[Story] Angel Story - March 25, Chapter 8

Started by James StarRunner, July 24, 2006, 03:39:40 PM

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James StarRunner


Chapters 1-4 (this post)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9


Among the sentient life in the world there are two great factions. The first and more numerous by far were the beings, mostly ordinary people with mostly ordinary lives. The second who are called creatures are much more sparse in number, but command great inherent powers.

Many times these two factions clash. Many times, they are also at peace with one another. At our hero's birth however, it was not a time of peace...


Snow and ash snaked through the streets of Brightstone. The cold breeze carried the stench of fresh blood. The sound was deafening with bombs whistling through the air and the echoing of the following explosions. Even when the bombs slowed the noise was replaced by the screams of the terrified and dieing. City blocks crumbled one after the other, crushing all those who were unfortunate enough to be caught in the debris, extinguishing their cries and their lives.

Though once of vast numbers, the army of beings who gathered to defend their city dropped in great numbers. Despite their losses, they fought back relentlessly. However, before the night was done, the once great capital was in ruins. Without much left standing, those who attacked departed into the night, leaving what was left of the city to burn into the ground.

On top of the hills, looking down at the burning wreckage stood a figure. Looking down on the scene of destruction, he grinned before flaring out his wings and jumping headlong into the night.

The story of a handful of angels descending to destroy the land would not soon be forgotten.


Thin rays of light peered out from over the horizon. The chill October air has not yet dissipated from the sleepy town of Lath's Stand.

Two figures carrying a third ran through the near freezing mist knowing their lives were in jeopardy. There were no regrets for what they did, but now there was nowhere to turn, nobody to rely on. The mother cried as she held her son, knowing that their time together may soon be at an end. They had been running for hours already and their strength was giving out. No yells were heard behind them, but they knew that those who were chasing them weren't far behind. If even at least one of them survived this day, they would be satisfied.

As if on cue, a sign of hope appeared. A large building with the sign, "House of Hope - An orphanage for precious children" stood in front of them. Knowing what each other had in mind, the father pounded on the door as the mother bundled the babe up in her cloak, revealing her identity. Her now uncovered wings glistened from the morning dew. She was an angel.

The husband turned suddenly and drew one of his sabers. Their pursuers were close, very close. Without further time to say goodbye to their only child, the husband grabbed his wife's hand and silently urged her to come. They spared only a second to look upon their son and hoped that whatever happened to them, that he would be okay. Against their will, they turned and ran away from the rising sun.


Grace HopeBringer woke up with a start as thunderous booms echoed throughout the entire building. Arming herself with her staff, the trim polar bear bolted to the front door. Her long hair swished behind her as she weaved through the halls. The children started to wake, their peaceful slumber now interrupted.

"Stay in your rooms!" Grace instructed. She entered the main lobby where the front door was. There didn't appear to be any intrusion, but being cautious anyway, she crept to the door. She dared a peek through the window. Nobody seemed to be outside.

"Prankster kids..." she muttered as she cracked open the door. She almost missed seeing the bundled cloak on the step until something within the garment moved. "What the...?" She bent down and parted the cloak to uncover the blue squirrel babe who slept on despite the recent excitement. Grace gasped and turned her head to look down the surrounding streets. All empty. She looked for a note, identification, or anything else that would solve the mystery of who this young stranger was. Nothing. As she picked up the lone babe, she was shocked yet again. The baby had wings. The shock soon left, replaced by a gentle smile. "Well then, I guess I'm just going to have to take care of you... My little angel."


"No! I won't allow it!" yelled the brown rat from across the desk, flecks of spit flying out of his mouth as he spoke. Grace HopeBringer stood unshaken. The two were in a wide spacious office alone with the rat sitting on a chair with a ridiculously high back to it.

"Shamus, he's just a baby!" said Grace. "Babies never killed..." Shamus the rat stood up on his chair trying to look as intimidating as his short pudgy build would allow. Even after standing on his finely patterned chair, he still wasn't up to Grace's height, only reaching up to her chin.

"You forget!" snapped Shamus, interrupting the much taller polar bear in front of him. "He's an angel!" He said the last word as if it were a filthy object. "You do realize that the angels destroyed three of our major cities, right? Our port town is gone, our most heavily populated city is gone, and even our capital is destroyed! Now with this child we see them planting their filthy kin within us to start a new generation of terror! And never call me by my first name!"

"Of course Mr. O'Riley..." said Grace firmly, her anger starting to build. "I do know what's going on and it's terrifying really, but you can't punish a baby for actions he didn't commit!"

"Grace... you run an orphanage only because of the generous amount of money I put into it. It would be unwise to argue further with me! Keep that murderer-to-be out of your orphanage or I will take this to the courts!"

Grace inhaled and held her breath for a moment. As Shamus sat back down, wearing a sinister grin, as if he had won something great, she spoke again. "You won't win Shamus, I will keep the angel child!"

Penholders, inkbottles, and papers of all sorts flew in every direction as Shamus leaped onto his desk and pointed his stubby fat finger in Grace's face. "Your adventuring days won't help you here, missy! I'll see you in court!"


A month later, Grace found herself sitting in front of a high judge who was now reviewing the case that just took place. The aged wolf judge adjusted her glasses again and made small audible sounds denoting that she was thinking. Shamus looked across the room at Grace with a look of disgust. Grace simply looked towards the judge, ignoring the rat's glare. After what seemed like an eternity, the judge cleared her throat.

"After careful consideration, I have determined that the angel squirrel in question stay in the care of Grace HopeBringer of the House of Hope Orphanage." Said the judge. There were protests of disagreement throughout the court, but none were louder than Shamus O'Riley's. After about a minute of hammering to silence the crowd, the judge continued. "There are no laws that Grace HopeBringer is in violation of. However... I will set certain conditions. A doctor from city service will make regular visits, twice weekly to check on the behaviour of the angel and Grace will receive interviews monthly until either the angel leaves her custody or until further notice. There is also the question of the lack of records for the angel. Before we close, we need a name that the angel will be known as. Have you chosen one yet Mrs. HopeBringer?"

"James StarRunner." said Grace simply. There were a few audible gasps from the crowd. Even the judge hesitated a moment before writing it down.

"The name of a hero... Interesting."


As Grace started her walk back to the orphanage, she reflected back on the recent events that took place. It had been about a month ago since the angels attacked. The three cities still lay in ruins. Most of those the survivors were children and many had been sent to Grace's orphanage, easily stuffing it to it's max capacity. A curfew was set up and a massive hunt had been organized to find all the angels involved in the attack, often arresting those who weren't involved and who had been outstanding citizens for many years. There were some incidents of self-protection from the angels' side that caused even more distrust from the beings. Law enforcement, militia, adventurers, and bounty hunters were being called in from the surrounding towns to aid in the hunt. This left more casualties and more orphans. Now stuffed to over what it should handle, Grace found her orphanage a great challenge to manage.

Grace sighed. At least there was the anonymous tip just before the attack, otherwise there easily could have been much more destruction. The general hate against the angels bothered Grace. She knew there were many more good and decent angels than bad, but the fact that most angels work alone and having a group of them attack left the beings in a state of frenzied panic.

Grace thought back on when she found the squirrel babe while the initial attack took place. The hardships that James would have to face would be incredible if the attitude toward angels wouldn't change. The resistance she was getting for just taking care of him was already a nuisance.

Grace stopped and turned around suddenly and looked down the street behind her. The street looked totally void of life.

"I swear I heard something..." mumbled Grace to herself. She sighed and buried her head in her hand. "Great, now I'm getting paranoid..."

"I wouldn't say that..." said an airy voice.

Grace turned sharply once more. Now in front of her stood a black stallion in simple dark garb. Grace instinctively pulled up her staff and held a defensive stance. "Back off!"

"Don't be alarmed my fair lady. You do know that the streets can be quite treacherous to beautiful lasses like yourself this close to curfew..." said the stallion with a gentleman's air. "Allow me to escort you home." He said as he bowed.

"You mean you and your goon behind me with the freakishly large knife?" Grace snapped. "How about you and your friend kiss the end of my quarterstaff?" The stallion looked up.

"I guess our introduction is over." he said with a sneer.


"Quite a shame really." Said the stallion. "You have nice big br..."


Blood instantly blew out of the horse's nose as Grace's staff connected with it, making him stagger back. Using the same momentum from the swing, she thrust the butt end of her staff just under the ribs of the tawny feline who was just about to lunge with his dagger behind her. The feline bent inward, eyes wide, stunned and winded from the blow. Grace took advantage of the opportunity by whipping her body around and driving her knee into the feline's face with a sickening crunch, sending him flat on his back. The crooked dagger the feline held clattered against the pavement and spun away.

The stallion bent down to draw a hidden knife from his boot and wiped the blood from his nose with his sleeve of his free arm. "You witch!" He lunged but found himself foiled as Grace twirled around, her staff sweeping his legs out from underneath him, making him land painfully on his back. Grace stomped down hard on his stomach and clubbed the dagger out of his clenched fist. "H-How...?" the stallion gasped, wheezing for breath.

"If I can keep track of over 80 children, I can certainly manage a couple of amateur thugs!" said Grace firmly with an angry glare. "I'm cranky, irritated, and late. Just be glad this is all I did to you." Without looking back, the polar bear walked away, leaving the two thugs on the cold pavement, gasping for breath.


Xylina had just ushered the kids to their rooms when she heard the door open. The aged lynx with silver hair held the squirrel babe gently against her and walked to the main entrance.

"You're late." commented Xylina as Grace hung her traveling cloak

"Sorry, I couldn't help it. Thanks for covering for me though. Are the kids in bed?" asked Grace.

"Well, I agreed that they could stay up 15 minutes longer as long as they were quiet and stayed in their roo... is that blood?" Xylina pointed at the cloak that Grace hung. Grace looked at the spot of blood on the hem and groaned in disgust.

"It isn't mine." said Grace as Xylina raised an eyebrow..

"You didn't use magic, did you?" asked Xylina.

"Just to discern who was behind me." said Grace. "If I did use offensive magic though, I probably would've killed 'em."

"So many petty thieves out now..." Xylina sighed. "This angel hunt is only complicating things."

"Speaking of angels, how is the little guy?" asked Grace.

"Just fine. Fell asleep five minutes ago." Xylina placed the squirrel babe into Grace's arms as his eyes blinked open. "Well, he was asleep..."

Grace cradled the babe and ran a finger across his little tummy. He giggled and grabbed her finger. "Little Jamesey..."

Paladin Sheppard

James StarRunner

The last pic I won't mind if people call ugly. He's supposed to look nasty and deformed (and have no fashion sence). Nothing pleasing to the eye. Next pic for chapter three I'll have Grace though. She should be a great relief on the eyes after this.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Mmm, boobies.

Wot? You asked someone to do it... :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

James StarRunner

Ahem... I must correct llearch here, his mind must still be packed. I said in chat that someone would probably would yell "Breasts!" when I posted this pic, not that I told him to.

Yes, it's true she's got big breasts (the thug in the next chapter starts to comment on it), but she's very modest. Oh well... enjoy anyways. *Runs away and blushes*

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

James StarRunner

I thought you would have been more responsible, but I was clearly mistaken. Oh well... It's not going to kill me. G'night!

llearch n'n'daCorna

More seriously - are we simply basking in awe, or would you appreciate a minor grammatical correction?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


awesome art, James. I especially like the Grace Hopebringer pic. :)

James StarRunner

James StarRunner

Chapter 5

The next morning was calm and strangely warm for November. Grace sighed as she looked out the window and watched the kids playing in the snow. It was too nice to be inside. She recalled the old days when she was still a young adventurer. She could still vividly remember marching through the wilderness and visiting fascinating cities with her party in search of adventure. Now those days were gone. Grace was still daydreaming at her desk, paperwork untouched when Xylina entered.

"Mail just arrived." said Xylina who carried a small bundle of envelopes and a newspaper under one arm while cradling the baby James with the other.

"What? Oh... It finally came." said Grace, who took the newspaper from the lynx. "I swear that mail is arriving slower each day." Xylina placed James on the middle of the rug and began to sort though the rest of the mail. "Oh dear Gods..." said Grace aloud as she read the headline.

It had been exactly one month since the cities in their province were destroyed and the front page hosted an entire retelling of the event.

Exactly one month ago Brightstone, Frosthaven and Port Reistan were ruthlessly destroyed by angels and the creatures they led. We can count ourselves lucky that the whole nation of Takona wasn't lost. If it hadn't been for the brave beings that warned of the coming slaughter, we very well my have become slaves of the angels and their minions. With little time to prepare, many heroes fought for our freedom, defending us with their very lives. Explosions rocked the countryside for one of the shortest, yet bloodiest battles our nation has ever seen. We recognize our heroes today on this one month anniversary.

"Of course the dangers are not yet over." warns General Tuk in our latest interview. "Many brave soldiers and adventurers from afar continue to hunt down the remaining creatures who threaten our very existence. Many a creature has been arrested, but at the cost of more lives. With our able forces starting to dwindle, a call now goes out to the people to defend our nation. If anyone is willing to aid in our nations defense... (continued on Pg.4)

"I see they excluded the part where the military set off all the bombs before the cities could be evacuated." said Grace in disgust as she turned the pages to finish the article. "They make it seem like every creature is out to kill us."

"Well, you already know how I feel about that statement." Xylina said irritably as she tore open an envelope. Only Grace and a few other select people knew that Xylina was a were. It had been hard for her to keep her true identity hidden on certain occasions, but she generally did very well at pretending she was a being. Xylina pulled out the letter and began to read as Grace continued her article. James entertained himself by trying to grab his tail

Finishing the article, Grace read about the promise of great fortune to those who assisted in the capture (or killing) of the renegade creatures. "Oh that's just wonderful..." said Grace sarcastically. She looked up from the newspaper and saw the lynx frozen in terror. "Don't tell me the utility bill went up again..."

"N-no..." Xylina stuttered. "It's from Mr. O'Riley... He's canceling his donations to the orphanage..."

The call for adventurers and promise of money seemed to echo out from the open newspaper. The polar bear slumped in her chair. "Gods, give me strength..."

llearch n'n'daCorna

*quietly shuffles evidence of necro under the carpet* (ie, yes, I noticed, and yes, it's within the rules. So anyone else who wants to complain can just go away :-] )

Nice chapter, James. It's been long enough I had to scan the others to remember what was going on, but yeah... :-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Short, but enjoyable.  I can PM you some minor corrections if you want.
I'm assuming the lynx is a 'Cubi?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

James StarRunner

I can see where I could have more carefully worded what Xylina was (I've got to stop writing after midnight), but the lynx is a were.

If you feel so inclined, please point out the errors. I've just given chapter 1 a major overhaul and I'll be replacing it with the new one now.


So the story's being rewritten as we read? Now I know I'll have to go through it again...

Nice drawings, though. And I can sympathize with Grace and Xylina.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

James StarRunner

Only the grammar and minor little nitpicks are being changed to make the story more understandable. All the events remain unchanged.

I'm going to run out of drawings though. I don't have a scanner with me while I'm in Texas.  :B

James StarRunner

Didn't know what I was going to do with this story for awhile since I was planing on a comic. Finally settled on doing the comic in some way with Furrae Chronicles, but it likely won't start this far back. So I decided to write James' backstory until I get to the point where Furrae Chronicles begins.

In this update, I tweaked a few weak sentences in chapters 1-5 and added a prologue to set the mood.

edit: Oh yeah, took the pictures down too. There's no way I can make a new one for every chapter.

James StarRunner

Chapter 6:

"I don't know what to do!" Grace cried. "Only an adventuring job is going make enough to feed all these mouths, but with the military harming even the innocent creatures... I... I just don't want to be a part of it!" Grace pounded on the desk, which startled the baby James. Luckily he didn't cry, but crawled instead to Grace's desk where he imitated Grace by banging on the desk repeatedly with his rattle.

"What about the government?" asked Xylina, who spoke louder to overcome the noise. "Don't we have a grant with them? Can't we ask them to up the amount?"

"It takes weeks to clear through the red tape." Grace sighed. "And even after we clear the red tape, it'll take about a month to see a new check. We just don't have enough saved up to survive till then. I... won't even have enough to keep you on staff."

Xylina paused, deep in thought. James was now bored of his noise-making spree and crawled over to Grace where he pulled on her robe, wanting to be let up. Grace picked him up and cradled him as a mother would and kissed James' forehead. "You still miss him, don't you Grace?"

Grace bit her lip as she usually did when embarrassed. "Was it that obvious?"

Xylina nodded. "I know your feelings are a little torn right now and for good reason, but I think you need to take the offer from the military. I know you don't want to hurt anyone, but being a priestess, can't you stay behind the lines and heal those who are injured? You don't have to get your hands dirty at all."

"But what about your job? I might not get any money right away."

"Consider me a full time volunteer." said Xylina as she tossed the letter from Mr. O'Riley in the trash. "I'll make do until the orphanage gets back on its feet again."

"Xy... You..."

"It's alright Grace. Pay is nothing when I still owe you my life." Grace was about to protest, but Xylina wouldn't have it. "Just take care of the preparations today and give these guys a call. I'll take care of the children while you're out."

Grace spent the rest of the day addressing the staff, packing some of her old adventuring gear, starting arrangements for more grant money in the coming weeks, and instructing Xylina on how to do the paperwork and general management of the orphanage.

When all the kids were asleep, Grace retired to her bedchamber. She laid James in the crib next to her futon and began to dress for bed. In the mirror, she caught a glimpse of the long scar across her stomach and choked back her tears. She finished changing and sat on her futon, hands in her face. A moment later she reached up and pulled a picture from off her nightstand.

"I miss you..." she said, tears running down her face. She gave the picture a kiss before putting it back where it once was. She no longer had any blankets to sleep under as she gave them all to the kids which now overfilled the orphanage, but she culled up and went to sleep anyways.

The picture now back on the nightstand seemed to glow from the faint shine of the moon. In the picture was Grace, much happier and visibly pregnant with a tall male polar bear at her side, his white, feathered wings embracing her.


Very touching. I hopefuly to see more soon dear Jamey boi!


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

James StarRunner

Quote from: Zedd on June 03, 2008, 03:10:24 AM
Very touching. I hopefuly to see more soon dear Jamey boi!
As it should be. Now we see why Grace has a soft spot for angels.

Quote from: Tapewolf on June 03, 2008, 05:00:38 AM
Interesting... the plot thickens.
Indeed. Now we've hit some real meat of the story.

Quote from: Gabi on June 03, 2008, 11:35:53 AM
Oh... poor Grace. :mowsad
Ya, she hasn't had it easy. But I believe trials can make us stronger.


Interesting story. Chapters are a bit short, and pacing feels a bit quick. One causes the other, though. Short chapters makes it appear that we're moving along rather quickly when only about three days with a month intermission inbetween has taken place.

Even knowing the end result, I'm curious to see where this story will take us. At the very least, I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot more of Grace.

James StarRunner

Ya, the chapters were a lot shorter before. This one was the longest so far. I've tried to make this one even longer, but I couldn't stretch it any further. I could have made it a part of the previous chapter, but that one was already written and posted a long time ago.

But yes, we will see a lot of Grace for a while yet. She's essential to James' story.

James StarRunner

Chapter 7:

Grace was already out of bed and dressed before the children woke up, except for James who stared in curiosity from his crib as Grace packed a few last minute things. He watched as Grace slide her six-foot ceremonial staff into her much shorter backpack until even the head of the staff sank below the hood of the bag. There were a few other things that were packed which should not have been able to physically fit in the bag, but due to the bag's magical nature, it defied logical measurements.

James loved playing with that backpack, much to Grace's annoyance. Grace thought she had lost him one day when he had crawled inside. When she finally figured out where he went, he had already gnawed on her candles and got baby drool on many of her other belongings.

There was a soft tapping on the door as Xylina let herself in. "Are you ready?" asked the lynx. "I made a hot breakfast for you before you go."

Grace gave a slight chuckle, "Something warm? Here? Sounds great! I'm all ready to go." Then looking to where James sat, banging the bars of his crib, she added, "Would you like to take James? He seems pretty eager to get out." The two had a good chuckle as they brought James and Grace's gear down to the kitchens.

After having her meal, she said her goodbyes to the waking children and reassured them that she would be back soon. With a wave, she departed into the still dark morning.

"The one thing I don't like about winters up north..." Grace sighed. "We hardly ever get to see the sun... We could certainly do with more light..."

Along the way she began to see other armed individuals heading the same way she was. Most were ordinary citizens who carried crude or otherwise improvised weapons. Grace shook her head in disgust. It looked more like an angry mob assembling than an army.

Soon she saw the padded uniform of several militia members as they guided the new recruits to a few of the registration tables, which were set up under a large tarp. Being guided by a relatively young beaver militant, she was led to wait in line near a couple of conversing military officers.

"So this is the sorry lot we're getting?" the wolverine captain asked her gopher subordinate. "And why did the far line stop?" Grace was mildly surprised that there were female officers this high in rank in the military.

"I believe his ink froze miss... err... sir, mam... "He's getting another bottle."

"Oh, this just gets better..." she said sarcastically. "Go in that schoolhouse behind us and clear some room, we'll move there."

"But the kids have school in an h..."

"I want those tables inside that schoolhouse within ten minutes sergeant!"

"I... I'll talk with the schoolmaster..." the sergeant gulped, then saluted his superior officer and ran into the school.

Grace couldn't help but frown at this display as she gave the captain a disapproving look. The captain growled as she noticed the looks from Grace and a few other people in the line. "You have something to say civilians? Didn't think so. Keep moving." The sergeant hadn't come back yet by the time Grace got up to the registry table. 

The mouse at the table breathed warm air onto her paws before rubbing them. "N-name and specialty if any?" the female mouse inquired, shivering from the cold.

"Grace Hopebringer. Priestess. And..." Grace added. "I'd like to work in the hospitals if at all possible. I'd rather take care of the wounded then fight."

"Well, I don't suppose that's a problem... Gods know we need more healers." said the mouse. "Have your birth certificate and clergy papers?" Grace nodded and handed over the documents. "This all checks out. Okay, you want to take this and meet with Dr. Wilde. He's the one in the blue scrubs over there." She handed Grace a white stub and pointed over to where the doctor was.

"Thank you." said Grace, taking back her documents and the stub. She gave a courteous nod to the mouse and walked away from the tables.

It was easy to find Dr. Wilde. He seemed to be the only one in blue scrubs whereas all the other doctors and nurses wore white and green respectively. That and he seemed to be taking all the white medical stubs opposed to the many red fighter stubs Grace saw.

"Ah good, another one to help heal our injured." said the aged golden lab doctor, giving a slight bow to Grace.

"Dr. Wilde I presume?" asked Grace, handing the doctor her stub.

"Indeed. It's a pleasure to have you..." Wilde gave a quick glace at the stub. "Grace? Fitting name. A Hopebringer? Angelic heritage?"

"Not quite, but I look forward to working with you." said Grace. "Where will you have me stationed?"

"Well, I think our main hospital still needs..."

"Make her work in the field with the hunters." Came the captain's voice before Wilde could speak. The wolverine strode over to the two, arms folded.

"Excuse me..." said Grace. "I'm no hunter, I..."

"I know." The captain interrupted. "Priestess of the Blue Moon temple, right? I recognize you now. You used to be an adventurer. We can use you better as a field medic."

"Brilliant!" exclaimed Wilde. "I didn't know you were an adventurer! None of my doctors have in the field training, you'd be perfect!"

"But I don't..." Grace muttered.

"Don't be so modest! We can really use you out there!" said Wilde, giving Grace a big pat on the back. Grace gave an inaudible groan. It seemed like she would have to plunge into battles once more...

James StarRunner

This was a very hard chapter to write. It deals with severe brutality. I knew it was coming, but it didn't make it any easier to write...

Chapter 8:

Grace was sent with the company of varied hunters and warriors for hire to the ruins of Brightstone. It was said that there was still activity among the angels there. Being amid the ruins, it was hard to believe there was any reason to stay. Hardly any structures stayed intact. In the downtown core, it was impossible to find where the roads were under all the rubble.

The group were forced to climb through the mounds of broken concrete. It made traversing the former capital city very dangerous. One slip and they could find themselves impaled or cut wide open on broken glass, reinforcement bars, scrap metal, or other unseen dangers amid the rubble.

Already Grace's talents were called into play as they came across other hunters who had sustained injuries. With so many injured all Grace could do was heal them just enough to be transported to a hospital. Without many medical supporters out here, Grace worried for her own safety if she were to be injured. The orphanage couldn't afford to lose her.

Grace longed to be back home. She would much rather watch after the dozens of children back at the orphanage than the half dozen cutthroats traveling with her. She already had a tobacco stain on the hem of her robe from one of the hunters that spit out some of his chew. She was also the only female in the group and felt many lustful stares being sent her way. Grace had to keep telling herself that this was for the children. Until they could find a sponsor, Grace would have to bear with this.

"I found something..." said the husky in the group. "This concrete was overturned recently. Seems like someone is digging around for something. And this street sign was wiped clean... 'Maple Drive' and '47th street'.

"Looks like there's a footprint in the ash right over here too." the lemur put in. Seems to be traveling north by north-east."

"And a snow-white feather around the digging area." the husky added. "We've got ourselves an angel to prey on."

East of Maple, North of 47th... Is this angel heading to the Bluemoon temple? Grace thought.

"So healer chick, you're from that angel lover temple, right?" one of the hyena brothers sneered and grinned evilly. "What if it's your hot lover? You still up to taking him down?"

"You mean dress down and give us a show?" the other hyena brother laughed.

"Whoo! High five brother!" The two slapped hands together and laughed.

Grace, disgusted turned away, ignoring the latter comment. "No angel who founded the Bluemoon temple would destroy the very land they swore to protect. They made this place a sanctuary for creature and being alike!"

"Don't turn your back on us!" the moose hunter growled, grabbing Grace's shoulder and forcing her around. His eyes glared into hers. Grace glared back, resolute until he opened his toxic mouth and breathed on her. Her face scrunched up. This was the hunter who chewed and reeked of tobacco chew. He spit by her feet. "Besides, it's easier to appreciate our eye candy when you face us." He reached as if to grab her chest before Grace grabbed his arm. Disappointed, he pushed her away unto the craggy concrete.

Without good footing, Grace fell awkwardly, bruising and cutting her limbs against the jagged concrete.

"There's more willing wenches back home." said the otter, the last of the group. "Just find a hooker with melons you like. Don't hurt her though. We don't want her wasting her healing on herself."

"We'll have plenty of playtime later." said the husky. "Bring the healer with you before we leave you carnally minded sobs behind."

Even though it wasn't true compassion, Grace was thankful that the husky was at least acting a bit professional. She wiped away the fresh blood and dirt from her arm before healing it. She was conflicted with herself. As a priestess, she was taught not to harm others unnecessarily, but this bunch was making her lose her patience. Even if she did fight back though, these guys were experienced and more numerous than herself. She grit her teeth and picked herself back up to follow after the hunters.

It didn't take long for them to find their prey, a gold and white angel raccoon. The angel seemed so involved in digging, that he didn't notice the hunters behind him. As the hunters began to branch out to surround him, Grace recognized him.

"Zechariah!" Grace exclaimed.

The angel turned. The hunters continued to surround him. Zechariah looked at Grace for a moment or two before his eyes lit up. "Ah! Grace! I recognized the robe of course, but it took me a moment to realise it was you! Sadly, as you can see, the temple is no more. I'm trying to salvage what's left for the sisters."

"Zech... I... I miss the temple too, but you have to leave, it's not safe!" Grace pleaded.

"I know I'm being hunted, but I'm not leaving until the glory of Bluemoon is restored."

"Angel..." said the husky.

"Zechariah please."

"Scum. We ARE your hunters!"

"You aren't the ones I was expecting... I'm not doing your kind any trouble though."

From behind, the moose chucked a chunk of concrete, catching the raccoon's shoulder, making him go down on the sharp debris.

"ZECH!!" Grace screamed, running for the raccoon.

"I don't think so!" the hyena brothers echoed as they took either side of Grace and with difficultly, forced her to the ground.

The other hunters stepped up to the angel, the husky kicking Zechariah down as he was trying to get back up. "You're an angel. That alone causes us grief."

"He's moving his hands! He's casting a spell!" Maces and hammers came down on Zechariah's hands, crushing them against the ragged debris.

"No! He's a friendly merchant!" Grace cried, still struggling. She was getting cut up, but she was determined to save this innocent life. "He doesn't even harm those who steal from him!" 

"Shut up wench! You'll kill yourself!" one of the hyena brothers said as he pressed down on her harder into the debris.

The others bludgeoned the angel, breaking his legs, tearing his wings, kicking and jumping on him. One hunter even began kicking the angel's face using a once hidden boot knife. Grace could do nothing as she heard Zechariah's screams as his body became broken and disfigured. The moose tore off one of the bloodied wings, holding it up like a trophy.

Grace could hardly recognize Zechariah any longer. He looked like a screaming bloody pulp of meat.

"Stop!" Grace rolled over, driving a shard of glass into her side. Despite the pain she managed to pull one hunter of her. With her free arm, she conjured a spiritual hammer to strike the other hyena brother away from her. Grace had just got up to her knees when she saw a massive fist going for her face. She felt her body being tossed back as her vision went black...


Quote from: James StarRunner on March 25, 2009, 08:58:58 PM
This was a very hard chapter to write. It deals with severe brutality. I knew it was coming, but it didn't make it any easier to write...

It shows.  Very heavy reading there.  When are you likely to have a followup?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

James StarRunner

Hopefully a lot sooner than this one was released. There won't really be any more chapters as brutal as this one. I do hope people understand now why Grace and later James himself took such care to hide his heritage.


O_O My post didn't go through? I thought it had.

Anyway, it was something along the lines of 'poor Grace and Zech'. Yes, trials do make us stronger as long as they don't break us, but everyone needs some time to recover every now and then. So my remark of 'poor Grace' still stands.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Maybe it's because of her trials that she can be such a selfless person always thinking of the orphans. But yeah, she does have a very hard life. I couldn't really imagine what it would be like to see what she has.

I haven't read any of the story since you first posted chapter one. I started reading again and was drawn all the way through, very nice work. "Carnally minded," one example of your great descriptions. Little things like mentioning how James played with his tail to entertain himself is a nice touch.   :januscat