Weekly Webcast #038: inFAMOUS/LoZ:TP/??? - Games Gone Wild

Started by Balade, November 15, 2009, 06:15:15 PM

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More super powered jackassery, Return to cloud city in Legend of Zelda, and another game to be announced later!


Madd the Sane

Does Val play Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack In Time? :p
Get out of my mind, idea!  I already have an idea in here!
Don't you hate it when you have an idea, don't write it down, and forget it?


Nope, ended with various demos. The current line up will probably stand at inFAMOUS / Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess / and Okami, I just filled in time to allow my wife some extra time to get caught up on work to help recover from the mother in laws visit. After inFAMOUS i'll probably do an actual full run of Uncharted leading into Uncharted 2.

wether or not val decides to play through R&C after Okami is anyone's guess.


Val still isn't done with Okami?  I bought it because it looked cool.  And I am gaining on her.  Whenever I got stuck, I would just think to myself, "Val did this, so I can do it too."


Val has to sort out a section of the game where she has to hit one of the block heads some 7-8 times in order to beat it so it's taking a good deal of time, that combined with the recent visit from my mother in law have eaten up a lot of our time and finances. So val's working hard to make up for the wages I lost having to take time off of work to drive them around.


The 8 point blockhead, I ran into one of those.  I have found that any area of the game that I did not see Val play through, seems harder than the area's that I did see her play through.  So, thank-you Val, for showing me what to do and sometimes what not to do in Okami.