The Wastelands [Closed-RP]

Started by Arcalane, July 09, 2006, 05:17:47 PM

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Seeing Shepard with his gun pointed toward the three figures in the distance, Parsons muttered "Rule 1: Never point a firearm at anyone or anything you don't want to shoot. I see that bunker security teaches well." Parsons walked out, gun tucked away, toward Shepard, hoping to get him before something bad happened.


"Hey Parsons!" Malakin whispers after him, "What are you doing?! Your going to get shot or something.."

Malakin calms himself down and slings his backpack over his shoulder again..
Too late.. Thats it, I'm out of here!
Then with his teammates blips on the HUD moving off to the east, Malakin moves east as well.
With ears flat and tail low he makes his way behind buildings and cover so as not to be seen..
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


Dus'Su sat there looking around the peice of debree he was using for cover. Droid scan complete.... Loading android index... Input accepted... While loading this index Dus'Su looked aorund for a possible escape route.


The three `mechs are too busy arguing, and take their attention away from the merry band of survivors. Bill and Malakin make it away, but Dus might want to move quickly now..


Up ahead for the rest of you, you have a clear view down a long street - looks like it used to be a large main road, a shopping center even - with the looming gates of the military base several hundred meters away.


Dus'Su follows the rest noticing the Mechs arwe to busy to even notice them leaving. Info recieved, Can be aquared at any given point Dus'Su walk at a inhuman speed to catch up with the crew. Info, Un-needed, preserve for later incounters Dus'Su didn't acces teh data, As the mechs where just to busy to pose a real threat at the moment. bad programming, Direct connect would have been beter.


Shopping center. Nice.

Jonathan glanced over the place and brought his fingertips together. Excellent. Probably has a hardware store the geek and I can loot for tools. Granted, all I might find would be SUPERTOOLKIT 5000!, but it's better than nothing. Speaking of whom, where is he? -- He turns around and squints, trying to find the scrawny bugger. "Hayden! Where are you? Can you try and help me find the hardware store?"
True Magic does not bow down to rules like mana or sacrifice. True Magic bends all rules. I have seen the truth. I am now free forever. (I used to be Doctor Ink. Now stop asking.)


Hmm. Doubt there's anything useful in a place like this.

Parsons looked around for one of those high class gadget stores that had those awsomely insane massaging chairs. He seemed to remember that they also stocked binoculars, even night vision ones. Civillian grade, but better than nothing.


A few moments after Jonathan called out to him, the striped marsupial popped up from behind the rubble at the feline doctor's back with an impish expression, "look for the sign that says HARDWARE."  He snickered quietly to himself and jumped over the rubbish, landing at Jonathan's left.

Briefly taking off his sunglasses, he zoomed in on the small mall map located near one of the entrances.  Damaged, but reasonably readable, Hayden locates a Hardware store or reasonable facsimile.

"Come come Johnny, follow me!"

Hayden trotts off towards the entrance area, tossing a rock pillar, that was blocking his egress, to the side.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Malakin slowes from a fast jog to a walk as he reaches the street.. looks up and down at all the ruined buildings and stuff, "what a load of junk.." Then peers at the military gates up ahead, messing with the headset trying to find a zoom function.. "Now this looks intresting.."

"I will catch up with you guys in a few minutes, be right back.. Just going to have a look at the big gates further down.."

Malakin makes his way down to the gates carfully, watching out for any other people that might be about..
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.

Paladin Sheppard

"I'll come with Malkin" Paladin follows Malkin after slinging the rilfe over his shoulder, as the .50cal snipers tool was getting too heavy to treat it like a smaller assault rifle. Drawing the Guardian, he keeps pace with Malkin watching posible points for ambushes.


Johnny, pfeh.

With that familiar sneer and pout, Jonathan follows the rambunctious little bugger, as he currently describes Hayden in his mind.
True Magic does not bow down to rules like mana or sacrifice. True Magic bends all rules. I have seen the truth. I am now free forever. (I used to be Doctor Ink. Now stop asking.)


Bill finds a store, the worn sign over the window reading "Civil Appliances". The front window is intact, and the front door is unlocked. It might be worth investigating.

Hayden is no superman, so it's more a case of giving the pillar a rather firm shove until it actually budges and falls aside. Still, the two eventually find a Hardware Store. The sign reads "Engineering Appliances".

Malakin and Sheppard head on toward the not-so-pearly gates.


Parsons opened the door. There wasn't likely to be a light switch, so he poked his flashlight into the store, and began his search for anything useful.


(ooc: oops, I meant to say sheet-rock pillar, typical common, cheap window dressing style junk found in malls all over Southern California.  Typically a large cardboard tube with the stuff plastered an moulded on the outside to resemble corinthian pillars or something similar.)

Hayden manages to get the not so light pillar out of the way and pushes his way into the store, turning on a flashlight as opposed to utilizing his full night optics.  The thylacine peered into the store with great curiousity, his tail wagging in a very canine type manner.

"Maybe I can find enough materials to build a sonic screwdriver!"
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Jonathan trips on the pillar as he passes by, muttering some nasty expletives as he gets back up and enters the store.

He quickly dismisses whatever Hayden said without listening, gesturing him away without looking."You go do that." Geek. Then, after rudely bumping the thylacine as he went his way, looks around the shelves for some tools, preferably one in a better toolkit than what the bunker had. Shopping was never one of his strong suits, but as it seems, it's beginning to be a necessity.
True Magic does not bow down to rules like mana or sacrifice. True Magic bends all rules. I have seen the truth. I am now free forever. (I used to be Doctor Ink. Now stop asking.)


Hayden accidentally wacks Jonathan with his tail as he gets bumped, quite a hard and solid thwack for such an appendage.

"Hey careful, there's lots of rubble and sharp pointy things sticking up out of the ground."

He dismissed the action as a mere accident and began searching the shelves and rubble for tools, tool kits or anything remotely useful in repair.  Perhaps he might find useful powercells, flares or other potentially useful items.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"



For the most part, it's a standard electrical store. Solar panels, flashlights, wiring, electronic locks, and several secure-looking containers, probably for personal belongings.


Unfortunately, there's no signs of any sonic screwdrivers. Or parts for one. Oh well!

Still, tools abound. Lots and lots of power-tools. More than one can shake a limb of choice at, in fact.

Anything in particular that takes your fancy?


Those gates are still quite a way away.


Unable to locate parts for sonic screwdrivers (:P), he instead looks for parts for an omnitool.

He will climb ladders or shelves to reach top shelf product storage if necessary to locate the following:

Electronics/computer toolkit
Locksmith toolkit
Arc Welding torches/welding lasers/fusion torches
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


The store seemed rather dissapointing, though Parsons immediately thought of possible ways to get the Massag-o-Max 5000 leather chair back to the bunker. He checked to see if the worker's lockers opened or not.


The store is a disappointment, but then to Jonathan, what isn't?

The power tools would likely be fried, so that leaves the toolkits-- bah. I don't have time for this. Jonathan throws his arms up in the air, and just plucks a random toolkit from a shelf. All these delays are getting on my nerves. Screw it, then. He promptly leaves, taking care that he doesn't trip on the pillar again.
True Magic does not bow down to rules like mana or sacrifice. True Magic bends all rules. I have seen the truth. I am now free forever. (I used to be Doctor Ink. Now stop asking.)


((Blech, excuse the late update. I'm a lazy bum I know.))


Most electronical/computering kits use some fairly nifty gadgets. Unfortunately, the EMP hit most of them, making most of the tools in them useless, apart from the very basics. Locksmithing kits are just as bad, although one or two older kits can be found, they look fairly archaic compared to what you'd be used to...

No torches, lasers or welding gear either. Shame. ;)


The lockers are all electronically controlled, and the EMP has locked them shut. After several years of decay, however, the hinges seem pretty rusty on some of them...


One toolkit, and then you're off outside again... the others can be seen in the distance, Hayden can be heard behind you, and Bill is nowhere to be seen.

~~The rest of the merry men~~

You proceed onwards towards the gates. They're not too far away now. Or are they? It's hard to tell.


*Note: Now using character's surname, like everyone else. Sorry.*

"Hmm. Hinges don't look too good." Federal lined up his shot, and took a stab at one of them with his right foot construction boot.


Hayden grabbed an archaic locksmith kit, one of the same type of kits Miller grabbed and picked out the non-electronic tools from the assembled high-tech computer and locksmith kits.  He stuffed all that wonderous junk in the best remaining synthetic carrying case he could find and slipped it in his pack.

Exiting stage left, Hayden jogged to catch up with Jonathan and managed to trip on the edge of the pillar and bump into him.

"You might want to watch where I am going..."  Hayden scanned the surrounding area and scratched his head, "Where did Parsons get off to?  What a bother..."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Urge to traitorously murder an ally early in the journey, rising--

Jonathan reviewed his situation. His life sucked. His job sucked. His pay sucked. He got stuck in a bunker for nine years with nothing to do but play a rubix cube or draw out weapons designs that might never see the light of day. Tossed into a group of idiots and morons in a desperate attempt to recreate civilization out of scrap metal and caveman tools. Harassed by the collective ignorance and the seemingly circumstancial incidents that had currently occured to him.

He comforted himself with one thought, and one mantra.

I fail at life, therefore I am.

"Please be so kind as to remove the conglomerate of wasted proteins you refer to as a body from my poor aching spine."
True Magic does not bow down to rules like mana or sacrifice. True Magic bends all rules. I have seen the truth. I am now free forever. (I used to be Doctor Ink. Now stop asking.)

Paladin Sheppard

Paladin turned at the sound of Hayden falling over Jonathan, cursing then laughing he reached over to Malkin and taped him on the shoulder, pointing back at the two brains stumbling over each other.

Reaching the end of the mall he took up an new position of cover waiting for the group to reform. Holstering the pistiol he brought his rifle back up to his shoulder. Using the scope with its more detailed display and scaners he looked at the base's gates and walls as well as path to it. "Reform here ya recon Malkin?"


OOC: you mean reform not refom, and reckon not recon right ? sorry just that last question was a tad confusing :P

Walking in silence thinking to himself Malakin jumps at the tap on his sholder.. He turns to see what the fuss is about and chuckles at the sight, cuping his hands around his mouth as if to shout somthing, malakin catches him self and decides against it.

At the end of the mall malakin stops with Paladin, and nods in answer to the question..
"Got to wait for them at some point.. Can ya see anything intresting?"
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


"Actually the composition of our bodies includes carbohydrates, lipids and many other complex chemical substances.  The elemental composition is extraordinarily interesting however, oxygen    43 kg, carbon 16 kg, hydrogen 7 kg, nitrogen 1.8 kg, calcium 1.0 kg, phosphorus 780 g, potassium 140 g..."  Hayden continues to drone on and on listing off the various chemical elements estimating a good deal of their average mass and missing a few as no one could remember the entire list.  <skipping ahead quite a bit>, "...uranium 0.1 mg, samarium 50 µg, beryllium 36 µg and  tungsten 20 µg.  I think that's the full complement.  My composition is radically different what with all the tungsten lacing.  I think I probably missed a few from the average list though."

He does eventually move off of Miller though.

"You might want to have that spine replaced at some point..."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


The "HUD" units of the comm sets flashes up the current time, apparently randomly.

Local Time: 9:56am
Date: December 5th, 2066

~~Feddy Boy/Bill~~
With a satisfyingly loud crunch, the hinges crack and the door of the chosen locker breaks loose, denting quite badly. Seems the rust really had time to set in, too, any rustier and your foot might have gone straight through it! The door is, however, still standing. Moving it might be a good idea?

~~The Inseperable Pair~~
Science-Comedy act, much? Now what?

~~Everyone Else~~
You do have comm sets, you know. ( :rolleyes )

But otherwise you're just waiting for the others. Figures.


Not a word, Jonathan. Not a single word. The curmudgeon tries desperately to stay calm as he gets up again to walk towards the military base. This time, he tells himself, no more stops; convincing himself that the recent trend of encounters is just because he allows time for stupidity to set in-- Jonathan tries to find a stick, along the way, mayble some sort of cane preferably hard enough to beat sense into a person.
True Magic does not bow down to rules like mana or sacrifice. True Magic bends all rules. I have seen the truth. I am now free forever. (I used to be Doctor Ink. Now stop asking.)

Paladin Sheppard

Sliping the Hud back over his eyes Paladin drops a waypoint labled 'Rally Point' at his feet.

"Any time you guys are finished shopping...."

He goes back to scanning the area with the rifle.