Cryptid: Broken Containment (OOC & signups)[PG-13]

Started by familyghost, April 20, 2010, 11:46:39 PM

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Several men and women file into a nondescript room in an even less descriptive building.  There they stand at attention and soon a man in urban combat fatigues walks in from a door near the south.  He commands instant attention with a scared, one eyed face.  He looks carefully over the men and women, eying them as a connoisseur would judge a work of art.  Then in a great bark he yells.  


The men and women snap to attention and he continues.

"The world is filled with various creatures of all shapes and sizes and we discover new species everyday, much to the ignorance of the public.  We are the men and women of the Cryptid Restrain and Containment branches of all world governments.  We were established to hunt down, contain and if need be destroy the monsters of the world.  Welcome to the ranks soldiers.  I am Colonel Robert Tonnenden and I am the man in charge here."  His single good eye rolls over several recruits.  "You are here because you have seen, heard or persisted in pursuing something of the cryptozoolalogical field, or you have pissed someone very important off.  Your job here will be containment in the glorified zoo and the security of the researchers.  That being said, welcome to your new home.  You get sixty days of requested off time, don't spend it all at once."

The group smiles knowingly.

"You think I'm joking."  The colonel smiles as he looks to several guards.  "Bring in the little guy."

The guards look warily as they open a well hidden door and quickly step to the side.  Within seconds of the door opening a  creature about the size of a small child comes rushing out towards the group, but is stopped dead by a chain.  The group gasps as they watch the small creature, covered in matted gray hair claw and spit at them.

"This little demon is what we here like to call a 'goblin'."  The colonel smiles.  "There are bigger and meaner the lower down you get and the worst you ain't never gonna see.   Respect them still.  Now I'm gonna go ahead and let the sergeants who're probably laughin' their asses off come in and assign you all your duties.  Before I go though, any questions?"

One meek looking soldier raises his hand.

"Go ahead son." The colonel nods.

"Are there aliens here?" He asks, hoping not to get laughed at.

"Oh yeah, but you ain't got to worry about them."  The Colonel laughs.  "Their in the lowest level, and no they ain't technologically advanced, they are beasts."

Another hand goes up.  

"What are the chances of containment failure?"

"On a single containment cell, about five percent."  The Colonel smiles confidently.  "Anything more doesn't happen."

"Sir?" The soldier asks.

"Anything more and we have failed." The colonel says as he turns to leave.  

In the ranks the soldier looks next to him, to his partner and smiles darkly.  A plan has begun to weave itself into the CRC containment lab in the Appalachian Mountains.

Three Weeks later

The alarms blare as secure doors all over the base fail.  In the Base's center of operations two soldier's gleefully and gently move the bodies of the dead soldiers as a third continues opening the the remaining doors in the center.

"Humans..." One says as his body changes to a living flame.

"...So easily fooled." The other smiles

"Are you done yet?" the first asks of the third.

"Crazy djinn, human security systems take a while to hack."  The third snaps back.

"Well then..." The first smiles.

"...Better seal the room." The second continues its own smile as the two beings of flame melt the frame and doors together.  

"We have control brother." The second nods to the first.

"Now the others can be free." The first chuckles.

"So long as they avoid the colonel..." The third one speaks slowly with concern.  "And this thing..."

The two djinn look to the video screen their partner placed the image on.  Their eyes go wide with fear as they try to have their friend seal the creatures door.  

"I can't!"  The third yells back.  "It's already out!"

"Oh, pray it doesn't come here..." The first djinn gulps.

"...Or tries to eat the others." The second says with an equally loud gulp.

"Amateurs..." The third grumbles.



What is a Cryptid?

For the purpose of this RPG a "Cryptid" is any creature not recognized as a living biological creature by modern science.  This can be as simple and as tame as a fairy (yeah right...) to something as raging and psychotic as the much maligned and mythical "Big One".

What can my Cryptid do?

I don't know, tell me what it can do and I'll place it in a specific containment area.  You decide how aggressive,intelligent and just plain viscous your cryptid is.  You can make it longing for freedom, hungering for revenge or just hungry.  And if you make a really good case maybe even side with the guards... if they don't kill you.

Really the cryptids are up to you.

Well how the heck do I get out?!

Well you can either get through all the main entrances before the guards activate the defenses, or you can find various other ways out like air vents, escape elevators or cargo lifts.  Or you can wait in hiding until the mysterious cryptid known as the "Big One" breaks through the defenses and clears the way for everyone.

The Big One?

Yes.   And no he doesn't want to help you.

((((Continued next Post)))))



Why be a guard?

Besides fighting to keep some nasty critters from overruning the world?  You get great benefits, awesome dental care and some friggin' awesome toys!  Just look at these!

Weapons available to Guards at certain armories

Main Floor – all weapons, Heavy body Armor, Taser Wall
Barracks Floor- Conventional Ammo depot (Shotguns, Assault rifles, Pistols and Tranquilizer weapons and Gas Mines)
Stage One Armory Floor- All weapons available, full ammo stocks.  Medium and Light armor available
Level 2 containment Armory- Dart Taser, Shotguns, Assault Rifles, Small Arms Ammo stores.
Stage 2 Armory floor- *Same as Stage One floor.
Level 4 Containment- Various Ammo closets contain Assault rifle, Pistol and Tranq Weapons, Sonic Pulse Cannon

Unconventional Weapons
- Weapons designed to take down Cryptid non-lethally.  Unfortunately that means they can be lethal if a cryptid with human level intelligence gets a hold of them.  

Dart Taser- A large battery pack held on the hip powers a small spear with an electrical coil.  the spear pierces medium strength natural armor.  Can potentially kill weaker cryptids and humans.

Sonic Pulse cannon- Powerful sonic blasts drive back and possibly stun cryptids.  Can potentially kill if turned to max power.  Power setting ranges from 1 (Stuns Goblins en masse) to 10 ( holds back "The Big One", just barely).  Setting 5 and above is lethal to humans.

Gas Mines
- Uses powerful tranquilizers to drop most cryptids where they stand (Ineffective against anything over 600 Pounds), Can be placed almost anywhere and sticks to most surfaces.  Tranquilizers are powerful enough to kill humans who breathe in to much (30 secs exposure will knock a human unconscious).

Taser Wall- A variation of the known SWAT Taser Shockwave, only this thing is 6 foot by 6 foot with much larger tasers.  The only known Weapon capable of  incapacitating "The Big One".  Can kill most other Cryptids and humans.  Only available with the Colonel's Key card on the main floor.

Stun Rockets- rubber headed rpg.  Can stun and injure most Cryptids without armor.  Potentially lethal to humans if used in an unsafe manner.

"Fence" - A unique defensive measure activated by guards.  Creates hot laser fences at certain passageways.  Lasers are for the most part invisible to humans, some cryptids can see the beams.  Not lethal to cryptids with medium natural armor.  Can kill humans via scenes out of Resident Evil the Movie...(Huh, what do you know, it proved useful for something after all)

Besides these all guards start out with an assault rifle and pistol of their choosing (multi-national organization here folks), there's enough ammo in the complex to supply another world war.


Character sheets will operate slightly differently.  Send me the fully filled out one via a PM and I'll send you back the "Classified" version if your character is accepted, you then post this classified version in the sign up topic.  This will allows some secrets to be sprung on enemies and even allies.  Keeps thing interesting.  Your sheet will also return with a "Threat Ranking" or "Guard Placement" to tell you where you start off.

I'm also only having a total of at most 8 slots.  First come first serve as to what they are.  Keep in mind though, the more guards there are the faster "The Big One" will tear through the base.


Cryptid Classification Sheet

Name- (Scientific if you would.  I don't care if you make it up or actually research what it'd be called.  Also a nickname from the guards would be useful in Quotes)
Size- Give a general rundown of the cryptid's dimensions.  Keep in mind whether something is lengthwise or height.
Aggression Factor- How aggressive the cryptid is, what sets it off and is it territorial
Intelligence Factor – Bestial, Low, Mid, high or human level intelligence.
Natural Weapons – All offensive traits
Natural Defense – All Defensive traits
Secret Traits- Traits that have not been researched by the scientists.  Limit these carefully
Images- Not necessary, but if you would like to provide some go right ahead.
Location of Origin- your cryptid's background.



CRC Personnel File

Name- (duh)
Age- (double duh)
Rank- (List Rank and what division of what armed forces they come from)
Country of Origin-
Fitness- Dimensions and a brief physical description
Mini-Psych- small psychological profile
Weapons- List starting Assault rifle and pistol.
Notes- List any X-Factors regarding your guards personality or fighting style.
Images- not necessary, but useful
Ops Background – your background.


I'll be waiting for some PMs.  Hmm... I need a snack after all that writing...


PM'd a character concept; I'd like approval/feedback before I finalize the character.

[edit] Is there a name for the mysterious shadowy organization operating the facility?
[edit2] Something more then "Cryptid Containment and Restraint," that is.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


CRC is essentially the entire Organization (CRC and the name being used on base only, off base it's simply referred to by its military designation).  This is just a local branch located in the Appalachian Mountains.  It's supposed to be run by the UN, but in practice the host country usually gets to run it.  The only country without a branch is Australia because the outback is considered the first place conspiracy nuts would look for a large containment base.


Name: ---Classified---, "Bloodman"

Size and description: Five feet, eleven inches tall while standing; of human proportions and shape, save for a pillar-like lower body which slides along the ground. Size is mostly irrelevant, however, as the subject spends much of its time shifting its mass to varying degrees. Amorphous and dripping, muddy body with a distinctive red coloring, hence its nickname. Samples taken of the creature's body show that the coloring is the result of its diet, which comprises mainly of the bodily fluids and tissue of living beings, human or otherwise.

Aggression: Fiercely territorial, the subject marks its stomping grounds by staining its mass all across its cell and shows considerable displeasure in the presence of all organic life. When approached by other personnel, it will lash out, and is unresponsive to most forms of communication.

Intelligence: As aggressive as it seems, the subject appears to possess considerable intelligence, -Classified-. It can manipulate objects, understands cause and effect almost instantly, -Classified-

Natural weapons:
The Bloodman is capable of shifting its body to nearly twice its own size and in a variety of fashions, often sprouting tentacles and claws when threatened or stalking large prey. The ends of these appendages can be hardened into a rock-like consistency, and often crack apart when enough force is applied. In most cases, the subject will simply engulf its prey whole rather than exert such force on its own. Physical contact is strictly prohibited with the subject as its septic body is a breeding ground for disease, particularly blood-borne pathogens such as hepatitis and hemorrhagic fevers.

Natural defenses: Having no discernible organs or even bone structure, the subject is highly resistant to blunt trauma and shrugs off most forms of physical attack just short of crushing. Due to this uncanny strength, all security personnel are implored to use electric or sonic equipment in the event of its possible escape. Be certain to send in a cleanup crew to gather the remains and steam-clean any and all surfaces it comes into contact with.

Location of origin: Subject was retrieved from the Florida Everglades, and is suspected as being one of the reasons for the sudden decrease in the local fauna population and for the disappearance of several tourists and locals. Though the subject's den was not located, articles of torn clothing were found protruding from its mass, along with a partially-digested human femur and countless smaller bones. It did not come along willingly.

Placement- Level 4 Containment -Extreme Caution-

I think we need some apropos tunes for our little jailbreak.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


Figured I'd give some sort of heads up on the two NPCs that will be pushing both sides to a climactic showdown.  Or they're the two big bads on either end you're running from.

Name- -Classified-, "The Big One"
Size- Roughly 3/4 the size of a Clydesdale Stallion
Aggression Factor- Homicidal, territorial and VERY angry
Intelligence Factor – -CLASSIFIED-
Natural Weapons – -CLASSIFIED-
Natural Defense – -CLASSIFIED-
Location of Origin- South America, unknown if aberrant or if there is a population

And the good colonel...

Colonel Robert Tonnenden
Age- 40
Rank- Colonel in the united States Marines
Country of Origin- United States of America
Fitness- Roughly 6 foot 6 Inches tall with perfectly tanned skin.  Lost left eye in an unknown incident.  Built like a freaking tank.  some minor injuries are constant due to continual hand to hand training with other officers and recruits.
Mini-Psych- -CLASSIFIED-
Weapons- Beretta 9mm, Fists
Ops Background –[/s] -SEALED- -CLASSIFIED- -TOP SECRET-


Name- Solomon Hispaña.
Age- 29
Gender- Male
Rank- Captain (US Air Force)
Country of Origin- USA
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 225 lbs
Physical description: Toned physical condition. Tan skin coloration. Brown hair, standard military cut. Large brown eyes; narrow, pointed nose, square-set jaw.

Mini-Psych- Subject seems apathetic a vast majority of the time; is difficult to anger, but easily annoyed. Displays a strong group-mentality, but shies away from command. A pragmatist, with a powerful work ethic; will go the extra mile so long as such action does not interfere with other duties. --Classified--
Weapons- M16 assault rifle, Barretta M9 pistol.

Ops Background– Spent multiple tours in Iraq, as well as Afghanistan --CLASSIFIED--

Placement: Level 2 Containment, Placement at Main Elevator


Guard Biography:
Name- Alistair H. Shepard
Age- 23
Country of Origin- Canada
Fitness- Very, very fit.
   Alistair is a thinker. On the battlefield, he is clear headed and mentally acute. Off the battlefield, he tends to consider the philosophical side of whatever duties he has. Although this has not affected his ability to execute oders, no few of his superior officers do not find this an endearing trait.

   Compound Crossbow: With his experience as a hunter, Alistair prefers to carry a crossbow rather then an assault rifle for guard duty, since he's going to be engaging monsters rather then people. The Crossbow can deliver a much larger tranquilizer dart then a rifle anyway.
   Sig Sauer P226



Ops Background-

   Joined the Canadian armed forces at a young age, and showed great promise. Recieved Special Forces training.

Placement: Temporary Assignment to Level 4 Containment, will assess stability in position on next review.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


I want at least one more Cryptid, then I might start the actual topic.