Brotherhood of the Machine (IC Thread) [PG/14] {03}

Started by Lisky, February 21, 2009, 05:33:51 PM

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"I do have a small amount of experience in demolitions, but I am not a chemical engineer.  However, from what I know, Dorcan is correct.  There will not be enough oxygen present to utilize the energy content of the petrol to great effect.  Therefore we will require substances with high brisance, power and stability with a low sensitivity so it can be transported easily."  He paused for a second and shifted uncomfortably in his seat, he had rushed the doctors along to reach this meeting and perhaps it was unwise.

"Or we could use a few heavy charges of thermite on the roof of the bunker.  We would need to know the thickness of the material.  It would burn through, and the natural volatility of the petrol and the heat of the thermite would do the rest.  I suppose you are not concerned with the environmental impact of this part of the operation has on the local area?"

He paused for a bit and considered a few other things, "the defensive operation is actually rather pointless, unless we are holding for a short time period, withdrawing with the scientists and artifacts, and scorching the site of all that remains to make it unusable.  The Brotherhood can send endless waves of hostiles until they overwhelm the area, unless we can somehow remove the hostile action posture and try and con them into believing there is nothing there in a diplomatic fashion.  The investigation option requires a measure of discretion and stealth.  So, Armstrong, how do you propose our assets be utilized in these operations?  No commander lays out the objectives without also issuing at least a strategic opinion on how to carry out the operation."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Ryudo Lee

Jackson tilted his head just a little bit, finding Fet's response a little strange.  But he reminded himself that different cultures respond differently to any given situation.
"Well I'm glad to hear that.  Though you need not call me 'elder'.  Makes me sound old.  In any case, I think that you would make an excellent addition to the group that rescued you.  They're the ones that any debt should be repaid to.  After all, they're the ones who stuck out their necks to rescue you.  You'll find them in briefing room, down the hall." He says.

Armstrong nodded.
"Don't think that we won't give you strategic advice.  But keep in mind that these are your assignments, and so your input on them is a priority." He says as he turns back to the map.  "In my opinion, the archeologists should be dealt with first, as the other two can wait longer.  In fact, the fuel depot can be dealt with last.  The Brotherhood seems to be unaware that we've even discovered it.  Thermite may work with that, but keep in mind that we do have ample supply of things like C4, and other high explosives, as well as men with the expertise to use them, all at your disposal.  As for the environmental impact... well no one likes bad press.  But if you can't spare the trees, then we'll just have to tough it out.  And as for the investigation at the desert, there's been no obvious Brotherhood activity there, at least none that our satellites have picked up.  Really, you can focus on one at a time, instead of splitting up your forces.  Or if you think you can manage splitting up, then it's your choice."
The image zooms in on the dig site, and a picture of an aging human male appears next to the site map.
"Going back to the dig site... Dr. Richard Woodworth, a noted archeologist, has been taking interest in these pre-apocalypse ruins for some time now.  He believes that there might be a connection between the ruins and the resurgence of magic in the world.  There aren't many of these ruins in the world, but his last couple of digs yielded oddities." He says.
A small video appears on the screen of a crystal, about the size of a human head.  It's deep blue, and seems to have a small pulsating light emanating from the center of it.
"This crystal was found to be as old as the entire world.  Scientists are figuring that they may have been formed at the same time as the world.  The strange part is that they've never been seen anywhere else, and so Dr. Woodworth assumes that these crystals were found by our ancestors and collected in these ruins.  We think that another of these crystals is what Dr. Woodworth is looking for.  The crystals don't give off any kind of useful or harmful energy waves, at least none that we can detect.  Even the best psychics in the world aren't getting a reading off of these things.  The idea that they're linked to magic is just a theory, at best.  But that's what's gotten the Brotherhood's attention." He says.  "So the objective there is to defend the dig site until Dr. Woodworth finds another crystal, and get him out of there safely."

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Darkshine nodded, "if no one else has any complaints, it sounds like we should have the entire team for the dig site.  If these crystals are as intriguing and powerful as they sound, the brotherhood has probably already been informed, and are probably sending their own crews to search for the them.  Once the Dr. and his discoveries are safe, we could split the team in half, and accomplish the other 2 objectives simultaneously.  Investigating these disturbances makes it sound like we're doing a recon in force, while the fuel depo is a full on assault.  Making that decision can wait... it sounds like this archaeological site is a time sensitive mission, and we should get on it as soon as possible." 

The feline then started running through a mental checklist.  Asking Armstong, "What types of mines do we have available, are we going to have to rig up some remote activated C4, or do we have some claymores, and shaped charge explosives available.  Do you have any crew served or tripod mounted weapons, something like a .50 cal heavy machine gun, or a 20mm autocannon?  Lastly, what type of transport do we have available? specifically, will we be using my vehicle, or are you planning on effectively confiscating it?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


"I concur," Dorcan said.  "If the Brothers are interested, the possibility that they may have learned how to use these crystals cannot be discounted.   If so, I don't feel it would be in our interests for them to acquire any more such artifacts than they may already have.  Of course it is equally possible that they may be targeting the good doctor himself for his knowledge of them."

He looked at the map.

"I was going to suggest leaving a token force at the dig site to alert us if anything bad looks like it's about to happen.  However, if each of the sites are three days from here in different directions, it will obviously take us more than that to travel between them and by then it would likely be too late.  No, I think that we should probably make the dig our priority, with a view towards protecting the site and assisting the dig until we have as much from it as is practical.  Normally I'd suggest raising a magical barrier or warding the place, but I doubt that's a viable option here."

He paused for a moment.  "I can't see any reason we shouldn't do that mission and then return here to plan the others.  Nothing says they all have to be done in a single go."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Corgatha Taldorthar

Fetrethar nodded and left the room. At the point of a silent guardsman, he skulked down the hallway into the briefing room, and quickly slipping in. A quick glance around revealed a few, if not friendly faces, at least nominally familiar ones.

Not having the stature to address any of the others, Fetrethar sidled over to the back of the room and crouched on the floor, waiting for orders or a prompt by one of the others.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.

Ryudo Lee

Armstrong listened to Darkshine's questions, and nodded.
"Talk to the demo boys about explosive ordnance.  I'm sure they can hook you up.  In fact, you might want to take a couple of them with you.  Those guys love their job.  We might be able to scrounge up a minigun or two for the vehicles.  We have a whole motorpool of armored vehicles and smaller recon vehicles.  Your vehicle, however, is still yours and it's up to you if you want to let us commandeer it, Darkshine." He says.  "Any other questions?"

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"Not to do with the mission as it stands," Dorcan said.  "I do have a couple of more general questions but they can wait."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Giving a curt nod Darkshine and said, "I think i'll be talking with the quartermaster and the demolitions guys once we're done here."  He noticed the strange little wild man sitting off in the back of the room, but didn't really feel it was his place to do or say anything about him, so he didn't.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Izzie, having waited silently, spoke up "I agree with everything said so far. While I'm no strategist, I would like to go back to the method of disposing of the fuel, and suggest an alternative to destroying it. I'm not sure if it would be useful to us, but having it and not needing it could be a lot less of a hurt than needing it and not having it. If we are to destroy it, I'm not sure the explosive matters, as I'm guessing the fuel itself is going to provide sufficient 'bang.' That can actually be used to our advantage, as a small ghost team could slip in, place the charge, leave, then detonate. The whole team could then slip in and pick off any survivors. As for the dig site, I don't have any suggestions at this point. I don't have enough data to suggest anything more than to bring enough firepower to level a city block and then some." Izzie then sat back and added "At any rate, splitting the team between locations that could be as much as six days from each other doesn't sound like a good plan. While we don't expect much resistance from the last two locations, that doesn't mean there won't be a significant amount." he then waited for further input on the subject.


Exo remains quiet for a few more moments, then nods. "With time considerations, the dig site should be top priority. A simple but effective defensive perimeter should not be too hard to establish with prefabricated barricades and emplaced guns."


"That sounds good to me," Dorcan said.  "We can plan for the other tasks later.  Our first priority should be choosing the correct equipment for the dig mission.  Bearing in mind that unless you people have teleportation, we'll be three days behind.  The last few missions have had something important left behind on both occasions - this time, I'd be happier if we can dot every 'i' and cross every 't'.  In all likelihood, overequipping is a better strategy than going unprepared."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"From what I can see," Izzie started, "I'm going to want to equip with general purpose tools, and either a good rifle or something we picked up from the brotherhood." Izzie frowned. "On that subject, what exactly have we gotten from them at this point? I'm sure any of their tools would be much better than what we've come up with, not to mention the weapons which no doubt pack a big punch."


"In order for us to, um... dot every 'i' and cross every 't'... as Dorcan put it, we will need to have a good estimate on what might be sent against us and the terrain we have to work with.  If we expect ground forces, consisting of what we have seen so far, zealots and elites, then we will likely want to position snipers on the approaches, send out reconnaissance, etc." The "fox" paused for a moment and tapped his cheek with his right index finger.

"We need a wide variety of weaponry, at least two support weapons and two sniper weapons.  Our other weapons need to put out a high volume of firepower with high penetration.  We will need night optics, equipment to obscure vision, light construction tools, demolitions equipment, at least two communications methods with everyone synched in, portable sensor equipment,  Melee combat weapons, Environmental specific camo, and optical camouflage..."  Morgan continued on and on, naming off important equipment.

"We also need a lot of tea..."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Ryudo Lee

The image on the screen zoomed out a little to show the surrounding area.
"The dig site itself is nestled in some foothills near a mountain range that goes north-south.  From what we can see here, the entrance to the site is facing away from the mountains, which means that the ruins must have been carved into the mountains themselves.  Beyond the foothills is some grasslands, dotted with trees.  You'll certainly be able to see anything coming." Armstrong says.  "As for the tea... well, I'm sure you understand that tea isn't standard issue around here."

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"We'll also want medical backup," Dorcan said.  "If there is fighting, we may need it - not just for ourselves, but possibly for the dig team as well."

He gazed at the display screen for a few moments.
"I don't like that," he confessed.  "What works for us will also work for the Brothers if we do arrive too late.  They'd be able to pick us off one by one."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Corgatha Taldorthar

Although none had taken overt notice of him, Fetrethar watched the planning, and considered defending these diggers. What they could be hauling up out of the earth  that could be so valueable must have been covered in the part of the briefing before he got there, but he understood the practicalities of defense well enough........ But that led him to raise a raspy voice and object.

"How exactly are we going to defend these people from the outsiders? Sure, they might send in soldiers that we can shoot or stab and kill, but what shall we do if they simply launch a long distance projectile, or perhaps a gas attack, something that we cannot see nor shoot?"
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Darkshine took a moment to include his own thoughts, "well, from my perspective, i have a full filtration system built into my armor's headpiece.  As for firing a long range weapon, chances are, it would not leave the site intact, which makes it a loosing proposition for the brotherhood.  If they want this location, they'll send a strike team.  If they don't think it's dangerous they'll ignore it, or, if they knew about it and wanted it destroyed, i doubt they'd set up such an elaborate trap to take out a handful of resistance fighters." 

Going back to the planning stage, "I myself am a sharpshooter and scout, my weapon of choice has an effective range of 1000 yards on single shot, and 750 in burst fire.  I'm capable of shooting further, if you have a weapon with longer reach and were willing to loan me said weapon.  Depending on the situation i could serve the role of one of the sniper, and with the light weight nature of my own carbine i could carry both a sniper and the carbine effectively allowing me to engage closer targets if need be."

He paused thinking of other useful bits and pieces he could contribute, "Besides my own skills, if we bring the Banshee along, Ranger, the on board AI, is quite capable at running the plethora of on board passive and active scanners my vehicle has."  he thought things through a bit more, "so, with what we think we need somewhat established, any chance we could do a rough breakdown of the overall job each of us will be doing while at this dig site?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


"My only long weapons training was with a gause rifle, a type of energy weapon that utilizes a linear acceleration motor to propel magnetic slugs at super high speeds. Unless we still have the one I believe I brought with me, I'll probably want to be support with something you don't have to have much skill with, maybe something wiht a large spread. Speaking of equipment I brought with me, would my craft help with taking men and supplies? It might provide a good artificial sniping position at full altitude." Izzie asked

(to save time on searching for char description with horrible spelling, vehicle was basically hovercraft from matrix, but more compact and less OP. Fast, light, forward gun covers forward of ship and rotates 45 degrees either direction. Altitude limit of .5 miles above surface.)


"My guess is that the Brotherhood want the professor," Dorcan pointed out.  "At the very least they'll no doubt want the artifacts.  Unless they decide that it's better to destroy them than let them fall into other hands, a cruise-missile strike seems unlikely.  However, a nonlethal gas attack is a viable strategy.  I think my augmentations will protect me from that, and it wouldn't do much to Exo either, or anyone else with suitable filtration.  However it would leave very few of us to evacuate the others.  Enough gas masks to cover our team and the dig team might be an idea."

"On the subject of weapons training, that's something that I could do with myself if your organisation can do that," Dorcan said.  "If we can arrange something like that when things are less pressing it would be helpful."

"With regard to the mission, I'm not exactly a weakling.  If the dig team needs any heavy lifting that would seem like a good role for me, though I'm open to other ideas."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Morgan's breathed an exaggerated sigh complimented with an equally over-done frown, "then I shan't be of much use to you without tea.  Bloody barbarians, probably partake of that most foul ichor brewed from crushed seeds of a bitter fruit."  It was quite obvious that he was being factious, but to accentuate the point he gave Armstrong the best akanbe* he could muster.  Rather strange for Morgan.

Shaking off this momentary bout of whimsy, Morgan struggled to pull himself back into the serious discussion, "uh... well, just work on securing more tea, that... is a good lad.  So, gas, yes that could be a problem.  Does not seem like their typical MO though, but we should be prepared.  If we are unsure of the Brotherhood presence, we will have to send in scouts, preferably those with optical camouflage.  I have a very heavy sniper weapon with an effective range of 2016 meters, uh... something around 2204 yards, on a single shot.  It is semi-automatic and with an extended magazine, I can maintain around 1200 rounds a minute with the highest accuracy.  That is mostly due to the recoil because I employ a 15.2mm round.  I can use pretty much anything you might need fielded, I can even hand carry and fire a small 20mm support weapon if necessary."

Morgan perks up at Izzie's mention of the gauss rifle, "oh, I would like one of those if we got them.  Otherwise I will keep this plasma repeater."

*A juvenile taunt performed by pulling down the bottom of one eye while you stick out your tongue.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Exo hrrms momentarily, watching Morgan. "15.2mm, 2km range and 1,200 rounds a second with high accuracy? As I believe the saying goes, 'pull the other one, it's got bells on'. As for gauss weapons... coil or rail, finding one in infantry-portable form would be highly unlikely. It's a leap up even from power generation for plasma and laser weaponry."


"Well, sir," Dorcan said, turning to Armstrong, "If we have no further questions or comments about the upcoming mission, I do have a few questions which are unrelated to it.

"Firstly, did the technicians manage to make any sense of the data Morgan brought back from the transmission tower in our last mission?
Secondly, I believe Izzie left a set of augmentation schematics with the technical team.  I'd be interested to know if they managed to decode it.
Finally, I understand that our newer recruits" - he gestured towards Darkshine and Fet - "have been psionically scanned.  I'd be rather interested to know if that was also done to us covertly when we were recruited."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Morgan shifted a seat and moved next to Dorcan.  He swung his gaze solely to Armstrong and became very stern, "Dorcan brings up a good point.  Have you psychically scanned us without our consent?  I would be interested how you penetrated my mind shield."

He then looked to the others, "your answer could greatly affect my continued support of your operations.  At the very least, it will double my fee... at most, I could leave and sever all ties."  He paused for a moment to collect his thoughts.

"Besides that, I do wish to know what is in this data.  I am running my decryption, but you have a lot more resources to throw at it.  I appreciate sharing."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Corgatha Taldorthar

Fetrethar barked out a laugh at the strange dog-man's question, the one about covert psionic scans. "If they picked your bone box apart, you'd know, unless you're forgetting the chair, and the lights, and the disembodied voice, and their claim that half of their subjects faint from the procedure."
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


"I was taught how do to it without the subject even being aware," Dorcan replied mildly.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Izzie decided to play along with Fetrethar. "you're forgetting the sudden urge to sing that "I'm so pretty" song, and wanting to burn things. And Dorcan," Izzie said suddenly turning serious, "I'm curious to know what thoughts of mine you've read."


Darkshine quirked an eyebrow at Dorcan, "from my understanding of things, as long as you haven't actually slept in close proximity to a psychic they wouldn't be able to get through a mind shield unnoticed.  Now, maybe that's something that some are more sensitive to than others, but given what i know from first hand experience, i'd highly doubt it." 

He was basically done, but, given his status as 'the new guy' Darkshine felt it proper to wait until others had left before making his own exit to take care of other things.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


"The allusion is lost on me," Dorcan told Izzie.  "Besides, I'm sure you know that I've lost that particular faculty.  Either way, the fact remains that I have been taught how to do it.  And maybe, with the gods' grace, I will be able to do it again someday..."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

Armstrong let them talk for a short while, until the questions came up.
"Morgan, we believed it to be an acceptable risk to waive screening you due to your reputation and former... affiliations.  So far, you've proved us right.  Dorcan, due to the unusual circumstances revolving around your entry into our world, you too were not scanned, as an acceptable risk.  Again, we're being proven right." He says.  "As for what you gave the tech heads, Dorcan, they're having a time decoding it.  Last time we asked about it, they gave us a lecture full of jargon and alphabet soup that I didn't fully understand.  The gist of it is, they're still working on it.  As for the data that you recovered from the tower, the cryto boys are just starting work on that.  As soon as we get some hard data, you will be informed."

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"That sounds good to me, Sir," Dorcan said.  "What's the next step?  The way I see it our plan is basically to try and plan for every sensible contingency as we don't know quite what we'll be facing when we get there.
"However, I suppose we'd better also include some digging equipment in our list if we're going to be helping the dig out - they may only have brought as much as they need for their existing team."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E