Character Lounge

Started by Kio, July 10, 2006, 11:49:25 PM

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Stygian started a bit, and turned around. People were indeed eyeing them, and some were whispering to each other, pointing to what he had done in the air. Magic wasn't a common thing in Dyssea, even if it were of the kind that Stygian seemed to use. His expression went from one of surprise to anger, and then he raised his hand, palm facing the crowd. Suddenly, a complex symbol, looking like some alchemic circle almost, glowed green in the air, and then dispersed as trails light against the crowd. The next second, the people were screaming and wailing, holding their heads. Every single one of them darted off in a random direction, except for against the group, some still screaming, others just crying and holding their hands at their temples.
   "There. Bloody gawkers..." Stygian said, and returned to his thoughts, muttering.

   (OOC: The hatch is not the thing that leads into the simulation, E. It's what covers the control computer's main console. You just have to step into the portal over the training mat if you want to enter the simulation. It's nearly invisible to the naked eye though, and I wouldn't recommend it, since it's better if you turn off the simulation from outside.)


*Karl then thought about it...*

Karl: You know what? Forget the digitization not like the broken controller still had its transmitter component...

*Karl glared at Stygian, obviously trying to send him a message that if the transmitter part wasn't lost, it would have been enough to jack in to the simulation computer...*
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius

Aisha deCabre

Aisha had rolled her eyes at Karl's answer back to her, and she started pacing again.  "'Twas only a thought."  Ah, solving problems the analytical machinist's way, the panther added silently with a quiet snerk, walking the length of the car on the sidewalk beside it and just trying not to be restless and nervous...especially when people had started to stop and lay their eyes on the sight before them.

The panther felt like a side-show freak, in that notion.  But she did get a good snicker out of when Stygian chased them off.  "You'd think that there wouldn't be anything more strange in this world than us," she muttered and leaned against the wall next to Gareeku.

Quietly, Aisha observed everyone's mannerisms.  May seemed to be the only one having a bit of fun with this little trip.  Everyone else was either concentrating, or downcast and quiet.

Well...if something wants to prove the notion wrong that things can't much better, the panther thought with a roll of her eyes to the night sky and started trying to see if she could spot a star or two.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


(OOC: I'm assuming the hatch is in the gym, near aforementioned training mat.)

Boogey followed E closely behind, as if worried that without some sort of guard he would be attacked by exersizing equipment insistant on his using it. He smelled some sort of illusion, lots of information and mechanically or magically organized thought moving around. The others were close, he could feel the occasional thought drifting off of them, but wherever they were was off limits. Seeing what lay behind the hatch, however, Boogey grinned broadly.
"Alright, getting a feel for what's going on. The others are Elsewhere. Someplace... not so far. Some sort of locale made of ideas, but these ideas are programs or whatever. I think this hooks up to that. Not always so good with machines though. What do you make of it?"


E breaths a sight of relive. so Boogey had some ideal what was going on. "well if you can find them please lead on" E's sensors were still still running poorly do the a lot of his interpretation programs being down. he was not ready to hook into the program fearful as to what that may cause both for he program and for himself.  he looked around at the place. this was like a holodeck he wondered how to shut down this world without causing damage to they system or his friends.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Mel Dragonkitty

With everyone preoccupied Mel had a moment to finally look around. This was the biggest illusion trap she'd ever seen. A dozen illusionists working together couldn't create something like this. Perhaps she should be more attentive to what machines could do. She ran her hand over the railing and looked out at the lights passing way into the distance, admiring the workmanship of the spell. No attention was spared in the details. She turned to watch one of the flying vehicles pass over and felt something against her foot. She looked down and saw it was the jacket she had discarded when her wings returned. A sudden thought hit her. No one was wearing what they had been back at the mansion. She picked up the jacket and thought about it. They were standing here hoping E or Boogey dispelled the illusion. ALL of the illusion. "Um... guys... Did you happen to keep your other clothing on under your urban camoflage?" She held up the jacket to illustrate. "Am I right in thinking this illusion will end with no warning?"
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


*OOC: I’ll assume that this is happening near May.*

“Hey Sevilin, can you get your sister to…”

“I’ll try, but Norri is in a bit of a bad mood. Plus, you must remember that it is up to her discretion whether she helps or not. After all, we can’t help everyone all the time. People would get too dependant on us.”

A pause.

“She said, and I quote, ‘Get lost, you’re a very annoying sister and I’ll never forgive you for reading my diary.’ Weird, ‘cause I never touched her diary.”

*OOC: Norri, goddess of science. She would have been helpful, perhaps, were it not for her little temper tantrum.*


"Well, that's how it goes. What has that got to do with... ooh..." Stygian said, and rolled his eyes. Then he grinned, and went over to the car to sit down in the door. "Of course, if we change things now that would possibly change, but I think it won't be that long if there's not a complete disaster back in the house."


*OOC: What is the time back in the house?*

Valencia is now in the process of playing Soul Calibur II. She is doing quite well with Cervantes.

Aisha deCabre

((It's still night.  I'd estimate somewhere around midnight.  We're not good with keeping totally accurate time.  :3 ))

While Aisha's gaze was literally off into space, her eyes staring into the sky for any sign of a shining starry pinprick behind the clouds, she still listened to the conversations going on and was slowly hoping that someone was at least going to lighten the mood a little more.  She wondered exactly what time it was couldn't have been more than an hour or so that they were gone.  She smirked.  And I'm not even sleepy.  Go figure.

Her ear suddenly pricked towards Mel when she started speaking.  Listening, she noticed that the dragon had caught something that she didn't about this whole thing...her sparring outfit had disappeared when they arrived in the illusion, replaced by her adventuring gear.  The only "real" thing in the sim was her tail ring.

Aisha quirked a nervous eyebrow and slowly crossed her arms.  "I kinda thought that we'd end up in the things we were wearing before we came in," the panther muttered her guess.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Closing his eyes, Gareeku stayed in his position, still leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, his eyes closed as he listened to the others discuss how they would get out of the simulation. Hearing someone else stand next to him, opening his eyes and finding Aisha, giving her a soft smile, before looking away with an expression on his face that looked almost like self-shame.

It was then, however, that he overheard what Mel said, his ear also perking up and swilleving to face her direction.
"These clothes...aren't real...?" the wolf muttered, his eyes growing slightly wider as he realised what that meant...


"No worries, Gareeku. We can tailor you a similar outfit when we get back. Or close enough..." Stygian muttered, sitting uncomfortably. He didn't like waiting like that. He was usually patient, but mostly only when he could see what was going on. And, of course, when he was among people who were thinking more or less along predictable lines. These ones were too angry or too confused for him right now, for no reason that he could use, and worse was that he couldn't calm them down quite yet.


*OOC: Well, ICJoat and ICSylver will be out until 7:00 AM or so unless something else happens. When this plot arc is done, the residents of the house may wish to follow their lead and go to sleep. That is, the characters who sleep at all. After all, even adventurers need their rest, especially after all this.*

“I wonder how I, when in bunny form, would look in clothes,” May thinks.


Nodding to E and smiling, Boogey put one hand against the machines running the simulation and slowly infiltrated the various thoughts they transported.
Alright, if I tweak this and poke this... My, but someone has been busy... Very well set up...
Meanwhile, those in the simulation may notice the lights in the windows of nearby buildings flickering on and off. Boogey was messing around.
Now I just need the- aha!
Various noises that are normally associated with a city at night grew louder. Automobiles, some types of crickets, the occasional scream. Louder and louder, and the way it was coming it sounded almost like... speech?
"You lot never invite me to play when you get a new toy. Really, all of you guys, I'm very hurt."

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel noticed Aisha uncomfortably covering herself with her arms. While she tended to be a bit dense about the nuances of clothing Mel understood that body language. But this was something she could deal with. While not of the caliber of crisis they had rescued her from she could at least rescue them from this minor crisis. "I can provide the illusion of clothing. Like the dancing dress illusion I made for you earlier Aisha. If you wish it."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Aisha deCabre

Glancing briefly at Gareeku, Aisha had to smirk a least she wasn't alone in the fact that the idea was just slightly uncomfortable.  That, and for the moment, Gareeku seemed to come out of his slight funk.

When the panther heard Mel's offer, her ears quirked and she made a mental sigh.  "I forgot you could do that," Aisha said with a slight laugh.  "I'm sure we'd appreciate it."

Then, the instant things started to become louder in the world they were in, Aisha was about ready to jump out of her skin when all of the noises turned into coherent speech.  "What in the...?"
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"Can't tell? Now I'm really offended. Alright, here's a hint..." With a sound of chuckling nighttime noises, one of the aforementioned buildings went completely dark. A few lights flicked on, and then a couple others, until they formed a rather familier face...
"You know, this really is quite well set up," The light-image moved by turning lights in various windows on and off, "What is it? Something you guys made yourselves?"


"Something I made, Freddy," Stygian said with an amused grin. "Though I really did not expect you to be so adept at manipulating it. Maybe it's that you can affect the processes from a greater and more convenient perspective..." He seemed to ponder for a moment, and then smiled again. He snorted a short laugh, and stood up.
   "In any case, I would appreciate it if you terminated the simulation now. People seem to be less than amused anymore, and it should be a simple matter of persuading the prime process that it has run its course, and does not need to work anymore. It has a time designation, after all. A safety feature."
   Stygian looked up at the huge face of lights, waiting for the Boog to get to work. Something about being trapped like that and at someone else's hand really put him on edge.


"Gimme a minute... Ah, I see..." The big light face looked thoughtful for a second, "Move that one there, that zero there, and... Voila!"
There was a flash, and those within the simulation were met with the sensation that they were immersed in seltzer water. Things were vanishing in a similar manner, dissolving with a sound of white noise in the background...
As the others reappeared, Boogey left the device. As he was leaving, however, he pocketed a few concepts that he thought could be useful. Waste not can be doubly applied to ideas. Push comes to shove, next time I have trouble throwing off a pursuit this should make a lovely trap for the particularly overzealous.
"So, ladies and germs, me and E miss anything fun?"


E laughed. Boogey's had an odd sense of humor but it did grow on you after a while.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


May disperses her own spell right before the simulation dissipates, turning back into her natural form. She then proceeds to eat a chocolate bar that magically appears in her hand.


Stygian looked down on himself as his clothes shifted back to their usual form to adapt to the temperature change, and then around at the hall around them.
   "Fun and educative are entirely different things, although one accomodates the other," he simply said, and then looked over them all, just making sure that things were under control.

Aisha deCabre

Aisha had calmed down a little bit, suddenly remembering the voice's tone and face to be Boogey's.  Well finally, I didn't think it would be so quick for them to come.  Kudos to the strange people.  The panther smirked and waved her own greetings, though it still looked quite strange to see someone's face reflected by the city's lights and voice by the sounds.

As she stood leaning on the wall and waiting to see what would happen, she stumbled a little bit after the wall ceased to even exist, along with everything else.  The large city, which seemed so real just moments ago...the car that they had ridden in, the guns that they were carrying, and even her sword, having been thought up by herself perhaps in the sim, and even the landscape and the sky...all of it into a blank void.

Aisha sighed lightly, regaining her composure and relief to notice that the clothes she had been wearing upon entering the whole sim were back on her body.  They could change, but they couldn't disappear.  She smirked at Boogey.  "Oh you didn't miss much.  A car chase here, shooting a motorcycle gang and rescuing some friends there, and us turning into humans..." she said with a quirked eyebrow.  Nobody back home was going to believe that.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"Human's? like Wily and Wright? wow i didn't that that would be possible with out a chaos emeralds or at least a type 3 fusion reactor core." E shakes hie head amazed.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"Car chases AND motorcycles? My, but you have been busy," Boogey chuckled, "And shapeshifting? You know, no matter how much time I spend real it always slightly amazes me that you guys think waking up in a different shape then when you went to sleep is so odd."

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel shook her head as she looked down at herself with the human illusion still on her. "It's most inconvenient to change bodies if you end up in a fragile one like this. Especially if you're being chased and didn't get either the car or the motorcycle." She looked back up and smiled "And the human body got very hungry from it's run. I wonder what is in the fridge."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Stygian only made a short, bitter chuckle at the Boogeyman's words. He rubbed his temple a bit, and then heard Mel speak up. When he thought about it, he was aware of a sort of dull ache that had been building in him. Food seemed an attractive prospect right then. So he rounded Mel from behind and spoke over her shoulder.
   "Not much we can prepare that quickly, I think. But we could give it a try. Or, we could call in some more delivery food, say Italian this time?" he said, then smiled and turned, and started walking out. And We need to find a way to get something to eat too... he thought.


"Food! Excellent!" Rubbing gloved hands together, Boogey made to follow Mel but stopped himself in time to glance back at the others.
"Waitaminute. The nice, bookish, could-be-the-host-of-a-childrens-show dragon got chased by motorcycles or something? I have to hear this story later," grinning from ear to ear, the concept looked even more hungry for the news than he was for takeout. Then again, given his nature, he may very well be.


shrugging E touched his belt and in a flash of light  he was his organic human self again. " food sounds good to me."
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


“Yeah, food sounds good.” May yawns.