Dead Frontier: Oubreak (IC) [Horror/Zombie/Survival MA15+] (open)

Started by Lisky, June 30, 2009, 06:14:35 PM

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Anastasia strolled up to Salem, David and the infected. clapping slowly. "Well done, gentlemen, bra-vo." There was a slight purr to her voice. She loved it when a plan came together. A small creature that looked like a three-fingered hand, with two small eyes, scuttled unnoticed by passerby and disappeared under the edge of her lab coat. She hoped nobody had gotten too close a look, anyway; the place was surrounded by mutant horrors, the little fingery things would probably get her the WRONG sort of attention by the civilians...
"When one of you gets the chance, see if you can get his wallet. I want a name and profession, get a baseline on anything that may influence his decomposition. Medical info, work conditions..."



Salem took a bow as he finished subduing the partially infected.  For his own little sarcastic sense of humor he added a duct-tape bow on the man's head after planting a few strips across his mouth to prevent him from attempting bit anyone else... He snickered at the silver tassels, and couldn't help but hear snickers from the others... the soldiers who spied it could tell that the man clearly could not remove it.

"Ya know, Dave, you should invest in these... Carbon fiber knuckle-guards, and the nylon-kevlar mix really doesn't seem to weigh enough to effect accuracy..."
The feline couldn't help but snicker as his hand went back to resting on the stock of his weapon, habits are habits, and even in the most relaxed setting in this particular city, he couldn't help but think he was still in a combat zone.

A civilian, human male, maybe 24, with short-cropped brown hair looked over from Ana to the man on the floor, to the soldiers, looking back to the rabbit then back at Salem.  "What the fuck is going on here?  Why'd you just bash Steve's head in like that, then truss him up like he was a christmas present?!"

The other civilians were also on edge, but none seemed as openly defiant.

Lisa came back to Rebecca's side, staying quiet as she watched the general going ons of the action.

Gun Store

Ian could feel the shelf move, ever so slowly.  Shells of all caliber littered about on the floor around him, making metallic clatterings as they bumped into shelves, buckles, and just generally rolled across the floor.  The gator seemed to be gone... the distant scream of someone else serving to amplify that point.  With his ammunition collected, Ian had a few minutes to collect himself and decide where to go next.  The streets eerily calm compared to the horror he'd faced but a few moments before.

Joe's Suburban Home

Barbra nodded in agreement, giving Joe a meek smile as she said, "Alright, and be careful hun.  Also make sure your phone is on... if he's home before you, there's no point being out looking and i'll give you a call..."

She seemed rather shaken by the news, as she headed back into the kitchen.

Inner City Roads

The gas station had seemed safe, in fact, it had seemed completely deserted.  The shrieking howls in the distance were inhuman... in fact, they were like nothing Tanya had ever heard before in her life... It sound more like rending, tearing metal, then it did the throaty noise of some living thing.  The squealing shriek continued, there was something heading down the road.  It was small and fast... getting closer.  From her vantage point, she could make out the long claws on it's hands.  The sinuous form of whatever it was seemed almost canine, given the longish muzzle.

It moved more like a feral rabbit than it did a civilized person.  Bounding on hands in feet in powerful lunges, carrying it 15 feet at a time.  Whatever it was, Tanya had but a few seconds to do whatever it was she wanted to.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

lucas marcone

As Ian tested his ankle he felt for the baseball bad he had managed to strap to his back. "Yup still there..." he said with a nod of confirmation. Just before he left he managed to scrounge up two holsters for his guns and strap them on, but then he remembered... hand guns are well and good but he'd need a rifle. He selected a scoped Ruger Mini-14 with a strap. He slung it around his back and left in the direction of the engines while being careful not to walk to hard on his injured ankle.

Paladin Sheppard


Dave lowered the hammer on the .45 and holstered it, then relaxed a bit more before answering Salem. "It's more about being able to read the pressure on the trigger Sally...."

The SWAT Sargent was about to rib his friend some more when the other man spoke up.

"I hate to tell you this Sir but, your friend is infected and a danger to us all." Dave settled into a more intimidating stance "Did you see him get bitten or spat on? Hell have YOU been bitten or in contact with bodily fluids?" His voice hadn't been raised but was far more unsettling.


"Shit!" Tanya saw the... whatever... sprinting towards her and dashed towards the pickup truck. Whatever it was, it seemed to have a disposition as ugly as it looked. She reached the door of truck with her keys in hand and threw open the door. In a fluid movement she jumped into the cab, and threw her bag into the passenger side seat. It was only then she hesitated a glance back at the creature coming after her. It had almost reached the truck when she jammed the key into the trucks ignition and cranked it. The vehicle roared to life as she tried to speed away.

Hell, in a battle vs a car and a dog, her odds fare better with being in the car.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Rebecca was so stunned at the sudden take-down/close call that she just stood there, silent, for a good long while. Everything that was happening was making her jittery.. that was one thing she didn't like.

Then, she noticed Lisa was next to her - a welcomed presence for sure. First her husband.. then this random guy that decided to start to talk to her.. who next??  Was she just starting to become a zombie magnet?? Hell... need bait? Here she is!

"So.. how's it going?"  Oh please let some news be good.


(OOC note: to synchronize everyone as to the same approximate time, i'm fast forwarding everyone who is stalled to about 3:30 PM, giving you about 3-3:30 hours left of sunlight those of you who've been posting, well, that should help clarify)

Outside the Gas Station

The dog thing continued to bound after the car... very narrowly missing the right-fender as the truck leaped to life and surged forward.  Her planned route, however, seemed a no-go, as the stopped cars about a half-mile into her trip created an impassible roadblock at a major intersection.  Tanya had a few options, turn around, try and navigate on foot, or seek an alternate path to the bridge.  Whatever she choose to do, noon had come and gone, and no one wanted to be caught out alone at night.

Gun Store

Ian's hunting of the diesel engines led him to a busy intersection between him and his target.  Stopped cars creating a brutal steel maze, full of shade, hidden points of view, and false movements from the reflected light.  Down the street a lone person was moving towards the cars, too far too make out much else about him.  Judging by his movements, Ian could tell he had a bit of a limp, and appeared to be trying to maintain a constant pace despite the injuries.  His own ankle was more an annoyance than a real hindrance, protesting it's use with mild, and currently ignorable, but ever-present waves of pain.


The man confronting David immediately backed off at the accusation sputtering off incoherent babble that may have been a defense, or may have been a nervous breakdown... Something about his buddy having a girlfriend acting weird, and he left.  That was about the only full thoughts the sergeant could make out of the several minute without a breath monologue the man gave.  Luckily his thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of a heavy machine gun going off not too far away.  The deep resonant echo of the shells being expelled crackled through the store.  Then abruptly stopped.  The diesel engines were getting closer still.  

Mike's radio clicked again, the man on the other end was started shouting over, but feedback was still getting into the system from a nearby source, once the machine-guns stopped, so did the feedback, "*click buzz* Outpost, *click* This is scout team Epsilon, Delta Six-One-Niner, ETA 5, maybe 6 minutes, cleared out a cluster of about 20 to 25 zeds with the Mike Deuces.  ETA on airdrop supplies, 10 minutes, main crowd seems to be drifting away from your position, may still get hit with some of the edge groups... So continue, repeat, continue to prepare your position for assualt, ranger team, over and out."

Meanwhile, for Rebecca, the snow-white vixen sat down and gave a pleasant smile.  "Things seem to be going reasonably well, we're getting air-dropped some supplies, and it seems we'll be reasonably safe for the night.  Hopefully we can get you all airlifted to a safe-zone some time in the morning once resources are available.  Right now it seems pretty ugly... but that's mostly just getting the setup in place... you don't have to worry, we'll keep you safe.  You've got my word on that."

Planting her hand on the girl's arm and giving her a reassuring squeeze.

Salem fished through the infected man's pocket and pulled out a wallet, it had a state driver's license, multiple copies of a business card for the law firm he worked for, a few pictures of family members, and a plethora of other mundane information.  He passed the flaps of leather warped around plastic and paper cards to Ana, and said, "Have fun with your tests, ma'am... we're getting you out of her ASAP... research or no."

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Paladin Sheppard

"All Blue and Orange units, this is Blue one six. We have incoming friendlies and hostiles. All Blue Units to outer defensive positions, Orange to inner." Dave said to the SWAT and Street Cops, before switching to the frequency the Ranger patrol was using.

"Delta Six-one-Niner, Blue one six Copies all, be aware that vehicle traffic is almost impossible about four blocks out, your hummers might make it but it will slow you down. Our Vehicle entrance is to the north of the parking lot. Blue one six out."

Done with the radio he turned back to Salem, "Sally I need to you to sort this guy out. I've got a bunch of these thing inbound to take care of."    

Spotting one of the new civilians in scrubs made his way over to her while waving over the four Paramedics that had been seconded to the detachment, as well as the Sgt in charge of the Patrol Officers.  "Ma'am I need you with Clare, Ed, Mary and Chuck to go over every one of the civilians that came in there for bites or scratches, also ask em if the have been spat on or otherwise come into contact with bodily fluids not their own in the last twenty-four hours.
Sgt Preston and his men will keep a tight eye on you all, if you do find anyone that matches that criteria I need you to separate them  as quickly and calmly as possible, you may have spotted a caged in area outside that's broken up into several sections, one of my men is in there who has been bitten but seems safe enough for now, call that sector one, put anyone who's bitten or been in contact with fluids in the other one which we'll call sector two. I don't like putting anyone out under the elements or segregating people but I have to treat this as triage, save the healthy ones first."

He let out a sigh "Can you do that?"

Looking over Rebecca's shoulder he spotted Lisa (Krause) gearing up to go outside to join the rest of the squad. "Lady K, Stay here and keep an eye on things."


Bryan had managed to obtain a small sample following all biological and hazardous material protocols.  He placed it within an analyzer and returned with his escort to his vehicle.

"Well, I'm not in command of this convoy, so I can't direct its movement.  However, this is noteworthy enough wouldn't you think?" 

(OOC: I haven't had a lot of time or inspiration for this one, but I suppose I should post a tiny bit at least.)
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Rebecca smiled to Lisa, glad of the company and of the message of hope, then she was approached by some military man. She listened to his orders with her arms folded over her chest. Who the hell does he think he is telling me what to do? Keeping herself in check she heard him out, then noted his sigh and his actual asking if she would do it her mood softened. This must be just as hard on him..

She nodded. "I'll do my best." Waving a 'hello' to her four now team mates she adjusted her backpack, slung the M-16 over her shoulder, and pocketed the .45.. both of which she made sure had the safety on.. she didn't want to do anything silly.

"Well.. I suppose.. lets do this." The scrub-wearing Rambo walked towards the group of civilians.

Raising her voice to extend the group she explained. "Alright, there is a virus that has been going around, and some of you might have it. To be able to treat you with the most efficient and effective care I'll need to split you into two groups. If anyone has come into contact with any bodily fluids that are not their own, been scratched or bitten by anything.. and I mean anything.. stand over to my right.. Anyone who hasn't needs to stand to my left."

Paladin Sheppard

Glad that the nurse (at least he assumed a nurse, cause he figured a doctor would have kicked up more of a fuss or asked a large amount of questions) was getting to it Dave left the supermarket and headed outside to check on his people's positions.

Swinging by the caged area he waved to Mike, "Magic, how you holding up? You may have some company soon, but I sure as hell hope not. One of the civvys was infected and munched on another, so I ordered a recheck of everyone."


Tanya looked at the snarl of cars in the intersection, and cursed. She opened the door and stood up in the doorway, and surveyed the road. It didn't look good, the cars were strewn haphazardly in a massive jumble, effectively making it impossible to navigate except on foot. She stepped down from her truck and slung her backpack over her shoulder. She grabbed stashed her handgun in her waistband, and checked the ammunition in her revolver. Satisfied, in so far as a person could be satisfied under the current circumstances, she started to pick her way through the cars with her revolver at the ready, hopefully she could make her way through the blockage before night fell.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Convoy (rail-station)

As the scanner printed it's initial results, the strange goo, as had been described, was a type of mucus, commonly found on amphibians.  It would take considerably longer to finish it's full analysis, but, the virus quick-tests starting to be distributed to in-field units came back negative.

Knighthaven opened the back of the Styker, as he had company.  A pair of masked soldiers, one appeared feline, the other, human followed into Bryan's presence.  The feline slightly taller but of narrower build, there unit patch was virtually unnoticeable from the rest of their urban camouflage uniforms, possibly Green Barret, or a SOCOM unit.  The human spoke, "Captain Tyson and Lt Halstead reporting, Sir.  We've been attached to your detail to investing the sight.  Reports in the area indicate something large in the area, and patches of... slime... are always found near the confirmed sightings.  Higher ups say you're the expert on virus induced mutations, and we've got a good lead that, that's what we're dealing with."

Knight handed a printed sheet of paper giving Bryan the basics of his current order amendment, along with a second sheet giving the known information about the, well, thing, he was hunting.  Amphibian, roughly twice the size of your average sentient, it is unknown if target is hostile, but all sightings say it's always been a fleeting glimpse, as whatever it is, hides in shadows.   It appears to be clever, and a good hider if nothing else.

Clogged Road

Tanya's path through the steel maze is slow.  About 2 blocks from a clear section of bridge, she hears a faint *wishk* like noise, hair running across a solid surface, or perhaps a discarded piece of clothing.  Suddenly there was *click-clack* behind her.  What sounded like a car-door creak open.  The distinct ringing of keys left in the ignition when a car is parked and the driver door is opened.

another *Click-clack*, was it getting closer?  Looking at the source of the noise, Tanya would only see a shammy, half hanging out a car-window, blowing in the breeze.


For Rebecca, cooperation wasn't going to come easy, every person moved to the line on her left, despite some having various, obvious signs of recent injury.  Makeshift bandages on a man, and a mouse girl, dried blood on a male feline's shirt.  The rest however, did look clean as best as a quick once-over glance could tell.

Mike gave a noncommittal shrug, "I don't feel a thing, Sir... it's like the bite didn't even happen..."  He paused, as he un-slung the rifle bag, "Found something that might come in handy against the big, nasties, if any more show up." 

Unzipping the bag, Mike produced a M-107 Sniper Rifle/Anti-Material Rifle, along with a box of 50 match-grade shells.

"if i'm getting company, i'd like to be sure i got whatever it is that's going around... i mean... shouldn't i be feeling something... i dunno, dizzy, sick... agitated? Think you could get the doc out here, Boss... i dunno if that thing was special... mutation or something... or, if it was even infected at all... because... to be honest, i don't feel a thing."

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Paladin Sheppard

"Alright I'll get her out here." David said before calling Salem over the radio and asking for Ana, "Where the heck was that hiding Magic? Its a bloody monster, and I wasn't sure they'd cleared it for Civilian use yet...Wait you said Big Nasties? What Big Nasties??!"


Tanya heard the sounds come from behind her and immediately stopped what she was doing and looked around. The only thing that moved was some cloth dangling out of a car window. Figuring whatever was following her was checking the cars; she opened the door of a nearby unlocked car and slammed it shut. Just as door slamed shut, she quickly slinked off to find cover from which she could see if the noise had attracted whomever was following her.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...

lucas marcone

Ian stuck to the right side of the street. He used his rat like agility to hop over some mounds of metal. Always careful of what may be over the next ridge, he waved his guns around like some sort of action movie star. Truth be told the limping figure unnerved him and he gave them a wide birth