My next project, you decide

Started by GabrielsThoughts, December 28, 2009, 09:58:22 PM

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which project should I work on next?

Nonchalant Paranoia[ a Dr.Strange/ Dr.Who parody with aliens and time travel]
1 (20%)
Losing Focus[ a camera goes missing and there's an investigation]
2 (40%)
Puppies in Purgatory [ breather episode that originally filled space between elswire parts one and two]
1 (20%)
Emo-Bunny [ part ppg parody part halloween horror story]
1 (20%)
Knock off Peeps [ emo bunny part deux.]
2 (40%)

Total Members Voted: 5

Voting closed: January 27, 2010, 09:58:22 PM


 :mowsad sadly last time I did a poll only three people voted. oh well. better luck this time maybe.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Losing, not Loosing.
there's, not theres.
Puppies, not Pupies (I presume - I could be wrong).
episode, not epesode.
elsewhere, not elswire.

Unless, of course, those are deliberate errors to see if anyone is watching. While you're correcting those, you might want to correct the "[ " into " [" - i.e., put a space before the open square bracket in each entry. Some of them have the space afterwards, some have no space at all.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Thank you for the heads up, I do appreciate the help.

Elsewire was intentionally misspelled it was initially written in 2002 and I though it was "kewl."

EDIT: all fixed. I think.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.

Castle Pokemetroid

I don't recall seeing any of those before. Though, it's not surprizing, since I can't remember half the things I make myself.

Are they all fresh projects, or are you continuing older ones?


Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on December 28, 2009, 09:58:22 PM
My next project, you decide

I think you should work on the project you care about most.

Cuz if you don't care about it, it's probably going to be boring.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


@ pokemetroid

define fresh? whatever project I'm working on is current, however the most recent project I started would be Nonchalant Paranoia, then again all I've done for that one so far is trace over an older abandoned story idea that wasn't bad just not completed. As to what has been seen, other than some light editing for spelling errors and a splash of color nothing is altered, what remains unseen however can be altered at will and no one would be the wiser save myself and anyone who actually saw the originals... which is still effectively no one. I didn't exactly start my comic with out having more than five hundred pages to start with, However, once I started I been pushing the others off until my skills match the content. I do still have at least three major story-lines that I still haven't released yet. They are in order of release a frog prince like narrative sprinkled with a dash of Faust (I stress the word like because Curt is going to be stuck as a squirrel for a while), A Feloniuous Nakka storyline (involving Adam, a cheetah, diamond smugglers, online dating,  and more than a few unrevealed characters)  and the long tall Texan Narative (Bade took the long way home from the future through the wild wild west becomes a sherif and is mistaken for a bad guy) all of which follow Nonchalant paranoia which will wrap up the alien invasion narrative, and will reveal the origins of  the slime cat [L337]

@White fox

I like them all, I love them all, they're all my creations. I could never be bored with them since they are mine and I made them all to the best of my abilities at the time.  The only reason  didn't color them when I made them is because I already knew what I wanted them to look like and my coloring skills weren't at a level that matched the line art. When i made Close encounters of the furred kind I figured my line art couldn't get any better (and honestly it wasn't improving) so I started coloring believing that awesome line art would compensate for a crap color job. Now that my coloring skills have improved to a level I feel is comparable to the line art I'm finishing what I started with a  fresh pair of eyes.       

   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.

Castle Pokemetroid

Whoa, wall-o-text. Good thing you put the question before the explaination, since I can't remember what I just read.

Split into paragraphs for better reading, cause I tend to skip from line to line when it's a big great brick like that.

Anyways, by fresh I mean a brand new project that you haven't started yet.

I was going to say something else, but from nearly half an hour of staring into my computer screen, it's obvious I can't remember what.