Shattered Innocence (IC) [M]

Started by Noone, February 06, 2009, 09:58:24 AM

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Kassin occasionally took glances back towards the group, listening in, but soon afterward returned to his own thoughts. He felt sick to the core, more damaged in mind than anything else. As much as he tried to force himself to be calm, he just couldn't.

Dawn was coming, time went by until dusk came. Neither Kassin nor Eilan would rise during that time. The weather at least, seemed to get a little warmer and more calm, not much though. It was still miserable and cold.
No one else came by. None of Orenio's wards were tripped. Hours passed.

Eilan awoke first, groaning, getting his bearings. His eyes shot around, and he made a few cursory sniffs in the air. He checked to make sure he had all of his things. It took him only a few moments to push himself fully awake. He looked around, he seemed very unhappy to see Kedered, Chance, and Garis about. His eyes shot about, looking for Kassin, but he didn't say anything just yet.

The angel was only just starting to stir from restless slumber.



Up in a nearby tree Toalacuzlotlixao quietly greeted the Sun and thanked it for returning to the world.  This land had some strange beliefs concerning the Sun, but he had never let that stop him from being faithful.  If anything, the relative lack of devotion made him worried that the Sun would abandon this region, and he had made his paltry daily prayers to it a much more regular thing.

The night had been quite boring, which was fortunate enough he supposed.  Camoflagin himself had taken very little time, and the couple of hours up in a drafty tree with little to entertain himself had quickly found Toalacuzlotlixao idly scratching little designs into the upper side of the branch he was resting on.  It didn't seem to have bothered the party below in the least.  When Eilan finally woke up Toalacuzlotlixao felt a small thrill; things would be happening again, and even if they weren't pleasant, at least he wouldn't be bored anymore.

Continuing to keep an eye on the surrounding landscape, Toalacuzlotlixao waited eagerly for the rest of the party to awaken.  Now if only he could make up his mind about what to do about his association with Kassin.
            <-- #1 that is!


Responding to the feline adventurer, Garis replied, "He's a witness to a crime we supposedly committed, but we weren't even there.  So, he would have at least given us something of a starting point as to who or what we'll need to hunt down to clear our names."

The canine gave a bit of a sigh "Sadly, we don't have that, so we're following up on another one of the cases, looking for discrepancies."

As night fell, and the others slept, Garis fed off their emotions, and kept watch.  Every once in a while he'd ping a message to Ked, mostly simple things about clan relations or some such.  It was more a means of creating small talk in such a way to try and strengthen their shared racial bond more than anything.  In the dead of night, perhaps 3 or 4 in the morning Garis suddenly pinged an idea.

Do you think we might be able to get more information from the angel boy this evening if once of us were to sift through his dreams?  I'm not sure if you think you're better, or if you'd prefer i do it... but one of us could give it a shot while the other keeps watch.  What say you?

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Orenio kept up a guard throughout the night.  Admittedly, he did so as a feral meerkat, but one who's eyes shown with a rich brown energy.  A domed barrier spread up around him, ten feet in every direction save underground.  He'd have liked to position himself so that he covered everyone, but if it came down to it, the young Lord took priority.  And since the shield needed to be maintained all night, and it used up a great deal of focus to achieve...

By the time the sun rose, he would be very tired.  He had never been asked to use so much power in one day as he had for the past two.  Not even when he needed to help with cave-ins.  He was going to be bedraggled for hours to come.  But he did his best to keep the barrier up still, until the young Lord was awake, after which he would bound off to find grasses and hibernating animals to kill and bring as breakfast for the young Lord.  Such was a servant's duty.

All the tiredness put aside, it was good to have someone to answer to again.

Corgatha Taldorthar

Hmm, odd that Angel-boy did not return our wayward traveler. Regardless, I am certain that he will be delivered to us shortly, which leaves just one more pressing piece of business. But focus, Garis was sending to him, it was not proper for his attention to wander such. He regaled the fellow 'Cubi with some of the tales of his clans history, the feuds with the Aldradda and the Fecunith, and how as their numbers declined they became less and less active in what was now Thularia. When his last question came, Kedered considered for a moment before replying. I tried looking in once, a few days back. The boy's dreams are strange, powerful. I am somewhat convinced that he has oracular or prophetic visions, and I caught the edges in one. It might be useful, but I cannot vouch for your safety in such an endeavor. But morning is almost upon us, and I wish to try to mend fences with the adventurer. He is useless if he thinks we are the greater threat than what lurks outside.

Looking non-chalant, privately exalting in the amount of sustenance Orenio alone gave him, Kedered strolled over to where Eilan was groggily awakening. "Nothing came near during the night, none of our wards were tripped. How are you holding up? We need to come up with a plan of action, and besides myself and Garis, there are few enough here that I would let in on the deliberations. With Darins," Kedered paused, "unavailable, if we want to establish Kassin's innocence, we need to head elsewhere. That means one of the other sites mentioned in that bounty slip. I am not as familiar with the local geography as you, and since I have no strong preference for either one, my vote would be to head to whichever one is closest. What say you?"
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Eilan snorts dismissively, and doesn't look Kedered in the eyes, perhaps as a deliberate show of disrespect. "Yeah, unavailable." He speaks in a tone that those around him could easily hear. "That's all he is to you. Of course. That's a fantastic way of looking at a burnt down orphanage which wouldn't have been so had our entourage not been there. I'm also guessing you probably lied to the others about what happened." He looked around, he observed the new faces with a slight look of suspicion, a raised eyebrow. He glanced to Orenio, Zot, Aisha, he still seemed a bit groggy, restless, irritated. It showed in his facial expression, his motions.

Kassin pushed himself up, he was still miserable, but he remained quiet. He simply observed for the most part. He started to shake a bit uncomfortably as he felt brewing tension in the air.

Eilan growled, he turned away, took a few steps. His displeasure at his situation was quite obvious. However, his thoughts were still guarded, disciplined mind putting them towards other things as a screen. "I think we might all want to lay low after what happened..." he spits to the ground. "Of course that won't help..." He takes a deep breath. "Pauperta's closer, but is far more dangerous." They'd probably try to burn the whole place down on a whim, it would get us -ALL- killed. "I'd say we go to the mansion, if only because there will only be objects around in case you get the brilliant idea to have that burned down too. Of course, I'd feel a lot safer if you..." He stopped, spat into the ground again, turning around. He gave each of the cubi a hostile glare. 

Corgatha Taldorthar

The silence was palpable, even oppressive, and Kedered sized up Eilan, pondering a reply since none of the others seemed of mind to.

"Regardless, Pauperta is the sort of place we can lay low. If it is like most Ithralian cities, there will be the risk of thief-takers and other fringe scum, but many of them will be busy hunting one another  to overly notice newcomers, if we can maintain a low profile."

The incubus paused, glancing around at his companions, not entirely sure that was possible. Still, Zanfib was dead, and Chance, pity her soul, had been almost despondently blank since the orphanage burned, and the newcomer, this Aisha, she seemed to know how to be subtle.

Turn the card? Yes, we are in straits.

"Look, Eilan,you've been adventuring for a long time, and you know how rowdy a group of armsmen and magi can get. And most of them know each other, or have had some kind of friendly contact. We are hooked in due to the boy's theurgy, and while I will gladly pay my debt to him, our circumstances of meeting have hardly been conducive to stability. I have...... resources, where determining the actions of others of my kind. You might not believe me, but I assure you, Chance's conduct was an accident, and I will look after her, and make sure she does not repeat it. Besides, you need us to keep Kassin safe; you cannot slay us, and you cannot bear the risk if the Claws or the Thularians take us. If you have a problem with our actions, I will be happy to discuss accommodation with you, but spitting and avoiding the issue is not going to make it go away, and our enemies close while we idle. We must move, and quickly."

Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.



Maintain a low profile? That's possible with this group? Eilan's thoughts bled, still having a palpable amount of spite to them. He simply growled at Kedered. He looked like he was about to continue, but stopped.

Kassin stretched his wings out. He made a sniff into the air, tension. He could taste it well, it was like poison to him. To be stopped, he stood up. A deep exhale. He briefly looked up into the sky, then stepped forward. Perhaps a gesture to assert some authority.
"I appreciate your presence..." He paused, glancing around. "All of you. And, as always, I will not force anyone to stay with me if they do not wish it. I'm afraid I do not believe things will get any better or easier for us soon, so if any of you would wish to depart, you may." He glanced at Eilan at that, then cycled around to the others.

Eilan muttered darkly, but said nothing. Tempted to just bail if he's unwilling to excise them. But no... he's too dangerous to be left to their mercy. He let Kassin continue.

"The past few days have been trying for all of us. None of us asked to be in the situation we are in, yet here we are. Yet, I have observed that instead of struggling against foes that wold harm us... we have spent much time struggling against one another, a course that has had dire repercussions for us and for others. I realize this is a stressful situation with no good answers, but I hope that if we are to make any progress, we do so with unified purpose and drive." Kassin paused briefly, but then resumed..

"As for what we can do now, it's best not to reminisce on the past. It cannot be changed, what we make of it is what counts now. I would recommend avoiding Pauperta. The place,... I've been there once before. The misery that is felt there is palpable, powerful..." He shudders momentarily. "Much more than I think I can bear..."
"It's also got a Thularian base near or in it." Eilan interrupted.
Kassin continued "But, should we, as a group, decide to go there, I will be amenable to it." He stiffened, shuddered, as if preparing himself for hearing something he did not want to. He glanced around again, awaiting input.


After clambering nimbly down from the tree he had been in, Toalacuzlotlixao cleared out another spot to sit in; the previous one having been filled in by the constant breeze.  These northlands were highly uncomfortable and he wondered for the upteenth time how the people here could stand it.  Didn't they know there were perfectly habitable and much more comfortable areas to the south?  He dug around in his pack and pulled out a block of dried fruit and nuts.  It wasn't much, but he could make it last for a couple days.

He munched on the preserves while listening to Eilan rant away.  Zot started to glower at first because it sounded like Eilan was about to go off on them like Zot's great Aunt who was known for her temper and her mouth.  She was supposed to have caused a full grown Jaguar to have backed down from her vitriol alone.  The thought of that scene calmed him down and he started to think about what his family was doing right then.

Kassin talking brought Zot's attention back.

"I'll go.  A base will be a place where I might see the strength of the people of the land for myself, yes?"
            <-- #1 that is!


Orenio popped in and out, producing a variety of animals, all slain, and laying them at the tiger's feet.  A snake, which he had woke from hibernation, some burrowing mammals, some tough plants that had endured the winter, another snake, and...a fox?  Wood was gatherered, to up the fire, and his default form resumed.  "Where the Lord and Sir go, I will go as well."  Using his knives, bowl, and some snow, Orenio proceeded to chop the meats and plants into a stew.  If no one else had bowls, he would make some from default barriers, and provide rough spoons.  He was so very tired...but work still to be done.  "Eat.  It's not fit for a Lord's table, I apologize, but it will keep everyone strong enough to see out the day...I hope..."

Corgatha Taldorthar

Kedered's ears perked up at Eilan's spat curse. "There is a Thularian base in Pauperta? How large? If they have a significant presence, we are in quite a bit of danger there, with as many creatures as we are. If we go there, and I like the idea, I think I should split off from the rest of you, give them a distraction to think about." A bitter edge entered into his voice, one that Kedered either could not stifle or did not care to. "They owe me a very heavy debt, and I intend to collect on an installment of it if we go their way."
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.



Eilan looked towards Kedered. He let out a derisive snort. "Fine, then get moving and don't come back. Your personal debts are obviously more important to you than the rest of us, and we don't need allies that we can't depend on." How dumb does he think the rest of us are?..

Kassin looked over, obviously weary. He made a heavy sigh, but didn't comment. This isn't helping... not at all...

He looked over towards Orenio. He couldn't help but gag a little at looking at the slain animals placed near him.  It took him a little while to register that they had meant for food. "I thank you for the support... but... I do not think we should eat here... we can eat on the way. We've spent enough time here as is... and thank you for staying with us." Poor animals, maybe we have to, but...

He looked towards Zot after speaking with Orenio. He was obviously still weary, but he was holding it together. He raised an eyebrow, perhaps not fully understanding what he was trying to say. "If you still wish to aid our cause, I do not think we should split up. Finding each other once we do so will be difficult at best."

He stood up, looked off into the distance, surveying the region. His wings picked up. "Come on, we shouldn't linger. If we wish to eat or defer further, we should not do so here. Both possible destinations will be in the same general direction for some part of our trip."

Chance took the chance to excuse herself from the group. She stated that she would do all in her power to find a new home for her charge. Once given an opening, she would quietly walk away into the distance, her mind set on her mission.

Eilan seemed to cool some of his temper, enough for him to take his attention off of Kedered. "If we want to pick up provisions, there should be some isolated places along the way we can do so."

With that, they set off. Travel was kept off of the roads, instead to areas of heavier vegetation. The weather relaxed, but only a little as they moved. The group moved in a westerly direction. However, their final destination hadn't been decided just yet. Eilan briefly mentions during the travel time that distance wise, Pauperta is closer. He also expresses his extreme displeasure about having anything to do with the place. Kassin is more quiet and reserved, but speaks when spoken to.

After about a day's worth of constant travelling, perhaps some pauses to get provisions from various places, Eilan looks over the others. They come to a heavily wooded area, unremarkable, looking like most of the other heavily wooded areas in frozen Ithralia.
"Alright, here's where the paths split off. The mansion is further west, about another day's journey. Pauperta is to the north from here, shouldn't take too long to get there."

He and Kassin looked around, awaiting input from the others.


while traveling, the larger canine incubus had kept his mouth quite, merely morphing his colors as he went along to better blend in.  There was no point in hiding who or what he was in the company of so many creatures.

When Eilan spoke with mild disgust, Garis used the opportunity to interject his thought.  "Chances are, we're going to need someone with guile, as well skills in disguise and deception.  With our other incubus acting as a distraction, i believe it's my responsibility to head the outing to the mansion."

With a causal shrug, he looked around for other's input as well, "unless someone would like voice an objection, or some other idea?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Orenio towed the soup behind him in a floating barrier.  The lord did not like his offering of food...and had looked at the slain animals with such pain...he would need to brush up on his vegetarian cooking styles, it seemed.  "Um...I can pass as a normal person, and have no outstanding warrants in this area.  What's more, I can claim to be a servant of a visiting lord, which is true enough.  As a servant, I could gather information that would otherwise be unobtainable."  A sad but true fact, the nobility tended to view servants as beneath their notice, and so forgot they were present for gossiping.

Corgatha Taldorthar

how DARE he!? That sanctimonious IDIOT?!  Kedered marched along, mind leaking out waves of hostile emotions, mostly directed towards Eilan. When the company paused to make its decision, he rounded on the adventurer, with fists clenched and shoulders hunched and eyes flashing.

"Listen here,  I have done a good deal  to advance Kassin's safety. Ask the boy yourself if you doubt me.  Now, I have obligations that extend outside keeping Kassin safe. I owe him my life, but what is one life before the honor of your clan? Your snide remarks are offensive, and if it would not pain the boy, I would call you out, weapons, fists, or magic, your choice. Now I will abide by the decision that the others make, but if we go to Pauperta, I will handle my own business there, which will help you anyway. You *will* need someone to keep the Thularians off of a large group of creature wandering into town. When  Kassin leaves, I will accompany him, because my debts DO matter. But this is not the only one I have. Now I have no particular preference where we go, but if we do head for Pauperta, I would like to have a bit of time to get ahead of you."

Kedered broke off speaking at that point, although he kept up his stare into the fox's eyes, and his breathing became more heavy and ragged as his paroxysm built itself up.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.

Aisha deCabre

After having gotten the answers that she was surely going to get only for the time being, Aisha gathered herself up once they set back off on the long journey to where they'd needed.

She hadn't participated in many conversations, being new to the entirety of the area and having just been a victim to its undoubtedly many surprises, but she did at least spare a friendly farewell to the one named Chance as she left, wishing her and the child she had the best of luck.  At least her wounds had healed well, and thanks to the magic of her bracer and her own resilience, all that was left could only be described as mild fatigue from the cold and the long travels.  At least they had places to stop, resupply, and rest their feet.  Aisha had bought some more favorable food items for herself while she had the chance.

The panthress also didn't involve herself in any squabbles later on, but she did flinch a little when the other jaguar, Kedered, rounded on Eilan and gave him a piece of his mind.

Nothing like walking into some unknown history of spite, Aisha sighed.

"Perhaps," she interjected neutrally, "Splitting up is in order?  This mansion may be the destination of choice, but if there's untended-to business in Pauperta..." she left the sentence at that, humming in thought.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.



Eilan turned around and returned Kedered's glare. He makes a dismissive snort. "Of course, -you- would call out for violence in a matter revolving around loyalty and truth, that's the way your kind works."

Kassin let out an exasperated sigh. He gave Eilan and Kedered a cursory glance, but felt powerless to stop them. He turned to Aisha. "I do not believe that would be a good idea. If we split up, we run the risk of not being able to reunite at a later time."

Eilan interjected. "Well if the cubi wanted to split off we wouldn't have to worry about reuniting." He said with a scowl.

Kassin let out a deep sigh. Even in the worst of situations must we be at each other's throats..? ... He glanced towards Garis, "I'd really prefer that we didn't split up, Pauperta and the mansion are not close to each other either. We may be able to split up within Pauperta and find each other more easily. However, I should caution you all that it's a large place and very easy to get lost in."
"Personally"... Kassin shuddered a little, he raised an eyebrow, looked north. "I'd prefer we go the mansion first... just being near that horrid city makes me ill..."

"And significantly less chance that the Thularians will gut us all." Eilan said flatly. "Course, it's right here if we want to go."


Zot looked back and forth between Eilan and Kedered while fiddling a bit nervously with a dart.

"I don't know about you two, but I never get lost.  I always know that I am right here!"  he pointed at the ground.  Inwardly he groaned.  Watching these two was like watching Aunt Moatla and Pop-Pop go at it.  The question of who would kill whom first hadn't been answered at the time of his departure.  Thinking of his family made him feel a little lonely, but he also couldn't get past the thought that maybe a joke about Eilan and Kedered getting married because of how well they fought would have been a better choice.  Oh well.  Perhaps they could kill him instead and save him from his own terrible jokes.

"What?  You two needed a distraction."  Zot chuckled.
            <-- #1 that is!


"Please..."  The meerkat, tired as he was, spoke sharply, and firmly.  "Please stop bickering.  Your negativity upsets Lo-...Kassin.  Please, let us just go now, agree to disagree, and put this behind us?"  He couldn't manage a barrier strong enough to hold back both Sir Kedered and Eilan...but he would try, if need be, as evidenced by the sphere of brown energy floating in his hand.



Eilan gave Zot a nasty, angry glare. Apparently he doesn't appreciate humor at this juncture.
Kassin let out a weary, resigned sigh. "Lets keep moving, please. And try to work together, we'll need each other especially if we're going into dangerous places."

Travel towards Pauperta was uneventful. The terrain was surprisingly vegetated, the weather did not change. During the travel however, Kassin appeared to get more and more agitated, perhaps frightened. He'd shake, but not from the cold. He seemed to get more and more distant, as if looking at something no one else could see. Eilan remained his grumpy self.

Eventually, Kassin made a halt, he made a quick motion to the others to stop. Eilan turned back and did so, looking at the Angel. Kassin was visibly shaking, visibly worried. He closed his eyes, he tried to take a deep breath, but it was labored.

Soon enough, he spoke. "I sense a lot of people nearby, healthier than their surroundings, but beneath the currents of their rigid minds, I can feel a great deal of hate coming from them. I think there are about thirty. They're coming... I think their movements are perpendicular to ours." He shudders.
You've felt similar emanations from Thularians before, beneath their discipline and focus, many of them have an extremely strong anger towards creatures. And they also travel in large groups. Considering what you know of the area it seems likely that there will be a presence of them here. However, from what you know, they often stick to roads, so as long as you remain in untamed wilds without alerting their presence, you should be fine.

Eilan looked over briefly, his grouchy demeanor seemed much more concerned and steeled. His hands flexed with some effort in the cold. He said one word. "Thularians most likely. Adventuring groups and thugs don't travel in such large groups." With that, he looked over towards the others.

"Look, I don't know how many of you have dealt with the Thularians before, but I should give you all some coaching on what we're dealing with. Thularian soldiers are ruthless, organized, and efficient, and their hate of creatures knows no bounds. They are utterly loyal and fanatical towards their cause, and they are -extremely- good fighters. And don't think that's all they do, they will have mages with them, and they certainly won't be the most powerful but they're good at making their other forces work well." He pauses, putting emphasis on his next sentence. "Do not get into a direct engagement with them."

"There are also some things I should say about Pauperta. First, it's a huge city, very easy to get lost in. There's walls around the city and ones that divide the districts, many of them crumbling and in disrepair. There's twelve districts in total. The one we're entering is even more of a desolate waste than most."
"I should also mention that the city is in a vicious power struggle between several groups, five noble families and five underground organizations, though the nobles are no less of scum than the quote en quote 'criminals'. It's best if we stay out of their ways, do our business, and get out of the place as soon as possible."

He looks to the others inquisitively. "Any questions?"
Kassin meanwhile, seems to be shuddering, he's quite obviously troubled. He continues to look to the north, eyes closed.


Zot looked back and forth between Eilan and Kassin, alternating between concern and thoughtfulness.

"I have seen a Thularian group before!"  he piped up cheerily.  "They were dense like rocks and half blind from too much to drink.  Will they be coming here?  Or can we let them pass by?"

Without waiting enough time for any sort of response he turned and started walking around looking for terrain features or objects that could be used for camoflage.

"I think I can hide all of us if I have enough time.  How long can each of you hold your breath?"
            <-- #1 that is!


The meerkat kept close to Kassin, looking worried.  "I can hold my breath for five minutes at most, but with a barrier to collect air, I could provide a pocket for all of us to draw from."   He was getting used to being tired now, and his mental faculties were sharpening.  It wouldn't hold out another day without sleep, but he could probably manage the rest of today.  "I can also pass as Being, admittedly one with magic.  If we need anything from the city."

Corgatha Taldorthar

Kedered charged a faint bit of magic, and sketched a crude diagram in the dirt.

"The city is to the north, and the hostiles are coming in from the northwest. We might be able to take a whole pack of them on, but certainly not without them calling for help. And while we might be able to hide, we have an errand in the city. I suggest that you all move northeast, circle around, and enter Pauperta from the east. I will head west and engage the Thularians; wrapped up in speed and with my bow, I should be able to keep ahead of them. I will make them run around for a few hours chasing me and then go to ground."

He turned to address Zot in particular, but carried his voice so that the rest of the group could hear. "If you saw men in Thularian colors who were drunk and stupid, then they were likely local hirelings. Real Thularian troops are not so careless, and a hundred and fifty years ago, Narukh was twice the size it is now. Those beings have done battle with our kind and been winning for five of their generations. You should all be wary, even frightened of them. Our best bet is getting into the city where we can blend in with the populace. If nobody raises any objections, I shall depart."

Kedered was only going to wait for a moment before wrapping himself in a speed spell, unshouldering his bow, and dashing off.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.

Aisha deCabre

Being new, and not yet able to form readily wise decisions about the threats of the region without help, Aisha kept mostly silent and listened to the others converse...she spared some quiet laughter at the somewhat mistimed humor; the adventurer knew how important it was to keep spirits up, lest everyone and everything fall apart from within.  At least a decision was made on which direction to go fairly quickly, for when Kassin sensed a large group headed straight for them, she groaned quietly.  I have had enough of being ganged upon for the rest of this year, I think.

The panthress weighed the options offered, her ears quirked to hear Kedered's decision.  Then, when considering the nature of the Thularians, made a quick enough decision for herself whence the other jaguar left.

"Well, if we're going to follow the suggestion of circling around--and I say we do, as quickly and as stealthily as possible, from my experience--I will make myself useful and put a pair of eyes into the trees, shall I?"

Aisha took a moment after that to stretch her limbs every which way to make sure they were all functioning properly again, while listening for any ayes or nays on the matter from the others.  Surely by now I'm back to full strength.  This bracer of Mistress Rynkura's works wonders.  And indeed, she felt like it.

Then, flexing her claws, she made a running leap for the nearest piece of tall vegetation and scrambled upward, her cape's color shifting to necessary mixes of shadows fair for hiding while waiting on a low branch.  If it was to be so, she would follow the majority of the group where they went, leaping the branches when she could with silent intent, and scanning as far as she could see for disruptions.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Eilan gave Zot an entirely unamused glare at his comment, followed by an annoyed growl. "And there's proof you have -no- idea what we're getting in to."
He breathed out a deep sigh, took a few deep breaths. "They likely won't inspect woodlands unless they've been tipped off to our presence, and I doubt they have. If they have though... keep to the vegetation, we're all dead out in the open." He turned to Orenio. "And don't cast any unnecessary magic, I don't want to draw attention, of theirs or others."

He looked over to Aisha, then gave a brief nod. "Just as long as we don't go showing wings or anything... we should be good to go. They won't attack beings unless they're provoked... some of us can hide in...?"

He looked off towards where Kedered had left. He cursed. We're all going to die... this expedition will get us all killed...

Kassin on the other hand, kept shivering, he appeared rather agitated for some reason.

The vegetation gets more sparse as you move towards Pauperta. Sill, there's at least enough to provide some cover, enough to suffice for your situation.

Coming nearer, you can make out the walls of Pauperta. The walls extend for quite some distance. They look to be made of stone, however the walls look pitifully weak, they seem to be crumbling from the weather and elements alone. Throughout, it looks as though it has not been maintained in months, if not years. Gates aside, there seem to be numerous weak-points in the walls that one could squeeze through or climb over with enough effort. Off in the distance, you can make out a gate leading into the city. However, it's not so much a gate as it is an opening. It seems like whatever portcullis is used to close the opening is rusted over and broken, stuck in an open position.

Just in front of that is a poorly maintained road, extremely poorly maintained. It's hard to make out with all the snow.

More pressing, there's a Thularian patrol near the gate you see. There's thirty of them, they're arrayed in their usual block formation, ten long, three deep. They move in perfect tandem. They all are wearing their usual unfurnished half-plate armor. It looks as though the front line has swordsmen, the middle line is armed with spears, and also a few javelins. Their back line is a mix of archers and battlemages. There's one figure in the front that seems to be directing the others.
However, they look like they're heading east along the road, and away from your position.

From what you know, Thularians often avoid vegetated areas. They'll stick to roads and open spaces unless they are ordered to do otherwise. This means, that if you wait long enough, they'll probably leave the location. If they knew that there were creatures in the woods on the other hand, they'd probably venture in them...

Corgatha Taldorthar

Kedered stalked the Thularian patrol from the woods, making sure the last touches of his shapeshifting and cosmetic magic were complete; a short, thickly built rhino, a being's lack of wings, and his doublet altered to look like brigadine armor that had seen better days. He fitted an arrow to his bowstring, and drew back, muttering a small enchantment for a greater pierce, and when the formation had passed him and he had a clear shot at the back row, he acted.

Bellowing "ITHRALIA FOR ITHRALIANS!", he loosed his arrow, quickly bringing another one up to the bow and firing a second time, before dashing into the woods, wrapping a speed-spell around himself.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Zot drooped under the weight of Eilan's gaze and following comment.  Eilan was right, to an extent, but he hadn't needed to shove Zot face-first into that fact.  Scuffing the snowpac with his heels he wandered over to Kassin and trailed after the winged tiger.

He busied himself with thoughts of home for a while, but the silence quickly grew awkward and, frankly, boring.

"Are you feeling unwell?"  Zot's voice was tinged with worry.  "You look cold."

He fished one of his heat-enchanted stones from his belt and offered it to Kassin.
            <-- #1 that is!


The meerkat nodded to the request for less magic in the air. While he was not beholden unto Eilan, especially after his undignified outbursts.  Orenio stretched his muscles, popping cartilage as he did, then found a rock near Kassain and sat upon it.  Every so often, the meerkat's head would twitch and turn to focus on new sounds, but he didn't ward the field.

After a time, the need for more information rose up.  "Excuse me...but I need some questions answered.  Why...why are you traveling with a palulukan? And why does Lo-...Kassain's physical state deteriorate around pain and confrontation?"  The question was offered to the open air, to any who would feel to answer.