Questions about Devin?

Started by SCKnight14, February 25, 2010, 01:15:21 AM

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Hello everyone.  Since seeing Devin for the first time, I am baffled by some things: what on Earth is up with Devin's tail?  I mean what is it, a horse's tail or something?  It's not shaggy or bushy; what is up with it?

Also, has anyone noticed that he has the same type of ear tufts like those a lynx?  Does this mean he is half-lynx/half-horse?


No what it means is he's unique!  :mowhappy There are many different creatures/species in all different shapes and sizes, with unique characteristics or traits. His tail is just that a genetic trait and nothing more. Kinda like a birthmark.......  :3

I'd check out the Demology 101 section, if you haven't already to read about the different species and the Hybrid Genetics Arc, too(which is a bonus arc, not partial to the current storyline).

Also, if you haven't done so I'd make sure to read the forum rules. Just to avoid any misunderstandings or trouble.  :)
On that note welcome to the forums!  :mowmeep

Although, I wouldn't be surprised if he had some creature background in him, due to his fur color...............he's blue like Destania, for freaking sakes! XD

Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3


Hmmmm...True, but still his tail does like a flag.


Actually, to me it reminds me more of a Irish setter's tail...........since it's kinda wispy......just his is longer than the dog's.....

Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3


He's silky.  :3 It looks sort of like a whippet tail, also.


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E



"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity

Roach Lord

A while back I sent Amber an email asking what if Devin and Abel met in teh current DMFA time. She just replied with: "I would hate to be him if that happened.". I'm not to sure which one she was refuring to, but I can only assume it to be Abel, considering Devin died due to the shock of seeing Abel's headwings. But something like that also confuses me, considering it seamed as though Devin was sad (can't find a better word) of being unable to help Abel due to unanimation. I don't really care what species Devin is, I'm just curious as to wha their reactions will be to each other.

In current DMFA time, Abel is as much sarcastic and asshole-ish as Devin. But Devin has only seen Abel as a younger form of himself, the more "non-sarcastic" and "wimpy" Abel. But one must also take into account that Kria was PROBOBLY the one who killed Devin, but resurected, from then on we don't know how Devin reacted to being brought back to, sort of, life, or what Kria might have told him durring his couple hundred years working for her. Or anything really about Devin's history at all. fact. Screw Abel and Regina, we should've gotton a side-story on Devin from reanimation to current DMFA time!

Baal Hadad

Quote from: Roach Lord on February 25, 2010, 04:18:32 PM
A while back I sent Amber an email asking what if Devin and Abel met in teh current DMFA time. She just replied with: "I would hate to be him if that happened.". I'm not to sure which one she was refuring to, but I can only assume it to be Abel, considering Devin died due to the shock of seeing Abel's headwings. But something like that also confuses me, considering it seamed as though Devin was sad (can't find a better word) of being unable to help Abel due to unanimation. I don't really care what species Devin is, I'm just curious as to wha their reactions will be to each other.

In current DMFA time, Abel is as much sarcastic and asshole-ish as Devin. But Devin has only seen Abel as a younger form of himself, the more "non-sarcastic" and "wimpy" Abel. But one must also take into account that Kria was PROBOBLY the one who killed Devin, but resurected, from then on we don't know how Devin reacted to being brought back to, sort of, life, or what Kria might have told him durring his couple hundred years working for her. Or anything really about Devin's history at all. fact. Screw Abel and Regina, we should've gotton a side-story on Devin from reanimation to current DMFA time!

Um...what?  You said Devin died of the shock of seeing Abel's headwings, and then you said that Kria was probably the one who killed him, which contradicts your earlier assertion.

Not to mention there is clear evidence from the comic that neither is the case--he was hit by an attack, as Xander was.

Roach Lord

No, no, no, no. The shock from seeing Abel's headwings (and touching them) caused him to stand up, which made him an open target for the attack, which, again, PROBOBLY was from Kria.


Quote from: Roach Lord on February 25, 2010, 04:34:49 PM
No, no, no, no. The shock from seeing Abel's headwings (and touching them) caused him to stand up, which made him an open target for the attack, which, again, PROBOBLY was from Kria.

Probably not Kria, since she failed to take out any targets.

Roach Lord

Oh, mai bad. Both spelling and factual.... Selev sounds familiar, did we here about him/her anytime during the comic or side comics?


Quote from: Roach Lord on February 25, 2010, 04:54:44 PM
Oh, mai bad. Both spelling and factual.... Selev sounds familiar, did we here about him/her anytime during the comic or side comics?
Are you referring to this?  It might have been Selev's brother who actually killed Devin.  I'm not sure if the brother was named.
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.

Roach Lord

No, thats the same link Bjalf gave. Maybe I'm just not thinking right. But where did you find out that Selev's brother killed Devin?


Quote from: Roach Lord on February 25, 2010, 04:18:32 PM
A while back I sent Amber an email asking what if Devin and Abel met in teh current DMFA time. She just replied with: "I would hate to be him if that happened.". I'm not to sure which one she was refuring to, but I can only assume it to be Abel, considering Devin died due to the shock of seeing Abel's headwings. But something like that also confuses me, considering it seamed as though Devin was sad (can't find a better word) of being unable to help Abel due to unanimation. I don't really care what species Devin is, I'm just curious as to what their reactions will be to each other.

In current DMFA time, Abel is as much sarcastic and asshole-ish as Devin. But Devin has only seen Abel as a younger form of himself, the more "non-sarcastic" and "wimpy" Abel. But one must also take into account that Kria was PROBABLY the one who killed Devin, but resurected, from then on we don't know how Devin reacted to being brought back to, sort of, life, or what Kria might have told him during his couple hundred years working for her. Or anything really about Devin's history at all. fact. Screw Abel and Regina, we should've gotton a side-story on Devin from reanimation to current DMFA time!

Um... according to his cast page, Devin has no memory of his previous life... Yeah, he's a jerk again, but it's not the same mind we saw in Abel's Story. So, Devin wouldn't remember Abel. Any angst from the meeting would be entirely Abel's. Unless, of course, seeing Abel triggers Devin to recover his memories, considering Abel was the last person in Devin's life...


Yeah, it might restore Devin's memory.  Hmm...I think Amber should do that fateful meeting.  It would prove to be very interesting to see what happens at that reunion.


In this strip, it says that Selev was the one who was killed in the tower.  Unless there were two members of the party who were killed in towers, Selev would have been the one killed in this stripSelev had been near his brother during the fight according to this strip, which would have placed him in the right location to kill Devin after Devin killed Selev.  The only characters mentioned as belonging to the attacking party were Kria, her mysterious companion, Selev, and Selev's brother.  This was the basis on which I made my assumption that Selev's brother killed Devin.
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.


Quote from: Naldru on February 25, 2010, 07:29:16 PM
In this strip, it says that Selev was the one who was killed in the tower.  Unless there were two members of the party who were killed in towers, Selev would have been the one killed in this stripSelev had been near his brother during the fight according to this strip, which would have placed him in the right location to kill Devin after Devin killed Selev.  The only characters mentioned as belonging to the attacking party were Kria, her mysterious companion, Selev, and Selev's brother.  This was the basis on which I made my assumption that Selev's brother killed Devin.

What's been bugging me, ever since I read that part of Abel's story, is the identity of that "mysterious companion." I want to say it's DP, but my gut tells me that just isn't the case.


Yes, because people don't normally take classes from their siblings. (Oh the fighting... The fighting...) So, it'd have to be someone older...

For me, I've always suspected Aniz. The location and timing of his arrival is too perfect.


Quote from: Drayco84 on February 26, 2010, 12:51:15 AM
Yes, because people don't normally take classes from their siblings. (Oh the fighting... The fighting...) So, it'd have to be someone older...
By my calculations, while Kria was 36, DP was 378.  If that doesn't make him old enough to teach her I don't know what does  :P

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Roach Lord

Quote from: Naldru on February 25, 2010, 07:29:16 PM
In this strip, it says that Selev was the one who was killed in the tower.  Unless there were two members of the party who were killed in towers, Selev would have been the one killed in this stripSelev had been near his brother during the fight according to this strip, which would have placed him in the right location to kill Devin after Devin killed Selev.  The only characters mentioned as belonging to the attacking party were Kria, her mysterious companion, Selev, and Selev's brother.  This was the basis on which I made my assumption that Selev's brother killed Devin.

But it was stated by the unknown teacher that he was running from Glory, which should lead one to believe that he wouldn't have enough time to attack Devin and Abel. Since Selev was killed, Selev's brother got chased off, and Kria killed no one. It was either the unknown teacher, or someone else that wasn't mentioned.


Quote from: Tapewolf on February 26, 2010, 04:10:49 AM
Quote from: Drayco84 on February 26, 2010, 12:51:15 AM
Yes, because people don't normally take classes from their siblings. (Oh the fighting... The fighting...) So, it'd have to be someone older...
By my calculations, while Kria was 36, DP was 378.  If that doesn't make him old enough to teach her I don't know what does  :P

I suppose. I mean, when you think about it, DP would make a likely candidate...
Still, those two don't really see eye to eye. Who knows? Maybe this mysterious stranger taught both Kria and DP. There is a possibility this guy (or girl) may very well appear again in the future.

Anker Steadfast

Quote from: RandomMetaphysics on February 26, 2010, 09:57:43 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on February 26, 2010, 04:10:49 AM
Quote from: Drayco84 on February 26, 2010, 12:51:15 AM
Yes, because people don't normally take classes from their siblings. (Oh the fighting... The fighting...) So, it'd have to be someone older...
By my calculations, while Kria was 36, DP was 378.  If that doesn't make him old enough to teach her I don't know what does  :P

I suppose. I mean, when you think about it, DP would make a likely candidate...
Still, those two don't really see eye to eye. Who knows? Maybe this mysterious stranger taught both Kria and DP. There is a possibility this guy (or girl) may very well appear again in the future.

Yeah, the mysterious person could even be Destania getting a bit of money by teaching people in Pain and Terror.

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


What I want to know about is Devin's creature heritage. He's blue, which most likely means he's not entirely a being. Though I'm sure most people suspect this already and think his father may have been Aniz or another Incubus wanting a cubi child and left because Devin didn't have wings. But since Cubi genes are stronger than being genes as far as I can tell, that leads me to think his mom had creature heritage as well or else Devin WOULD have been a Cubi like Abel.

His uncle is PROBABLY blue, as seen here, but the sepia makes it hard to tell (his sepia tone just looks exactly like Devin's in the middle panel and is slightly blue by that point).

Well. Those are my questions about Devin anyway =p


Quote from: Kattuccino on February 27, 2010, 01:24:43 AM
What I want to know about is Devin's creature heritage. He's blue, which most likely means he's not entirely a being. Though I'm sure most people suspect this already and think his father may have been Aniz or another Incubus wanting a cubi child and left because Devin didn't have wings.

I think his father was an Angel.  They're known to have a problem breeding true.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on February 27, 2010, 05:41:49 AM
I think his father was an Angel.  They're known to have a problem breeding true.

I'll agree with this one! As it states in the "Hybrid Genetics" Arc, when it comes to interbreeding more and more angels aren't being born and those who are can't have kids because of infertility.

So, I wouldn't be surprised if that's the reason Devin's father split..........he was hoping for an angel kid to help his dying race, but he didn't.......he got our Devin, that we know and love!  :mowwink

Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3


Quote from: Anker Steadfast on February 27, 2010, 12:34:34 AM
Yeah, the mysterious person could even be Destania getting a bit of money by teaching people in Pain and Terror.
That does bring up an interesting question.  Do students take educational "road trips" from SAIA?  I would assume the answer is no because Fa'Lina is presumably very strict about the security of her students.


Quote from: Tapewolf on February 27, 2010, 05:41:49 AM
Quote from: Kattuccino on February 27, 2010, 01:24:43 AM
What I want to know about is Devin's creature heritage. He's blue, which most likely means he's not entirely a being. Though I'm sure most people suspect this already and think his father may have been Aniz or another Incubus wanting a cubi child and left because Devin didn't have wings.

I think his father was an Angel.  They're known to have a problem breeding true.

Ooooh, that's an interesting theory, and very plausible. Even 400+ years before DMFA's current storyline it makes sense that the angels' breeding problems were going full swing since it would take awhile for a race that lives so long to start dying out even with breeding problems.

I've always wondered if creatures in general might have less fertility in general since Aniz never tried to have a lot of children using May. Though this could have been more not wanting May to catch on when she saw all her children coming out with wings. To me it just makes sense that anything with a lifespan of 1000+ years would have limits on offspring, or else creatures (demons especially, since they don't have taboos about half breeds) could face serious population control problems. Though it could just be a cultural thing too that keeps them from not having like 200 children throughout their lifetime.