Pet Peeve Game

Started by Corgatha Taldorthar, October 09, 2009, 12:25:50 PM

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Corgatha Taldorthar

I thought I'd try my hand at adding to the spam game threads.

Anyway, this one is pretty simple. You list something that annoys you in general, (not a specific instance that occurred during your day that ticked you off.) Ideally, these things are the little nuisances in your life, not some sort of large aggravation.

My first one. People using the words "Simple" and "easy" interchangably. Easy refers to the difficulty of a task and the odds of failure. Simple refers to the complexity of said task. It is very simple to pick up a huge rock, but unless you're very strong or have some tools, it probably isn't easy. Conversely, it's very easy to impose order on the general chaos of the filing system at this library I work at, after all, I can't really *fail* at the task. It's just long and arduous to make sure that everything's in its proper order.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.

llearch n'n'daCorna

I have a pet peeve.

Threads that are full of bitching and whining and moaning... ;-]
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


That box above me, I think he's my pet peeve...
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Ok this might be a little gross mentioning it but used tampons lying about in plain sight. I have grown up with two sisters and I'm sorry that is just nasty.


Quote from: silentassassin on October 09, 2009, 05:58:55 PM
Ok this might be a little gross mentioning it but used tampons lying about in plain sight. I have grown up with two sisters and I'm sorry that is just nasty.

Omg ew. Silent your sisters give us women a bad name.

I have too many pet peeves but they include:

Trolls, spammers, asshats, people who think they're all that when they're obviously not, sexists, chauvinists, religious-freaks, gay-bashers, and other little cult groups that think its okay to treat people like crud. I hate it when people smoke right next to me and blow it in my face. I hate those adverts for ringtones that are always on tv, and the ringtones people have that include techno versions of songs that might have once been quite decent with the voices speeded up so they sound like chipmunks on helium. I hate having to do chores even though I know it needs to be done, especially washing the dishes HATE IT WITH A PASSION. I hate people who start fights with you in chatrooms then leave the room or ban you before you can finish replying to them. I hate people who don't tell you to your face when they have a problem with you... If I'm doing something wrong I want to know about it so I can get to the bottom of it and try and sort it out. Talking about me behind my back and trying to work up everyone else to backstab me too is just fricking stupid.

I'm sure I'll think of more....
I'm not lazy... I'm motivationally impaired

How to be an evil Overlord Part 1|Part 2

You can Skype me at lucy_locket82 but note me first or I might delete you


feet do not belong in the drool-space of the bed. EVER. In fact no feet on the pillows either! exception to the rule: *just* got out of the shower and female. (there have been no documented exceptions to this rule yet.)
<wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka>
"Why no, officer, I am not made of pancakes."


Sisters (well okay mainly just the younger one), people who try to shove their beliefs on others, this includes those preachers who stand in a little booth in the middle of town and shout about how everyone are sinners and need to be 'cleansed'. Also door-to-door types too. Doctors (I just don't like em), overly gory films/shows etc. I can watch it, but if its particularly disturbing I don't enjoy it. People who pick their nose and eat it (omg!), people who spit or hock up mucus on the pavement, it's just gross and unnecessary if you have to do it, do it somewhere I can't see and into a tissue discreetly please! Pineapple (I'm allergic), People who go beyond the necessary level of discipline with their children and repeatedly wallop and shake them about violently in public and on the other hand also people who do nothing and let their kids scream and stomp around and swear at them. Middle ground people, middle ground! I'm all for some spanks if the kid really deserves it but jeez. I was beaten violently as a child and never forgave my father. Inspiration/Muse Blocks. Really f'ing tedious when you want to draw something but can't seem to get it to come out right. When my Mother thinks she's giving me constructive criticism by picking me apart for my physical appearance and lifestyle. No mum, criticism is saying theres a problem but explaining why its a problem and offering advice to fix it. Just saying 'You're an ugly tramp and you'll never get a man' is called insulting and doesn't help my self-esteem any. Smartasses who think they have an answer to everything. Well good for you, you're a flipping oracle. Now go away. Furryphobes. Maybe its just I RP with the wrong crowd but playing even remotely furry characters (even a werewolf) guarantees that charrie will never get any friends and most definitely will never get laid. They're like 'Ewwww furries!' and act like people who play those charries are sick perverts and deviants who must also be into other weird fetishes. Stereotyping is so annoying.
I'm not lazy... I'm motivationally impaired

How to be an evil Overlord Part 1|Part 2

You can Skype me at lucy_locket82 but note me first or I might delete you


People who randomly try using sexual orintation or religion as an insult. Stating a situation of the latter here is a literal conversation I had on a website.
"Shut up you dumb jew" -Random idiot
"But I'm a christian....." -Confused me
"That's exactly what a jew would say!" -Same idiot after three minutes of quite


People who say they could care less. I want to beat these people with dictionaries until they get it. If you -could- care less, that means you CARE. The phrase is "I -couldn't- care less." Someone go out and round up the people who get it wrong, please. Then tell the difference between a strong point and the musical term meaning "loud."
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


"You know what really grinds my gears? When I can't find the droids I'm looking for."

But more seriously:
Quote from: Succubus_1982 on October 09, 2009, 07:39:45 PM
I hate people who don't tell you to your face when they have a problem with you... If I'm doing something wrong I want to know about it so I can get to the bottom of it and try and sort it out. Talking about me behind my back and trying to work up everyone else to backstab me too is just fricking stupid.

That gets to me every time... I know multiple people (some that I had to live with at one time or another) who I know have had some sort of problem with me, and I ask them, but they say all is well. Then I hear from people who used to respect them what they truly felt, many issues which could easily be resolved if they just said something. And along htose lines, I don't like hearing about how much people hate other people, especially when they act like "true friends" to those people's faces. If you have a problem with someone, tell that person, or if it's work related and you hate that person, either tell that person or your boss, not me. If you really want to tell me how much you hate someone, at least don't tell me any names and I'll probably be fine with it.   :januscat


Mm I agree with you Lysander. Its stupid. I admit though that even I have been guilty about ranting about someone behind their back. But when I do that, that's all it is. A rant. Its just an explosion of feeling and afterwards I normally feel better and don't have an issue with that person anymore. And since all of my friends are very very sensitive types and I'm very very tactless I think that maybe if I had ranted to their face things would have been worse. But if I ever have a genuine issue with a person I'll tell them immediately to their face, especially if I know it can be remedied. There are some people though that you just can't do anything about.

You know the types. The completely blind ones who refuse to admit anything is wrong with them and just come up with line after line of bull and try to turn it around that you're the one who has a problem because you're 'attacking them'. With people like that I just cannot get along with them and that is where things turn really nasty because then once they think I'm against them it becomes a two-sided war with the rest of our friends caught in the middle.

What makes it worse is that my friends never seem to side with me in these battles. They always sympathise with the other no matter how wrong or an idiot that person is. Makes a person feel very very alone.

Why am I still friends with these people? *shrug* Guess I'm desperate.... I always end up forgiving them. Sometimes I've even eaten humble-pie and admitted I'm wrong to this other person even when I know I'm not and then they just lord it over me and rub it in my face continually until I get angry again and the whole cycle starts over....... *sigh*
I'm not lazy... I'm motivationally impaired

How to be an evil Overlord Part 1|Part 2

You can Skype me at lucy_locket82 but note me first or I might delete you


I can't stand gossip, especially about celebrities. I am of the opinion that if people spent the energy to gossip on more productive projects, more things could get done.

I dislike profanity. It undermines the excellent (although by no means perfect) language which we employ to communicate our ideas.

I loathe the word "awesome" because it is overused by teenagers. Awe is something wondrousness and respectful of, not something along the lines of "cool".


*foams at mouth* askhjsjkghasdjk  :rant

Okay today and for the past week or so my peeve has to be IDIOT FANGIRLS ON YOUTUBE!  >:O

God! They are SO annoying. They just refuse totally to accept canon pairings and storylines in anime/manga shows that I like and substitute their own completely ridiculous ones. And not only that but they viciously attack anyone who doesn't agree with them.

The majority of Youtube posters I have discerned are 13 years old, retarded and homophobic. Especially the latter. God forbid you discuss any CLAMP anime on there because you will have exploded their little brains with all of the taboo relationships in them. In their minds there is no such thing as yaoi/shonen-ai and any other such relationships. Girls marry boys and have babies which they raise with good solid christian values and anything else is the devil........THE DEVIL!

I mean nevermind that half of these relationships have been officially confirmed by the writers themselves and theres hundreds of fans who support them. Oh no. We are all wrong.

A man together with another man?! HORRORS! Nooo this cannot happen! Quickly we must find an insipid female character to thrust upon them in hopes of teaching these poor misguided individuals about how love truly SHOULD be!  :rolleyes And if one doesn't exist well then we will fabricate some crappy Mary Sue and thrust it into the fiction and post in the comment section as if we are roleplaying that character with *blushes* and *smiles* and 'Oh my lord you are so handsome, quickly make love to me' etc. etc.

Grrrrrrrrr! Just go away and play with your Barbie and Ken if you want to act out drivel like that. Really! You are welcome to your opinions but for gods sake if you know they are so fecking stupid I wish you would keep them to yourselves! Theres a difference between having an opinion if theres room for debate on a matter and no clear definite answer. But when relationships in a show are confirmed then its like saying 'I don't think the grass is green. I want it to be pink so I'm going to bash anyone who says its green' On drugs! I swear!

What makes it even worse is when they then start trying to turn the femmy character into a woman. I've seen it done. CLAMP especially has a LOT of very girly male characters. But they are definitely male. And yet the fangirls are like 'Nope they must be female because they are with a guy. Bishounen? Uke? What are those?'  :banghead

You cannot be diplomatic with these people either. Trust me I've tried. Normally if they post first I will try not to respond to them and ignore their stupid comments even if it makes me grind my teeth together. But when they respond to my posts its virtually impossible. You can respond simply with 'Okay if that's what you want to believe, its up to you' and instead you get back 'LIKE OMFG! YOU ARE SO WRONG AND STUFF! JUST ADMIT IT! [male character] AND [male character] ARE SOOO NOT GAY! [male character] LIKES [female character] AND YOU SAD B****** NEED TO GET LAID AND STOP MAKING UP B/S GAY RELATIONSHIPS WHICH DON'T EXIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111one111!!!!!'  :rolleyes. Oh you can try and ignore those too but then the petty little morons will stalk your channel and leave hate comments all over it and badrate every comment you subsequently leave on videos. And it gets more than a little tiresome. Plus I've never really been one to back down from a fight  :shifty
I'm not lazy... I'm motivationally impaired

How to be an evil Overlord Part 1|Part 2

You can Skype me at lucy_locket82 but note me first or I might delete you


I have a friend who has nearly the exact same rant as you...nice. He also plans on making a youtube video of him reading youtube comments just to show how ridiculous people are. And yeah, I agree.

Also, this:


Quote from: Lysander on October 26, 2009, 11:36:11 PM
I have a friend who has nearly the exact same rant as you...nice. He also plans on making a youtube video of him reading youtube comments just to show how ridiculous people are. And yeah, I agree.

Also, this:

Thankyou, that marginally cheered me up  xD
I'm not lazy... I'm motivationally impaired

How to be an evil Overlord Part 1|Part 2

You can Skype me at lucy_locket82 but note me first or I might delete you

MT Hazard

Forgetting a word, especially when you say an embarrassing one instead or people make a big deal out of it.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


Being taken for granted, or expected to concur with someone's viewpoint merely because I've no alternative but to go along with their decisions.

Then again, I wouldn't attribute those to something so low and trifling as 'pet peeves'...

Oh, and blogs written by people completely uninvolved in anything worthy of note. People seem to have this idea that you can circumvent actually having to go through all that trouble of doing or creating something and becoming an interesting person by starting up a blog or vlog straight away...