The Line in the Stars (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Azlan, July 31, 2006, 04:36:21 PM

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Starchaser and Beyond

"I think the whole, getting shot in the gut by 'your' guys, then getting saved by my guys went a long way...  Look, i guess what i'm trying to say is... I think we got off on the wrong foot... Get some rest, I'll be sure you get patched up."

Moving over to Ben, Knight replied, "I can take watch, you should get some rest while you can... who knows when you'll get your next chance."

As the flight went on, Knight split his attention between checking Jeanne's vitals, checking on Ana, and making sure Holly wasn't up to anything.  As the craft docked with Matron, Knight started by rousing those who were resting.  He then gathered his gear, double checked that all weapons were safe, and unloaded, then moved for the hatch.  His focus was primarily on Jeanna and Holly... both would probably need to get to the medical wing... in fact, most the team should probably get things checked out. 

He looked to Ben, "Uh... We should probably head to the medical ward first... get everyone patched up.  You know she'd demand some of us go anyways..."  Turning to the group as a whole, Knight stated, "We're heading for the medical facilities, no questions asked, no griping... Grab your gear, and lets get moving, the sooner we're done the sooner we can debrief.  Jaice, give Jeanne a shoulder, Hacker, make sure our new guests don't get themselves lost."

Heading down the ramp first. Knight's gear was loose, his appearance somewhat ragged.  He was starting to focus on Saioko... He hoped he could use their connection to let her know he was safe, and could oh so desperately use a guide.  "As he stepped onto the Bay's floor, he couldn't help but say, "Is it just me... or did home just get significantly bigger?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


No life, no interesting tidbits of technology, and no places where he could safely land to get out and walk around; La'orth gradually became more and more bored.  Moving around what little he was able to to pop kinks and work aching muscles was about the only thing to break his monotony.  It wasn't much help.  As the time ticked away slowly he considered turning on a movie from his secret compartment stash even though he knew that it wouldn't be wise to distract himself too much.  After debating this with himself for a while, on a whim, he broadcast a short joking message aimed at the source of the endlessly repeating distress/warning messages.

"So, any alcohol left down there?  I got the entertainment if you guys still got any booze."

La'orth chuckled to himself a moment later when he realized that even had there been anything left on the planet to respond, it wasn't likely to have understood Korsinian.

He called up the planetary scan while he rummaged around for, and pulled out, a suitable movie to watch.
            <-- #1 that is!

Prof B Hunnydew

Find your Castle in the Sky

Watching the main screens of the planet and her own private screen of the Drive signals, Nova can also feel and hear the song of the Mother and Matron's drives as they grew more in sync.   "So the old king is died, long live the King?  Song is ... The song isn't over. It changes and shifts, yet it still remains the same...?"  Nova see Matron/mother's song become more Mother's song over the psion drive.  The kitten, Mara jumps out of the Nova control panel and landing on Nova, crying out "Something is wrong with Matron..."  

Nova, Rebecka and Alexis turned to Matron as she fades from view, leaving only Mother.



You awake on an alien ship, now here comes the probing

Great... The thought that a friend of his had been... made... into something else trickled through him, eventually settling as a cold dull feeling in his gut; heaped onto the ever-growing pile of misgivings he was having with the universe today. "During this, awakening, I assume you didn't give her any special control mechanisms?" the question was aimed at Xaos, though Robert felt he was a very biased source of information. "I'd really hate to find out that a friend of mine was being used as a puppet."

Xaos just flashed that infuriating grin of his which neither confirmed or denied anything as the pod opened.

As the initial shock of seeing Mina, in the fur, faded Robert tried to rally "Mina are you," he shook his head and sighed, "How do you feel? What do you remember? What have you been told?"
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...



Doc will notice, as he exited first and as the ramp was descending, that a purple colored vixen dressed as a medical officer steps from behind a landing gear to approach the ramp.  There is no way she could have crossed the shuttle bay from any of the obvious entrances and been in such a position that quickly.  She is surprised to have been noticed by the coyote.

As the Starchaser's passengers disembarked, a violet vixen is waiting.  One look at the condition of the peoples before her and the body over the stranger coyote's shoulder, she echoes Knight's directive, "g'day... now all you lot waltz yer tails to the infirmary now!"

As everyone is escorted by the very concerned vixen, Knight is approached by a smiling wolf female.  Cyndi wags her tail happily, "Hiya Knight, I'm here to help... temporary assignment to medical due to a light duty chit."

As Matron is a much larger vessel, the trip is somewhat longer.  The infirmary itself is understandably larger.  The vixen, whom many know as Cynthia, quickly orders various people around to medical bed units.  The female wolf goes about administering various basic tests to those not obviously requiring major attention from the doctor herself.  She pauses and drops a holopad as she realizes Romulus prominently placed in the ER trauma unit.  Cyndi recognizes enough of the medical displays to realize he is dead.

The violet vixen sighs and shakes her head at the onlooking Ben and Hacker, "I'm sorry, he is gone.  We could repair the damage or clone him, but the spark of existence is gone from his body.  I am sorry."

Ben slams his hand against the wall, "damn it, I thought with your technology you might... that you could..."

Cynthia grips Ben's shoulder, "I can't bring the dead back to life, especially not when the brain is so drastically traumatized."

Leaving the body of the wolverine for now, she turns her attention to Jeanne, "oi, we did not put you back together for you to just undo everything.  Lucky for you the medical systems can now function fully with your species."  The medical unit began the process of repairing her cellular structure.

Jeanne gave the doctor a weak smile, "sorry."

Both Harriet and Anna received anti-toxin injections to safely clear the remainder of the poisons from their systems.  Ana also received a counter agent against the general anesthetic used to knock her out.  Her fatigue levels kept her unconscious for the time being.

Everyone else was examined and evaluated.  Holly was treated for cuts and bruises and allowed to remain in a medical bed under guard for now.

Marissa's dreamscape

Seizing control of the karaoke controls, Loki pulls up lists from the Interdimensional Music Association, he selects a song.  "This is dedicated to the relationship between Aaron and Marissa!  This is exactly what he wants to be singing right now!"

"Look into my eyes; you will see, what you mean to me.  Search your heart; search your soul, and when you find me there you'll search no more!"  Loki sings as he performs his rendition of a Bryan Adams song.

Ixiah covers his head with a pillow, suffering through the sappy love song.  When finished, Loki is tackled by his cousin, "nooo, don't sing stuff like that!  This isn't a slice of life anime!"

The mic goes flying in the scuffle and lands in Marissa's hand.  She sighs and keys up a song.  (Darker Than Black).

Harvester of Sorrow

The transmission to planet below was innocent enough, but the fighter's mass sensors and power sensors abruptly spiked beyond any measurable note.  With image enhancement, VI was able to display a shape rising from the sickly gray clouds that covered the planet.  It was an ominous shape of what could only be described as a horrific hybrid of a colossal elder god-like squid creature and a queen xenomorph.  

The thing was looming over La'orth's fighter within a blink of an eye.  It covered stratosphere to orbital in a span of time that was near instantaneous and now it was before the poor lost raptor.

A sensation not unlike that of a ravenous maggot burrowing through the dead brain matter of a corpse, gnawed at the raptors mind.  The feeling was horrible, it made La'roth wish to tear open his own skull to try and pull whatever this was out, but then it spoke and the agony from before was nothing compared to this.

We are the Harvester, what are you?  He could understand this voice on so many levels it was unnerving.  Tell us why you disturb our feast?

A great distance away

Matron emerged within the expanse of space between stars.  Nova could tell that they were where they were supposed to be.

Matron looked to the feline and smiled, "your calculations were correct, there should be a star system here."

Mother regarded the screens for a moment and closed her eyes, "there is a system here, but the sun has long since collapsed.  There is a black hole here."

Saioko whistled, "we aren't, you know... too close to it?"

"No, but we need to be careful in our next course plot.  Nova do be careful when you plan this one.  We will set course for the far edge of the system, or the black hole's effects will prevent our jump."  Announced Gaea.

Old Friends change over time

Xaos smiled wickedly, but his expression softened quickly, "do not worry Rob, I would never take away a being's freewill or use such byzantine methods."

Mina yawned and gave her two old friends a small, half smile, "I feel fine... ans don't worry, I'm still me... I just see things differently now.  Er, I guess more like I understand things that would be incomprehensible to others.  Well, I, can't really explain it."

The vixen seemed to darken her mood a bit and she spoke quietly, "yes, I remember what happened," the vixen clutched herself flinching as if experiencing some horrible discomfort, "I can feel it... still, I don't want to talk about the crash... please?"

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Doc looked at the vixen with an odd look.
Doc followed the others to the infirmary. As the violet vixen told Knight the wolverine was dead he shook his head.
"I coulda told you that Ma'am. Took a round through the side of the brain. I don't care who you are once it enters the brain cavity you ain't surviving"
As he was checked.
"Look I'm fine. Check your soldiers out. I didn't see much action there"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

Nova looks at the blackness of space, and adjusts the main view to graviton spectrum. Using to gravitons detection, she trace the gravity well. The invisible black sun comes into view as a swirling mass of dark matter falling into the singularity.   Nova plots a wide course around the mass' event-horizon. Nova also notes that the black hole's radiation is masking the ship signature further on the warp field screen, which is showing Mother's ship signature.   

Still Nova looks at Matron and she worries about her, the ship was doing fine but the Matron essence seem to be very weaken to her. Mother is/had to be more in the driver seat here, and Matron must take a background role. Still this merging of the two was taking a toll on her fairy grandmother.

"Mother, We are set on course of the next jump point, ETA 3-4 hours unless you want to brave a closer course. No scan or indications of any other ship or other mass within 100 light hours at this time. "

Mara stays on Nova lap in a worrying scare little kitten ball.  "Request permission to take Mara to the computer center?" asks Nova "Becky would you come help me?"

Gaea asks "Why we all could come Nova, but what is troubling you and Mara?"
"Matron Are you sure you are alright? You are looking a little pale.",  Nova questions Matron



The VI's warning of imminent impact barely preceeded the arrival in orbit of the new ship from the planet's surface.  The fighter juked crazily and burned away from the planet scarcly a moment later as La'orth slapped the control stick to the side with one hand, braced himself against the side of the cockpit with the other, and pressed both feet to the floor.  It was a largely futile response because the other, much larger ship simply rotated slowly in place to track the fighter starting to go around it.

La'orth's own response was no less inglorious, both as a reaction to the sudden appearance of a very large and aggressive object and because the holovid flew across the canopy and smashed against it.  This, however, was also cut short as the new ship reached out to him.

First contact had him clutching his head.  Then it communicated to him: We are the Harvester, what are you?  Tell us why you disturb our feast?

Gods save me... was his thought as his last meal ejected from his stomach from the thing crawling through his mind.

His hand came crashing down on the transmit button, silencing the VI's warning that his vitals were going haywire.  "I'm D'ral La'orth of a Korsinian exploratory wing.  The interruption is an accident!  I come in peace!"  A new wave of nausea silenced him though his fighter continued to transmit for several seconds.

Very quickly three thoughts passed through his head:
Don't let the Keno'ovek Sailiri send a rescue for me!
I'm about to die!
Oh Gods, they're not using ship-to-ship communication!
            <-- #1 that is!



As Cyndi approached, Knight tipped his head and replied, "Good to see you back and your feet, and glad to hear you've recovered enough to help.  I'm probably just going to need a few pain-killers and a day or 2 of R&R... There are others that need more help than I."

Knight, however, wasn't given that option.  Cynthia and Cyndi were both rather adamant that the special forces commander take a seat on the bed and go through his own line of check-ups.  "Is this really necessary?  I'm fine, seriously... it's Jeanna, Ana, and the ISIS team who need the attention... i'm fine... really"

With pleas falling on deaf ears, Knight let his mind go blank as tests were run.  Waiting to be cleared, the feline asked Cynthia, "Any chance you could give me directions to the bridge after this?... i should take care of the post mission debrief with the major as soon as possible."

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->



Harriet tested her damaged arm.  Not quite up to par, but with a bit of practice, that could be overcome.  "What ship is this?  I do not recognize the design."  The fox doctor, which would have surprised Harriet if she had not been between personality types, looked at her sidelong.
"This is Matron."
Which was not a good enough answer, but an answer none the less.  There was nothing that could be done at the moment.  The chain of command was not clearly established, and she had no idea where she was, where they were going, or even if these people were operating under orders.  Ugh, a headache  began to form in the back of Harriet's head.  Then there was Doc...that complete idiot.  If he hadn't been so stubborn, or at least so loud, she wouldn't have to do what she was going to do later.  Which of course she couldn't think about, because at the moment, she was still stressing about how badly she'd screwed up a simple evacuation.
There was also proper procedure to follow.  The human, once full functional was up and on her feet, off to the Lieutenant's bed, saluting.  "Sir, Chief Warrant Officer TiBalt.  I apologize for the sub-par performance on my part which risked my personnel and yours."


Marissa's dreamscape

As Loki gave his performance Aaron just giggled.  Marissa looked to Aaron confusedly but started giggling with him after a moment.  When Marissa started singing Aaron just watched and listened.  When the song finished she tossed the mic to Ixiah and took a seat in Aaron's lap, much to his surprise.

Ixiah stood up in front, "Okay, now enough with the sap.  You could drown an over sized terran pachyderm in it.  Let's go with something more awesome, like this song I've had stuck in my head for some reason.  I used to ruuuuuule the world~"

Aaron still couldn't get over how Marissa seemed quite at home in her seat.  He smiled and watched the blue fox sing his song, thinking the song was distinctly untrue.  Ixiah knew exactly why St. Peter wasn't calling his name.

Once Ixiah was done he pitched the mic to the dragon, who was now much smaller but still easily the largest living thing in the room, for a given definition of living.  It pulled up a local song, one that was known for lasting a long time.  To think, Aaron thought this would be a quick trip into Marissa's mind!  Hopefully nothing weird happened outside.

Marissa's room
Currently on Marissa's epic sized bed was a sleeping Marissa, a meditative Ixiah and Loki, and an Aaron with a large fake mustache on the end of his muzzle.
The All Purpose Fox


Quote from: Meany on December 14, 2010, 01:07:13 AM
(rest of the post)
There was also proper procedure to follow.  The human, once full functional was up and on her feet, off to the Lieutenant's bed, saluting.  "Sir, Chief Warrant Officer TiBalt.  I apologize for the sub-par performance on my part which risked my personnel and yours."

Knight watched as the human female approached, he'd be in the infirmary for a little while longer, and he really hoped she wasn't dumping more work on him.  He breathed a silent thanks as she saluted and made her apology.  He returned the gesture, and replied, "Second Lieutenant Whitehaven, or, Knight if you prefer.... As for the mission, no harm came to my squad because of you or your people... and really, you pulled us out of that meat-grinder of a tower.  No apology necessary.  The man we lost picked the worst time to challenge the chain of command... Got himself fragged by a stray round when he should have kept his head down... Nothing you could have done about that at all."

Breathing a sigh, night looked over at the body of the fallen Sargent.  Loosing a man was never easy, even one as abrasive and thick-headed as Rom had been.  On the one hand, he'd done his best to keep the man in check... the fact that he'd commanded the loyalty of the troops that they'd hesitated during the pissing match made it worse... he did, however, have Holly.  So... that counted for something, at least... not worth loosing a man, but at least it partially made up for it.

At least, the feline hoped so... He tried focusing on Saioko again... Trying his best to visualize where she was, and let her know he was on board, alive and unharmed... His heart was still heavy, he'd lost someone under his command... and he needed to get the paperwork filed soon, along with the debriefing with the major at some point.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


So three engineers walk into a medical lab...

"So let me get this straight," Spatz trudged along as he digested what he heard as the group followed Xaos back to the medical ward, "Our 'rescuers' turned this ship on, which then got the attention of another, bigger, ship. Our only option at the time was to detonate a nuke,"

"Nukes... with an s," Robert interjected.

Spatz blinked, "Nukes... to cover our escape. I don't know, having to detonate multiple heavy warheads as the only solution doesn't bode well."

Robert only nodded grimly, "I'm not particularly thrilled about our prospects here either. I don't know if we can really trust them." "Not to mention they treat every thought as a spoken word. Its annoying enough that I don't have the privacy of my own thoughts, that I have to wonder if they're up to something." It wasn't something he felt needed to be brought up though.

"Its not entirely their fault, they cant help but to listen in. Its just how we're made," Mina said in an offhand manner, her attention was elsewhere. The comment caused Spatz to scratch his head, "wait, what are we talking about again?"

Mina grimaced, "I did the same thing they did, didn't I." she sighed as she answered Spatz, "We can listen in to peoples thoughts," she glanced back to Robert, "I'm sorry, I'll admit, I was distracted by an update on the ship's situation. We've managed to elude pursuit."

"That's good right?" Spatz tentatively smiled. Robert just grumbled and entered the Infirmary.

Reaching out, Spatz halted Mina outside the door, "Do you know what's eating him?"

Mina shook her head, "Its too garbled. I cant make anything out. I think its more than stress though. It feels too deep rooted for everything that has happened recently." she then followed Robert.

Sighing, Spatz muttered to himself, "this can't end well," and stepped into the infirmary.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Language of the Mad

The Harvester considered this auditory response, La'orth could tell that from how the swirling in his mind flowed about.

We know not of Korsinian.  There is a thing we see within you that we know.  Of what do you know of Vizanzi?

A golden beam of visible energy encases the fighter and stabilizes its erratic movements.

Ship's Control Area

Nova is met with a questioning gaze from Matron, "my visible, projected image is... pale?  As in a relative lightness in color?  I suppose I have not been allocating enough resources to the solid energy projection system, but it has been such a long time since I have traveled the stars.  I may be distracted."

Rebecka shrugged as Mother gave her daughter a questioning gaze.

Gaea smiled and ruffled the head fur of Nova, like she used to when Nova was a kitten, "it is nothing to worry about hon.  Matron is an overship, she requires a dedicated system to aid in navigating inter-dimensional spaces.  Until she regains her... bearings... it is better if Mother does the driving for awhile.  After all, she has not flown in over 200,000 rotations of that planet around its sun."

Matron blushed a little and gave Gaea a sideways grin, "now you're making me feel like an old grannie."

Alexis regarded the wall for a moment and smiled, "oh, we have another node on the network.  This one was dormant until just recently.  Interesting, there are around fifty thousand dormant nodes occupying this network."

Gaea waved off the younger fox's observation, "that is a topic for later dear.  For the moment we need to stick to the navigational plan to make sure we fully allude pursuit before we head to the location of the Sphere."

Saioko excused herself, "pardon me, in the major's absence I will check up on the returned team.  Nova please inform the major of the team's return."

Xaos in the Medical Lab

Xaos entered the medical area with Robert, Spatz and Mina following behind him, "ah, the remainder of Aaron's compatriots... and a few incidental strays it seems."

Holly's ears perked up and she sniped back at the dark colored fox, "hey, was that a dog joke?"

Xaos smiled briefly, but that melted away to a reveal a more somber expression that was not very much like he normally seems (a least to those that most recently know him), "as much as some seem to think me the perpetual stand-up routine, I am not punning you miss."

The elder fox regards the corpse of the wolverine rather blandly, "no, been dead too long.  I would have needed an imprint at the time of, or just after his cessation of life functions.  I might be able to build something off of the undamaged neural pathways, but it really isn't my call Cynthia.  I appreciate the consult though."

The violet vixen nodded, "understood, thank you."

A few moments later a charcoal feline sporting pink head fur entered the infirmary.  She was dressed in the uniform of an ISF Army Officer of Captain's rank (O-3) with insignia indicating she is with R&D.  Somehow she failed to notice the human female standing at attention where Knight was and promptly stepped up to him and hugged him.  "Eric, you are safe.  I was worried, I'm sorry about what happened with Romulus..."  

The feline then noticed Harriet and straightened up with a brief bit of a blush, "ahem, pardon me... dreadful brake in procedure there, please excuse me.  I am Captain Saioko Natsume, Military R&D... you are?"

Spatz caught Robert briefly as the Saioko-Knight-Harriet situation played out, "hey, we okay here?  If something's eating you... let's talk about it.  I know I just woke up, but let's not restart like this."

Marissa's dreamscape

The sublime melody was very deep, it resonated with the very soul... such is the construct of post-singularity Acadian music.  Among the thirteenth chorus, an intruder appeared among the singing foxes.  

Alexis wore a rather amused expression, "what are all of you doing over here?"
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

Command Center               {see note on OOC}

"Major, The teams are back onbroad and in sick bay with additional ISF members." Lt Hunnidew transmitted to Aaron's com unit.  Hopefully he will hear it or it will be in his voice mail.

 Nova sighs as she looks to Matron

"Okay Okay, I am sorry I worry about you, Nanny Matron, but Mother's song over your drive  is making Mara jumpy and her feelings sometimes effect me, too.  Okay, our feelings" said Nova as she turned back from the main view screens from the elder vixens.

Nova goes back to the main view and re-adjusts the location of event-horizon using thermodynamics and cosmic background radiation. The black hole was still rotating and the singularity was more a ring than a point.   She adjusted the course to wider a field to avoid remains of the recent star system pulled into the gravity well.   Time and space observations of all objects nearing the horizon were noted or the ship could fallen in the event horizon without noticing it.
She had to be careful... Sudden a random rock or a stray comet flying in at her at angle and she have "Dive out of the way.", Nova pulling helm up and away, as the sick bay feels slight tilt and pitch as Nova avoided being hit by a 30 kilometers rock from underneath and behind her.    .........and end up going farther into the spiral. thought Nova

As beautiful as watching the Hawking Radiation glow from the blackhole and the destruction of this star system on the screen, the cat-girl want to get quickly away  She brought up their path again, and saw their next jump point up ahead on screen.  

"All personnel secure for evasive actions, and prepare for jump", Nova remarked over the ship intercom.

"A little late, Novagirl," said Gaea, "and a little close"  scolded Mother looking at her as teenage daughter who just miss a tree with the car.  And Nova forgot she wasn't suppose to be even driving.

The ship enter jump


La'orth squeezed his eyes shut; trying to gain a handle on his stomach.  It didn't help that the "pondering" the Harvesters did felt very much like a large grub wandering slowly in circles around the inside of his skull.  The question posed brought his eyes wide at the possible implications, while memories of the action he had seen and the holovids he had watched came unbidden to his thoughts.

He had lost three wingmates to a Vizanzi ambush a little over twelve years ago as part of a botched mission during his first combat against them.

He had seen three cruisers gutted by combined Vizanzi fire a year after that while trying to ensure the escape of several fully laden cargo haulers.

He had taken part in the intentional sacrifice of several surviving ships to the Vizanzi in an attempt to throw them off the trail of more valuable targets.  They had been partially stripped and crewed by skeleton crews of volunteers; the ships were larger, very likely to have been already fully identified by the Vizanzi, and quite probably would have been a continuing reason for increasing Vizanzi pursuit.  All possible costs were paid to ensure the Vizanzi knew that the Korsinians were beaten, on the run, and slowly fading fromt he galactic stage.

He had watched replays of the newscast covering the one major Korsinian attempt to sue for peace, and the following coverage of the Vizanzi betrayal and the loss of the entire diplomatic team.

He had seen more than his fair share of holovids covering various aspects of the war; from the heroic, and mostly futile, stands against an enemy whose initial surprise attacks had nearly crippled the Korsinian fleets, to the at-home dramas as the Korsinian people realised that neither peace nor survival were options.

But foremost in his head was the amateur vid taken by a junior officer on the bridge of the Cccadashu the day their second home planet of Beshyel was abandoned to the mercies of the Vizanzi.  It showed Nara'hidamib, the previous D'ku'irak, admitting that he had been wrong to attempt to fight to the death for Beshyel, and ordering then Ducc'i'j'klar Shachza to flee with the hidden remainders of the main defensive fleet and whatever civilian ships had escaped.  Nara'hidamib dolefully congratulates Shachza on his promotion to D'ku'irak before signing off and taking a small portion of the fleet around the planet to stall the Vizanzi as the first asteroids begin impacting Beshyel; planet-killing plumes of fire and debris filling the atmosphere.  The shock and anguish is readily aparent among the faces and voices bridge crew, but Shachza stands facing the image on the viewscreen as though paralyzed for several long moments, hands slowly clenching and unclenching, before giving the almost inaudible order to retreat to open space.

"They are monsters!"  La'orth growled at the floor as the interior sanitation scrubbers appeared and began to work on the mess he had made.  "For no reason at all they attacked and massacred my people!"
            <-- #1 that is!


Things Just Got a Little  Awkward

Getting the hug in front of the team was fine as far as Knight was concerned.  The fact that Saioko had more or less claimed him as hers was fine.  However, just rolling with things as they came, adaptability, didn't seem to be something the captain was used to. 

Knight returned the hug, then replied, "Rom was a regrettable loss, but i'll go into that later.  I'm here, i'm safe, as promised."

With Harriet right there, Knight noticed how awkward this would seem, he stood up, shoulder to shoulder with the panthress.  "Ya... sorry if that was a little awkward... but nothing to worry about regulation wise.  Different chains of command."  He tried his best to put on a sanguine smile.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Marissa's dreamscape

"What are we doing?  Right now listening and singing along with a dragon.  Wasn't that obvious?"
Alexis smirked, "As obvious as your mustache."
Aaron looked confused, "Erm... what?"
"Oh, nothing."
"Well, in either case, what do I need to do?  I'm assuming that if you're here something went horribly wrong outside?"
The All Purpose Fox


On the list of things does not do in front of spies, PDAs are #4.

Harriet's pupils had contracted in...what was undoubtedly a creepy way.  It only lasted a second, but should still have been noticeable.  "Of course ma'am, sir.  Chief Warrant Officer Harriet TiBalt, ISF.  Are you the commanding officer for this vessel?  I do have questions and a report to give."

Harriet was filing this information away.  For use later, either as blackmail, or simply information to slide into a report and watch the fireworks after.  Both sounded like fun.  But fun was not on her mind at the moment.  No.  Reporting the status of her mission, and getting her verbal evisceration over with, so she could hopefully talk to Granddad before the assassins arrived.  That would be nice.


Robert sighed, "Do you remember that conversation we had in the pod? The one about how calm I was?"

Spatz nodded wordlessly in agreement.

"Well, I've had it... up to here!" Robert drew an imaginary line at his throat and slammed his fist down on a nearby table. "I'm sick and tired of shit like this happening to people around me. The people on the Delphi are dead because I sold the people above us on an idea that we might be able to find something. Why? Because I wanted to do something other than scrabble around the edges and making hypothesis on burnt out parts. I took the initiative and designed a sensor module that lead us into a damn pirate ambush! Our little heroics at the consoles bought them what... five more minutes of life before the pirates turned their pods to scrap."

Mina opened her mouth as if to say something, but it was Spatz who spoke up, "Robert, listen to yourself. You couldn't do anything to stop that, and they're the bastards who decided to shoot at the pods. What mattered is that you tried... we all tried to save who we could. And you managed to save us... I mean sure we had to spend some time in a tube, but at least we're still alive."

"Alive? Spatz, look at yourself in a mirror. They had to reconstruct you! Lord knows what I had to go through, and they... changed Mina." the comment elicited a dark look from the maroon vixen, "We survived on dumb luck alone." he paused, "but its not just the Delphi, there were others. Even before I signed on with the ISF, I tried to make a difference, leave my mark, and others suffered from it. The worst thing is, I was there." Robert blinked back tears, "I was there, and everything I tried to do to save them failed. I'm just one man in this damn universe, and as much as I've fought... I'm powerless. And I'm tired of people being hurt because of that... because of me, now leave me alone." he turned and slumped down into a seat and cradled his head in his hands.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Command Center

The ship exited space at the outskirts of a star system far off the track of those explored by Anthro or Human kind.  An orange star, on the low end of medium, was the primary feature with a scattering of four average planets and one smallish gas giant.  The system was relatively free of asteroids, comets and other space debris.

Mother gave Nova's arm a small squeeze and smiled, "not bad kitten, you just need to feel the ship more... be the ship, not just drive it like a truck."

Matron decided to give Nova a bit of a hug, while she embraced the feline the older vixen regarded her partner, "a truck... what is a truck?"

"Nothing to worry about really."  She replied somewhat whimsically.

Matron nodded, "ah good.  So We should hold here for now.  Until the major is awake again and we've sorted out everyone."

Pure black, looking clear

A sound, very agonizing within La'orth's head, echoed and repeated.  It was not unlike laughter, such vivid emotions, such taste.  We find Vizanzi repugnant, but for such as they have done to yours... we might almost consider helping them exterminate your Korsinian things.  So we might feed on the death, rage, hate, frustration... all of it down to the last flame of life within your flesh husk.

La'orth's mind was a popular receiver today, as a screech similar to that of a sun raptor (or other appropriate avian), entered his conscious awareness.  The front, right quadrant of his mental 'hearing'.

Another unknown thing made of a mottled, black organic material in a hybrid shape of spider, crab, and avian, bubbled into existence behind the Harbinger.  The shape opened fire with some type of brilliant energy beam, annihilating part of the side of the Harbinger as it spun to face the intruder.

The Harbinger, screaming incoherently in La'orth's head and returned fire wildly and missing this new comer by a hair's width.  Within a split second, the screaming of the Harbinger ended in La'orth's consciousness.  The sudden cessation of an existence that had latched so strongly onto the raptor nearly snuffed out his own life force and dragged him into the void of the beyond.  He was able to somehow remain, through an exhaustive expenditure of willpower.

Appearing on the screen of his fighter was a black feline (it looks to be made of shiny obsidian) with blue-white burning eyes.  Its mouth appears to contain the same blue-white fire as the eyes as it speaks, "a star light dasher in a primitive void skimmer, fascinating.  Are you lost little scrabber?"


Saioko smiled and sighed at Knight, taking his words to heart.  Before turning her attention back to the human, "I'm second in command, the major is indisposed at the moment, but he will be joining us soon.  I'm here for the after action reports.  I can answer any questions you might have."

Mina looked to Spatz and shook her head.  Spatz wanted to press the issue, but he took the vixen's advise and let it drop.  He took a seat near Robert, but gave the squirrel space.

Mina took up a seat across from Robert and watched him quietly, she did not delve into his mind and instead focused it on the surrounding.

Xaos stood by his attention on the moody squirrel, he had no concept or understanding of the personal privacy the non-psychic races coveted.  He silently sifted through thoughts at his leisure.

Marissa's dreamscape

The fox kids broke into the Electric rock version of Kimi ni Mune Kyun in the background.  It was quite distracting from the conversation the 'adults' were trying to have.

Alexis shook her head, a habit she seemed to use more and more these days, "nothing so very drastic, but Knight's team has returned with a human ISIS agent and her team of ex-pirates.  It is as we feared with Romulus and Lord Xaos does not seem to be able... or is unwilling to bring him back.  So I am afraid your senior NCO has passed on.  Saioko went down to the Infirmary to gather the reports.  Last thing, Mina... she is one of the other companions of the excitable squirrel Robert, who is a fox and a quarter Acadian... has reported that Robert's mental condition is deteriorating rather rapidly.  That is what she thinks at least, she is trying to respect her friend's privacy as much as she can.  I suggest we talk to Xaos, he has no such lingering inhibitions."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew


Nova was shocked at Mother and Matron re-actions and then felt like crying... but it is a happy cry.  She can't remember the last time she had done anything good enough for anyone resently.  She leans into her hug with Matron.  She miss these so.   Still, Nova also realized that she had forgotten she could get more a feel of the ship by cyber-link with Mara.... Mara should be

Where is Mara?

Marissa's Dreamscape
The little kitten with hawk wings flys thought the clouds and sing this song:

There's a place in my mind
No one knows where it hides
And my fantasy is flying
It's a castle in the sky

It's a world of our past
Where the legend still lasts
And the king wears the crown
But the magic spell is law

Take your sword and your shield
There's a battle on the field
You're a knight and you're right
So with dragons now you'll fight

And my fancy is flying
It's a castle in the sky
Or there's nothing out there
These are castles in the air

Mara flys towards the sound of the boys singing,   and she flys into Marissa's castle but lands near the Major and Alexis.  "Yo Major sir!, I see you got the word. from Alexis about the team and the new members.  You should come and see how good Nova did. Matron let she like driving ah piloting the ship."  The excited little kitten shouted.


video link


Marissa's dreamscape

Aaron looked up at the kitten.  Then back down to Alexis.  Then back to Marissa.  Marissa just shrugged.

Aaron before he looked to Mara, "I'll check on Nova later.  It sounds like there are incidents in the Infirmary I should check on."
Aaron gets up, despite minimal protestation from Marissa, and heads out the castle door, which conveniently leads to...

Marissa's Room

Aaron gets up to find Marissa largely in her right spot and Ixiah and Loki meditating near by.  Alexis look exactly like she did in the dreamscape, not missing a beat.  She follows Aaron out the door, "On the Robert situation, I'm not sure I want Xaos picking through his mind.  That would probably only make Robert worse."
"Xaos would certainly be good enough to not let Robert ever know."
"Indeed.  This would just be all the more unsettling and..."
About at this time Aaron noticed the novelty mustache on his face. Though it was removed from his face, this then left Aaron with the unresolved question of what to do with a novelty plastic mustache.  Nothing was the answer for the time being.
"Where was I... don't remember... but on the other hand, Mina.  A new part Acadian?  I'll have to talk with her, and hopefully there aren't too many more."
Aaron had a lot to think about.  With more part Acadians along with real Acadians this was making a return trip to the ISF more problematic.  This combined with picking up more ISIS crew.  Aaron was not looking forwards to what other surprises await when he gets to the Infirmary.
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

Marissa's Room

"Oh bumble butt, The Major can really take the fun out of everything." complains Mara... "But he can't stop me from flying to my castle in the sky."  She hugs Marissa's Dragon and winks at Marissa... and then wings out the door in the ships corridors.  Singing....

   You've got the key
Of the kingdom of the clouds
Open the door
Leaving back your doubts
You've got the power
To live another childhood
So ride the wind
That leads you to the moon 'cause...

Fairytales live in me
Fables coming from my memory
Fantasy is not a crime
Find your castle in the sky "

Her song can to be heard very softly thoughtout the ship.

Command Center
"O AH I've  better go find Mara...?"  says Nova, after hearing Mara over the PA system and heads to the staterooms.



The battle visible through his canopy might have been a fascinating experience if it hadn't been for the Harvester's death throws grasping at La'orth's mind like a climber scrabbling at a loose cliff face as he starts to fall off the mountain.  Every muscle in La'orth's body reacted violently as the Harvester was ripped away; his claws digging in the sides of the cockpit while his feet were squishing him into his chair so hard that one of the joints creaked faintly.  Maybe it was dumb luck that he survived, or maybe it was the strength of his will.  Or possibly it was just that holding on to your chair for dear life makes you more resistant to having your soul sucked out.

For the second time in two minutes he came back to himself, faintly aware that the VI was once again suggesting he seek immediate medical attention.  Instead he stared blankly out of his cockpit at the empty space behind the spreading remains of the Harbinger a short while while he caught his breath and let his heart settle down.

In a weak voice he replied to the newcomer's message.  "Y-yeah.  I'm very lost.  B-but my friends should b-be a-along any moment.  I'll just fly over there," he gestured vaguely in the direction he had arrived from, "and wait for them.  If they don't," he glanced at the chronometer displaying his reserves of air, consumables, and power, "I'll just forget about you in about 47 hours anyway.  No need to get worked up on my account."

He finally took a good look at the being on his main HUD screen.  I must look terrible right now. he thought despite his surprise over the cat-like being's glowing innards.  He wasn't sure whether to hope for a quick death or a quick rescue.
            <-- #1 that is!



"Very well.  I responded to detecting a ISF transponder appear on my scanner, found it to be Lieutenant Whitehaven, and as dictated by Protocol, assisted him in escaping the pirated facility, by sending three of my recruited personnel, a doctor Devin 'Doc' Holiday, a computer technician-Jack Maier, and a marksman-Miyuki Sairenji; to help him in navigating the pathways out of the base used for maintenance.  While they did so, I and my stealth operative, Magick Nightstride, ventured off on our own to attempt securing air transport.  The pirates made doing so from the airstrip impossible, and had released Harbinger-type poisonous reptilians into the pathways.  I was injured by one, and rendered incapacitated for the bulk of the mission, until being revived onboard your shuttle.  So concludes my after-action report. 
"Magick, Jack, and Miyuki will need to be given temporary quarters until I may contact an ISF officer ranking high enough to grant them a pardon for their acts of piracy.  Mr. Holiday, however, has become belligerent, and is so recommended to stay in the brig until his fate may be decided.  I also request use of a secure communications terminal as soon as possible, to file the record of my previous mission to the ISIS."


Debriefings are Always More Awkward When You're Talking to Your Girlfriend

Knight Shrugged, and started speaking in a semi-formal tone, doing his best to maintain proper military protocols in front of the newcomers, " The mission started out fairly well.  Once we landed, we were escorted to the prisoner where we made initial contact.  Rom opened fire, and a firefight ensued.  We took out most everybody in the tower save for Holly, and, while arguing over whether or not we should secure the prisoner, he threatened me while attempting a mutiny.  He was killed by a stray shot, which then resulted in my having to secure Holly.  We found ourselves trapped in the tower for a few moments, with the main exits cut off.  A secondary tunnel system was brought to light thanks to the ISIS agent, and her secured assistance."

"In the tunnels we had a few incidents with the Harbingers but made it out without any serious, life-threatening injuries.  We ecountered a secondary pirate force, and, after loosing them, ran into an Acadian AI... i never caught his name, but, we had to follow orders and render our technomage companion unconscious for the remainder of the mission.  We secured transport, and made the rendezvous."

"If there's anything else you need, it'd be nice to take care of them as quickly as possible... I would like to get my bearings, a little something to eat, and then some rest. "

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Spatz shook his head and opened his mouth as if to say something, but then thought differently. Standing up, he crossed the room and sat down next to Mina, "Mina?"

The Fox at first didn't seem to acknowledge the Rats question, but she blinked slowly and turned her head slightly in his direction, "yes?" Her voice seemed to hint exhaustion.

Spatz shifted in the chair, "Do you know what Robert is talking about? I mean he talked about his work before he joined up with us. I dont remember anything like this."

Mina shook her head, "He never went into details. I think he was vague purposely to avoid bringing it up. People don't like to be confronted with their... shortcomings."

Spatz thought for a bit about what Mina said. It then hit him and he reached out and touched Mina's arm, causing her to flench, "He doesn't mean it, what he said about you. He's angry, hurt and confused. He wasn't in his right mind when he said that." This only elicited a scornful glance from her.

Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Command Center

"All systems are nominal, we are holding station and charging all jump engines.  All areas standing by until needed."  Reported Matron as she quickly surveyed all systems, "Mother's more current star charts report that we are on the intersection of unoccupied neutral space and Vizanzi patrolled territories."

Gaea left control of the ship to the AIs and exited the bridge for other areas of the ship.


Before reaching the Infirmary, Alexis ominously grins in response to Aaron's comment that there are hopefully not more part-Acadians.  "Just how disappointed would you be if I said there are about a thousand in stasis on the middle deck of Matron.  We'll have to ask Gaea or Xaos about them though."

Saioko listened to Harriet's report and nodded, "yes, the lieutenant and I were sent out here to retrieve you among other things.  I can let you use my SIGIL*, if you need to contact primary ISIS command.  I don't imagine you would want to transmit such things using Acadian communication systems without a dedicated encryption unit.  I will let the major decide what to do with your unruly comrade, as well as Whitehaven's new acquisition.  Thank you both, Knight carry on, Chief Warrant Officer TiBalt, I would get some rest as well.  Dismissed."

Secretly Saioko was giddy with the sweet nectar of being in command instead of being something that could be commanded.

Mina's mood had darkened completely, "I... I... thought I had prepared for this eventuality.  I'm not... different, I'm still me... I'm just more aware, a bit beyond what I was.  Talk about something else, I'm not in the mood for this right now."

*SIGIL systems are the encrypted communication subsystems used on Dark Rage class advanced destroyers built by ISIS.

My Work Is Done Soon Here

"Little jungle scrabber is far from where anything like you would be found.  I see the remains of a fold vortex station of the <unintelligable>, so it is unlikely you will be visualizing the others who are of you.  I could take you to find something more amiable.  Since you do not like the Sky Tyrant kin, what are called Vizanzi, I suppose there is something else close."

The large black vessel moved to loom over the small fighter.

"There is too much that would interfere with me if I was to carry you across the galaxy to the rest of your type.  Acadians might be able to do that for you, because the thinks that do not like me may not care about them."

The black vessel ate the small fighter.  Turning quickly, it faded into the blackness of space, speeding across interspaced dimensionality towards a star system with a familiar signature of a psionic drive system.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"



"Disappointed... I'm not sure that is the right word.  Something more like horror.  One thousand.  That is not a trivial number.  That is big number."

Alexis grins through the entire way as they walk into the Infirmary.

Inside the infirmary Aaron look around... at the new bunch of folk... it is like his command is a clown car or something.  New people popping up all the time.  He waits to see who addresses him first.
The All Purpose Fox