Art of the Unholy - JtHM (08, 22, 06)

Started by Unholy Chronus, July 18, 2006, 10:07:13 PM

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Unholy Chronus

Ok so here's my first post for art here I hope you people enjoy it.




The Heretic

I'd love to hear from you too, so please... drop me a message or two.


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Love the organic look of the weapons brah, and I especially like how Erik balances the dagger in the first picture.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


Looking great UC, nice to see you posting here.


hey UC, awesome work as usual. I look forward to seeing more of your stuff!


You draw great weapons, and I like the facial expressions  :mowsmile

Unholy Chronus

Now for something a bit more twisted.

I suggest those of you with weak stomachs please leave now this is your last and only warning. The next two images here are quite bloody and the second features a corpse cut open.

First (A bit of an older peice of work) John Simon Selkirk
He's commited suicide several times after getting lost and ending up in an abandoned asylum. He can't figure out why he wont die.

Doctor Victor Boucher
(alternative link)
Probably one of the most sick and twisted doctors there is... continues his job in death as in life.
(This one turned out a bit horrible... I'm gonna fix it up and update the image.)

(NOTE: If you do view the images... read the caption at the bottom of the second for a bit of backstory.)


Nice stuff dude. I like the heretic character. Is there a backstory for these guys or anything?

Unholy Chronus

Why yes there is...
I've recently begun writing a backstory to the Heretic and though it's not quite far in yet (in fact most say it's quite confusing at this point.), the first part can be found on my DevArt page. (Note: There's a mature content blocker on, so most people probably wont be able to see it.)

Unholy Chronus


One tonne of beast. The D'Hiron Demi

So I've been gone quite a while... but I'm back now.
With more art.


It lives! Cool art dude, I like the monster designs. Good to have ye back.

Unholy Chronus

I havn't done much for art now that I've got to focus on drawing a comic.
But here's at least one drawing I recently did.

I'm gonna do more Nny fanart later (cause i love him. =P I mean as a character. He's my favourite comic character ever.) And this one is quite unoriginal... the pose is taken from JtHM #3.

For you that want to know the comic is not currently up yet, but is drawn by me and the script is written by Helst. (I don't know if you may or may not know him.)


I know there's something off about it, but i can't place my finger on it. Awesome angle  though.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears




Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3