The Festival of Life (OOC thread) (Open) (M)

Started by Myr, August 04, 2009, 01:10:33 AM

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(OOC: My apologies that this wasn't opened sooner, I had several pressing matters that kept me quite busy-and I didn't want to keep people waiting too long for a response. Granted, I still might be slow to answer on take one's time.)

Perhaps this isn't the right place; one might be thinking as they stop to look around at the decaying ruin of some village -and beyond it, the thick, verdant growth of some yet-to-be-named swamp. Already one could feel the humid warmth despite not being close; and intermingled with it that odd odor of half-decay that permeated such places. Bad enough that the instructions to get here led one an hour away from the nearest town! But for such a decent reward, it might be worth it...

"So good of you to come here," A soft, nearly-sibilant voice says from somewhere abruptly, "Let me introduce myself...and have a look at you, of course..."

How had this being managed to escape detection? One could have sworn they checked the area! Yet there he...or was it a she? That voice hadn't been very helpful, afterall, as the gaunt, wolflike being stepped silently from behind part of a moldering door. Their appearance didn't help determine gender either. Their fur is pale; exceedingly so as to be almost white and suggesting they rarely were exposed to full sunlight, while the legs are backbent at the knee-much like that of a normal animal and even including the pawlike feet and muscled hips. The head is curiously shaped, with the muzzle being decidedly narrow and the ears being pointed like a cat's...and are those a pair of fangs, just barely visible and glinting like a pair of lancets? The eyes too, are a trifle odd...they seem to be glossy, almost glazed despite being focused quite firmly on oneself as the being allowed one to look them over first. Maybe they aren't a being at all, but something that can merely pass for one if they desire...

The clothing the speaker wears is rather simple as well, appearing to consist of a loosely-fitting pair of shorts and a shirt with sleeves that stopped just short of the elbows. The material seems hard to identify, but it appears to be like some kind of finely-treated leather.

"Interesting," They note calmly in that strange inflection-one might suddenly notice there was no feeling in it, as it were- "Very interesting indeed." The 'wolf' dips their head slightly; their lowered tail twitching just barely. "I am Teir'dek...and if you're wondering, I'm male." He seems to smile a little. "I was not the one that put up the request- he had pressing matters to attend to." He glances to one side, "Negotiations are a tedious thing, I presume, but he has to do them." Those strange eyes focus on one again. "I will, however, do as he requested...."

The fellow leans back against part of the door's frame, those eyes-one decides they appear to be a bluish shade, with the pupils curiously slitted- taking on a vaguely intent impression. "That you are here signifies you are interested...or at least were," he begins in that somewhat sibilant tone, "but I will tell you now that I cannot give you all of the details." Teir'dek sighed, almost inaudibly. "To put it simply...we wish for your aid." His muzzle twisted into a slight smile briefly. "Your support, even. Other things may occur as well- such as your inclusion into our most...unique celebration, if you wish to call it such. Granted, it's our only celebration..."

He seemed indifferent to that fact-but then, he generally seemed indifferent anyway. "Either way, my purpose here is to offer you a portion of the reward; and when you reach one who can give you more precise details on what you're helping with, you will earn another portion. Then, if you survive-" At this, one could swear there was a sadistic glint in those glassy eyes, "-you will be given the full reward...possibly of one's choosing, should you perform remarkably well."

"However," the seeming lupine says, "There are things you must abide by. I believe you outsiders call them 'rules'. A few will pertain to what you can do in there, the native home of my people, the Aki' well as our companions." He shifts position slightly, ears perking so that he can nod at the swampland behind him. Teir'dek glances to one side before speaking in what one would presume is his native tongue...a decidedly foul-sounding type of speech that may cause a shiver or two with the thick, hissing quality it had to parts of it.

"This is current companion," The fellow says shortly as a being of the more or less lapine persuasion tentatively makes her way into view. Compared to Teir'dek, she seems rather normal; with her brownish fur having a healthy, well-tended look and appearing overall in good health. And certainly a rather modest bunny, at that, with clothing similar to what the 'wolf' was wearing...though designed to fit her frame with some comfort. One of those quiet girls you wouldn't look twice at, to be honest, as she stepped over to stand close to him. In one hand she had a sheaf of papers and a quaint, old-fashioned pen.

"If you wish to go through with this, please take a paper and sign." He seems a touch amused as the lapine sets the papers down on a piece of rubble-positioned so they won't be blown away by any wind, of course. "We shall come back for them later...." He shrugged, suddenly giving a vague impression of wanting to leave as soon as possible. "The rules are on the paper, so read carefully. Oh...and here's a portion of your payment..." The chap reaches into a pocket and tosses a small pouch one's way in such a fashion that one has to focus on it entirely to catch the jingling prize-or to avoid it. "You will be looking for one known as Akin...she will fill you in, once you find her. I'm relatively sure you will want to find someone at the nearest hostel that will tell you where to go."

Alas, when one turns their attention back to the odd fellow and his companion, they've vanished...though one paper had been propped rather hastily so as to act as a small sign:


'No 'Godmodding'. If you're not sure about your actions, ask about them first! Consider yourself warned, as reprisal will be swift and with little mercy-especially for repeat offenders.

'Aki'viir is a dangerous place in more ways than one, so if you have questions about abilities you wish for your character to have, again, please ask. Weapons can be relatively modern, but nothing outrageous. Ask about and describe said 'modern' weapons-we don't want things around that can decimate the locale. Otherwise, swords, staves, spears...even bows and magic are allowable.

'Virtually all species, be they Demon, Being, or Mythos, are able to come...just don't expect it to be easy because of what you are.  In the case of dragons, however, it would be best to remain in one's 'being' form unless necessary. The largest Gryphon breed is not, however, permitted...we have our reasons. Fae are questionable, and one will have to give a good accounting on their presence.

'Be very cautious as to what one says in Aki'viir...even the vaguest of promises can be taken seriously, amoung other things.

'Finally, try and enjoy your time here...if you can. Oh, and don't aggravate the locals too much...We -they- really hate that.'

A closer glance reveals a tiny bit of writing just after that. Curious stuff!

'As you know, it's quite valuable to tell whom you're working for about yourself. Please, fill this out to the best of your ability, starting with your name. Any extra information is helpful, be it next of kin in the event of your death, or some trivia. information, one could say.'


Age (Optional) :




Abilities of interest:

Other abilities (If applicable) :

Optional trivia:
'I've seen monks try and cover their ears when they hear these haunting notes, but they just don't understand that your soul doesn't need ears to hear.' ~Malkithe

'Sanity is a spider clinging to a fluttering thread of web unaware of the fingers reaching for it, catching it, plopping it in my mouth....' ~Myr