Furrae Chronicles: Webs of Destiny (OOC) [M] {2} - Closed

Started by Gareeku, July 12, 2006, 01:29:01 PM

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Alright, back to RPG talk. Gabi's out there looking for the others. Where's everyone else?
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Check the latest posts. We're having fun... [grins]

And, of course, we're showing you the courtesy of letting you know a bit more how our characters act and their agenda. Hope you don't mind.


Quote from: Stygian on March 09, 2007, 09:03:11 AM...Sheridan, firstly I want to say; brilliant signature. Caldari? I've always preferred Minmatar...

Caldari all the way, baby. You may Deteis-t our cold demeanours, but you'll always be jealous of our efficiency. :B


Arc is... lurkin'. He probably isn't near the Temple, to be honest. He'll be around in due course.


The only reason why I didn't read those posts is because I didn't want to run the risk of metagaming.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


I've re-edited Jakob's earlier post where he met Gabi.  It occurred to me this morning that he should have been able to tell who it was by mindreading, so I've adapted what Stygian was saying about anti-mindreading wards and assumed it's a countermeasure by the Oracles to prevent mindreaders getting the full prophecies.  That might also explain why he didn't feel the Mythos' presence either.

Obviously the edit was made to increase realism, but if anyone objects I can revert if need be.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


*quickly fixes his post to acknowledge the mythos' presence* >_>;


...Thus forcing me to edit my own post accordingly.

You could have added that last bit after my post, but it's ok now.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Quote from: Gareeku on March 10, 2007, 08:48:19 AM
*quickly fixes his post to acknowledge the mythos' presence* >_>;

Good - I was going to ask about that, because if Gareeku had really met just Jakob and Gabi, it would have meant that Gareeku had met impostors.
And that would really confuse things if you don't tell the character's owner that they've been cloned  >:3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Gabi on March 10, 2007, 08:54:29 AM
...Thus forcing me to edit my own post accordingly.

You could have added that last bit after my post, but it's ok now.

I didn't think it was a big deal. :/


Not a big deal... It's just that Gabi wouldn't interrupt Gareeku by changing the subject before he got an answer to the question he had asked.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly



It looks like we're all waiting for masked_bandit_lord.

Just a comment: what's an accentless voice supposed to be?
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Absolutely neutral, such that it cannot be placed. Most often it's combined with concise, precise and eloquent speech to give that intellectual tone. [smiles]



looks like you guys are really having fun. how far has the story gotten?

sorry that should read "how fair  is the story going?" or at least thats along the lines of what i was trying to say before the need for sleep garbled my writing.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

llearch n'n'daCorna

About 17 pages, e. Why don't you go read all of them, rather than leaving posts of dubious value?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


i'm about 12 pages behind and i do intend to catch up thong at the moment i'm wondering about individuals perceptions or the Rp then what i haven't read yet.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

llearch n'n'daCorna

The individual perceptions are that they're going to, by and large, be annoyed with you asking them what they did yesterday, when it's plainly written down.

If you wish to query specific acts, it'd be wise to do so with the player themselves - or with the GM, if that be the case - rather than posting here.

Just a suggestion, of course, but annoying the GM is never a good plan, and he has to read all these posts in order to do his job of running the game, doesn't he?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


And I take it Nyfe's post took place before Ignatz and Mel came.

Did Mel's smell change when she transformed?
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Yeah it did. He needs to catch up to us in the dining hall.

And yeah, Mel's scent changes when she transforms.



I think so. I think it was Jakob who asked, though I could be wrong.


Quote from: Gareeku on March 13, 2007, 09:39:05 PM
I think so. I think it was Jakob who asked, though I could be wrong.

It was.  Of course everyone else swamped him with half-a-dozen questions afterwards before he could reply  :rolleyes

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E



J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


*shuffles in, bearing an exceedingly long description* Hey there, got enough room for another potential RPer?  :3

Name: Keaton the Black Jackal
Real Name: Katherine Beatrix Jyraneth
Nicknames: KBJ, Keaton, Keats, Notaek
Age: 519
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 110 lbs
Status: Single
Mother – (missing)
Father – Salem (deceased)
Sisters – Jasmine (deceased), Esmeralda (deceased), Lianna (missing), Sierra (deceased)
Brothers - Noah (deceased)
Warp-Aci - Xianxi
Clan Members - Either dead or in hiding.
Species: Black-backed Jackal - Canis mesomelas
Race: Succubus
Hobbies: Hunting, puzzles, drawing, soul-stealing
Build: Athletic
Hair Color: Dirty blonde
Eye Color: Brown (right); Pale brown (left)
Often Seen: Creating chaos, committing some random atrocity
Most Known For: A certain fiasco that resulted in her being expelled from SAIA, her rampant havoc-creating and soul-stealing
Alignment: Questionably Lawful Evil
Special Abilities: Shape shifting; innate control on Dark Magic; ability to blend self into shadows and use them to cloak herself; acrobat and cat-like reflexes; other natural Cubi abilities; powerful Morningstar club wielder. Vulnerable to Light Magic despite a keen understanding of it, and cannot camouflage herself using the shadows if the area she is in somehow becomes completely devoid of darkness.
Best Trait: Determined, quick-witted, playful, boisterous
Worst Trait: Sadistic, obsessive, brutal, borderline insane or immature
Favorite Food: Humiliation, Suffering, Sushi
Favorite Color: Black

Physical Description (Taken from the Honor Circle RP) : 'The anthropomorphic jackal was reasonably young, perhaps around the age of twenty, and athletic, surprisingly confident in how she carried herself for her size of five-foot-two. Her hair color was plain enough, a shaggy dirty blonde, and her eyes chocolate brown—although one of them was considerably duller than the other—from behind the oddly mismatched lenses of her glasses, but everything else that topped the girl off was wildly abnormal.

Curling outlines of sable-splotched, abstract markings branched along her body from head to toe, forming a rigid mask of crescents and jagged streaks along her face, vines hiking up her arms and the tapering points of her elongated ears, streaks down her vulpine tail, and webs on her bare, clawed feet. A bizarre, vaguely '7'-shaped marking was engraved on her right shoulder, underlined by tribalesque, flowing scars of equal depth. Both had been somehow drenched in ink even darker than the shade the girl's markings were in, same with a thick scar around her left eye. The rest of her fur unmarred by the shadowy tattoos was a vibrant shade of saffron-yellow, sharply contrasting the darkness sloping along the jackal-woman's body. Creamy yellow of a lighter shade coated her muzzle, chest, and the underside of her tail, occasionally overlapped by the coattails of her gnarled markings.

Strengths: When it comes to dark-oriented magic and fighting in shadowed enclosures, Keaton is nearly a master. Having spent over five hundred years of her life training and accomplishing virtually countless, improvisational Dark-based magic spells, Keaton has plenty of experience on her shoulders, and has developed a nearly insane amount of flexibility in unarmed combat, augmented by her speed and double-jointed limbs. Capable of using the shadows around her to manipulate for her convenience, Keaton can orchestrate darkness in ways limited only by her imagination, from enveloping herself with them to disappearing within the shadows she controls. Being a Succubus, Keaton is highly prone to metamorphosis, and can twist her body into whatever shape she desires, utilizing a multitude of tentacles in battle. Finally, Keaton can use her mace, Catastrophe, as an aid for harnessing dark magic, wielding it like a baton despite its barbaric nature.

Weaknesses: Since Keaton's abilities hover towards the darker side of the magical spectrum, it is no surprise that her weaknesses lay in Light-oriented magic, and the presence of it. Keaton's normally innate subterfuge ability can only be used crafting the shadows surrounding her, hence reducing this ability useless if she is placed in an area with an absence of darkness. Further exacerbating her weaknesses is the fact that she has utterly neglected other magical elements, hence allowing her vulnerability to light fester, and that her over-inflated confidence and ego have led to her consistently underestimating her enemies. Keaton isn't very physically durable, at least in comparison to some of her opponents.

Personality: Through and through, Keaton is a ruthless, destructive Succubus, precariously teetering off of the thin line that separates her from unadulterated heartlessness with every sickening act she commits. While she may be a product of her upbringing and her environment, some have dismissed Keaton to be purely irredeemable, and that may be the case, thanks to her cruel, thoughtless soul-stealing escapades, and even her habits of briefly adopting slaves—only to suck them dry of their being. Sometimes immature, sometimes selfish; despite Keaton's sadistic qualities, she does have her benevolent quirks, as neglected as they frequently are.

Most of all, they shine through when she is in the presence of those she cares about, and in the fact that she would never, under any circumstances, harm a child. She appreciates the company of those who dare to get close enough to be considered a friend, and may even become fiercely loyal to them. Dangerously so and maybe obsessively protective out of an irrational fear that they, too, will be as swiftly erased as her previous loved ones were.

Catastrophe, sometimes known as Kytharion [Also Stolen from the Honor Circle RP]
: 'For a moment, Keaton looked down at her weapon: it was intricately designed, from the spiked globe crowning the handle, to the long, elaborately engraved hilt. The same symbol that was carved on her shoulder  was etched just beneath the club's head in pure white, the only splash of color on the otherwise completely melanoid weapon. The Morningstar was almost her height, and despite its size she could wield it quite effortlessly.'
Notes about Catastrophe: For an undetermined reason, Keaton absolutely insists on referring to Catastrophe as a 'he' and a living entity. Also, she has a tendency to chain it up at night or keep it sealed up somewhere, also for unknown reasons. Keaton can wield Catastrophe almost like a baton, using it to orchestrate Dark Magic and somehow brandishing it almost acrobatically despite its barbaric structure. This is due to the fact that the weapon is completely weightless thanks to a charm she placed over it. Similarly, Keaton can also augment her Morningstar's properties and use it in different forms by imbibing it with magic, altering its shape and enhancing it.

History: Thousands of years ago, the barbaric Jyraneth clan was at its peak as it rampaged the countryside, looting and pillaging, and taking hundreds of hapless Beings as entertainment, meals, or servants. Notoriously violent, and renowned for their secretive, superstitious ways, the Jyraneth went into hiding following the war waged on Cubi-kind, forming an empire surrounded by wards that made it nearly impenetrable, and impossible to locate by those who weren't Jyraneth, or who weren't bestowed with the proper magical guidance. It was called Harla'keth.

Preferring to lurk in the shadows and take their enemies by surprise, the Jyraneth were a crafty lot, nearly undetectable in their methods, but garnering quite the unscrupulous reputation from every corner of the country. Countless times had they been recited in nightmarish tales used to frighten children into submission, or in novels describing their exploits—they were known far and wide, feared by many, but loathed by even more.

Unfortunately—or fortunately, depending on your perspective—the Jyraneth clan's population was dangerously low because of their careless ways during the beginning of the war. Because of their traditional restrictions on breeding—the population was never properly restored.

Katherine Beatrix Jyraneth was born to infamous parents Salem and Matilda one May night, the youngest out of five children (not counting herself).

Since the Jyraneth clan preferred to keep all ties to the outside world severed, except for to communicate or exchange information or people, none of the clan members were ever exposed to, or learnt of SAIA. Katherine was no exception, instead being tutored solely by her parents, two Jyraneth Raiders, and widely acclaimed 'heroes' among the clan. The Jyraneth Raiders are those who would go out and harvest souls, obliterate their prey, and bring home prisoners who would become slaves.

Because of her parents' legacy, her family—and those around her—held high expectations of her, stressing her education and pushing her to her limits more than once. In the end, at the personal sacrifice of socializing with children her age, such intense training magnified and honed Keaton's abilities and shaped her into one of the finest Jyraneth Raiders.

Yet, in comparison to those who were specially trained at SAIA, she was still very inexperienced. During the precious, sparse breaks that Katherine was allowed, she awkwardly attempted to mingle with others, but preferred to remain in the company of her family, who she came to consider her greatest treasure and best friends. Among her family members was her brother, Noah, the eldest, and Katherine's role model. He was everything she strived to be—an accomplished Dark magic wielder, a renowned Jyraneth Raider, and a skilled warrior—and Katherine utterly idolized him, spending her time with him whenever she could.

By the time Katherine was in her fifties, the halcyon years of her training had ended, and she became a Jyraneth Raider, as she had dreamed and her family had wished. Katherine found more time to expand her interests beyond her blood and garnered more friends, yet she never could bring herself to separate herself from her family. Achieving success in many of her assignments and claiming fame for both herself and her family, life seemed to be going rather smoothly for Katherine, especially since she got to work alongside her beloved brother.

At least, it was for a time.

One, supposedly uneventful raid ended in disaster when her Raiding pack's arrival was noticed by a lookout group of Adventurers stationed protectively around a village they had targeted. Fearing the worst as the deaths mounted and towns were deserted, the villagers had hired the Adventurers to defend them for such an occasion. Caught off-guard, the Adventurers and the Jyraneth Raiders engaged in heavy combat while the townsfolk fled for safety.

In the zigzagging crossfire of magic and weaponry, it was really no surprise that someone would've fallen. Casualties were experienced on both sides, but it was a single death that triggered the apocalypse.

A child had been struck with a spell as she escaped, astray from her family, and killed.

The Jyraneth only realized this when the final Adventurer had fallen, and had scanned the area for any survivors. Aghast by this accident, and by the ill omen that this had stricken them with, a devastated Keaton and Noah returned home, and reported to the council that governed Harla'keth.

The city was gripped with an uncontrollable fear, something worse than any plague or war. The Council, even the clan leader, was at a complete loss on how to resolve the situation—such an atrocity had been unheard of before. The children had always been spared.

That was the rule. The killing of children was strictly forbidden, above all atrocities that were listed in the laws of the Jyraneth clan. They symbolized purity, the most sacred treasures life could offer, and the murder of one constituted immediate execution.

People knew better than to disobey such laws, thanks to the proudly emblazoned consequences.

Everyone was afraid to leave their homes, to speak or to move, or to even eat. Some predicted the end of the clan. Others claimed they all deserved to die.

Apparently, they weren't the only ones who thought so. One cloudy day, the Jyraneth clan's sworn enemy, the Kamei'sin clan, invaded the valley, somehow able to penetrate the magical wards that protected Harla'keth. They were all taken by surprise—the Jyraneth were barreled head-first in a vicious, horrible war. Katherine was visiting a friend within the city at the time of the attack. Beforehand, Katherine had been troubled by the disappearance of Noah, who had become more reclusive since the accident, where he was originally more outgoing. Then again, she reasoned, it was natural. Most people were locking themselves in their homes.

But that didn't change the growing feeling of dread budding inside of her.

Traversing the city, Katherine questioned every friend of the family and of Noah's of his whereabouts. In the midst of the chaos, as Katherine rushed through the streets in search of her family, she was greeted with the sight of her father, body twain, laying near their house.

Jasmine and Sierra, two of her sisters, were dead, as well, although Katherine didn't know it at the time. She had no time to mourn, or to search for any remaining friends or family members, because her father's murderer wasn't too far away, unaware of her presence. Blinded by rage, she lashed out at the Kamei'sin, killing him. She kept on pummeling him and pummeling him, even far beyond him death, and was so engrossed in her own rage and despair that she didn't notice his comrades approaching.

They saw her, one knocking her away with a swipe of its wing-tentacle, cleaving Katherine's eye in two. Before Katherine could even realize what was going on, the attack was followed up with another, nearly fatal one, a wing-tentacle skewering her through the chest. She was left to die, her body beside her father's.

When Katherine awoke, she was lying within a stone chamber sealed with iron, barred doors. Upon further inspection her wounds still remained, much to her horror, although they were healed to a certain extent—purposefully just enough to keep her alive. Too exhausted and terrified to think of using any of her spells or abilities to try and break through the door, and completely unarmed (she assumed her weapon, Catastrophe, which was given to her by her mother upon completing her training, had been destroyed along with part of her house), she was left trying to nurse her injuries, a painful reminder of everything that had happened and how real it all was. A short moment later, the door opened to reveal two Kamei'sin Cubi accompanying a mongoose with feathered wings.

He introduced himself to Katherine as Kytharion, a noble Angel who was associated with Kamei'sin. He was responsible for employing servants who provided protection to smaller villages that nobody would usually spare a second thought. His motives and methods were far from benign, however: the conditions to this defense would always lead to him being given absurd amounts of money and goods as tribute in exchange for his 'protection'. If the villagers were unable to supply him with the required payment, Kytharion had the authority to not only abandon them, but to order his subordinates to kill or beat anyone who dared defy him. Thanks to this brutal method of controlling those who were beneath him, nobody thought twice about disobeying him. Also because of the faraway location of these villages, bounty hunters and law enforcers usually neglected such 'unimportant' locations.

The Kamei'sin gladly passed soldiers on to Kytharion while he shared the wealth he had amassed with them. He also sacrificed unruly victims to them so that way their souls could be painfully extracted.

Kytharion then coldly informed Katherine that Noah had been the one who had confessed the whereabouts of Harla'keth and provided the magical signature needed to infiltrate the valley to the Kamei'sin. He provided no further explanation.

He went on to say that the only reason Katherine had survived was because he was in need of more people to 'assist' him with his line of work, and the surviving Jyraneth that were imprisoned were facing the same options—or being tormented and executed. Zelaphos, the Kamei'sin that Keaton had killed, was one of his finest men, and the fact Keaton had killed him impressed Kytharion and piqued his interest when he learned of this.

It was because of his intervention that she was still alive, and because of this she now belonged to him, mentally, spiritually, and physically. During her period of unconsciousness, Kytharion had cursed her, linking her spirit with an artifact he clutched, meaning that he literally held her life in the palm of his hand. Using it, he could torture Katherine without so much as touching her, inflicting severe pain upon her with its connection to her spirit.

Kytharion presented her with an ultimatum: join his forces and become one if his officers, or he would let her die from blood loss. Even worse, he could pass her out of his 'loving' custody onto the Kamei'sin guards flanking the only door out of her cell, where she would be slaughtered along with those who had already suffered at their hands.

The last thing Katherine wanted was to die. With a heavy heart, she agreed, and solidified the proclamation of Kytharion's possession of her.

Further emphasizing his new 'ownership' over Katherine was a new sobriquet he christened her with: Notaek. From then on, Katherine, who shall be known through this biography until stated as Notaek, became Kytharion's virtual slave, killing for him and helping him extract tributes in almost mafia-esque tactics from the villages he 'protected'. Unsurprisingly, Notaek wasn't thrilled about being someone's lapdog. Her feelings were further exacerbated by the pain of losing her entire family and clan, and for slaving for someone who was openly associated with their killers. The only memento of her history among the Jyraneth was her mace, which had been successfully retrieved by one of Kytharion's officers.

Kytharion knew this very well, and constantly ridiculed Notaek for her helpless situation. Kytharion's other subordinates originally treated her with disdain, regarding her like garbage and purposefully insulting her, her clan, and her family whenever they got the chance, but Notaek was able to frighten the majority of her antagonists into leaving her alone.

This didn't stop their obvious disrespect of her, however.

Embittered and disenchanted, Notaek otherwise was forced to acquiesce to every one of Kytharion's orders. While he allowed her to control the abuse of her peers, Kytharion granted her no other freedom, although as time passed and Notaek started to 'adjust' to her new existence as his servant, he bestowed her with some leeway, even paying her for her services. It was still a very meager fee, only enough to purchase the barest necessities. Kytharion even had some of his officers train her, though their sparring sessions were often just an excuse to beat Notaek to a bloody pulp.

Despite this, Notaek was still a slave, and Kytharion took great joy in reminding her about this. The straw that broke the camel's back came during the seventieth year of Notaek's indentured servitude. Kytharion finally told Notaek of the fate of Noah, who she had regarded as an unrepentant traitor for the entirety of her time under Kytharion's shadow. It was revealed that Noah hadn't betrayed the Jyraneth by his own free will at all.

Devastated by what he thought would be the harbinger of the apocalypse in the form of the child's death; Noah had fled Harla'keth, spending days away from home. Hopelessly lost, he had then been intercepted by a Kamei'sin once he had accidentally wandered onto their territory, then brutally interrogated and tortured into revealing information about the Jyraneth, since his mind-shield prevented them from retrieving it themselves. Since his morale and his usually zealous confidence in the clan had been lowered, it was easy for them to pry the information they needed from him and later discard him.

Kytharion had never informed Notaek of this, instead preferring to manipulate her hatred and spite towards Noah for his advantage. Continuing, he even went on to say how Notaek's deceased family members had suffered before their brutal deaths. Knowing that Notaek was now inescapably in his grasp, Kytharion had ruthlessly decided to release this information just to drive his favorite slave into despair. Furious that her memories of Noah had been so heartlessly marred, and that they had murdered her brother, Notaek attacked Kytharion and was beaten down—using the link between her body and Kytharion's artifact—a moment later.

It was after Kytharion departed the room, sparing her, that she swore that she would take matters into her own hands and end his life.

It took Notaek five years to properly prepare herself for the inevitable battle, but she succeeded in murdering Kytharion, resulting in the collapse of his carefully-constructed empire of officers, bodyguards, unfairly-obtained wealth, and imprisoned villages. Having never entered a battle with a worthy opponent for hundreds of years, and his own abilities rusty, Kytharion was defeated after a long and painful struggle by his resentful subordinate.

Preying upon the weak and letting his own men do his dirty work for him had been his ironic downfall.

Before he could utilize the object that he used to torment Notaek in situations passed, Notaek destroyed it, freeing herself from his control and severing all bonds that held her to him.

Instead of simply allowing Kytharion to waste away, however, Notaek instead sealed his soul within Catastrophe, ensuring that he would suffer until the day she died, and the link preserving his being inside of the mace was automatically lacerated.

Realizing that she was now, after so long, free, Notaek officially reversed the letters in her long-despised epithet so that it spelled a new word, forging a new identity for herself: Keaton. With nowhere else to go, Keaton surmised that it would be best for her to search for the remaining members of her family, as Kytharion had never mentioned the fate of her mother and two of her sisters.

Keaton's efforts turned up fruitless.

For a few, lonely years she persevered, just long enough to obtain information about an Academy that housed Cubi of all clans and families, and educated them. While a sanctum of knowledge, it also was a haven for orphaned Cubi... it was the perfect place to find members of her clan. New resolve brewing within her, Keaton, with further research, was able to organize the papers required to enter the Academy, and submitted them. Not long after, she was delivered by Warp-Aci to SAIA.

When Keaton made her intentions clear to the Headmistress, Fa'Lina, the Poodle Cubi implored her to remain within the Academy. Reluctantly, Keaton conceded after a while, although Fa'Lina forced her to solemnly swear to several guidelines: to not instigate any clan-based fights among others, as the Jyraneth clan wasn't exactly revered among Cubi, to keep her 'games' to a minimum, and to ultimately adhere to all school rules.

Unbeknownst to Keaton, SAIA became her new home for the next three hundred years and she began to regard her new friends as somewhat of a surrogate family. For a while, she lived restlessly, starting to yearn for her old life as a Jyraneth, but she absently decided that this new existence could be alright as well.
Unfortunately, it didn't remain that way for forever. Keaton was expelled from SAIA after a rowdy student penetrated her mind-shield and invaded her memories, something which Keaton had religiously kept secret from everyone in the Academy. In response to this violation of her privacy, Keaton proceeded to brutally assault the student, Aeriko, until he not only hovered within an inch of his life, but that he instantly forgot everything that he had learned from his intrusion on Keaton's mind—as well as every recollection of his life from his name to his childhood memories. Discovered by a teacher, Aeriko was shipped to the Emergency Ward, and Keaton was ejected from the school despite Fa'Lina's concerns that a great deal of Keaton's living clansmen were within the Academy.
Unceremoniously banned from the school, a devastated Keaton wandered Furrae, and still does to this day. It is uncertain where fate will take her, but she resumes life as it was before the downfall of the Jyraneth empire: killing and soul-stealing without any ostensible sign of remorse. For a time, it stayed that way, but time and again Keaton has found that circumstances often lead her into outrageous misadventures—ones that have somehow surfaced more evidence of the whereabouts of Keaton's subsisting family members.

   -Keaton's left eye happens to be a fake, magically-augmented replacement, the root of which is linked to her body so it operates like an organic eye. It is colorblind, but she can saturate it with color if she wears her glasses.
   -Keaton's glasses are unusually crafted so the lenses are mismatched, either side containing some form of magical enhancement for her vision. The left lens, consisting of an opalescent, gigantic shape, and outfitted with enchanted, stained glass, allows her normally colorblind eye to see in color. The right lens, which is shaped like a half-moon, gives her nearly perfect visual clarity.
   - Keaton can remove her false eye from her eye socket if she mentally detaches all links to it.
   - Keaton often paints over the rather gruesome scar over her left eye with black tribal ink into whatever design she desires. Since she never is consistent with the shape of the marking, it always looks different.
   - Keaton's tail is abnormally larger than the average canine's, and considerably fluffier. The reason behind this is because of an inherited trait from her father, a fennec fox. It tends to frizz up whenever Keaton is embarrassed or somewhat stunned—creating a rather embarrassing predicament for her.
   - An inherent trait of Keaton's clan is the ability to manipulate darkness and a natural handle on dark magic, to use as weaponry or to camouflage themselves. It is because of this that they were so hard to locate during raids. However, Keaton's normally innate subterfuge ability can only be used crafting the shadows surrounding her, hence reducing this ability useless if she is placed in an area with an absence of darkness. Keaton uses her Morningstar almost like a baton, using it to orchestrate the darkness around her. Similarly, Keaton can also augment her Morningstar's properties and use it in different forms by imbibing it with magic, altering it and enhancing it.
   - The Jyraneth marking on Keaton's shoulder isn't her actual clan marking—it is merely a deeply engraved scar. Her actual clan marking is located on her hip, normally concealed by her clothing. In a similar fashion, the stripes on her right upper arm are also scars, more specifically symbols of rank in the Jyraneth Raiders. These scars, although a blatant display of her clan affiliation, can easily be hidden via metamorphosis, unlike her real marking.
   -Keaton harbors a deep prejudice towards Angels. Asking why will only succeed in you getting brutally maimed.


Well geez, I don't think I provided NEARLY enough information =P [/sarcasm]

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Keaton's profile was certainly enjoyable to read, but don't expect Jakob or Gareeku to be very good friends with someone who goes around stealing souls >:3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on March 16, 2007, 11:09:51 AM
Keaton's profile was certainly enjoyable to read, but don't expect Jakob or Gareeku to be very good friends with someone who goes around stealing souls >:3

I expected that much--I got the feeling Keaton wouldn't exactly be a very popular character among the others due to her, uh, 'quirks'. XD

If all else fails, she can just blame her clan.  "My upbringing made me do it!" >:3

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on March 16, 2007, 11:31:06 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on March 16, 2007, 11:09:51 AM
Keaton's profile was certainly enjoyable to read, but don't expect Jakob or Gareeku to be very good friends with someone who goes around stealing souls >:3

I expected that much--I got the feeling Keaton wouldn't exactly be a very popular character among the others due to her, uh, 'quirks'. XD

Rats - I meant "eating souls".  Jakob has been known to trap them, and indeed, sometimes uses the technique to his victims' benefit.

Not that Gareeku was too pleased when Jak tried to rescue Jonathon either...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E