District 9 was awesome!!! [spoilers]

Started by GabrielsThoughts, August 15, 2009, 04:31:01 AM

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So anyways, I was in North Carolina this week and I saw GI Joe and District 9. It was very clear both movies would be getting sequals, for different reasons. Both movies were exellent drama. However, of these two excellent examples of science fiction adventures District 9 is the best. At the risk of revealing the entire plot (which I realize offends so many of you who haven't seen the movie.) District 9 is about a professional desk management or tech support guy working for an uber-national-military-defence-force (seperated, because people don't like made up words that are modified combinations  of what counts as a word like ubnamiforce of evil) known as the MNU. Through the glories of nepotism this pencil pusher gets promoted from desk management to feild management... his first job in the feild is to collect signatures from, the 2.5million non resident aliens (ha ha)  living in Johannesburg South Africa [or wherever the movie takes place] acknowledging that they accept the fact they are being moved from barely livable slums to a much smaller  concentration camp further  away from the human populace.

Anyway he, the pencil pusher,  gets squirted with an alien bio weapon that is slowly transformiong him into a giant cockroach...I mean glorft... er Prawn Cthullu thing. The movie is very Kafkaesque, and has a message of or about intolerance that was executed so intelligently it's like you didn't learn anything at all.

now for G.I. JOE
If you have you have ever pondered the  Pirates vs Ninja mystery... you're in for a surprise. In fact, you'll probably think you walked into another movie...like Underworld: Rise of the Lycan, or Silver Surfer. I'll only give away the Duke Hazzard storyline... because Ripcord and Snake Eyes just aren't as interesting... actually that isn't true Ripcord reminds me of one of the Waynes brothers. So anyway, Duke and his fiance's kid brother go to Iraq and become the survivors of a friendly fire explosion... and then the "heroes" cause more damage than the "villians." the Baroness isn't really evil she's a Stepford Wife...yeah, that's all I want to give away for spoilers.  While I like the over lapping plot development it seemed rushed in places that you would want them to expand upon. The material also dragged, but no longer than an annoying montage sequence. Other than the pacing problem, which includes a meaningless and confusing opening sequence that takes place in the dark ages, it was good. I was surprised considering the steaming pile  of dookie that was hasbro's other movie this year (the above statements are pure opinion...don't flame)        
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


I just got back from seeing District 9. I loved it. The trailer tells you almost nothing. I expected one thing and got something completely different. It was full of unexpected things. ( cat food?! ). I thought it was very well written and it leaves you wondered about what happened before and after. Though I guess I can wait three years for the next one.

What I really liked was even though the alien tech was so much more powerful, it still broke.

I didn't spot a Victor in the credits, so if anyone does, let me know. There's been a lack of Victors in the movies as of late.
<wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka>
"Why no, officer, I am not made of pancakes."


"District 9" sounds very similar to "Alien Nation" in many ways, except that the aliens are like big bugs and are totally separated from humans.

I understand that the original story was meant to be an analogy to South Africa's apartheid.
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



I liked the movie, but my friend keeps trying to get me to think it was horrible, and he keeps trying to convince me of the following

1. He claims non of the characters were likable. I disagree, I felt sorry for the prawns since they were probably insane and had no idea of the laws. If you look carefully when they crack the ship open, it looks like the aliens are living in their own waste.

2. There were clearly different castes of aliens. I don't know how he got this idea no matter how often he explains to me why. It involves why the one alien could kick the guy into pieces and the main "prawn" was a scientist.

3. There was no real ending. I disagree. What he's saying is nothing is really all that different from the beginning of the movie and the end. I just don't understand him sometimes at all.


i saw both movies. i liked district 9 very much, and all though i knew nothing of the parody of south africa when i originally went to see it, it was easy enough to figure out by the end, at least for me. as said it wasn't what i expected, though it was a lot better. i think people going to see d9 and simply looking for an independance day-esque alien vs. humans flick, yes they would probably hate it. there is a caste system for the aliens, it is mentioned briefly in the movie that they believed the leaders are speculated to have died out of disease, leaving only the workers. i believe they compare the prauns to a bee hive. least if memory serves me correctly. which it usually does. i do hope very much that there is a sequel, because i would very much like to see what happens. though then there is also another part of me that says, no... i hope there isn't. since sequels can ruin good movies.

as far as gi joe is concerned. i went it expecting it to be horrible and wasn't disappointed. and before people ask me why i would go see a movie that i expected to be aweful, i go to see movies about once a week... it's a hobby. so i went and basically laughed the entire way through the film. just the corniness of it all, and the way they tried to throw it all into there. the whole snake eyes flashback with his 'brother from another mother' etc. and then how they tried to give reason to his silence last minute during a final fight sequence was just silly. i did enjoy the suit sequence in france though. i thought the special effects were good, but they just need to fire the six year old they had writing it.


I was told, by someone who was a fan of g.i. joe, that it followed it's source material very well. And the source material is crap. (it was just made to push toys, like a lot of 80s cartoons). We had a good laugh through the whole movie. I enjoyed it regardless of it's shortcomings.. and would watch it again if someone said 'lets watch g.i. joe cause we're bored' once it's out on disk. It was full of stuff to make fun of.

The biggest problem I had was the fact that they seemed to forget they were UNDERWATER. All you had to do was remove the bubbles from any of those fight scenes and you were suddenly IN SPACE! (Which actually made it even sillier.) I also know nothing about g.i. joe so I did not actually see the PLOT coming in for a crash landing at the end. Others did, but I didn't. I thought they already were cobra.

I don't think I spotted a Victor in those credits either... I remember a Victoria though... close but this ain't horse shoes.
<wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka>
"Why no, officer, I am not made of pancakes."


I liked District 8 better before Disney bought it.

Oh dear.


uhhh...district 8?

I knew there was a connection to Alien Nation and District 9, I didn't know there was a District 8. although it kinda makes sense that there would be a 1 through 8.

G.I. Joe... the base is blowing up and the surface of the arctic is starting to break up.... who gets in an elevator to escape certain death from above and bellow while there is an epic space battle outside. These people must have the Luck of ten leprechauns each! I can't wait until riftrax gets a hold of it.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.