Question about timeline

Started by jleshin, July 02, 2010, 03:05:02 PM

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Hi all,
I'm kind of new here and to the comic but I had a question about the timeline of the story.
So Fa'Lina lost her clan and founded the SAIA. She lost her clan because she wouldn't tell someone where Destania was, it seems like I read. Maybe I missed it, but 2 things. Do we know why someone was looking for Destania? And she went to the academy after it's founding presumably, though according to the story she didn't want to go and was fairly young? Thanks for helping me out and hope the comic continues for a while

Anker Steadfast

Well ... if I have understood things right, a dragon-cubi war broke out in part because of something Destania mother (Cyra) did, possibly in how she gained tri-wing status. So, Cyra's Clan was hunted pretty much to extintion and the dragons wanted the last of the Cyra clan killed as well, which included Destania - Fa'Lina objected to that and became the target of the dragons rage. Lots of dead cubi later, and suddenly it's attractive to be in a good hiding place, such as the one that Fa'Lina was creating - So I reckon that's why Destania went there, though Cyra might have pressured her into it.

Did that make sense ?

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.