Furrae Chronicles: Webs of Destiny (OOC) [M] {2} - Closed

Started by Gareeku, July 12, 2006, 01:29:01 PM

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Well, it's Damaris. And there are rules for RPs. For good reasons.


Quote from: Stygian on February 15, 2007, 08:47:56 AM
Well, it's Damaris. And there are rules for RPs. For good reasons.
Yes, but the question I'm asking is whether Gareeku has fully complied with them...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Yes, I know the rules quite well thank you.

With that said, I now declare this RP temporarily open. If you wish to join, please post a character profile similar to the ones the current members have produced, and I will get back to you asap.

-This is, in case you hadn't noticed, a FURRAE rp. This means that things such as cyborgs or other creatures who do not inhabit Furrae are forbidden. Sorry, but them's the breaks.

-Make your character profile AT LEAST reasonably detailed. If you're unsure how to lay it out, look at the styles of the profiles the current members have produced. I WILL NOT accept profiles which are basic. Sorry, but I like my profiles to be detailed.

-Please take note; unless something can be agreed upon, I am afraid that from here on new characters won't be in possession of letters like the others have. I'm afraid you'll have to think of some other reason as to why your character joins the journey.

Once you've posted up your profile, I'll send you a pm and we'll discuss how your character is introduced, such as the reasons for them joining the quest etc. Just having characters suddenly pop up and going "LOL i wanna join your group" kinda puts me off a bit.

With that said, the floor is yours. :)


Quote from: Gareeku on February 15, 2007, 01:01:04 PM
Yes, I know the rules quite well thank you.
Look, sorry I tried to help, okay?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Eep, just realised the words sounded quite nasty. Sorry about that, JP.


Quote from: Gareeku on February 15, 2007, 02:32:01 PM
Eep, just realised the words sounded quite nasty. Sorry about that, JP.
Oh, ok - that's fine.  I've had a stressful day and my house purchase is on a knife-edge at the moment so I'm liable to be a bit sensitive right now...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Aisha deCabre

Heh.  Good work on the rules, at least.  Let's hope we can get some more good volunteers.  Or evil.  Whatever.   :mowtongue
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.



*From behind, a voice echoed out. There, comfortably musing in an armchair covered with dark red leather and stirring a glass of equally red liquid, sat a nearly-white-furred someone clad in an exquisite black suit of late 19th century cut. His eyes were shadowed under their brows and the fair blond forehair that parted over his face, contrasting sharply the razor-end teeth that glinted in a grin under them*

Who called upon Evil?

(Sorry. Just had to. *snickers*)

James StarRunner

Booya! I got back just in time! I'd love to join (though I believe I already got the ok quite some time ago). I'll have the bio and whatever else may be needed sometime soon.


James StarRunner


Name: James StarRunner
Race: Angel Squirrel
Fur: Blue /w white markings
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Teal
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Favorite Food: Peanut Butter Sandwiches

History: Mistreated and feared in his youth for being a creature, James didn't have an easy childhood. He was found and raised at an orphanage at Lath's Stand, a small town far from Lost Lake. Before he left the orphanage, his caretaker, Grace, crafted him a magical pair of gloves similar to a primitive patch used to suppress his angelic appearance and abilities. Although he's lost a glove since, he was able to live among beings without being feared. Without a job or schooling though, he had to live off the streets and steal for food. A paladin who caught him showed him mercy, took James in, and trained him. Now James uses those skills learned from the company of the paladin and his associates to hire out his services as a bounty hunter.

Personality: Because of the unfair persecutions against him for being an angel, James taught himself to never judge anyone by appearance or race. He's easy going, and if in a relaxed setting, he'll joke around and act like a goofball. In situations where seriousness in needed, he'll drop the funny antics and get down to business (though he may drop a pun if going into battle). Although some already know his secret, James hates to admit to being an angel and will usually deny the fact of his true heritage. Thinking of his heritage leads to many memories he would rather forget. Though he tries to make money from his profession, it's not uncommon for him to do acts of service and will jump at the chance to cook (or eat).

Quirks:  James does not drink alcoholic beverages. He says he needs his senses alert at all times, but it's mainly because his caretaker Grace made him promise not to drink.

When bored, James will climb into the limbs of a tree and draw.

Other info: Though able to use many weapons, James is mostly proficient with the bow and long sword. He can make and use grenades, smoke bombs, and tranquilizers (which are crafted to look like acorns). He wears a mithral chain shirt under his clothing. He's skilled in disguise, stealth, and tracking. Though he has a natural aptitude to magic due to his angelic heritage, he's not good at it. Though he doesn't want to show anyone that he's an angel, if he's in a life threatening situation, he'll take off his remaining glove to better use his angelic abilities as listed in Amber's demonology 101.

Paladin Sheppard

Sorry I've not been posting much guys. Eph really hasn't had anything to say or do, so lets just asume she's been quitely standing in the back of the group. :3


No worries Pal. ^^ We'll be getting to the temple pretty shortly. I'll try and figure something that Eph can be doing. :3

Paladin Sheppard


So did I. It'll be great to have you with us (again). Besides, your character and mine share much of their political(?) views.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


I'm a little lost for a response, because I'm not actually sure how things ended between James and Jakob in the last story (subtle hint for Gareeku  >:3).  Cross does have a bounty or two on him, after all.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


 :3 I'm sure that Blaze and James will get along well.

And sorry for staying quiet too... I have noooo idea what to say, since Blaze is supposed to be quite clueless in all this anyway... >_<

Mel Dragonkitty

Is there room for me Gar? Mel's a very tiny dragon and doesn't take up much room. (makes big sugar eyes)
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Quote from: Mel Dragonkitty on February 16, 2007, 08:53:58 AM
Is there room for me Gar? Mel's a very tiny dragon and doesn't take up much room. (makes big sugar eyes)

IIRC we're 2 years after strip, so it depends whether Destania succeeds in ending your race  :P

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Mel Dragonkitty

<Grrrr> Bad blue succubus. Just because her team lost the championship hockey game to us...

Ummm... she overlooked Mel because she's little?
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


2 years after the strip? I thought it was 2 years after our first adventure, and taking place at the same time as the strip.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Quote from: Gabi on February 16, 2007, 09:40:33 AM
2 years after the strip? I thought it was 2 years after our first adventure, and taking place at the same time as the strip.

I've seen both quoted, I wasn't even sure when I wrote the wiki notes about it  :mowignore

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Ah well... I honestly believe that plan will fail. And I thought it was 0 AC too.

Anyway, I'll post a character profile...

Name: Sebastian Samael Ignatz Don'Chel
Nickname(s): Stygian, the Don, Ignatz Donovan
Age: ?
Race: Angel?
Species: Predatory bat (not purebred)
Family and Association(s): The Don'Chel and Caerule lineages, The Sacred Order of Justice
Place of Origin: ?

   Physical description

Height: 6'0"
Weight: ~200lbs
Build: Athletic, long-limbed and lean. Compressed and hard.
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Whitish-blonde
Fur Coloration: Whitish-blonde
Distinguishing features: Very handsome, with well-shaped if hard features. Somewhat pointed muzzle, with a flared tip to his nose. Lips curve up slightly over the tips over a pair of long fangs. Has five distinguishing scars; a pair of thin ones across the right cheek and side of his lips, a large, cross-shaped one over his heart, and two large ones on his back where his wings used to be. Mostly wears all black clothing and a pair of slim glasses.

   Biographical and general information

   History: Sebastian is not exactly the kind of man to tell anyone of his past, much less leave an account of it. The name 'Ignatz Donovan', an obvious and admitted allusion to his own, appears in a few records and rumors, but at very few times and far in between. Those who know how and where to ask may find out that he might be the one to contact if you have something of very great value and need it exchanged for a favor, or vice versa. His real name also occurs in the personal accounts of the former Rector of the Academy of Haszal, and the diary of one Amy Don'Chel.
   The name Stygian though, is certain to provoke more of a reaction, at least if mentioned in the higher circuits of power. Few are certain about the identity of this figure, but he or she is infamous as one of the more mysterious and influential dark mages around, and affiliated with many evil powers. Some would also say that he is an assassin, a thief or a prophet of some sort. Regardless, he is at the heart of a number of reputable incidents that have taken place for some time back, although almost never in the foreground. He is charged with many cases of murder, property destruction, theft and the utilization of forbidden magic, and is widely considered as one of the most wanted individuals in existence.

   Personality: Mainly sly and sharp, even sinister and vicious at times, often with a chilly touch to him yet far from entirely cold at heart. He can sometimes shift moods quickly, and often appears quite mercurial, yet he is slow to anger and as a rule his perceived actions and feelings are little but a front. He layers these like he plots, complexity and unpredictability having become a habit of his due to past experiences and his line of work.
   Despite his first impressions and his tendencies though, Sebastian has a certain warmth to him that only shows once he is with those he trusts or regards as friends. He almost never directly lies to anyone, nor does he ever commit an act of evil without a to him very clear purpouse, and he regards unneccessary cruelty and malice as the worst kind of sins. And once his intentions are assured one can depend on him to the very end.

   Abilities: Sebastian is an expert dark magician, and besides possessing the characteristic speed and senses of an Angel, honed even sharper by training, he seems to have a number of abilities and traits that are unusual or do not tie into his racial belonging. He usually does not use magic directly for combat, being more of a ritualist, but instead seems to be able to manipulate and control darkness in some way, using shadows and negative energy to deadly effect. He has also proven capable of extensive shapeshifting without the aide of conventional magic, and has often displayed a general prowess that far exceeds that of what should be his natural abilities.

   Strengths: Sebastian is both clever in terms of long-term planning, and quick on his feet in unexpected situations. He has the general skills one would associate with a professional assassin, and adds his expert knowledge of magic and the dark arts to that. He seems well-versed in terms of general knowledge, and also somewhat scholarly, even scientific at times.
   In terms of all-out damage and precision, Sebastian is one of the most fearsome combatants one can come around. He also seems to have considerable talent for confusing and outmaneuvering his enemies. Basically, he specializes in close combat, stealth and speed, in that order, and usually once he is at point blank range his opponent has very little chance of fighting him successfully. His defensive skills are quite considerable as well, allowing him to shrug or avoid attacks that would be outright lethal to most. He is also capable of quick regeneration, and is virtually immune to crippling blows or poisoning. Time and again he has also proved his immunity to mind-control and thought reading, and most cubi would probably be creeped out at his apparrent emotional void. Finally, as a rule one should not fight him at night or in an area of darkness. Ever.

   Weaknesses: His tendencies and instincts quite often put him at odds with his peers. He can seem very undependable and capricious if one is not aware of the thought behind his actions. And he is often disregardful or even disdainful of others' personal convictions or plans, something that has worked against him before even though an assassin is supposed to be ruthless. And he has a deep-rooted loathing for most creatures that while normally latent will become apparrent when provoked.
   While he is well-versed in general magic and a master of dark magic and necromancy, Sebastian's skills with elemental magic are poor and with light magic nonexistent, other than theoretically. He is definitely no healer either, being incapable of mending so much as a scrape without a reagent or medical supplies at hand. And he gets excited at the smell and even more the taste of blood, something that ties into a food dependancy of his.
   In combat, Sebastian only rarely uses magic, as he does not appear to have the skills or the ability to throw combat spells around. This, coupled with his lack of expertise with anything but close combat weapons and his general preference not to use weapons at all, gives him a very limited range, something that he must compensate for using speed and a greater number of attacks. He mostly prefers isolated fights, and dislikes it when he is unable to plan ahead. He also tends to protract when he doesn't have a grip on the situation.
   Finally, Sebastian has a very specific weakness to light. Physical force is the worst way to deal with him and practically useless. One can hope to deal perhaps some damage if a good ice spell actually scores a hit, and electricity seems to work well for causing him trouble. But light and pure soul energy are the most effective of all, as they attack or override his main defenses.

   Trivia: Sebastian is an Angel, or at least it would appear so, yet he does not have any wings. Not because he doesn't show them, but rather because they were cut from his back, where he still bears the scars. How they looked it would seem only he knows.
   Sebastian possesses a decidedly angelic voice, and is quite the singer. He also plays some instruments, his favourite being the guitar. He loves two particular genres of music; classical, and black metal.
   Sebastian both smokes and drinks regularly, yet does not seem to take any harm from it whatsoever, much to the dismay of some.
   Though magic is his forte, Sebastian seems oddly fascinated with technology and science, and hopes very much to unite the two concepts some day. His most favourite kind of machines are motorcycles.

Extensive enough? Heh. I've had time to just pitch in some bit by bit. Just hope it'll do.


Is there still opennings for this RP because if there is i would like to join! =^-^=

James StarRunner

Quote from: Tapewolf on February 16, 2007, 07:05:01 AM
I'm a little lost for a response, because I'm not actually sure how things ended between James and Jakob in the last story (subtle hint for Gareeku  >:3).  Cross does have a bounty or two on him, after all.
Ya, I was wondering what may have happened in between myself. While Cross may have several bounties on him, I wouldn't want to collect it (Unless I do what I did to Gar and arrest him, get the bounty, and then free him :P )

Quote from: RJ on February 16, 2007, 08:01:13 AM
:3 I'm sure that Blaze and James will get along well.
I'm sure they will! ^_^

Quote from: Gabi on February 16, 2007, 05:32:24 AM
So did I. It'll be great to have you with us (again). Besides, your character and mine share much of their political(?) views.
Yep! And it'll be great to RP with ya again!


Political? Wasn't aware that there was much more than macropolitics in Furrae... Oh, right; and just how many people want to kill Gareeku? Cuz I'm thinking that if we're having a poll here...

James StarRunner

Quote from: Stygian on February 16, 2007, 11:38:32 AM
Oh, right; and just how many people want to kill Gareeku? Cuz I'm thinking that if we're having a poll here...
In or out of character? Heh, actually, I'd rather not kill either one.


Quote from: James StarRunner on February 16, 2007, 11:26:04 AM
Ya, I was wondering what may have happened in between myself. While Cross may have several bounties on him, I wouldn't want to collect it (Unless I do what I did to Gar and arrest him, get the bounty, and then free him :P )
Arrest...?  That would be a trick.  Jakob is useless at fighting and he doesn't even want to, but he's damn good at running away.  Some kind of countermagic charm would work, though.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Aisha deCabre

*Loud snort*  You can make that poll, but I guess it depends on the story.  And welcome back, James!  Finally another FC oldbie.   :3
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.