Unreal Tournament III

Started by Rakala, August 14, 2008, 05:45:32 PM

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Wow. What a game. It's very much like an old fashioned shooter for the N64, except converted to the Xbox 360. There are so many ways to play it with a large list of variants such as low gravity, handicaps, big heads, and the very fun Instagib, a large selection of online avatars for your character, a fun single player mode, several levels, and the best of all nuclear armaments (It's called The Redeemer.) I was able to convince the whole clan I'm a member of to transfer over from Halo 3 to Unreal Tournament. The two complaints I have are 1) you have to press a button to speak 2) the game mode Warfare is quite unfun, but they are both small and easily redeemed by the fact that there's a way you don't have to hold the button and there are several other games besides Warfare. Definitely suggested to any 360 owners.


Anyone with a PC that can run it (especially owners of nVIDIA's 8-series or better) pick up the PC version. It runs great on those cards and it costs maybe $20 USD on PC.

I don't have it but may pick it up if/when the Renegade mod for it is released.
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