Dead Frontier RP:Outbreak (OOC) Open {MA-15+}

Started by Lisky, June 27, 2009, 12:26:29 AM

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Name: Alexander Baldwin (Xander)
Race/Species: Human
Appearance(height and body type req.): Stands 5/6 with dirty blonde buzzed hair. His hair is is curly and messy. He has an average physical standing but a bit flabby from nonactivty in sports that year. He can run very fast for a short distance though.
Pre-Zombie Outbreak Career: Student
Combat Abilities: Has basic understanding of pistols and rifles from two years of going to a shooting with his father. Does not understand much of more complicated area such as matience and cleaning but can shoot the wepons without shooting himself in the foot. He can fight physically due to beign harrassed by kids at his middle school.
Non-combat Skills(non-career related): Fairly good knowledge of cooking.  A good knowledge of cars from school and personal research. knows how to hotwire but has never had to actually try. Basic hacking skills.
Equipment: A pocket knife, a 9mm pistol with a full clip and 30 extra bullets, a laptop case carrying a fairly new laptop.
(not needed, but always fun)
History: Has lived in the city of Ithica all his life. His father Johnathen Baldwin is a member of the police. His mother Maria went missing 4 years ago.  
Fun Facts/ Triva: After his mother dispeared he began having prolbems with thugs hence why he can fight well.
He is a frequent visitor of message board 42san.


Thanks for editing the character Assassin... Welcome In, watch out for the locals, some of 'em are a bit bitey... I'll get a post up within the next day or 2 to get you started :3

As for the rest of you... I'm waiting on Ghost, Tipod, Cog and Kafziel for the main people i'm concerned with... you others who are waiting... well *shrugs* i'll do my best without auto-ing anyone too much if the silence keeps up :/

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


I myself am waiting for Cog myself. I'd just feel kinda bad if I left him hanging in the wind.
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts


Am I to infer that some are not currently able bodied to participate of something? Also, I am gonna be so busy reading through the IC thread I am only post 22  :mowsad
One quick edit done to my fun facts just a clever idea of what this laptop to can be used for.

lucas marcone

Quote from: Basilisk on October 06, 2009, 06:46:57 PM
Thanks for editing the character Assassin... Welcome In, watch out for the locals, some of 'em are a bit bitey... I'll get a post up within the next day or 2 to get you started :3

As for the rest of you... I'm waiting on Ghost, Tipod, Cog and Kafziel for the main people i'm concerned with... you others who are waiting... well *shrugs* i'll do my best without auto-ing anyone too much if the silence keeps up :/

computer craped out on me so ill be a bit quiet for a while.

p.s. after this gunshop scene im going to make a serious effort to join up with the supermarket group a little autoing and direction to key posts about the others would be nice.(i havent been keeping track.....Ian wouldnt know any of that stuff and i can always go back and reread.


hmm... just curious where everyone went... the game seems to be limping along at the moment :/

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Quote from: Basilisk on November 11, 2009, 11:23:40 PM
hmm... just curious where everyone went... the game seems to be limping along at the moment :/

Dragon Age is eating time... fox may be slow to respond.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


seems i've forgotten something rather amusing :B

here comes Gallie the Alligator,
he's a PC decemator.
turning people into mush.
You can smell blood on his Breath.
You'd better run and flee in fear...
Or he'll be taking a chuck out of your rear...
Better stay out of his path,
or you'll fall victim to his wrath

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Quote from: Basilisk
hmm... just curious where everyone went... the game seems to be limping along at the moment

This is a ZOMBIE survival game...

Name: Tanya "Cali"  Goldson
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Race/Species: Feline
Appearance(height and body type req.):
Height: 5'6
Weight: 140
Body Type: Athletic
Fur: Calico, has a brown and black and brown spot on fur around right eye.
Eyes: Golden
Attire: White T-shirt, Black Hoodie, blue jeans and sneakers.

Pre-Zombie Outbreak Career: Car Thief/Mechanic

Combat Abilities: Was taught how to use a hand gun, rifle, and shotgun by her grandfather. Can scavenge things together to make crude weaponry (think molotov cocktail). Passable Unarmed combat, no specific form.

Non-combat Skills(non-career related): Can hot wire vehicles and pick locks. Can drive both stick and automatic, and is a competant driver. If given the equipment and resources she can repair vehicles. She can also arc weld metal though she isn't licensed for it. She is really good at jumping and running.
Equipment: .22 semi-auto pistol, 12 shot clip, 1 box of ammo (50 rounds), 1 .38 special revolver + 4 extra bullets, Crowbar, 3 Premade Molotov Cocktails, 2 Lighters, Lock Picks, swiss army pocket knife, Flashlight, Pack of 4 D cell batteries, cell phone + charger. 1 gallon jug of water, 3 packages of jerky, 1 Summer Sausage, 1 bottle of aspirin, and a 10 foot wooden pole*

*a cookie to whomever gets the referance.

(not needed, but always fun)

History: Tanya grew up in the poorer side of Ithica city with her mechanic father. She started getting into trouble with the law around the age of 14 with petty theft on multiple occasions. Around the age of 16, her father was injured on the job and she was sent to live with her grandparents' farm where her grandfather, "A WW2 vet" showed her how to handle a firearm, after 3 months she returned home to her father (who had recovered and was working as a mechanic still) and her string of petty crimes continued. She was caught on multiple occasions and her relationship with her father was strained. Figuring that her actions stemmed from too much idle time, he got her a job at his garage hoping she'd straighten out. At this time she acted as a look out for a local car thief, who would eventually get caught, but didn't turn evidence against her, (earlier on she started using her nickname Cali which is short for Calico. During her final year at high school she found out about arc welding during an art class. She took it up but wasn't able to stick with it. She graduated with a C average, and the last two years she's spent working at a mechanics shop and occasionally boosting vehicles.

Fun Facts/Trivia:
Most of the older cops on the force know her by sight.
She stole the .38 special from the glove compartment of one of the cars she boosted, this was her "gun" till the zombie event occured after which she stole a more practical firearm.
She has has used the gun to persuade people, but hasn't actually shot anybody.
Her favorite food is chili dogs.
She had a friend who was a zombie survival fanatic, he died 2 days into the event.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Woo, i think we've got our first criminal for DFO... welcome aboard good Ma'am/Sir (rather unsure what to refer to you as Squirrel :B)  Anyways, have fun and enjoy, i'll get you an intro post with the next update... probably tomorrow

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


apologies for the double post... anyways, Cog has recently informed me that he's rather swamped and going on temporary hiatus from this game... Kafzeil, i've got something planned for this, so no worries about waiting to post :3

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Figure I'd throw this up for Tanya's Father. Note this is for reference, he's still an npc.

Name: Karl Goldson
Age: 48
Sex: Male
Race/Species: Feline
Appearance(height and body type req.):
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 195
Body Type: Solid build with a slight paunch.
Fur: Orange Tabby
Eyes: Green
Attire: Jeans, White T-shirt, Long Sleeve Shirt with name tag and Goldson's Garage on the back.

Pre-Zombie Outbreak Career: Mechanic

Combat Abilities: Grew up on a farm, so he knows his way around rifles, pistols, and shot guns. Boxing (competed at a young age, didn't get far before an injury took him out of the ring.)

Non-combat Skills(non-career related): Karl is handy with a rope, and can tie variety of knots, and lashes. He can handle animals, can identify local flora, and has some basic first aid knowledge.

Equipment: Cell-Phone with a dead battery. Toolbox. Penlight. Pad and Paper.

(not needed, but always fun)

History: Karl grew up in the country with three other siblings. He grew up working, and developed a taste for mechanics at an early age. He quickly learned and was soon responsible for maintaining their equipment. During High School, Karl was into Amateur Boxing. Unfortunately, he suffered a concussion which ended his boxing career. He sufferers from periodic bouts of dizziness due to the injury. At the age of 23 he moved to Ithica to take courses at the local college. He majored in business and was going for his masters, while opening his garage, when he met Emily Isan a local nursing student. They dated for a while; and after Emily became pregnant with Tanya, Karl married her. Emily would finish her course work before Tanya was born, but Karl had dropped his coursework and focused on his business, as money was tight. About two years after Tanya was born, tragedy struck as Emily was struck by an out of control car near the hospital where she worked, and she was killed. This hit Karl hard, and led him to focus his attention onto his daughter, grimly trying to hold onto the memory of his wife. After the death of his wife, Karl tried to keep working, but his soul was no longer in his work. At the age of 14, Tanya started rebelling against the system. Most of all, she was rebelling against him. Karl tried to disciplining her but it ended up pushing her further away. When Tanya was 16, Karl's right leg was broken on the job. Karl sent Tanya to stay with his parents, as even with injury insurance money was going to be tight. Karl healed, but ended up with a limp. After Tanya returned from her grandparents, she started getting into trouble with the law again. Seeing this as an overabundance of free time, Karl gave her a job in his shop. This would serve to further strain their relationship but it also introduced Tanya to the world of mechanics, for which she had a certain knack for.

As of the present, Karl is trying to keep both his business and family together. Tanya started bringing in some extra cash on the side, of which he has his suspicions as to what she is doing, and it pains him; though he doesn't confront her with it.

Fun Facts/Trivia:
Karl has a loud boisterous laugh, though its rarely heard.
He has an aversion to technology, specifically computers and electronics. Karl is basically computer savvy enough to keep the books, and for the purposes of his job. He has a cell phone, though more often than not he forgets to charge it.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Things seem to be on a slow death-spiral for the zombie game :/ I'm thinking about putting this on temporary hiatus until the interest and players who want to be involved are back to continue... apologies to those who've been consistent and are still around.  I hope this has been fun thus far, but interest seems to have waned a bit... If you're still interested in playing, just let me know and i'll scrap the idea of hiatus... but right now, i think it might be the best thing...

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

lucas marcone

lucas marcone

did i hear the magic words "finals are over."?