Character Lounge

Started by Kio, July 10, 2006, 11:49:25 PM

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"Sounds great." Gareeku said with a smile, "Thanks very much."
Walking over to Moira, Gareeku then smiled apologetically.
"Sorry if I'm bothering you, but would it be ok if I got some clothes? I'm basically just looking for something which will let me blend in with the people here in the city, but i don't want any fur." Gareeku asked, feeling guilty about the fact that she was already busy with sorting out the tracer.

Mel Dragonkitty

"Busy streets it is. Are either of you comfortable with weapons? If we can find a pawn shop I have some junk I can probably barter for something. I'm only comfortable with a bow and this doesn't seem like an archery sort of city."

Mel began reaching into her magical "pockets," not trusting them to stay available with the magic failing. Various odds and ends disappeared into the pockets of her new outfit. Done with that she reached out and touched Sathariel on the shoulder. "You going to be okay. That was a pretty nasty brew of emotions and thoughts for someone as sensitive as you."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Aisha deCabre

"Thanks for the sentiment," Aisha replied to Stygian's remark about protection with a smirk as she holstered the gun he gave her for a main, again testing the weight and vision beforehand.  Being the only female among the group, the transformed panther didn't even take a second thought about it until now.  She shrugged.  Even here she might as well still hold her own.  She's had to prove that her whole life.

Then, she pulled her hair back away from one of her ears, listening to Gareeku and Stygian converse about clothing.  While she didn't think her own adventuring attire was to conspicuous, she had to admit that it was well enough different from the others of this world.  She watched Gareeku step around back over to Moira, and gathering her things in one place, she walked up behind him and smiled apologetically at the sentient machine.  "Same here."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"Allright, coming up," the computer said in a much friendlier voice than it had to Stygian. "It won't take five minutes. Well, actually I think it will, but that's about all."
   True to her word, the computer soon handed out some pieces of clothing right to them with mechanical arms whirring. Gareeku got a pair of straight black khaki-like pants, a black t-shirt and a sort of grey overshirt, tie and black vest, and a plain black overcoat, and some sturdy boots to go with that. All were of high quality and though finely cut and sown they looked like the sort of clothing he seemed to prefer; the functional and tough kind that can take a beating. To Aisha the computer gave a slightly different, slimmer pair of black pants, a dark red shirt and thin black sweater, and a black jacket with a slightly parted backside to that. The shoes she got weren't boots, but they were very nicely made, and they seemed rough-soled enough.

   Sathariel's face went almost a bit blank for a second, and then her lower lip started to tremble. It seemed she had only felt those things, but been too overwhelmed to think about them. She looked at Mel, shaking.
   "I... I... He was..." she said in a blurred voice. Tears started to form at her eyes and stream down her cheeks, and she let out a whimper.


“What is it?” May asks.

Suddenly, a voice (able to bypass all mental defenses with incredible ease) says telepathically to them, “The Feather Fall shields are down now. You no longer seem to need them so much. Good luck now, mortals.”

May seems to know where the voice came from, for she then says, “Sevilin?”

*OOC: I must ask you, Stygian. Was May successful when she tried to grab the gangster’s gun?*

Aisha deCabre

Her eyes widening with a smile, Aisha took the pieces of clothing and looked them over.  They were just about her style, dark and stealthy as well as tough.  She fingered the fabric and nodded with satisfaction, for they hopefully looked about her size too.

"Much appreciated," she said to Moira with a slight bow as she turned around and scanned the area for a side passage in which to change, then ducked into one.  Aisha laughed inwardly.  This was the the first time in her adventures that her wardrobe had changed quite a few times in the span of just hours.

When she came back, it was with a satisfied look on her face, glancing herself over at the attire she now wore.  Yeah, it fit her just fine, not too loose nor too tight, and also, none too heavy, but able to withstand the cool air outside.  "Now this is cool," she said with a smirk.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Looking at the clothing, Gareeku couldn't help but smile; he certainly liked the look of his outfit.
"Thank you very much, you're too kind." he said to Moira, the smile still on his face as he bowed politely before turning to Aisha with a grin. "Now to try on my new outfit."

A few minutes later, Gareeku reappeared from a side passage of his own, and was now dressed in his new attire, observing his clothes as the smile reappeared on his face.
"Now -this- I like." he commented. "Nice and classy."
Turning to look at Aisha, Gareeku grinned.
"Now -that- is classy, not to mention quite hot, to be honest." he said, the grin staying on his face as he spoke.


Stygian eyed the both of them appreciatively, nodding to himself and scratching his chin again.
   "I guess we had better get going then," he said, and shot a glare to the computer.
   "Yeah, yeah..." Moira said, producing a small rectangular thing, about the size and shape of a pen, to Stygian who snatched it up. "You're the boss. But if the freezer holds up, or the bikes aren't gassed, then blame yourself..." The computer sounded a bit sour, but mostly jokingly. Stygian paid her little attention.
   "So then... now that we have our things together, it's time to move. Bike or car? The car tops out faster, but bikes are more nimble." He looked a bit at Aisha. "I guess that car would be better, if we're not splitting up. But then, we've only got one scanner. Moira, do you have more of these?"
   "Sorry, but if you want another, you're going to have to order more components. That's the only type I've got right now," the computer answered with finality.
   "Well, blood and Hell to that then..." Stygian swore, and started to walk back outside into the hangar-like garage.

   Sathariel almost fell forward on Mel, her tears flowing heavily.
   "He was... he was going to..." she cried. Mel couldn't help but feel a certain deja vú. "How can people think such things...!?" the woman sobbed into her clothing.

(OOC: Yeah, she got ahold of his gun... though I think she's not strong enough to use it properly)


Listening to Stygian's question, Gareeku thought about for a bit.
"Hmmmm...i think we should take the car. I don't personally know how to operate a motorcycle." Gareeku replied in suggestion. "But then again, I don't know how to drive a car, either."

Aisha deCabre

At Gareeku's statement, Aisha chuckled and brushed the hair out of her face, this time a slight blush easily visible on her pale human skin.  She looked him over and gave him a grin back, patting him on the shoulder while walking to the table where her weapons were.  "Speak for yourself, handsome," she said with a wink and let her fingers slide from his arm, reaching out to grab her vest and holsters, as well as the scabbard that held her dragonblade. 

It was the only classic thing in her arsenal, but it made her a little more comfortable to know that it was there.  Plus it was wise to have a weapon that had no ammo to run out of on hand.  Armed and ready, Aisha regarded Stygian's question with a bit of thought.  "Yeah, same with me, whatever works best.  The car would be a good choice," she said and started following him out. 
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Stygian made another of those short laughs that he seemed so good at, and grinned over his shoulder at them. He stopped and looked at the computer a bit.
   "Car it is then... You'll like the one we're taking anyhow, I think. Oh, and Moira... It was good to see you," he said. The computer didn't answer, but you could almost feel the gaze of that green eye and the ones on the screens at him. He smirked, and then walked out.
   "It's back here at the end..." he said as he stopped to press a button on a panel set in a wall. There was a loud mechanical sound as a big door in one wall began to open. Stygian walked by it and to the back of the garage, over to a large thing covered by a tarp. He pulled the cover off.
   The thing underneath was another one of those monstrous hybrids of a machine that Stygian seemed to collect. It must have weighed at least three tons, but was low to the ground, and covered with the edgy black armor it was it looked a bit like some sort of monstrous slug. It didn't even seem to have any windows. Its wheels were huge, individually suspended with their own arms inside its black body, and armored too, some sort of ventilation openings on the "locks" that kept them to the body.
   "The Mallet. Suitable name, isn't it?" Stygian said.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel awkwardly hugged Sathariel. When had she been voted the strong one? Someone had made a mistake. "Some people are just bad. It hurts to feel the crap in their minds but at least you have forwarning. Some people never see it coming." Mel looked at May discouragingly.

"I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to keep feeling the bad stuff. Those thugs aren't giving up this easily and if you can feel where the bad stuff is coming from we can avoid them." Mel glanced at the doors. The fact that no one had followed them meant that they were taking the time to set up a really good ambush. She eyed a cluttered set of stairs and wondered if up was the least horrible option. Then her eyes caught on a mirror resting crookedly in a corner and she sighed. Her hastily assembled outfit didn't improve her looks any but at least it was dark; indigo pants, a charcoal jacket, and the things on her feet that couldn't be defined as either boots or shoes were black. Her shirt was black as well but it had a design in gold across it. She fastened the jacket over the shirt, dourly predicting that with the way this adventure was going the design was an obscene comment in some language she couldn't read. She pulled the hood over her bright hair.

"We have to get moving. Which way Sathariel?"
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


*Karl takes a look at the vehicle*

Karl: No windows...this thing must have vid-sensors then, for how else can we see out of it? and thank all that is good that it is armored...hate for it to not be.

*Karl then puts on vest*

Karl: My armor device won't work since this world seems to drain the magic that's required to Henshin (transform) I guess I'll go with this vest...
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


May is surprised, though she does not comment on it, when she hears Sathariel’s surprise at what the gangsters were planning.

As Mel asks Sathariel where to go next, May wonders whether she should offer her friends some candy to help cheer them up a bit.

*OOC: Not strong enough to use it? Well, May isn’t exactly an expert gunswoman, I will admit. That title goes to Valencia.*


Quote from: Boogeyman on January 08, 2007, 07:25:36 PM
"I take it that voice was the PDA? It wasn't a key, it was a freaking stowaway," Boogey rolled his eyes, "And you're still not listening. She had all that. She lived in that world, raised her kids, had her life. What will you do when this body runs its course, make another one? FORCE her to be immortal? You have to let her move on, or what did all that mean?" the thought entity smiled, "You think you're the first to ever grieve over a loved one? Or the first to try to bring them back? Even if you succeeded, you won't have helped her. And as you said, Eric," Boogey's eyes narrowed, "E isn't you. You cannot still spend time with your wife; he can, but he's not the man she fell in love with now is he? And neither, I think, are you anymore."

" who do you think you are to tell me who i am?" Eric Snarled as he half stood only to be stopped by and white gloved hand the appeared on his shoulder pushing him down into his seat.  hear him out Eric. you've been holding on to much for too long a second gloved hand seems to build it's self out of the of the air but it is incomplete as circuits  appear in the gaps. Please listen to him. even if you were to take over the rest of his life ,not that i would let you,  what would happen then?
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


The crying woman in Mel's arms sniffed, and looked up. Then, she stepped back, wiped her reddened eyes, and made a last sniffle while looking a bit shamefully at the floor.
   "Up. We just need to go up, as far as we can I think. They're a bit away, but mostly just above us," she said, and looked to the door out into the shop.
   The handle to the back door of the storage rattled, and then the door shook. They could hear hard steps from outside.

   Stygian walked up to the side of the vehicle and thumbed something in his pocket. A few slightly green lights switched on at its front, and then there was a small whirring sound as something in the back of it started up. Then, that whirring exploded into a furious hollow roar as some sort of turbine rapidly revved up in the heart of the vehicle, shaking the hall with its bestial sound for a moment before it died down to a low thrum. It seemed to pulse slightly, almost as if alive. Stygian opened a fold-back door on the left side of the monstrous car, the other one opening by itself a second or so later.
   "Get in," he said, and followed his own advice.

Aisha deCabre

Aisha spared a quick wave goodbye to Moira before leaving, an excited smirk on her face despite the fact that she was going without her ring.  Still, without her tail, it was more of a risk losing the artifact when carrying it than leaving it behind.

She kept in step behind Stygian, always next to Gareeku, with certainty hearing Karl get ready himself and catch up.  With the four of them, she knew...or at least would be easy enough to find the others.  "Con esperanza (hopefully)," she muttered in a low whisper as if praying.

Finally, the group reached their destination, three sets of curious eyes falling upon the tarp, and then the car as it was revealed.  Aisha's red-tinged gaze was wide and impressed, both at the heavy and hard way it was built and the color, though she was just as curious at Karl's remark about the windows.  Still, she figured it worked well enough.  "'Mallet', huh?  Very fitting indeed," she replied as the thing started up with a grumble through the very walls.  "This'll be fun."

Looking over it once or twice and then exchanging a brief glance with the others, Aisha ducked her head and placed herself inside on one the moderately comfortable seats in the back.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel  jumped at the banging on the back door. "Sathariel can you feel any of the bad thoughts out front?"
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


"Who am I? Who am I!? I'm the one who's been wandering through you're freaking psyche and has shown up with a message from you're freaking wife, that's who!" Boogey snapped. Realizing that he'd lost his temper for a second, he willed himself to relax and massaged his temples, "Would the man she had married her act in the way you have? Don't answer that. You can't tell; you're the one who's changed. This is why it can be helpful to have other personalities. When one goes wonky, someone notices. You have to let that poor woman move on," He looked up at Eric, "If not because it's her wish, then because it's what's best for her." He wasn't afraid of angering Eric again. He wasn't even sure that this version of E was a whole personality anymore. Besides, if things came to violence, Boogey was the one in his element. Fighting something in you mind was like trying to go hand to hand with a tapeworm in your gut; you just end up punching yourself, if anything, "I know you wish to give her form once again, but there are some things you just can't do..."


The white gloved hands began to grow arms in black armor. He's right Eric. she deserves to more on don't you agree. Eric looked at Boogey. " lets say that i have change. lets say that i want to so that she's free. that over looks one thing. i can't keep her here against her will Boogey. She's still here because she still has hope for me . should i tell her to go? to leave because  don't need her anymore? i'd be lying and even if she believed me how could i even consider hurting her like that?" Eric how about we bring her here and ask her?
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"I'm not telling you to kick her out, I'm saying you should let her leave," Boogey replied, "Listen to the ominous voice and ask the lady what she wants. And you," He then pointed at the hands, "Good taste in gloves or not, I can't just keep calling you the Ominous Voice. Your name, good sir?"


their is the sound of laughter. Boogey i'm E the one you came to save. i was lost in the maze of reflection when i got your message you came to where i was. you could say that you saved me opening the way for me. more and more of the current E came into visibility.  Eric and i were already here and so was i but i lost much of myself when he rebuilt his last memories  of this world that it weakened me. that let him trap when i let my gruaud down. you brought with you parts of Erebus and DGE when you came and the have been restoring me while you talked

"hello .Remember Starlight and the whole reason that you let me set up with world?" yes, yes you went a little over broad but enough about that. i think you should call her here. after all if you love her don't you want her to be able to chose? a forming helmet looked at Boogey through at this point is' is and empty shell it still seems to covey some emotions.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Boogey smiled and nodded at E.
"I was wondering when you'd show up. Yes, lets bring the lady here. Although, perhaps here should be someplace a bit more fitting one so distinguished as her?" He made a strange, twitching guesture and a faint suggestion of elegant furnishings appeared in the room, "With your permission, of course," Boogey added, said suggestion dimming. He hadn't had the chance to mess with his surroundings the entire time he had been in E's mind, and had been rather looking forward to the chance to show off what he could do.


E nods and looks around. "you have good taste" he said and his face  faded into appearance. With of seeming to do anything a door appears in the  air between The E's and Boogey. the door opens and Starlight walks through it. "Estavon said that you wanted to see me Eric" she looks at the two full beings and the partial one. she notes that Eric seems sad but somehow almost relived while the floating head and arms  seemed to be growing a chest before her eyes. he stepped forward with out any apparent legs. " welcome starlight. Please have a seat we have much to discuss"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Sathariel nearly shrieked.
   "It's him! He's going to break down the door!" she whined loudly. Then her eyes seemed to widen. "The other one! He's not human!" She seemed frightened out of her wits. She stayed still only for a second, then bolted out into the shop.

   Unfortunately, the dark vehicle only seemed to have three seats, with Stygian already sitting in the driver's up front, grabbing a steering column that seemed more fit for a motorcycle and surrounded by many other controls. The interior was spacious enough for them all to fit in once they had stowed their weapons and equipment behind the seats, but it was a tight fit.
   The moment the doors closed and the pressurized locks clacked into place the car's interior fell into a claustrophobic near-darkness, tinged green by some of the smaller screens and gauges around the large and curved main forward and side display that showed the murky image of the garage. Gauges rose and the engine thrummed as Stygian tapped the throttle and started driving the thing up to the elevator-like opening in the wall. As it crawled, he fluidly adjusted some controls, and they felt the car's flexible chassis move around them, lowering it until it almost slicked to the ground. He slowly drove it into the elevator, and stopped when it gently bumped into something.
   There was a mechanical sound, and louder, lower snaps that shook the car from the outside.
   "You're lucky. We're going down, by the looks of it, so you'll get the fun ride," he grinned. "May I ask all passengers to fasten their seatbelts, and those who don't have any to brace themselves tight?" He pulled back a lever of some sort, and there was a sound from below. Then, the car slowly turned ninety degrees until it stood on end vertically, the front pointing straight down. Through the forward display they could see a long, straight, railed shaft, right down, plummeting into darkness.

Mel Dragonkitty

There was nothing to do but follow Sathariel. It looked like she was going to make an effective, if erratic, bad guy detector. At the same time Mel wondered what she meant by one of their pursuers being "not human."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


When Aisha made her comment back at him, Gareeku could not help but grin sheepishly, his cheeks turning red in a blush. Snapping himself out of it, the wolf-turned-human then checked that he had his firearms and blade fastened and secure, before turning to Moira once more.
"Thank you again, Moira. Your generosity is much appreciated." Gareeku said, bowing once more and waving goodbye as he followed Stygian.

As they walked, Gareeku noticed Aisha's somewhat concerned look. Smiling softly, he held her hands in his, squeezing gently.
"It'll be ok. We'll find them." he said to her reassuringly.
When the car was revealed, Gareeku raised his eyebrows. It was safe to say that he impressed as he looked at the mightly vechile in front of them.
"Now that's what I call a car." he commented as a smirk appeared on his face when the vechile roared into life.

Climbing inside, Gareeku sat next to Aisha in the back, fastening his seat belt once he had done so.
"Safety first." he commented with a grin. As they moved, Gareeku's eyes widened slightly as the car was positioned in a vertical position, facing down into what seemed like an endless tunnel, before a grin appeared on his face as Stygian made his comment. Adrenaline was now pumping through his veins as he looked at the sight of it.
"Well now...I think this is sure to be one hell of a ride." he said with an excited smirk on his face.


Boogey finished letting the room materialize and sank into one of the newly formed chairs.
"Yeah, me again. I delivered your message but things got... complicated. Methinks you should have a word with your husband."


Karl: the track is pointing downward? Excuse me, but are we heading for a subterrainian area?

*Karl had already buckled his belt, hoping it would hold him in*
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius

Aisha deCabre

Once Aisha was inside the car, she managed to put her things behind the seat; an easy thing to do as her equipment wasn't as heavily packed as those of the men.  She was seated inbetween the two in the back, decidedly braced enough to let Karl have the remaining seatbelt.

Her eyes took a second to adjust to the near-darkness when the interior was plunged into it.  When the car started up, the growling of the engine sent reverberations through their feet, and she leaned her back against the seat when it finally started moving.  Her heartbeat quickened a little, excited and eager to just get moving.  The only thing that she probably could have changed about the thing was the slight lack of space.  But Aisha wasn't claustrophobic...and certainly didn't mind being so close to Gareeku.

But at Stygian's comment, and when the car's nose was pointed downwards, Aisha's arms immediately threw back to grip her seat while her shoes dug into the floor.  Her eyes were wide and adrenaline coursed through her own system.  The look on her face was a mix of thrilling anticipation and slight one would get right at the top of a roller-coaster hill before the plunge.  Only this looked to be a bit more extreme than a coaster...and the plunge was into a very deep hole.

"Ohh holy...this'll definitely be fun," she said, mirroring Gareeku's smirk.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.