[Art] Beever's Art- Old Stuff Blue Fiery Dragon

Started by Beever, February 05, 2009, 10:37:07 AM

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Here is the first presentation of my art- some old dino pics:


Stegosaur and a baby

Corythosaurs in movement

And this is one of my latest still not coloured drawings, presenting a couple of heroes, each one with special skills and all of them devoted to the idea of the adventure , that lies ahead in a depicted realm. Their task is to stop every imminent peril.-->All of these have History!

Endival Black & White

Now after some considerable time of silence I managed to put colour myself on my next creation.. and etc.

Kipiru The Starrider

Dan in Motion


Pagan Immortal

getting back  a couple of years I found these two pics

The Phoenix Woman

Lava Dragon

and here is something new...


Mulifis B&W


Oldie Goldie

Blue Fiery Dragon

llearch n'n'daCorna

Rex's head is somewhat large at the back. I think you've got most of the rest ok, discounting stylistic choices, but since Rex had a brain the size of a (relative) peanut, it's not like the back of the head really has to contain anything.

Other than, well, some excess weight so the teeth don't fall off the front.

Steggy is pretty good. Unusual viewpoint, but nicely executed.

I think the front legs of the two corythosaurs need some attention, but I'm not sure precisely what. :-/
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Thank you llearch :). I tried to present the huge open jaw of the T-Rex  in  front  perspective,leaving the body behind.But this jaw definitely needs some support by  the neck he he  :D. It is right the opposite thing I tried to accomplish with the Stegosaur, and I completely agree with your opinion about the Corythosurus, but as I stated these are old pics and nevertheless, I love them!


the overall impression i get is that these look much like murals you would expect to see in a upscale high school or the cafeteria of a museum
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Quote from: Brunhidden on February 05, 2009, 02:07:57 PM
the overall impression i get is that these look much like murals you would expect to see in a upscale high school or the cafeteria of a museum

Well, we are talking about Dinosaurs- the most abused and exploited creatures on earth :)No matter how you draw them they will allways remind you either of a movie or encyclopedia or whatever.


i meant the way they look more like a background then a subject- which is not really a putdown, they do have a very smooth and subtle look to them which probably contributes to why i said what i did
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


And this is one of my latest still not coloured drawings, presenting a couple of heroes, each one with special skills and all of them devoted to the idea of the adventure , that lies ahead in a depicted realm. Their task is to stop every imminent peril.-->All of these have History!

Endival Black & White


I see you've added extra details the clothing and weapons- nice, it looks a lot better now! Their stances are dynamic, but you should pay a bit more attention to the hands and namely the fingers! Still it's fun pic- I cant wait to see you color it!


And that is my next intention my friend, btw thank you for bringing my attention to the position of the hands, I know it has been a setback for me somehow,but maybe if I think of human hands and fingers while  drawing, as of dragon claws, maybe I would be able to improve them then.  ;) :)  :)    ;)


Month ago there started a Covert Courtesy Commutation[special gift exchange topic thread]  created by Gabi.I was assigned to make something nice for Kipiru and...I'd like to share it.
.. here it is.

Kipiru The Starrider


As I said before- nice job buddy. This, I think, is only your second attempt at drawing an anthropomorph and you first time coloring with Photoshop. The results are more than adequate! Keep it up!


Here is my own drawing attempt of Dan.He looks like he is going to fall back on his right wing, but not until he catches the ball. :)

Dan in Motion


Excelent pose there- he really seems like he is reaching for it :) But the face could do with being a bit more animal and less human-like. Other than that a great picture- keep them coming Rexman! :mowmeep



Thanks and  yep I admit the nose was not my best part on Dan he he but now here is what I got as a  task present for Cogidubnus

He is all flat coloured young gentleman. :) :spidey


He looks pretty sharp, especially that dagger  :mowmeep


The Rex seems to have the same colour shading as a Tyranid does!
Or at least...One of their broods.


I'm Glad you liked the Rex now here is a picture of a character I had to make. He was supposed to cast a spell, but finally came out more of a ninja style dude, preparing for the spell.Just take a look at Pagan Immortal

Ren Gaulen

Great picture, Beever! :] He looks more like some Shaolin monk or something like that, but he looks cool all the same.


I feel inexolorably (Sp? Argh! I lost my spell-check!) drawn to the shiny glowing ball of magic in his right hand...

If I could draw Half as well as you, my life would be complete. (No I don't have any great aspirations. At least, no realistic ones.)


Thanks a lot for all comments. It was a spark that I could not finish quite well, I admit.The concept was that he was preparing for a spell.As for the aspirations real, unreal, as long as one has a clear idea  what  he/she  wishes to draw about, I believe anyone can handle it.No extreme philosophy needed.  :mowhappy You just have to picture  the movement  in your mind , then you can transfer it on a sheet of paper and see the effect.

I am working on some new stuff these days, and soon it will be posted. In the meantime you can take a peek at some old stuff I am proud of.

Lava Dragon
The Phoenix Woman

Any comments accepted  :) ;)


Quote from: Brownie on July 03, 2009, 08:55:44 AM
If I could draw Half as well as you, my life would be complete.

And you're not learning how to draw... why? I mean, it's not like buying a pencil requires a license and background check. Jump in, start drawing, and let us know how it goes.


Nice work, very dynamic. Both pics have some real motion to them. Did you use any reference?

Can't wait to see the new stuff, when it comes in.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


@WhiteFox: I am trying. But, so far been failing. I have not taken any 'real' art classes but I am doing Visual Communication as a class. I've got only 3 pictures I like enough to display anywhere and one I can't show because it's in pencil and my scanner would ruin it.

The lava dragon looks like it's sinking into the lava (Which, I suspect is the look you were going for.) The fiery/Viney look on it's tail, I think, adds a nice touch.
The pheonix woman looks great but it almost looks like she was shot out of a cannon...


Quote from: Brownie on July 03, 2009, 08:36:10 PM
@WhiteFox: I am trying. But, so far been failing. I have not taken any 'real' art classes but I am doing Visual Communication as a class. I've got only 3 pictures I like enough to display anywhere and one I can't show because it's in pencil and my scanner would ruin it.

Me and Beever haven't gone to any art classes either- all you see is self-learned. We both started by copying other pictures and in time we developed a grasp of the human body and started drawing things of our own. So all you need is desire and ideas.

Now back to the pics- a couple of golden oldies, buddy! I was wonderingwhen you will be bringing these tow out  :mowwink- still look as stunning as back when you first showed them to me. But just as WhiteFox i can't wait to see some new stuff.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Brownie on July 03, 2009, 08:55:44 AM
I feel inexolorably (Sp? Argh! I lost my spell-check!) drawn to the shiny glowing ball of magic in his right hand...

I think you mean "inexorably" - as in:
1.    unyielding; unalterable: inexorable truth; inexorable justice.
2.    not to be persuaded, moved, or affected by prayers or entreaties: an inexorable creditor.

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Yes, thank-you llearch. (I was told FireFox had in-built spell-check. Someone's lying...)
You're obviously not as evil as everyone thinks. Either that or you and I are two sides of the same coin.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Oh, I am as evil. I'm just setting you up for later disappointment.

... it's far more fun that way.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Brownie on July 05, 2009, 12:52:19 AM
Yes, thank-you llearch. (I was told FireFox had in-built spell-check. Someone's lying...)

Firefox 2 and 3 do.  You might need to install a dictionary first or something though.  It should be a matter of right-clicking on a text editbox and making sure 'Check Spelling' is ticked.  There's also a 'languages' submenu on the same menu which allows you to select and add new dictionaries.
When it's all working it should red-underline words it doesn't know.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Kipiru on July 04, 2009, 02:23:53 AM
Quote from: Brownie on July 03, 2009, 08:36:10 PM
@WhiteFox: I am trying. But, so far been failing. I have not taken any 'real' art classes but I am doing Visual Communication as a class. I've got only 3 pictures I like enough to display anywhere and one I can't show because it's in pencil and my scanner would ruin it.

Me and Beever haven't gone to any art classes either- all you see is self-learned. We both started by copying other pictures and in time we developed a grasp of the human body and started drawing things of our own. So all you need is desire and ideas.

Not to hijack Beev's thread or anything, but...

I have taken "real" art classes (I went to the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design for a year. Didn't have money for more). The MOST important thing I learned was to practice. Drawing is a skill. You don't memorize a book to learn how to draw, you are not born with the ability, you practice. If you want to get good at it, spend 9 hours a day doing it.

I haven't had a good day till I've covered at least 8 pages in sketches.

Quote from: Brownie on July 05, 2009, 12:52:19 AM
You're obviously not as evil as everyone thinks.
That's only because the breadth of his evil is beyond mortal ken.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


Hello , I was moving into my new place  a new flat and I have to say it is really nice and sunny flat. For me the sunlight is very important when one starts to draw.
Here is what I made for WhiteFox on the sunlight  .

:) :mouser
