OK, so are we going to a briefing room, or to the launch? I just want to make sure.
Abel needs a hug...


I think the briefing room; makes more sense than going to the ship to be briefed on our suicide mission.


Briefing room.

I'm going to be on hiatus until late this evening.


SquirrelWizard, I am reminded of the scene from Aliens by your post... I'm pretty sure you know the one, considering its popularity. Of course, my first thought was a super-powered tapeworm-type creature... :P


nah its a direct rip from aliens.

except the xenosian scavengers only grow to about the size of a small dog, they dont reproduce from face huggers but instead the female injects an egg into the male's chest sac. Also, they don't have a stiff tongue with mandibles. Instead it has a softer muscle like tentacle that is tipped with a grasping mandible.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Would've posted sooner, but got sidetracked trying to find this:

Anyway, Congrats JasonCray! Enjoy your double joystick controls! (Ones that couldn't possibly look more phallic...)

However, I have to be serious for a moment here... I didn't really expect you guys to jump on board so quickly and start wreaking havoc and chaos... (I'm actually pretty proud of that, though...) HOWEVER! I will need to add some structure to the chaos you're leaving behind as you guys are going in all different directions...

From now on, I will be leaving Requirements and Suggestions in each post before I let you loose, mostly to have some semblance of plot and story structure. Plus, I would like to drop some jokes too, ya know... And right now, I need everyone gathered in one place to introduce the ship and release the tour of the metal, ship-like coffin everyone is going to be crammed into.

And just a heads up here, anyone remember in Star Trek about how things happen wherever they are and travel is rarely mentioned? That's not gonna happen here... I'm going to throw a length of travel time at you guys and see what your chars have been doing to stave off insanity. (Some will probably be more successful than others...)

I need ALL characters in the BRIEFING ROOM ON THE SHIPYARD so the ship can make a dramatic entrance. The reason for this was that too many people thought the blue one was too shiny. So, I have to set-up a major let-down for your characters. (Well, I don't HAVE to, but I would LIKE to...)

And please try not to kill anyone until you're actually out in space? The place is well-populated and trying to hide cadavers can be hard... It's not like there's a bunch of unlocked lockers hanging around for such a purpose... (That may or may not already be "occupied"...)


Huh.  I don't even have to post to screw with people's heads!   :boogie

I don't mind my character being auto'd, but I think you guys may have missed some of my post.  I suppose it's a bit late to amend your first posts Inumo and Draken, but rock was comfortable where it was because it had been taken straight to the briefing room.  I didn't catch that in time.   :blush

However, rock is also much too large to be stored in a simple pocket.  I suppose I could add variable dimensions to it, but I'd prefer not to add variable weight.  If Jason is taking rock to the briefing room, then he'd probably want to push the hoverdolly.
            <-- #1 that is!