A Scanner Darkly (Maybe spoilers inside later)

Started by Gryphon, August 12, 2006, 04:28:53 PM

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Well yesterday was a trippy day. As you can guess I was dragged along for "A Scanner Darkly".

I was not a fan of the book. I am not a fan of drug induced movies although I like Japanese drug inspired games like Katamari. My friend was hot for this movie and it was one week too early for "Snakes on a Plane."

To put it bluntly this movie is like one big acid trip. Yes it sort of explains why everything looks weird but its still a drug trip. I, for one, like action movies. I like to see things happening. If I wanted exposition and convoluted plots I read a book. I go to movies to be entertained. While I can't say it was boring NOTHING happened. Several times the movie could have started to go somewhere but it stopped before it even gets started. If you have the ability to see story plotlines you'll say "I saw that coming." more than a few times. But only near the end. The first hour is just a set up into a nightmare.

Things to watch out for.
The sex. Yes there's sex and nudity in this movie. Keep the kids away.
The roach: Both kids. Kafka eat your heart out.
The side effects of the drug. Seriously. See if you can see what exactly the drug does to people.
The sins of one of the characters explained to him for some much needed comedy.
The scramble suit. Man that thing is an acid trip in itself. If its a full body wrap how do you eat and drink with that thing on anyway?

This movie, when you get right down to it, doesn't give much of a catharsis. There's half a chance that nothing was accomplished by the hero and EVERYTHING he's done and has done to him will be for naught. It's great for the plot and it is very realistic but seriously... Not cool.

The movie isn't bad... But there isn't a whole lot going for it.


How does it compare to David Cronenburg's "Naked Lunch"?  That's quite an interesting trip.  Definitely not for kids, though.

("You must kill Joan Lee.  It must be done soon - this week.  And it must be done real tasty.")

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I just went and saw this today...I'm rather fond of it. :) I haven't read the book yet though.