Greetings to all

Started by Lostangles, May 18, 2010, 11:05:35 PM

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Hello to one and all, I've been a reader of DMFA for quite some time, and I hoped that here I might find inspiration for my own artistic endeavors. I'm not much of an artist as of yet but hopefully with time things shall improve. Aside from that my largest interest is in cars of any sort and just nifty gadgets in general, technology fascinates me though often times it can be baffling.

At some point I also hope to partake in the various RPs here, though that might not happen anytime soon, or at least until I work out the proper etiquette for RPing here. I look forward to meeting you all, and hopefully getting to know the folks here better.

\\\"Hold on tight and keep the loud pedal down\\\"


Hello there :)
Welcome to the forums. Don't anger the mods. ;)
So, cars and nifty gadgets. I don't know much about either, but I'd like to know which type of nifty gadget you like? The definition of "nifty" tends to vary. ;)


Welcome, angles. You can definitely become a great artist as you desire.  :januscat

llearch n'n'daCorna

Hiya, welcome to the forums, 'ware the box, read the rules, yadda yadda yadda.

All the usual warnings apply, and have a nice day. ;-]
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Welcome to the forums, beware the forum might contain traces of nuts. If you are allergic to nuts please be advised. Seed to harvest, harvest to seed once more, without rain you will not any more.


If nothing else I at least managed to read the various rules before registering, though I like to think that I haven't any tendency to unruly behavior.

As for the definition of nifty, that pretty much covers everything from the first duel action pumps created somewhere in the middle east if I recall, all the way up to the LHC, which I understand has finally gotten up and running after numerous failures. That said my knowledge and interest still depends on the gadget specifically.  Unfortunately that leads to my interest in random trivia being so varied that I don't really know anything in depth about any particular thing, unless it's especially interesting for some reason.
\\\"Hold on tight and keep the loud pedal down\\\"