Cubi-Dragon War speculation.

Started by Les, February 15, 2010, 10:56:00 PM

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The Dragon-Cubi war.. how, why?  I'm sure a lot of people are wondering how this could have started and what could have happened to generate what appears to be such a Vehement reaction between the two races (Abel was, despite his hemophobia, dead set to End pyroduck on sight at first; and Destania is going for out-and-out genocide.  One dragon went out of it's way to thoroughly and specifically wipe-out an entire clan (clan Siar, and all but succeeded) and Pyroduck's dad has officially disowned him until he murders several hundred cubi-kids... that's some serious hate going on.)?

My own wild mass guess, based on the rather flimsy coincidence that Pyroduck's father was friends with Fa'Lina before he turned around and wiped-out her clan and on the baseless assumption that Furrae dragons like many other universe's dragons tend toward arrogant know-it-all, is that the war started with the best of intentions.

What if, Dragons and Cubi were at one point actually pretty tight (not just an isolated case with Fa'Lina and Pyroduck's father.)  They got along well, so well the Dragons decided they could 'Help' the Cubi (just like the British thought they were helping with Colonialism) by culling the 'bad' cubi with negative emotional affinities.  The other Cubi interpreted this as an attack on All Cubi and declared war.  Having the 'good' Cubi turn on them while they were going about the messy business of purging the 'bad' Cubi of course infuriated the Dragons and everything spiraled out of control from there, both sides feeling totally in the right and that the other side were the ones who betrayed them, each perpetrating atrocity after atrocity upon the other in revenge for past atrocity.

That's the best I could come up with anyway.   :B
Long live Space Race, Long live... Molvania!

Amber Williams

I estimate you guys will probably get a good inkling of what may have kickstarted the thing in about say...*checks information* 2 weeks from now.

Course what starts a war and what keeps a war going can often be two very different things.


Wait, you mean we actually get to see the spark of one of the major events surrounding the comic? Huzzah! I love world building story elements.

Part of what I LOVE about this is just how HUGE and involved the world feels!


Quote from: Amber Williams on February 15, 2010, 11:18:21 PM
I estimate you guys will probably get a good inkling of what may have kickstarted the thing in about say...*checks information* 2 weeks from now.

Course what starts a war and what keeps a war going can often be two very different things.

All too true, even short-lived humans can keep a vendetta going for generations.

Quote from: entropicage on February 15, 2010, 11:38:46 PM
Wait, you mean we actually get to see the spark of one of the major events surrounding the comic? Huzzah! I love world building story elements.

Part of what I LOVE about this is just how HUGE and involved the world feels!

Same here,


Wow... Way to nip that debate in the bud... Must've had a plan to answer this for some time.

I eagerly await the history lesson. And unlike Dan, -I- won't fall asleep.

Amber Williams

Quote from: entropicage on February 15, 2010, 11:38:46 PM
Wait, you mean we actually get to see the spark of one of the major events surrounding the comic? Huzzah! I love world building story elements.

Part of what I LOVE about this is just how HUGE and involved the world feels!

I doubt it will be much of a view.

If anything, I expect it will probably annoy people since it will only make more questions than answer and what will be mentioned is going to be a really narrow perspective.


Quote from: Amber Williams on February 16, 2010, 01:08:36 AM
Quote from: entropicage on February 15, 2010, 11:38:46 PM
Wait, you mean we actually get to see the spark of one of the major events surrounding the comic? Huzzah! I love world building story elements.

Part of what I LOVE about this is just how HUGE and involved the world feels!

I doubt it will be much of a view.

If anything, I expect it will probably annoy people since it will only make more questions than answer and what will be mentioned is going to be a really narrow perspective.

my guess is that while open hostilities are over, and a few members from each side are prepared to at least coexist without eviscerating eachother on sight, old grudges would still remain, especially since both races have relatively lengthy lifespans.

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


You mean like..., or more recently: ?

Yeah, totally no lingering feelings in that conflict.

Anker Steadfast

I reckon that while it could go all from the scale of Fa'Lina's affinity being "Eat dragons" to a simple "You owe me money" that it will at least be somewhat unique in nature and possibly not require Amber to draw any buildings, even though she has gotten better at backgrounds lately. :)

Either way, I'm totally looking forward to a bit more foreshadowing.


GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


Quote from: Amber Williams on February 16, 2010, 01:08:36 AM
Quote from: entropicage on February 15, 2010, 11:38:46 PM
Wait, you mean we actually get to see the spark of one of the major events surrounding the comic? Huzzah! I love world building story elements.

Part of what I LOVE about this is just how HUGE and involved the world feels!

I doubt it will be much of a view.

If anything, I expect it will probably annoy people since it will only make more questions than answer and what will be mentioned is going to be a really narrow perspective.

Don't worry Amber, EVERYTHING you do uncovers more questions than it answers. We'll just mass-spam your email address and/or the boards until we get those answers. (And those answers will in turn uncover more questions. And then the answers to those questions will open up even more questions, so on and so forth.)


Quote from: Drayco84 on February 16, 2010, 10:52:52 AM
Quote from: Amber Williams on February 16, 2010, 01:08:36 AM
Quote from: entropicage on February 15, 2010, 11:38:46 PM
Wait, you mean we actually get to see the spark of one of the major events surrounding the comic? Huzzah! I love world building story elements.

Part of what I LOVE about this is just how HUGE and involved the world feels!

I doubt it will be much of a view.

If anything, I expect it will probably annoy people since it will only make more questions than answer and what will be mentioned is going to be a really narrow perspective.

Don't worry Amber, EVERYTHING you do uncovers more questions than it answers. We'll just mass-spam your email address and/or the boards until we get those answers. (And those answers will in turn uncover more questions. And then the answers to those questions will open up even more questions, so on and so forth.)
Is it just me or does this sound like what the show Lost was doing to it's fans.

Anker Steadfast

heh, at this point, even if Amber made a post with answered ALL the questions we had about her universe here and now, the amount of theorizing and nitpicking would just make it all fall apart and generate n+1 amount of more questions .. where n= infinity.

... yeah, we're looking at YOU!!

And me. :D

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


Quote from: iceick on February 16, 2010, 03:22:04 PM
Is it just me or does this sound like what the show Lost was doing to it's fans.
The difference is that Amber follows the rules even if she is trying to be misleading and deceptive.Chekov's Gun (Wikipedia and TV Tropes) is legitimate. 

Lost just keeps tossing in layers until it's a complete mess.  They have all the most confusing aspects of time travel paradoxes, and they don't seem to have any restraint.
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.


Well, Lost is wrapping up all those answers into this season, which will be it's last. Of course I don't see Amber ever being that crule to just quit on us. Right?


Quote from: iceick on February 16, 2010, 09:16:09 PM
Well, Lost is wrapping up all those answers into this season, which will be it's last. Of course I don't see Amber ever being that crule to just quit on us. Right?

Ooooooh... All the HATE mail she'd get if she just up and left the series...

All the fan-spawned comics that would arise from the sudden ending of the series... Especially by fans that would brutally mis-match the characters and their personalities. (Imagine if Wildy and Jyrras switched bodies! Pip and Dan? Alexsi and Mab?! Dark Pegasus and Biggs?!)

Amber's freaking out in terror right now, isn't she? (Hell, how many of the rabid fans are freaking out in terror?)


I don't even want to know what that would look like.


I bet it started because some cubi burnt the meatloaf at dinner before the dragons got a chance to breathe fire on it.

Setting fire to things is what fire breathers do. Mean ol cubi.


I think it happened because some over powered cubi thought "he" was stronger than the dragons.


I think it started because someone lost at "Duck, Duck, Goose" at the Annual Creature Picnic!  >:3

Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3


Maybe it started with an assasination  by a rouge group, or an entirely different species altogether! >:3

Lik maybe a demon or an angel set it up to look like one of them attacked the other. But that's just a guess. :B

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: zeldagal12 on February 21, 2010, 02:14:58 PM
Maybe it started with an assasination  by a rouge group, or an entirely different species altogether! >:3

You mean, like, painting the town red or something?
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Do we have a rough date for the dragon-cubi war?  That's the first thing I'm interested in.
            <-- #1 that is!


Quote from: Shachza on February 21, 2010, 07:25:48 PM
Do we have a rough date for the dragon-cubi war?  That's the first thing I'm interested in.

IIRC it was at its height during the founding of SAIA, about 7000 years ago.  I seem to recall that it was described as ending a couple of thousand years ago but I can't remember where now, and unless it's actually in the comic it probably doesn't count as canon.


Okay, citation.  Fa'Lina's cast page.

Fa'Lina returned along with a promise of a sanctuary for Cubi from the ongoing war.
... Thousands of years later, long after the war had ended, SAIA is now considered the place where all clans send their children by default.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


As far as timing goes, remember that the dragons wiped out Aniz's clan less than a thousand years ago.

Aniz was 464 when Abel entered SAIA and Abel entered SAIA about 400 years ago.
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.


Quote from: Naldru on February 21, 2010, 09:10:22 PM
...and Abel entered SAIA about 400 years ago.

Closer to 375, but that's a small difference.
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


Quote from: Naldru on February 21, 2010, 09:10:22 PM
As far as timing goes, remember that the dragons wiped out Aniz's clan less than a thousand years ago.

Yes, but AFAIK it was still after the war officially ended.  Old scores and all...  Given that and Destania, I would say that it basically shifted gears from a hot war to a cold war.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Anker Steadfast

Quote from: zeldagal12 on February 21, 2010, 02:14:58 PMMaybe it started with an assasination  by a rouge group, or an entirely different species altogether! >:3

Many muffins were assasinated by unknown third party, sending many high powered Dragons into a RAGE !!!

In totally unrelated news, Fa'Lina seems to have gained weight lately.  :D

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


Oh... new WMG!

Elsewhere it was mentioned that it used to be much easier for Cubi to attain Tri-Wing status and there were many more Tri-Wings than there are now even in relation to the numbers of duo-wing Cubi... Fa'Lina also mentions to Abel not long after he arrives that Dragons are a 'magical powerhouse' race of creatures.

Speculation!  In addition to what Dragons usually horde, they've also been hording magic and have long since found a way to lock-up and store vast qualtities of it instead of letting it all just scatter out into the ether and dilute to next to nothing.  Cubi are normally passive energy feeders.   Cubi somehow started un-conciously feeding on these high concentrations of mana in the environment without realizing it and spawning Tri-Wings all over the place.  The Dragons since sealed-off these sources and began Genociding Cubi clans thinking they were deliberately poaching on their mana-reserves.
Long live Space Race, Long live... Molvania!


Quote from: Les on February 23, 2010, 03:44:32 PM
Oh... new WMG!

Elsewhere it was mentioned that it used to be much easier for Cubi to attain Tri-Wing status and there were many more Tri-Wings than there are now even in relation to the numbers of duo-wing Cubi... Fa'Lina also mentions to Abel not long after he arrives that Dragons are a 'magical powerhouse' race of creatures.

Speculation!  In addition to what Dragons usually horde, they've also been hording magic and have long since found a way to lock-up and store vast qualtities of it instead of letting it all just scatter out into the ether and dilute to next to nothing.  Cubi are normally passive energy feeders.   Cubi somehow started un-conciously feeding on these high concentrations of mana in the environment without realizing it and spawning Tri-Wings all over the place.  The Dragons since sealed-off these sources and began Genociding Cubi clans thinking they were deliberately poaching on their mana-reserves.

This is quite an interesting theory and I can certainly say I was intrigued while reading it!  :3

Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3

Anker Steadfast

Alternatively, the cubi was a whole lot LESS passive about leeching magic from Dragons, and took it by force instead, thus using Dragon-feeding as a shortcut to tri-wing status.

Not all Cubi are nice after all.

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.