Fragments of The Soul (IC) {M}

Started by Myr, June 20, 2010, 09:15:48 PM

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"Yes, I do mean the discussion."

Dhōngami took the seat, putting his plate down on the table, dunking the sweetbread into the stew, hoping for it to act as a sponge, and took a bite.  He was far to hungry to analyze anything about it, other than it was edible.  The half breed listened in on the questions and answers flying about, content to eat his meal.

Curiously, he did not change his grip on Fumetsu much, just adjusted his hand placement to lower on the shaft, keeping the weapon point up, nearly perpendicular to the floor.  Soon enough, his supply of sweetbread was gone, and the small amount of stew that remained not worth the loss of dignity to obtain it.  Dhōngami sat up straighter, now that he was safe from starvation, for the moment. 

"If I remember properly," Dhōngami started, "swamps have just as much probability to house valuable natural resources, like gems or metals, but they go unharvested because the cost of doing so without overly damaging the swamp would be too great.  My questions, because my fellows here have already asked everything else necessary for the job are:  What aren't you prepared to offer as payment?  And, what guarantees do we have that you will uphold your end of the deal?"


Pale, seemingly emotionless eyes looked at each of those currently seated as they spoke-if he noticed the look that Angel gave him, the creature gave no sign whatsoever.

Then he smiled, his gaze locking on the werewolf quite firmly in that bizarrely predatory fashion of his. "This is more promising than I'd been told to expect of outsiders. You have the wherewithal to think I'm being dishonest, when I have yet to actually lie. Very, very good. It is not in my kind's nature to be direct, and while the common language is the easiest for us to speak, it lacks much of the meaning of our own tongue."

Réan leaned forward a little, locking his slim fingers together as he kept his attention mostly focused on the werewolf. "Fine, I will try my best to tell you what I do know...hnn? Another one?"

The fellow flicked his attention to the scaled newcomer. "Before I continue...yes, we live in a swamp. As to knowledge...why not pull a seat over, newcomer, and listen."

"As I was saying," Réan continued in that smooth, soft tone of his while waiting to see if Bart would get a chair or simply stand, "You all raise reasonable questions-if all those whom come to help are as desirous of accurate information, there will be little worry indeed. But to the point."

He looked between Vladim and Cog. "You both ask similar questions, so my answer will be relatively the same. But the wolf is right, to a we don't need to overthrow someone-more like stamp their existence from this world for what they are doing to us." It was hard to imagine such a dry, dusty voice could hold much feeling, but the sheer hatred that bubbled forth for an instant was horrifying with how calmly he said it. "There are no maps, but we will provide guides...since it is impossible to map a land that is always changing in some way, save for it's borders."

"As to what you term obstacles...all I can attest to is their physical prowess, since my youth deprives me of names, and those under his or her influence are clouded from our awareness, their abilities hidden." He nodded at Kafzeil as the Angel made his order. "Think of what it would take, in a fair fight, to match and perhaps overwhelm that of an Angel like himself in the best of condition. The speed, the agility, and sheer strength required to rip through skin that can be hardened like stone in a few blows. That," the creature said, "Is what you can expect from more developed members of my kind, unlike myself."

Here the wolfish fellow locked his eyes on Cog again. "If you want to know about the enemy, all we know is that if they can master us, they are a threat to the world in general. And we would rather not give them an army to do it with. But now..." He eyed the ceiling for a few moments, his tone more thoughtful. "The task will sound very simple...but at the very least we need you to try and take back four treasures our leader has been given to protect and that I cannot name. Once they are taken, we can move in and crush the filth responsible-with them, they can bind our minds, warp our perceptions...and make us your enemy without choice." His head tilted to one side a little, still regarding the smooth roofing above. "If you can kill them, so much the better-it will save us the many lives that will be lost in the effort."

"But to the rewards." His head snapped back to a more normal angle here. "I will not be the one giving them to you-our leader will, if it is within his power. Gold and electrum, artifacts lost to the memory of other sentient races, knowledge of spells and forgotten things...there is much we can give, which is why I believed it simplest to tell me what you would want. As to what we can't give..." Réan smiled openly at the half-Angel. "I won't know unless I'm told what you want, and it turns out we don't have it. And to assurances on holding our end of a bargain...."

There was a curious silence here, and those flat orbs focused on Dhōngami quite intently. "Know that we always keep to a bargain, unless the ones we deal with betray us. But if you want an assurance..." The creature frowned, thinking. "It is a pity I'm needed in Malse urgently, or I would come with you as a gesture towards that...hnn...I suppose keeping any of those that guide you alive would have to suffice as an assurance. Or at least one of them, anyway."


The squirrel blinked as the Angel brought out his purse, before reaching under the counter to pull out a well-used rag. "You're lucky we get a lot of interesting folk here, else I wouldn't have a cloth handy for just that purpose Angel." He smiled a little as he set it before the fellow...even as the door behind him slid open and the soft padding of feet could be heard-along with the smell of cooked food.

"As to your drink...just a second." He glanced behind him, looking down beside him. "Yes, take them to the table where our friend's at, and don't you dare let them touch the floor." Ferge huffed. "And there better not be any of your fur on them this time, or I'm wrapping your fuzzy butt in a full-body hairnet. And you know I'd rather you weren't in your natural form when working! Now," he looked at Kafzeil again as the soft sound resumed, "Vodka or stout, huh? I don't usually get an order for that...but let's see. Heh, the last Angel I ever had in here wanted wine from northern Hylo. Strange stuff, sweet as honey yet stings on the way down like the kick of a bee-stung mule."

The fellow turned towards the rack behind him, looking over the different bottles. " to that lot there, just a group of adventurers trying to make sense of my friend there," he said lightly despite the odd emphasis he put on the word 'friend'. "If you care to try your luck talking to him, be my guest-ah, here we go, just show me the color of your money first, and wipe it off if it's as bloody as your weapon," the squirrel said firmly as he brought a small bottle of the requested vodka over.


As if for the sake of distraction, Vladim would soon feel the odd sensation of something nudging his right leg, followed by a soft, vulpine whine. If he happened to look down he'd see a slim, curious-looking fox that looked rather feral in that its general coat was a stark bone-white, with light ginger along the ears and tail-tip. The animal was too well-defined to be normal as well, and the eyes much too intelligent as one could see a pair of small plates balanced perfectly on its back. Each had a rather normal-seeming hamburger-complete with a bun made of that same sweetbread the half-angel had gotten.

At least they looked normal at first glance anyway.

And hmm, and that odd animal looking up at the lynx placidly must be the kitsune Ferge had been talking about...
'I've seen monks try and cover their ears when they hear these haunting notes, but they just don't understand that your soul doesn't need ears to hear.' ~Malkithe

'Sanity is a spider clinging to a fluttering thread of web unaware of the fingers reaching for it, catching it, plopping it in my mouth....' ~Myr


Renald's scowl deepened. This Réan had a knack for talking a lot without saying anything. The mention of electrum caught his attention though. If they had connections to resources that rare...
Well, he always needed materials. And this man was offering to bring him to his superiors. The doberman allowed himself a brief smile at the thought. His superiors, apart from the ones he's sitting down with presently.
"When would I be able to meet this leader of yours, then?" He asked, pleasantly. Inwardly his mind roiled. He should find out exactly what he was dealing with. Gage the strength of what he was up against, lest these creatures turn on him. How difficult would it be to get this Réan to arm wrestle him? He'd tried that once, with a demon, worked out alright... He'd lost the contest, but he knew just how hard to swing his hammer so the fellow couldn't block it afterwards.


As the angel came closer, Vladim shifted nervously in his chair.
How wonderful... Well... I'll have to be careful.. get him on my side... make him wing-slap the bucket ... or both.. perhaps the armored dog could be of use... someone with a cloak of cubi skin will probably not be all that angel-friendly either
The rest of the members reacted predictably, leaping on the bandwagon of questions ... only the wolf's talk showed some unexpected wit, evidently catching upon the hints in Vladim's speech.

Rean's response made him put on a wide grin, concealed by the cape somewhat.

What an *assuring* guarantee... We get you your gizmos and kill as many of them as possible... and, having received a boost large enough to sort out someone who can match an angel HtH you surely will be motivated  to bleed out of your pockets, not to mention share powerful knowledge... and as an assurance we get the lives of our com.. one of them... who has no idea what is he going into... while the orchestrator conveniently disappears despite this supposedly being critical to their society...
He changed thoughts for a moment
And, if by some damn way you can listen to my thoughts, since i forgot to conceal again, yeah, you win... Even i give better assurance to my henchmen, and that is something to ponder.... Do you really think all of us here are such incredible idiots to leap...

Vladim felt a nudge on his foot...
So he re... SHIT!
"Pchhh!" Vladim involuntarily hissed, almost jumping from his chair, and under his cape his fur puffed up like after a lightning strike.

When the nudging didn't cease, he looked down and noticed the small fox with hamburger-plates.
Wonderful... making an idiot out of myself again....hell.
He glanced around the room with a "So what?" look on his face,  picked up a hamburger and started eating hungrily.
Mmm.. meat enclosed in meat... that's my kind of food... well except eclairs maybe...
Taking a short break he looked onto others as if nothing had happened, and began talking:

"I have a few questions.... Firstly... you say they physically match an angel... and can use illusions, mindwarping... but what about other powers, such as offensive magic? The strongest muscles can't help you against someone who'll comfortably nail you from distance, you know? *grin* ... Now onto a more sombre matter. Money is easy to check  - basic chemistry i can do in my sleep.. but how can we be sure any knowledge, such as the thing i have an interest in, won't be a snake oil recipe? Especially after handing you out the gizmos?"

What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Dhōngami's reaction to the sudden hissing of his cat neighbor was to whip his hand up, the beginnings of a Magic Missile glowing in his grip.  Once he realized the feline was merely startled, he let it die off, muttering apologies.

"So, what you are saying is you don't exactly know whom it is you want us to murder, is it?"  Just great, we could be going up against a Fae for all they know.  Captain Balls had also produced a question, and so Dhōngami kept his mouth shut after speaking.  There was very little left to say.  All that remained was proving their individual worth to the endeavor. 

Dhōngami would let the others at the table, and the newcomer speak a bit longer, then "We have all asked much of you.  What questions do you have for us?"

[[OOC:  Blargh.]]


[[OOC:  Brought to you as a joint posting by Kafzeil and myself...]]

The creature glanced at the Doberman thoughtfully. "When? That depends on what happens here, doesn't it? " There was a touch of  contempt to those words, as if he felt Renald were too eager for his own good-though it quickly vanished as Vladim caught his attention with that sharp hiss of surprise. Hmm, he didn't seem amused really, instead focusing on the last set of  questions presented to him.

"Let me clarify. They," here his narrow muzzle twisted in distaste, "do not have the physical capability to match an Angel, " He nodded once, "We do.  As to what their offensive abilities....none of us whom have attempted to discover them are able to report it." And for good reason-they'd no doubt been bent to this foe's will! "If you refer to us on magical abilities-I will say my race has little use for magic itself, despite our knowledge of it. Our companions are the ones that make use of spells." His strangely dead eyes seemed to bore into Vladim's own. "For us, it is considered fortunate enough when we are imbued with you say, talent."

"As to what those talents are," he continued in that strangely soft voice of his, "I am unable to name them all. But I can show you mine. The only problem is it has...specific requirements to work." The wolfish creature's eyes flicked over those with him,  then focusing on the rest of the guests-

-Before settling firmly on that ferret-angel that had glared in return at him earlier.

"Watch. This is why I in particular am not concerned about a ranged opponent." There wasn't a so much as a twitch as the creature lashed out-those closest to him could feel a curious surge-not magic, but something as unnatural as Réan himself....


Kafzeil frowned at the jibe about his money being bloody, and had been about to comment on that when a sudden, searing pain made itself known in his chest. "Wha-?" he managed as the pain increased-it was like someone had burrowed their hand under his ribs and was now tightly clenching his heart in a grip of iron. There had been no warning, not the hint of a spell in the vicinity to prepare him for this!

The innkeeper prudently stepped out of reach, ears flicking back and raising a brow as the Angel coughed-a nasty, hacking sound-and clutched his chest with trembling fingers. "Mister, if you're carrying a plague, I'm right obliged to have you tossed out my door," the rodentine fellow said seriously as he kept his distance.

What in hell's name is going on here?! the ferret-Angel was thinking as he tried not to fall out of his chair, It's like someone's trying to crush my heart with their bare hands! Who's doing this? Where....

Needless to say, Kaf was starting to panic as he looked over his shoulder, trying to see if he could catch whom was responsible for his pain-even as it worsened, becoming that type of agony that would put a being on their knees and yet not quite kill them...

...And ended up locking eyes with the same fellow that had hissed at him, those flat eyes clearly enjoying his suffering as if it were some grand play solely for himself. Why you bastard....

And then suddenly the pain was gone, and he gasped as his heart stuttered, seemed to pause...before going back to a somewhat normal, if agitated, pace. You're going to pay....


"My talent is limited by my imagination," the wolfish creature said calmly as he watched the Angel suffer, "I can crush every joint in one's body, one at a time, or even focus on a specific organ. The catch, you wonder?" He glanced at the feline half-angel seated at the table, "I have to be familiar with one's internal structure, as well as aware of my target within a rather general vicinity.  But I digress. You want me to ask you questions...."

His eyes closed for a moment, before he glanced at Dhōngami. "I'm curious. Are you animal, or plant?  I have yet to see anything like you before." Then his attention flicked towards the curiously scaled demon. "And are you warm-blooded, and yet with the appearance of a reptile?" His head tilted ever so slightly as he waited for their answers.
'I've seen monks try and cover their ears when they hear these haunting notes, but they just don't understand that your soul doesn't need ears to hear.' ~Malkithe

'Sanity is a spider clinging to a fluttering thread of web unaware of the fingers reaching for it, catching it, plopping it in my mouth....' ~Myr


"I am both and neither."  Dhōngami shrugged.  "My parents were an Angel, and a plant Mythos.  So I'm too plantlike to be classified an animal, but too much an animal to be a plant.  My parents considered me a new species of plankton.  And, as much of an excellent demonstration that was, I hope you understand it was thoroughly rude." Dhōngami then moved Fumetsu from its perpendicular position, to bring the weapon across his chest, and briefly touching the sheath over the spearhead with his free hand.  "Very, very rude."

A moment of tension would likely ensue.  Once he let the subtle threat hang in the air for a moment, Dhōngami spoke up again.  "But you are our go-between for our potential employers.  Some rudeness is not intolerable.  Next question?"


Bart gave Vladim a strange leer before noticing the small vulpine trotting by, burger balanced rather nicely upon its back. Finally, some decent grub in this nowhere town. He snapped his clawlike fingers gently as the fox came near, grabbing and setting his plate on the table behind him. He could dig in once everyone finished talking.

"Well, shit, how do zombies operate? How can a guy call lightning down by saying a few words? Why is anything like anything?" The scaled demon cracked his knuckles. "Is me not being cold-blooded just too over the edge to believe or something?" Really. For God's sake, he'd nearly gotten run over by a gryphon cart on the way here. There was magic everywhere in this bitch.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


Managing another cough as he rubbed his chest, looked at the barkeep, looking angered as he opened coin purse, placing a few Gold, Silver, and Bronze Coins or various mints." I doubt you take anykind of paper money." He muttered, turning his gaze to group behind him. He stood up, muttering "I'll be back shortly just need to sort something out."

He strolled over to table, arms crossed."Hey, nice magic trick."He grinned sarcastically."Just a warning. Warm me about pulling something like on some random shmuck, okay?I am not in any sort of mood for bullshit.."

Kaf was aware as far as Creatures went...he wasn't terribly intimidating. Still, he was hoping for something, granted pissing off a Creature in a bar was considered suicidal in most places.he normally wasn't this confrontationaleither,  but dammit, the least he could ask for was some peace! Not helping was the trick Rean had pulled left Adrenaline coursing in the Angel's veins, and let's be honest, having somebody telekinetically squeeze your internal organs would make any sour.
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts


Vladim stared right at Rean, his internal state being worth of the old joke, defining mixed feelings as your mother-in-law rushing down a cliff in your new car.
A part of his mind was rejoicing that the angel got his insides twisted for no reason except it being a neat demo, which wasn't only entertaining but also probably made his relationship to the employer a lot less cordial; a fact that could be useful later in either forging an alliance, or checking him out.
However, a more common sense endowed part warned.

Now how the hell did he do that? It isn't magic... psionics perhaps? Or some damn creature power, like natural shapeshifting.... In any case, he isn't making his argument any stronger.... not only the "guide" and hostage is just a single expendable dolt, he'll be able to kill us requiring just a moment's lack of attention to squeeze a brain or so.... seems like we're in it up to the neck and we haven't met the enemy yet... but who knows... maybe they'll be making more believable offers...

Still staring at Rean with an unflinching gaze, Vladim spoke.
"That was.... nice indeed... was it psionics? I last saw something similar ages ago, back at the course.... " The tone of his voice changed from entertained to a much more stern one.
"However ,  it raises further questions.... first would be, what makes you think we'll be able to stand against your enemies?
Nothing , of course... that's why their promises are so wide and yet so badly detailed out.. they defintely don't expect we'll ever collect...

Second, i unfortunately have to repeat... how are we able to make sure any knowledge gotten from you won't be a recipe for snake oil...  a scam, if you prefer simpler words.."
Luck has it he didn't even notice Dhuongami's magic missile attempt, or his apology... otherwise the situation probably wouldn't have ended nicely for one of them.
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Apart from some minor knack for enchanting, metalworking, and a handful of other tricks he'd found beneficial to learn, Renald had all the magical affinity of a pomegranite. He could read the victim's face well enough though, and kept it in mind. He remembered the succubus he'd dealt with recently had been capable of a similar spell. He'd had to take two tries to reach her, the second time having reinforced his armor...
Renald smiled, "You mention that this ability is particular to you. Are you saying that there's a great deal of variance on your abilities?" He took a small sip of his drink, "I do believe that's the most useful bit of information he's given us today, gentlemen."
"I think I'm getting a good sense for how you think, Rean. You Are Very Mysterious. That Is What You Do, Oh Yes Indeed." He took another sip, "And you're used to that being taken as a given by those around you. But that's because of who you surround yourself with, isn't it? Your superiors don't even consider it worthwhile to tell you half of what exactly you're hiring us to do." He took a longer gulp from his mug, draining it and slamming it to the table. "So why don't we speed this up to the bit where you put us in contact with someone who has the authority to negotiate this matter, hrm?"


Réan had been about to respond to the half-angel's mild threat...but instead locked his eyes on Kafzeil again. Clearly he wasn't impressed by the warning. In fact, he seemed even more amused as he spoke.  "Is that all, prey?" He said disdainfully-rather like how some of the more arrogant creatures would speak to a being whom had challenged them. "You disappoint me, very much so. It's bad enough I have trouble speaking in a manner that others understand, but to suffer disappointment from a delicacy such as yourself..." The wolfish creature shook his head...even as what he was saying might have sunk in.

He just called an Angel a delicacy! Not to mention the ostentatious title of 'prey' at that!

But before one could probe into that, the creature tilted his head slightly. "Now. I don't see what's wrong with playing with a potential meal before killing it at a later date-you other creatures do it all the time." He shrugged. "But I have business to take care of here and elsewhere that are a bit more important than attempting to eat someone alive-or going for more entertaining options before said dining." He nodded at those seated with him. "They are a bit more important than you are...unless you were happening to be here to meet someone about work."

Then his attention flickered between Bart and Dhongami-he certainly wasn't bothered by the threatening gesture the partial Mythos was displaying. "I see," he said to the  Half-Angel, "As much as I want to probe that further, such an experience would be quite painful...and unlike someone else, I would have a bit of trouble putting you back together again, I believe. As to you," he eyed the scaled Demon with seeming interest, "Perhaps I am mistaken about you being a real reptile as I focus my senses. Indeed..."

His muzzle twisted into a grim smile abruptly. "We know how the undead work; the magic that chains their souls to their flesh and gives it a semblance of life...or how it merely uses the memories left behind in the shell to imitate a soul, should they be intact enough." Then he shrugged. "And you merely interest me-it is not often we see a sentient cold-blood like ourselves, you see. A contradiction like yourself is most...interesting. It makes us wonder if you were not cursed by one of those wretched Fae to appear so."

Wait, Hmm...might want to probe into that.

"But I digress." Réan settled more comfortably as he looked intently at Vladim. "Clearly my manner is not helping this affair. But to answer you feline-it was what we call talent. It is similar to the mental abilities you mention...but with a distinct difference that to explain in detail would take years." There was an oddly challenging quality to his tone, as ambiguous as if one were peering through fog at some unknown figure. "Suffice it to say that when I use my ability in particular, it's like merely imposing my very essence upon your own-an expenditure of my life-force in a precise, controlled manner that doesn't even require serious concentration. Magic cannot protect against it, nor can armor...since they're not the target it works upon."

"As to why we think you and the others present are are not like us. You do not have our limitations, our weaknesses...and most of all, your minds function quite differently. You will see things that we cannot, and act in a manner that will hopefully succeed." The creature slouched back in his chair, head tilting again even as that vulpine 'waiter' made to pad away once he was certain they'd gotten their orders. "And it is merely one enemy that we are aware of. Those of my race that are under his or her control do not really count." A lighter, almost normal smile graced his muzzle here....

...Before he paused at Renald's words, his attention focusing on the dog with interest. "Yes, they are as different as the individual that they belong to...for those few of us that have them." He relaxed a little, even looking amused by the canine's assessment of him before speaking further. "How very wrong you are, Renald. While yes, our leader has not given me the most precious details-instead wanting me to give enough to interest you into finding out more and make the effort to talk with him directly-this is not how I normally do things. This language is you say, inaccurate when it comes to conveying meanings. As to whom I surround myself with..."

That amusement deepened. "I'm well aware of what you're thinking-believing my companion is a servant or slave, or something close correct? Know this: I would fight to protect him as much as he would fight to protect me, which is much more than I can say of most other societies.  Our companions are of more value to us than any treasure or power, and we would do much to protect them. But enough."

The creature glanced towards where his companion had went earlier. "You would have to come with me and be truly, honestly interested in this venture. No doubt Cori has things prepared anyway...and perhaps our leader can speak to you the point, as some say. Shall we? The feline will get his proof if you do, and at least for a moment or two, you will talk to someone whom can speak your language in an understandable manner."
'I've seen monks try and cover their ears when they hear these haunting notes, but they just don't understand that your soul doesn't need ears to hear.' ~Malkithe

'Sanity is a spider clinging to a fluttering thread of web unaware of the fingers reaching for it, catching it, plopping it in my mouth....' ~Myr


Cogidubnus had sat silently for some time, drinking his ale and waiting as he was, for the creature sitting before them to take them seriously.
He'd heard more believeable offers from kidnappers. They'd be lucky not to walk ten feet into the swamp before their 'employers' killed them and took everything they had, and sold their organs on the open market.

And they apparently thought they could do it, too. Like Vladim, he'd heard of mind powers that sounded very similiar to what this creature professed to be capable of, but apparently this was not quite right. Not even magic or armor could defend against it. They obviously weren't so omnipotent if they needed to hire people to do things for them. Which made him think they were simply being used. As food, fodder, or victims for robbery, didn't much matter which.

The wolf wondered at the truth of their claims. Magic broke the rules all the time. It's what magic did. Such a blanket statement was, while not impossible, very unlikely, and was probably only talking about more direct applications of magic. Lots of things could pierce a forcefield. Could he crush a brain made into living stone? The wolf wondered.

The wolf paused for a moment. Life force. That sounded similar to something else...

"I know this." Cog said, "That one cannot impose yourself over reality. But it can be learned to realize there is no separation. Therefore the master acts, without doing anything."
It was the spirit of the ravening beast inside him which had at first forced him to master his own energies in this way. And it was likely that it was only because of his particular circumstances that he was capable of what he was. He was no ancient sage, although he tried to be wise. But he was always learning.

A small ripple in the air, like the breath from a sigh, passed over the table, brushing dust and crumbs from it.  A subtle carress.
Control was hard. He breathed out. The dust on the table spiraled up, and then dissipated.

"I think that I must agree with Renald." Cogidubnus said, after pausing for a moment. "And, as well, I think that perhaps we should confer amongst ourselves before agreeing to anything."


.. the angel will be a lot less of a problem if this goes on like this... well done, Rean
The lynx smiled for a moment.
Then, upon hearing what can be hardly called something else than boasting, his eyes phased out, trying to think about the words he just heard, and dislodging a loose splinter from the table with his claw, toying with it.

Imposing their essence, not stopped by armor or magic....  knowledge of anatomy...  master acts without acting....

Vladim has read about many mechanisms of magic, and this again, reminded him of something... for certain obscure magic phenomena, the act of observation was strong enough to impose the caster's will upon the observed, entity sometimes even unwittingly... this could be one of those cases.

If only i had my books around...  i think i saw this somewhere....

What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Dhōngami stood, realigning Fumetsu, and moved over to stand by the swordsman, going the way around the table that did not take him past the wingcapped canine.  "Well?" He spake, barely lowering his voice, "They're not very helpful, but as far as I can tell they've been straightforward with us.  They've tipped their hand, we haven't.  I advise taking advantage of that, because I am, whether or not you lot do so."

And then he went over by Rean, crossing Fumetsu over his chest yet again.  "Now, I don't know about these others, but I'm in.  Can you please point me in the direction of someone who can tell me what you want stabbed until it ceases its metabolic processes?"

[[OOC:  Dear Piflak almighty, this post is full of failure.]]


The ferret raised an eyebrow, managing a soft, humorless chuckle, grabbing a seat and sitting down.

"Normally, I'd advise against hiring adventurers or Paladins."he didn't finish his usual mantra, For the same price you can just buy a cart of kerosene, dose your home in it, and light a match. You'll get the same results. but he continued, looking over the motley crew of misfits.

You're not much better then them, Kaf.

He scowled."Now, what is it you want? Warriors to save a bunch of poor farmers from bandits? Isn't that a tad cliche?As a matter of fact, what are you?"He could almost imagine a chess board between him and his new rival.

(Surgeon general's warning: this post sucks!)
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts