Califur fun!

Started by InsanityRequiem, June 07, 2010, 09:32:05 PM

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Insofar Califur's come and gone and all that!

If any of the folks here went to it, describe it to us and give us the juicy details! Inquiring minds (Mine. :3 ) want to know!

Like... Was Amber's chit-chat awesome, how was the rest of the folks, yadda yadda.

Also, I heard on KROQ that you Califurians and the KROQers had a blast together, shock and all at discovering that separate cons were booked at the same place for the same days. Yeah, Sunday night, Loveline had a 10 minute skit about it with a caller Furry. Same with the morning show, a couple furryies called in to chat with the folks on Kevin & Bean.

Pictures were taken too!

Makes me grin, two very weird subcultures (Music and Furry) have a culture clash on the same days.
Who is the sanest of us all? Why, the insane of course!


Sorry for the wait. I have a tendency to procrastinate and let real life interfere with the fun stuff. :P

Califur was awesome! And Amber was exceptionally awesome! *^^* I attended all her panels (that I knew of; I don't think I missed any, but you never know). She let us in on ALL the secrets of DMFA!!!! MWAHAHAHA!!!!


Yeah, okay, so she didn't do that (we tried, but she is one tough cookie!), but she did tell us many of her inspirations, what she likes and hates in other comics, what she uses to draw the comics and make them, etc. It was, for a geek like me, totally informative and entertaining.  :mowcookie

The fursuit panels I went to were nice (I have ideas, and more knowledge with which to execute them now!). My biggest complaint was that so many panels overlapped, so I couldn't go to them all (but Amber's took priority!). Let's see... Furry Night Live was cute (being a costumer, I prefer a masquerade, but this wasn't too bad). Cabaret, the adult late night entertainment, was hilarious and not what I expected (didn't realize it was a sort-of strip/dance show; nice surprise!). My fav moments were when the MC, played by a unicorn, and the guy in charge of sound, a whale, started bickering. The sound guy began going "Charlie....!" and the audience just went nuts. Then the "One nation, under pod" joke came up and it was a riot from there. :)

For a good part of the con, I was hidden in my hotel room, working on some last minute things (which, thanks to a major costume malfunction, I didn't get to wear, but oh well), so there are probably better sources of info than I.

Here's some pics though. I made a big collage of all the pics I took at Califur (except for the ones of me in my costumes; those are in another of my deviations).

Anker Steadfast

Oh hey, that does look like fun. :)

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.