Hilary's deadly art thread, featuring 'Merlitz the hippie'

Started by Hilary, August 06, 2006, 02:48:45 AM

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So I finally did a little sketch of him. I know, I know, it's been a while, but no joke ever stays truly dead here. That's my excuse, anyway. I'm not big on this whole 'drawing' thing, so don't make fun.  :B When it was too late I realized I should have drawn the rest of his shirt and have it say, 'Human Be-In.'  :laugh I had way more fun with this than I should have...
Merl the hippie's Favs:
Films: Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! and The Nine Lives of Fritz the Cat
Band: Super Furry Animals
Songs: 'Personality Crisis' and 'No More Heroes'

So here's good ol' Merl. He's a hep-cat, all right... (god, there are so many bad jokes for this... you ain't seen nothin' yet.)

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For those who don't get it, the strip she's referring to is here:

I'm going to have to record Merlitz singing now, aren't I?  Too bad I haven't got Marin's lines yet.

That's not a bad sketch - more reminiscent of Amber's early style than the modern Merlitz.  I'm not sure I've seen much of your art before anyway, so I'm not sure what to compare it against..

At the risk of upsetting the mods, this was my attempt at hotrodding Merlitz, the original image being taken from the strip above, obviously.

Guess I'd better start laying down the basic tracks.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on August 06, 2006, 05:21:23 AM
That's not a bad sketch - more reminiscent of Amber's early style than the modern Merlitz.  I'm not sure I've seen much of your art before anyway, so I'm not sure what to compare it against...
Thanks. ^^ Yeah, the face is too long and the ears should be rounder and lower. << This is the first drawing of mine I've put up. *is tempted to subject you poor people to more*

QuoteAt the risk of upsetting the mods, this was my attempt at hotrodding Merlitz, the original image being taken from the strip above, obviously.

Hehehe... *gigglesnort* That works well-- it's making me laugh, anyway.


As threatened:
'Kool In The Kaftan' by B. A. Robertson (as sung in my Merlitz voice for the DMFA Radio Project)


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Heh... very nice. Peace and love, man.  :laugh

Well, I suppose the time has come. I shall succumb to the pull of evil (and immenent embarassment) and morph this into an art thread. I feel like such a sheep... but at least I'm a sheep with an art thread. I normally don't color things, so you people will just have to deal.

I can't decide whether to call this one simply 'Oops,' or 'Providing Material for the Emo Since 1991.' : P You may or may not be able to tell what she's holding...

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IMHO, If Numair Salmalin from Tamora Peirce's The Immortals series was a furry, this is what he would look like. The shirt is a seriously simplified version of the boy's school uniforms from Alice 19th. I know, I know, the fireballs around his hands look stupid like they are, but one of these days I'll get around to making them all pretty in photoshop.

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No idea who this is supposed to be... this is one of those 'three in the morning, slightly unconcious' sketches. I like his hairstyle, though. ^^

This one features Stanley from the awesome webcomic Wasteland. One day the thought 'SuperStan' popped into my head. Isn't he cute? *pets his ears*
*EDIT* I just realized what his feet remind me of-- Tommy dePaola's art.  xD

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