I've undoubtedly said this before, Amber...

Started by Tangent, March 22, 2010, 07:35:41 PM

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But you have crafted a superb webcomic here. Heck, I almost wish I hadn't reviewed Abel's Story recently, as I don't really like doing multiple reviews in a row. But you've created something that I enjoy reading over and over again. I mean, I've done archive crawls several times this year, and it doesn't get old. Okay, it does take a little bit to read the entire archives these days, but even that is telling of your storytelling skills; DMFA has considerable re-readability factor here, and it doesn't lose any of its charm with each consecutive reading.

You've done damn good here, Amber. Thank you for sharing this story with us.
Robert A. Howard, Tangents Reviews


Yes, we all know DMFA is an epic webcomic. If it wasn't, why would we be reading it? Hm?  :mowwink


Obviously. I suspect Amber forgets that from time to time. Heavens knows she constantly denigrates the comic whenever I wrote up a review (I really need to load those onto the new server... sadly I have to recode all of the links since Amber went from html to php, killing all my old links... and I've been procrastinating fixing that. Well, also procrastinating checking links for and uploading several hundred reviews...)
Robert A. Howard, Tangents Reviews


Tangent, I've looked over your site.  You've done a huge amount of stuff already.  I'm impressed with both the volume of work and the quality. Almost everything I look at is there, with one exception, Jack.  It's even better when Amber draws it:


I'd caution anyone who hasn't read it before that it does deserve all those ratings for language and sex and violence, and it doesn't get going really well until you get to at least the fourth arc, "Trixi and Tet", but if nothing else, David and Katie Hopkins are brilliant with characters that suck you in emotionally.  Yes the art varies, the stories wander occasionally, but like "Abel's Story", it has a way of taking you to some very dark places, but still leaving you with hope.

Anker Steadfast

I shall have to agree - Dear Amber, you make a much better comic than you think you do. :)

Please, pat yourself on the back and have a cookie.


GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


Cookie! *pounces and starts nomming Amber's cookie*

*glances up at Amber* What?

*has dozens of mows sicced on him*
Robert A. Howard, Tangents Reviews


So this is the Amber Appreciation Thread?

She once said that she hopes that every day she can make at least one person's day brighter.  I know that the whole DMFA thing makes my day brighter; checking in is something I think about on the drive home, if not earlier.  I hope that makes your day brighter as well!   :boogie
            <-- #1 that is!

Anker Steadfast

Well, this thread ony aims to make one person smile, but I still think it's worth it. :)

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


Maybe March should not only be the month of book, but also month of appreciate your webcomic author!
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


As long as we're releasing all of our pent-up praise here, I have to say that, while there are other comic authors who are very good artists, and some who can generate great stories and plot lines, and others who create characters with depth and humanity, I can't think of anyone who puts all the elements together as well as Amber.

Having had the opportunity to hang around with her occasionally over the past few years, I've seen first hand something of how her brain works, and how much serious mental effort she puts into creating DMFA.  It's not too hard to see how she works out all the hundreds of details and rules of the universe of DMFA.  What isn't as obvious is all the other decisions and details she comes up with that make up all the mechanical details of putting together the stories themselves - the names, the settings, the timing, the dialog... All those little details.  Paying attention to all those things is more than most people can handle.

Being detail oriented and perfectionistic myself,  Amber's ability to generate and keep track of all those details in her brain, and make such good decisions on how to use them has always impressed the hell out of me.

And - totally unrelated but funny, here's another page from the series above:



So in short, Amber is a webcomic goddess? =^-^=

Or at the very least, has considerable skill and talent at creating an ongoing storyline that is amusing and enjoyable and WORKS? (Mind you, she has improved in time. As I've long said, the best method of becoming a truly good webcomic creator is to update. Constantly and frequently. ^^)
Robert A. Howard, Tangents Reviews


Quote from: Rafe on March 27, 2010, 03:16:54 AM
As long as we're releasing all of our pent-up praise here, I have to say that, while there are other comic authors who are very good artists, and some who can generate great stories and plot lines, and others who create characters with depth and humanity, I can't think of anyone who puts all the elements together as well as Amber.

Having had the opportunity to hang around with her occasionally over the past few years, I've seen first hand something of how her brain works, and how much serious mental effort she puts into creating DMFA.  It's not too hard to see how she works out all the hundreds of details and rules of the universe of DMFA.  What isn't as obvious is all the other decisions and details she comes up with that make up all the mechanical details of putting together the stories themselves - the names, the settings, the timing, the dialog... All those little details.  Paying attention to all those things is more than most people can handle.

Being detail oriented and perfectionistic myself,  Amber's ability to generate and keep track of all those details in her brain, and make such good decisions on how to use them has always impressed the hell out of me.

I couldn't have said it better Rafe. Amber is well deserving of any praise that comes her way, whether she likes it or not  :mowsmile
'It'd be such an honour, to be personally smacked upside the head by the artist herself' - Bjalf


 :) Yay Amber! :3

I'm always impressed how she keeps on improving.

@ Rafe: Is there any more, pleaseĀ²? What's the context?

:goamber Amber keeps painting this world as she weaves more and more colorful threads together into a beautiful tissue. :judges
Tigriel's got a guest:

A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK


Quote from: Tiger_T on March 27, 2010, 03:34:25 PM

@ Rafe: Is there any more, pleaseĀ²? What's the context?

Jack has attracted some seriously good artists as fans (Amber, for example), and some of them, (along with a few less talented ones) started a comic called "Jack Art Jam Comics".  One person would do a page or two, then another picked it up, then someone else, etc.  

It helps to know the characters and plot of Jack, and also beware of things like the angels' clothes disappearing suddenly and random not-safe-for-work acts occurring.  

You can find it on the Jack Forum's "Jack Fan Works" page.
If you haven't been to it before, go here first and register:
Some pages are open, but the "Fan Art" page needs registration.
A bunch of us DMFA fans are there.   If you need help with anything, PM me.  


Ah, okay. Thank you! :3

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*holds up a "Go Amber, Go!" banner*
Tigriel's got a guest:

A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK