Shattered Innocence (IC) [M]

Started by Noone, February 06, 2009, 09:58:24 AM

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Tyrian's ear rotated back into normal position and then laid flat on his head as he prepared to test the boy's empathy.  Taking the bread he had been left, the fox consumed the whole plate of it.  Releasing his pain suppression, he hoped the boy was a acute as Kedered appeared to think.

When back at the ruin of the Willow, the fox had said he was fine, that nothing was wrong.  This was not entirely true, he had said it to not tax Kassin, practically Ty could cope and it was not known whether they might need the blue tiger's power.

As he had calculated, his system was still too injured to hold food and agony radiated from his stomach, maybe this wasn't such a good idea... I really don't like throwing up...  He fought it off, but the more he tried to keep it down the worse the pain got until he could not stand it any longer.  Ty leaned over the bed and purged the contents of his stomach into the waste bin next to the nightstand.  The act was over quick, though it dragged on for an eternity to Tyrian.

He rolled over onto his side huddling up into a fetal position, holding his stomach and groaning, oh gods, it seemed like a good idea on paper...
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Kassin nodded at Garis's words. The added company seemed to make him more comfortable, though his state of mind was far from ideal. "Thanks.." Kassin nodded as he took the plate, but didn't eat.
"I've been empathic since birth, but... none of my family possess that trait." He stopped for a moment and closed his eyes. He didn't want to talk about his family, his relationship to them was strained. He hadn't seen his parents in some time, and his last encounters with his siblings were not pleasant. He paused, but was later interrupted when his sense felt a jolt.
Kassin, in a rush, put his plate down, got off the bed, and rushed over to the room in which Tyrian was inhabiting. He focused power on his right hand, which started to glow with a bluish-white light. He rushed over to Tyrian, and gave him a quick glance. "Please, hold still..." he crouched down over near Tyrian, ready to give aid.


Nicha paced over to Raffiele. She gave him a haughty, arrogant look. She took some glances around, and making sure that Garis was out of ear-shot. After she was confidant that she wouldn't be heard, she looked at him, and reduced her voice to a whisper.
"I'll level with you, I know you hold no good-will towards Kassin and want to kill him, but I still have a job to do. I need to get him into Narukh intact, and I'm not going to stop now. If you want to go ahead and kill one of the others, fine, I'll be sure to grab Kassin and run before they can stop me, but don't get in my way, got it?" Her facial expression was demanding, odd, considering how easily she was subdued.


Garis felt the arrogance flowing from downstairs and said in a near whisper "i'll be going, i don't think leaving just the demons together is such a good idea..." he paused and sent Kedered another message if things get ugly, just know that i've got your back as long as you've got mine... we need to keep things quiet for now though... I'm going to try and pump the young demoness for any more information before something happens... i'm assuming you feel that same arrogance and pride dribbling up from downstairs... he closed the door and disappeared. He then examined some of the other rooms, and found one that matched what Nicha had wanted rather perfectly. far enough away from the others to be private, yet still in tact enough to actually sleep in.

He walked down stairs and said, "well, if i haven't missed anything important i'd just thought i'd let you know that i found a private room.  Besides that, it seems the others are settling in for the night, and i'd recommend we do the same... the later we stay up, the more it seems were conspiring... and it's always impossible to disprove a negative"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Tyrian opened his eyes and met the gaze of Kassin, "you... certainly do... have quite a... sense there."

He winced once, stifling a dry heave and panted, "I... would appreciate... if you... could fix my... stomach problems... don't need to eat normally... so I suppressed... the pain and lied to... ya, but I... thought we... might get it taken... care of since... we are safe."

Arguably the sick feeling had passed and the pain was lessening, but he might as well solve the problem immediately instead of waiting for slow healing.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Kassin nodded as he touched his glowing hand to Tyrian's shoulder.
At once, a soothing, relaxing feeling courses through you. The cold of the environment is replaced entirely with a gentle warmth. As Kassin takes his hand off, the warmth starts to fade, but the refreshment stays.
"Are you feeling any better?" Kassin asked, with a worried look on his face.


Nicha relaxed her facial expressions as Garis came back in, she nodded silently and started to head upstairs. She took a quick look at Raffiele before exiting the room she was in.


Garis pointed out the room he'd found that was out of earshot of the others, he led the way, sitting down on the edge of bed, and waited for the young demoness to enter.  Once they were together, Garis closed the door with a winged tentacle, then created a mind shield for himself just to be sure that this conversation was truly private.  He then asked "so, what is it that you need such secrecy to talk about?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Tyrian was immediately surprised and sat up, he was hundred percent better than a second previously, "wow, that is such a strong power... it seems different than Angel light magic... how do you do it?"

His pain was gone and even the fatigue of the recent ordeals had melted away.  The rush of invigorating power raised his spirits considerably and without thinking, the fox hugged the tiger.

"thank you... you are quite unique Kassin.  I believe I should help you and protect you.  Where you go I shall go as well."

Tyrian released Kassin and laid back down, "I am going to get some real sleep for now, I do not know how long it may be before we can rest like this again... I sense danger in our future."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Corgatha Taldorthar

Kedered had followed Kassin along, staying to the shadows, the background, watching the exchange between the two angels, breathing in the soot and grime that was still leftover from the charred remains of the inn. One of the more sturdy rooms creaked, as weight was put upon its floorboards, and a blank space in the mentalic perceptions that Kedered fostered appeared. Raffaiele was unlikely to search for privacy, so that left Garis, and probably Nicha. Idiot.

Still, Kedered was satisfied. The two Angels seemed to get along, and Tyrian's proclamation to defend Kassin made his own burden lighter. He still wasn't sure where Garis stood, and Raffaile seemed openly hostile to the point that Kedered was unsure why he still remained with the group, but Tyrian was silent, and therefore potentially dangerous. Still, it would not do to wake him, and information could be pumped later. He tapped Kassin lightly on the shoulder. "If you do not mind, I would like to continue our conversation."
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Kassin seemed to enjoy the hug that he was given. A smile came onto his face as he was held, Kassin seemed markedly more calm now. After being let go, the calmness stayed. His right hand stopped glowing.
"I've never thought about where my abilities came from, they're instinctive for me, I had always assumed that most magic is like that." He paused for a moment.
"And.... thanks... I appreciate that." His calm demeanor suddenly felt a shock as he remembered what Nicha said, a slight frown crept onto his face. He shook his head, he couldn't believe that he was being hunted by anyone. He thought of nearby settlements, about beings happily living their lives, part of him was concerned for their well being. 'Maybe when the storm clears, we should go warn them.', he thought. His trail of thought was interrupted by Kedered. He turned around to face him. He took a quick glance at Tyrian, then turned back.
"Alright,.." he started, then he took a quick glance at Tyrian. "I think we should give him some privacy." He started to slowly walk towards the room he had initially occupied. Once inside, he sat himself back down on the bed. He picked up the plate that he had left there, but didn't eat yet. A certain fatigue could be found in Kassin's eyes.


Nicha didn't sit down, and looked at Garis with a serious looking expression. Most of her confidence had returned.
She looked at Garis square in the eyes. "I want to know why you're so loyal to Kassin." She said, and abruptly stopped. She stared straight at Garis, examining him closely.


Garis fought every urge to chuckle at Nicha... a big grin still crept through despite his best efforts to put up an emotional mask "my my, young one, where did you ever get the idea that i was loyal to anyone? all i said was that i felt partially indebted to the boy for saving my life... if he remains unharmed until he gets somewhere safe, i care not where that safe place is, or who takes him there"  He stood up, and flexed his entire body, stretching his wings to full length, and cracking away the stiffness he'd been feeling for some time.  Feeling far more relaxed, he then added  "now, if there's anything you wish to propose, then think these questions through very carefully before you say anything... what is your plan of action? and what might i ask is in it for me?"  He was grinning, practically ear to ear as he awaited Nicha's response.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Corgatha Taldorthar

Kedered escorted Kassin back to one of the less shattered rooms and indicated for the angel to sit. After he took a seat on the remains of a broken bed, Kedered, as casually as he could leaned against one of the walls.  He waved his little spell to reduce the need to blink on himself. He hesitated a moment before speaking. What tone to take.......... He's young.......

"It would not be a very good idea to warn nearby villages. This town was attacked because Nicha's masters thought you would be coming here, and I suspect the attack on the Whispering Willow was an amateurish attempt to get at you. If you want to save those people, when the storm clears, we should bolt to somewhere that is capable of withstanding a full scale attack, a large city, preferably with high, thick walls." A single blink of the eyes.

"Have you been attacked recently, before the whispering willow? And do you know who might have reason to fear an empath? Nicha called us "touched". Do you have any effect on people you heal, or perhaps simply travel with for long enough? I realize you might not have the answers to these queries, but I need to know as much as I can if I am to get to the bottom of this mystery, and any data you can provide would be helpful."
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Rather than say anything to Nicha as she left with Garis, Raffiele simply gave a throat-slitting gesture to express his discontent. At least with them gone, it left him with a nice, quiet room to ponder in and judge his compatriots.

If anybody besides Kassin had earned his contempt, it was Kedered. His feelings towards Garis were ambivalent, Tyrian seemed decent enough, and Nicha was just some young demon fronting and trying to establish herself. Hell, he had three little sisters at home just like her. Just being under the same roof as Kedered, however, kept him mildly agitated. The incubus hadn't directly insulted Raffiele or made any odd remark that could be construed as one, but... he irritated him. Most of the reason was simply his origin: the prodigal son of cubi family that got bested by normals. And at the inn, he'd been trying to recruit others to help him take back the former Aldoraethar haunt. Why can't these jackasses ever learn to move on?

He sauntered back to his former seat, settling back down slowly. With nothing better to do, he closed his eyes and slowly began to nod off.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


Kassin closed his eyes and nodded as he heard Kedered's inquiries.
"Attacked?" He sounded a bit upset at this, the mere thought of violence seemed to make him shiver. "I've had a few adventurers attack me, often blaming me for their problems, but nothing that was ever concentrated. I don't ever recall being attacked by a demon. I try not to do anything that others might consider offensive.." He shook his head. He took a deep breath as he decided to continue.

"My empathy?" He shook his head, he couldn't think of any reasonable reason why someone might want to hunt him for that. "I'm able to feel the sorrows of others and sharply so, I don't see why anyone would hate me for that. It's actually helped me feel those who needed help." His thoughts trailed off, thinking of several beings he encountered, had healed, cured of illness, disease, wounds, even a few cases of malnutrition and near-starvation. He shook his head again, trying to find sanity in madness yet failing miserably. "My senses have not ever hurt anyone else."
'Touched', he thought... 'what could that possibly mean? Was that demoness simply mad, that seems like the most likely possibility, if she found something so abhorrent as killing admirable, then it may very well be that she is simply demented.' He shook his head again, then faced Kedered.

"I've never heard of a case of healing magic having unintentional side-effects. I don't believe I have ever exerted influence over those I'm around. I honestly can't say what Nicha meant when she mentioned you were 'touched'. Maybe she is simply mad."

Kassin was getting tired, the night sky had a creepy luminescence of moonlight, and he went through a lot today. Travelling in a snowstorm getting to what he knew as a nice little village, only to have it utterly destroyed didn't do much to raise his spirits. He started to think about what Kedered said about warnings, he didn't like the idea of leaving them unprepared. Yet, he understood that it might be best to go to a city. He started thinking about local geography. He knew there were a large concentration of cities in Southeastern Ithralia, but the thought of travelling there did not appeal to him. Those places were generally poverty stricken, with large concentrations of wealth in the hands of the few, hoarding it away while many starved around their feet. Kassin shuddered at the thought, going there, while he would, he should be able to help those who couldn't afford to eat, his empathic sense would play against him, paralyzing him before he could even come inside. Northwestern Ithralia didn't have many cities, and was incredibly unsafe.

He lay down in the bed he was in, and put the covers over himself, still in reasonable condition.
"I think there is a place that might be safe... but, cities don't really have a reputation for being friendly to creatures." It's to the Northeast of this place, if I recall. There are some suburban settlements around if I remember correctly as well, travel shouldn't be too arduous if the weather clears up." He settled himself into the sheets on his bed, trying to get comfortable. He looked at Kedered again, blinking with his tired, young looking golden eyes.
"Do you need anything else?"


Nicha lowered and raised her eyes as she looked at Garis, trying to gauge his responses. She touched her hands to one of her wounds, it stung a little, but it was a quick reminder to the last time she tried anything with him. She looked like she was about to say something, yet was unsure if she wanted to say everything. After sitting down on the bed in the room, she gave Garis a squint, but decided not to continue.
"Look, it's late, I'm tired, and I've utterly failed to do my job, thanks to you. I can't do anything until the weather outside clears, I don't think he would be able to survive out there. Just don't get in my way in the morning and we'll be alright, okay?"
She lay down on the bed and covered herself with the sheets.


Garis replied "alright, you answered neither of my questions, but i suppose that can wait till morning... if you want me, i'll be in the chair over there..." nodding towards a large stuffed chair in the corner of the room.  He then sat down, wrapped himself in his wings and started to meditate on what had happened.  Getting a little rest, while keeping his sense sharp enough to detect any signs of trouble.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Tyrian dozed off, he was not particularly worried enough to keep alert, but if anything did happen out of the ordinary, his staff would alert him.  While hovering on the edge of sleep, he ordered his thoughts, trying to fathom why what happened at the Willow could possibly have anything to do with Kassin.  He also wondered what his role, and those of the others, would play in the coming days.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Corgatha Taldorthar

Kedered nodded at Kassin, signifying that he didn't have any other queries to make. "Pleasant dreams, Kassin Starshine." Kedered ducked out into the hallway, keeping an eye on anyone who would want to go to this level, and putting out a short auditory enhancement spell. Given the state of the blizzsard outside, he was not very concerned of people coming to assualt the town, but some of the others, especially Raffaiele.......... He stood extremely still and simply watched, waited, listened.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Night came and went quickly, as the storm raged on the outside. The night was quiet and dark, with only the pale moonlight to provide illumination, and only the sound of the raging winds outside to be heard.

Hours later, the sun rose up, basking the dead village in it's radiance. The chill remained, and the storm had not ended, but the weather was calmer outside. The winds were not so furious and the snow was gentle, less harsh than it was in the night. Dawn had come.

Kassin woke from his sleep as sunlight passed into his room, he awoke in a flash, immediately getting out of a lying down position to sitting on his bed. He was out of breath, panting, trying to breathe deeply but couldn't. He touched his head, as if in a headache. He could feel no one else, yet, felt as though he had been through a rough ordeal. He looked around, and wanted to believe that what he had seen of Sharaka was a nightmare and nothing more, but he shook his head as he rose to his feet.
'But what I saw? Is it any more real than this village? I hope it was just a dream... please just be a dream...' he thought. He clutched his hand over his heart to try and steady it's beat, yet, all he could do was wait for it to calm down.

Nicha rose from her slumber. She groaned softly as she examined her surroundings, her wounds hadn't completely healed yet. Immediately after rising, she started walking towards her room's exit, without saying a word.


Garis heard the movements before his other senses kicked in, he shifted slightly and said in a soft tone "before we get going, you and i have a few things to discuss Nicha... as i said last night, i was willing to wait till morning, but if you think your just going to sneak off, particularly in the shape your in, your very sadly mistaken... i'll tell you what, let me finish healing those wounds, and you can tell me what you were so hesitant to say last night... sound alright?  maybe afterwards i'll go cook up some breakfast... i'm sure grabbing a bite to eat couldn't hurt too much... besides, kedered is just outside... didn't anyone ever tell you that cubi don't actually need sleep"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Morning has come and Tyrian awoke slowly.  The fox stretched every inch of his body before rolling out of bed.  The floor was cold and the heating was poor, as it appeared no one had maintained the central fire.  Magical heating systems still need something to run off of.

A simple magic spell of refreshing took care of his grooming and hygiene, normally he found such uses of magic frivolous, but for now, he did not know if he had the luxury of spending a few hours on personal grooming.  They were still in a dangerous position with many unknown factors sleeping in rooms around him.

He buckled on his belt and weapons and gathered the last scattered bits of equipment he had before exiting.  His first stop was Kassin's room where he knocked quietly, "Kassin?  Are you awake?"
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Kassin groaned softly as he began to become fully awake. He slowly paced towards his room's door. Kassin opened it without saying a word, he glanced around to see Kedered and Tyrian outside. He nodded softly at Tyrian's query. He had trouble focusing his eyes, and his thoughts troubled him.
'Just a dream... just a dream... just a dream...' he thought. He closed his eyes and shook his head, he turned his face back to Tyrian.
"I'm awake..." he took a deep breath after speaking, his arms and legs ached, yet, he didn't want to spend any more time in this dead village, the mere thought of what had occurred here made him shudder.
"I'll be downstairs, I think we should get moving soon..." He shook his head again. "I really don't want to stay here, and I think the storm outside has cleared up, the sooner we get moving... the better." He slowly paced downstairs, went into the main room, and found someplace that wasn't obstructed by rubble to sit down. He silently waited, hoping that everyone would wake up and come down so they could figure out where to go next. He had an idea...


Nicha stopped walking for a moment, and looked at Garis with a serious expression on her face.
"I'll be direct then, I still intend to drag Kassin to Narukh, I originally thought you might help me in that regard, but I don't think you will, considering how you feel indebted to him. So now, I'm just asking you to stay out of my way, or if you want, you can help me, I really don't care, but the weather has cleared, and I have a job to do."
With that, she continued walking towards her room's door, her claws started to extend and become sharp...


Garis sighed... he was being forced to either betray someone he owed a debt to, or betray someone he was interested in, no mater what happened it was looking more and more like a no win... he looked up at nicha with sad, yet serious eyes, and said "you'll get yourself killed if you try that in here... i'm not saying that to try and persuade you to try something different, merely pointing out that your injured, albeit slightly. your going into close quarters with a heavy magic user, where you don't have the room to use your agility to avoid his spells, and your outnumbered... if i'm not mistake the other angel is also up... so please, just come here, and lets talk things over... i really don't want to bring this up, but you should know that you stood a better chance against me outside, than you do against kedered inside"

he let out long, breath and collected his thoughts on how to go about rationalizing his concern in terms that he thought she would understand...
"if your going out there, i can't say that i can guarantee that you'll survive, but i'll do what i can to keep them from killing you outright if you wind up wounded again... just know that my physical attraction only goes so far in what i'm willing to do for you..." Garis paused and awaited Nicha's response

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Tyrian followed Kassin down the stairs, his footfalls were barely audible.  He broke away from following the younger angel long enough to retrieve his staff and cancel his spell.  The staff stored the night's activity, but as he skimmed through it at lightning speed, nothing stood out as unusual.

The fox really did not have the patience to review hours of visual and audio data, so the interesting discussions of the night went largely unknown to him.

He approached the spot where Kassin had chosen to sit and stood his staff against the wall before taking a seat right next to him.

"So where will we be heading Kassin?  I will be with you for quite a while, whether or not you desire it.  So I hope you can come to trust me."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Corgatha Taldorthar

Kedered hadn't slept, but his attention was not fully on the corridor stretch that he was guarding. Some of his energies were spent in a bit of minor magic, washing the dust and grime of the day's events from his clothes and body, and then enacting a minor scent.  Mostly, he was concerned with the events of the past few days, trying to establish some coherency between a scattering of data points, albiet to little effect. He still only had a vague idea as to the extent of Kassin's abilities, and no clue at all when it came to who, besides Thularians, would want to eliminate such an obviously harmless creature.

And then there were his companions. Kassin seemed completely incapable of taking care of himself, and he wasn't too sure of the Angel's evasions as to his whereabouts and doings before the whispering willow. Tyrian was an enigma, although obviously quite capable, Garis a skilled warrior with those dangerous tentacles, but perhaps a bit flighty, and seemingly vulnerable to a pretty face. It would be far safer all around if his attraction to Nicha was severed, perhaps along with her aorta, but the 'Cubi was far more dangerous than the demoness, and Kedered wasn't going to kill her if it meant earning the other Incubus's enmity.

As for that demon, Raffiele....... Kedered broke his usual reserve and allowed himself a brief, private moment of indulging in dislike, a mixed cocktail of anger and contempt. Part of it was simply a reciprocation for the demon's obvious distaste of himself, but quite a bit of it was for his own sake. Bloodshed for the sake of bloodshed, forsakeing gain simply to get a kill had always irritated Kedered, and it seemed a trait that the demon indulged in. His motives were unclear, and the most plausible reason Kedered could ascertain to the demon's presence was to give Kassin a beating, simply for kicks. Besides, the odor of stale sweat and what seemed to be fish emanated from his clothes and body, making Kedered glad he had an empty stomach.

With a shake of the head, Kedered forced himself to be calm. The words of his father rang once again in the halls of his mind.Remember boy, who your real rivals are. Not necessarily your enemies, but your rivals. Keep an edge on them if you can. They'll always be probing at you, but that doesn't mean you have to make it easy for them. The walls of discipline mended and thickened, and Kedered found that he could plot details of an incursion into Thularia with only the barest of emotional twinges, lost in the newfound sensations as the others awoke.
Perhaps I should have peered into Kassin's dreaming. I do not like to invade the privacy of someone I am protecting, but it is for his own good.... No, it is not yet critical that I possesss more data.

With a sniff, he made his way towards one of the broken windows, hoping to get a feel for what the weather would be like this day.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


On the outside, the winds were calm, and the snow had become much more gentle, but it was still cold. A  few inches of snow still covered the ground from last night's fall. It seemed as though traveling would be possible, if not entirely pleasant.

Kassin looked at Tyrian, his mind still playing through what he should do next.
He took a deep breath before responding. "I'm not entirely sure..., Kedered said that we would be safest inside a city. There is one not far to the northeast, and if we leave soon, we should be able to get there before the day has gone, but after that... I really don't know, I just hope that the girl was incorrect in saying that I'm being sought..."
He stopped looking at Tyrian and looked at the ground, deep in thought. 'What if it's dangerous, was what I saw in my dream really true?.. No... just a dream, just a dream... but that mysterious lady used the word 'touched', and mentioned five, wanting to eliminate four yet leaving the first alone, and calling out these four by name... That demoness called my companions here 'touched' as well, maybe I'm just projecting, but that seems too coincidental, maybe my mind is just projecting things... I think that must be the case... nothing more than a fantasy... is all...'
He took another look at Tyrian, took another deep breath, then continued. "Regardless, I think we should get moving, I'd rather spend as little time here as possible. Even if we don't go to a city, the road to the northeast should branch off in several directions, so I guess we could decide on the road."
He took some glances around, watching the empty room. "I wonder where the others are..." he started, but didn't finish.


Nicha stopped, and her claws retracted. She sighed and took a stare at the ground, apparently reality hit her like a thunderbolt, she knew that she couldn't take on everyone else in the ruined inn.
"Well then, I guess I need to get moving. There is no sense in staying here, I might as well go home." She walked away from the room's door and towards a window. She went over and opened it. She took a look outside, the ground was still covered in snow. She took some glances out, and took another back at Garis. She again looked outside the window, closed her eyes, and shook her head, in admittance of defeat.


Garis caught the look and said " i understand you feel defeated, but it doesn't mean you have to go now... as i said earlier, if you want to spend a little time learning a few tricks, i really don't care how you use them... i feel i owe you something for earlier"

he got up and approached the young demoness then continued in a soft and gentle voice "besides it really is cold out, even without the storm... perhaps stay long enough to at least get something to eat... you know, i really do like you a lot more than i should... and i really hope that you can forgive me for what i've put you through... if nothing else, just sit and talk for a bit, let me make you some breakfast and after that, if you still want to disappear after that, i won't stop you..."

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Having roused himself early in the morning, Rafa took it upon himself to scrounge a small roll of dried salami from the cellar before going outside and scaling up to the rooftop. Not that it wasn't incredibly frigid and covered with snow, but at least it was silent, and gave him a wide expanse to survey as he perched upon a corner like an onyx gargoyle.

With the heavy snowfall of last night covering most of the carcasses, it was a bit easier to scope out potential unfriendlies making their way towards the village. Not that he banked on anybody to actually be bearing down upon them; if one were to launch a sneak attack, they would do so before sunrise. ...unless, that's just what they wanted Raffiele and the others to think. They're biding their time. New kids trying to do something different, see if they can't get the jump on us. In all likelihood, he was just being too paranoid. But with the way things were developing, he couldn't help but consider each little contingency.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


Nicha silently growled, angry, possibly at herself, possibly towards how she was being treated. She shook her head, jumped out the window, and landed on her feet in the snow. She got up, shook her head, and then started running in a northeasterly direction. She didn't look back, or say any farewells. She silently muttered under her breath, cursing at her situation.
It might be possible to catch up to her if pursuit is given.
You're able to see Nicha running away.


Kassin stood up, stretched out his wings and arms. He made a soft yawn, the day was still young. Despite his rest, he still felt weary. He turned towards Tyrian.
"Do you know where the others are? I'm not sure if everyone here knows their way around this land..."


Tyrian raised his head looking up at Kassin.  He pondered the question for a moment before closing his eyes in concentration.  He once again asked the favor of the wind spirits as he elevated his sight and hearing like the times before.

"It appears that the others are still in this inn.  Kedered remains upstairs about where we last saw him... Raffiele just walked by, completely ignoring us or oblivious that we were sitting here, twice.  Once as he went into the cellar and the other as he walked by and out the door.  He is now on the roof.  Garis is still in the room he took with Nicha.  The demoness Nicha exited the inn and I suppose she is running back to her masters."

The fox grinned wide as there was little that could elude him with this spell in use.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Corgatha Taldorthar

Kedered silently ghosted down the stairs after Tyrian and Kassin. Fellow Angel or no, Kedered wasn't prepared to leave Kassin alone for long with a Creature of unproven loyalty. He kept some distance, not wanting to be obviously seen or heard, and waving on an audial enhancement spell as he went, to keep track of what they were saying. From the top of the staircase he made out Tyrian's speech, and resisted the urge to resort to profanity. Time to clean up this mess like I should have done earlier. Guessing that Kassin probably was not going to be attacked in the next few minutes, and thinking of the problems that could result should Nicha warn her companions, Kedered slapped on a speed enhancement spell, and rushed to the nearest hole in the wall, leaping out in a roll. As he came out, he quickly allowed his backwings to project out, using them to glide to the snowy floor, thankful once again that he managed to retain his sturdy boots.

He raced off at prodigious speed, tracing after the emotional state of the Demon to track her down.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Garis didn't follow, he walked out of the room, and down the stairs... he kept thinking, i should have known better than to try and get involved with a demon...

once downstairs he saw the angels, and decided to pull up a chair... he look down at the ground first, then looked back at the two with a crooked smile... he said "you know... that was probably one of the stupidest things i've ever attempted in all my life... trying to pick up a demoness who would probably prefer my death... why didn't anyone say something?!"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->