
Started by TheDXM, August 08, 2006, 11:55:13 AM

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I'm not exactly "new" to this media, I've just been lurking for an ungodly amount of time now and I've finally deemed it appropriate to step out of these pleasant shadows around me. I have read DMFA for something like a year or more now and for those who know it I've been a reader of Jack 'since close to it's inception. I had an account at the Jack forums but I haven't touched it or been to the forum in about eight months.

I don't have alot of time left to write this (freaking library comp) so I'll toss in a short tidbit about me real quick and get going, more formal introductions will be added when I can either find more time or an actually functioning computer of my own. I am seveteen and eight years of age, short, red-headed, blue-eyed and I fear nothing but MYSELF. Fursona is undetermined as of yet, I don't have alot of time to figure that out right now. I just recently graduated Valedictorian from a military academy and earned my GED through the program. Right now I am bounding along deciding between college or direct injection into the workforce.

I only have like one freaking minute left on my counter so I'd best be going but it was good having you all. Good day.


Greetings. I am the Monitor of installation 00. I am 7 Itos Atio. Someone has released the Mows. My function is to fly around and make comments when I feel like I have something worth saying.

Quote from: TheDXM on August 08, 2006, 11:55:13 AM
Fursona is undetermined as of yet, I don't have alot of time to figure that out right now.

No hurry, you don't really need one to be crazy.

Being crazy is mandatory here as you might have noticed. So leave the sanity at the door and enjoy your stay. :mowcookie
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Hi, though you're likely not to read this. Keep the faith.

llearch n'n'daCorna

... redeem it for valuable cash discounts! :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Hello, unfamiliar face of new. As I've read your post you probably seen me around a but before. (or haven't cause I'm not that huge a poster myself) I wish You good luck and hope you enjoy your stay with us and CVRPG people.  :mowcookie


Heyo! ^.^ Welcome, welcome! I hope you have some fun here. Just make sure to avoid all the crazy people...

Wait, that includes me  :B

(On the matter of fursona- don't pick a squirrel unless you're willing to act like a nut all the time) X3


And don't eat the muffins, unless you like fire and smokey after-tastes. >.>

Anyways, welcome to the forums! Good to see you're a Jack reader too. :)


'Tis good to finally see you, TheDXM. I wonder how many others grace us silently with their presence. It took me a while to finally figure out exactly what I am here, so no matter about that.

This one welcomes thee to this...interesing place. May your thoughts be forever altered by entering, as has mine. :januscat


Hi, Back again.

Thank you for the encouraging welcome. Apparantly I failed to mention it in my prior introduction, which is not so much a surprise 'since I cranked out a good portion of that post on my last thirty seconds remaining on my timer. I am male. Heh, I hope none of you had to go guessing, but hey.

I discovered some awful photos of me in different periods of my stay at LCA, and... they're taking forever to load. Okay, they're done. I can't remember much of my html so if these magically turn themselves back into long urls, just copy them, and I apologise.

Me recieving my award at graduation, seems they didn't get any of me actually SPEAKING

Me at HeadStart, a preschool where I had to do community service for the program

Me with our team guidon, I carried it the whole class basically. I hated that job towards the end of the cycle :\

Finally, me in our class with Sgt. Swope. I am in the center row closest to the camera. Probably the best shot they got of me.

Please note that facial hair and such was totally out-of-the question at the academy. I obviously look totally different after two months outside the program, but these'll do until I can get my hands on some better and more current pictures.

That's about all I can say right now, learning much more about me will be left for more personal engagements but that could be a long time from now. Currently I just intend to dig through the loads of DMFA I missed on my excursion into the oblivion of the Real Life.

{edited} As I predicted, I totally goofed up the HTML. I've definately been out of the loop too long if I can't remember how to fix a hyperlink. Altered (Again, twice, because apparantly this is rocket science.)


Aieee, fix the links.  D:

llearch n'n'daCorna

try something like [ url = http://domain/link ] name of link [ / url ]

... remove the appropriate spaces, of course. :)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears