[Journal] Archanon8957: My Life's Work. (2008/07/28)

Started by Archanon8957, July 28, 2008, 04:35:00 AM

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Ok, this is strictly an idea thread (or a journal) for a novel that I will write. I do not have many completed works, but I know how to write, and I believe that if I take each chapter ONE AT A TIME, and MAKE SURE ITS UNDERSTANDABLE and TAKE THINGS SLOWLY…I can make it through the whole novel, with my ideas fully accessible to the reader…and I can have a finished work that I can try to get published…I believe im fully capable of this, and again, I have not completed many things, but, I think I can do it. Ill need help, ill need to learn, but I think this possible….And please do not point out the obvious fact that ive lost my mind…I get that enough from my parents and girlfreind,,,..My logic, however skewed it might be, is that im 19 now, if I can support myself for another three years, ill have a book ready that will hopefully draw some attention to it. Now, I know nothing about the market. I intend to learn it, but at this very moment pfff….i know nothing. Ok, I will start off by explaining the different types of races. I will pack every single race I know of in this book, I will also have picture diagrams along the way to help with the visualization.
The races will be broken up into 5 broad categories, earthly, and spiritual. Spiritual is 4-pronged (includes-Astral, Spontaneous, Mystic, and Demonic ) .
PLANE STRUCK:(no this isn’t NWN 2) Every race in the earthly category can be “struck” by the astral realm, or the spiritual realm, meaning they have an affinity, or talents, of things regarding the astral, or the spirit world. Meaning a human can be astral struck, giving them…Well, I will define what I mean by Astral. The Spiritual Realm will be divided into two(well four, but two for now) parts, one will be Astral, dealing with energies, vibrations, Chakras and meditation. The second part will be called Spontaneous, which includes most of the spiritual fighting forces, but not all. I say spontaneous in that the spirit has a will, yet he has not a mind to direct such will, so it is considered spontaneous. The astral creatures are different in that, by natural affinity, they can control their energy MUCH better than other races  and are highly aware of it. An Astral- Struck human, for instance, will be highly effective at dealing with particular energies, raising his energy level by choice and lowering it by choice, with a wide variety of applications. This human might do well as a monk. Though, there are creatures that are solely of the Astral realm, and should such a creature cross another creature in the physical realm that is merely astral-struck, then the one of the earthly realm would surely lose. Though,  not every earthly creature will be struck with either the spontaneous or the astral. Such a creature would be earthly-earthly, or just earthly.

PLANE STRUCK (EVIL): alas, there has to be a flipside. The lower quadrant of the spiritual creatures will include the Demonic, and the Mystic. The demonic types will be the warriors, and the mystic will be like the Astral on the good half, yet will delve into Tarot Cards, voodoo, idol worship, human sacrifices, and curses. Yes, a human can be Mystic-touched, but does this condemn him to being evil? No, it can give him insight as to how other mystics think, so as to give him an advantage should he fight one.  All the “struck” means is that the creature has a natural affinity towards something, a bent, if you will. The same goes for the “strucks” on the good side, they can choose to be evil, and know how to fight better against what their own natural affinity is towards. And a demon-struck human will tend to have quicker movements, and greater cunning and accuracy, but a dirtier style of fighting then say, spontaneous-struck human. A spontaneous- struck human will have greater strength, precision, and will then a demon-struck one. Like with the “strucks” on the good side, the bad strucks are planes within the spiritual category as well, with creatures solely from that realm. When we get to the actual races, I will tell.

---Examples of good race, dark affinity and bad race, loyal affinity--
Once again, the “strucks” only apply to the earthly races. Ex: astral struck orc, spontaneous-struck ogre, Demon-struck human, Mystic Struck Selestra.    
An astral struck orc, because astral is considered of a good alignment, would probably just work from within the castle walls of his own territory, as say an orc monk, to teach them a right frame of mind, and energy control to warriors, or people in charge with a lot on their mind. He might also work as an anger management Counselor. Orcs are considered a brutish race by nature, but they still have civility for the sake of power. This is the way they see it. The Orc could also decide to be a Mystic, and just really know how to take down other, Astral-struck enemies.
   A Spontaneous struck ogre would, as spontaneous is considered on the good-side, means it, by choice, can become evil and just know how to take down spontaneous warriors, or go with its own bent. That might make one  hell of a lumber jack.
   A demon- Struck human would either go with his bent, which would make him make him a good hitman, executioner, rogue, or Sharpshooter, or be a good warrior who knows how to take down sharpshooters.
   A Mystic-Struck Selestra (a selestra is a “good” creature) is one that goes with his bent, becoming a witchdoctor, or a shaman, delving also into potions and star constellations, or being like one of the Astral plane but knowing how to take down Mystic-struck creatures.

---How to tell if a earthly creature is plane struck---
Also important to include: The Strucks will have a sign going from the jaw down their neck representing what their natural affinity is. Master’s of that affinity will start to see signs on their right of left hand (which ever hand they might be) either in their palm or on the top of their hands. If that person is a master, and ambidextrous, then a fainter sign on each hand will appear.

Now that we have the “strucks” settled, I will go into what the actual races are, starting with the Earthly.

llearch n'n'daCorna

*cough* title... ;-]

(I know, I know, it seems really bitchy of me to keep pushing, but the rules are clear - and if they're not, let us know, and we'll clarify)
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I dont know what the title will be* collapses and cries*
I will call it Journal, ok? This is just for ideas i havent even gotten to the story yet..Can it be called journal?

llearch n'n'daCorna

*takes pity*

There you go. That simple. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Thanks that works.
So, is there like a format to follow on the title? Like (what it is), the title of it, then the date?

Thanks again,

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


alrighty....i should have taken a look at that before..lol, but thanks for posting it. Yea ill do it in that format from here on out.



Now that we have the "strucks" settled, I will go into what the actual races are, starting with the Earthly.
I will list all of them for, first, of loyal alignment, then go back and describe each of them individually in detail.

EARTHLY(OF LOYAL ALIGNMENT): This includes Humans, Lizard-Kin, Celestras, God-kin, Giants,  Conryths, Tiger-kin, Elves, Sagittarius, Atlantians,  Lemurians, Dwarves and Xenoriths,

Humans: Humans are probably one of the most diverse of all races, in not just appearance, but abilities, talents, etc. They have a particular ability to work as a team, and in difficult situations, this proves golden. They have known to be extremely brutal at times but in others give completely of themselves out of love. They have made several advances in their technology, but have also backtracked, or did not account for the affects of their great technological masterpieces.  Humans have been known to adapt well to almost any circumstance. If they are pushed in a corner, they have been known to deal a harsh retaliation. Humans have been known to have a wide array of Governmental systems, and though some might work better than others, they seem to move along, either content or suffering.

Lizard-kin: This is a race who make excellent assassinators, or spies, yet also have a particular talent with money, and persuasion. The Lizard-kin represent the hybrid, both warrior and intellectual. Their biggest downfall, though, is their inability to gather together as one body. This it seems popular for the Lizard kin to gather around major Lizard-kin cities, so that they could be close enough to get supplies and food if they needed, but other than that, would have their quiet, simple life. Perhaps such desire for simplicity runs deeper into their culture because their cities and towns are among the most underdeveloped looking out of all the races. Though, in this lies a grave deception,  because, whether intentional, or not, as a whole the Lizard-kin are one of the wealthiest races. This is also probably due, in part, to a commonly obsessive-behavior to save money, and spend less. In a war with another race, their best bet is utilize their money, and they knack for stealth, deception, and craft. Though If their enemy brings out the siege weapons and torches, unless the Lizard-kin destroy them, or find a way to put out the fires, their chances of success are slim. Their towns and cities are among the cheapest built. It is not unheard of to have a Lizard-kin castle burnt to the ground overnight.

Celestras: The Celestras are a deeply spiritual and religious race that base almost all of their decision-making processes on the alignment of the stars. Some consider this race to be a rather intimidating, with their towering height, wingspan of up to twenty feet, and sharp, piercing facial features. This particular race constructs their cities and towns in massive spires that reach up into the clouds. The spire's center is hollow to allow flight, but the outside edge is coiled with shops, job-opportunities,  and the recent news, just like any other race. Though, it is important to note, as this is this races key advantages, is that this race has full news coverage on every other single race. They know what other races are up to, as they have scouts patrolling the skies regularly. Unlike many other races, this costs them very little, as they have the natural ability of flight. Another key advantage of this race is its sheer numbers. In times of war they don't hold back, utilizing most of their whole population,  blocking out the sun with their legions of armor-clad flying feinds. A major disability of this race, though, is its distrust of other races. It is indeed hard to form alliances with other races because it will put them on edge. To trust another race, is more than any other race, not this race's cup of tea. For instance if they were in war, and they needed help, and knew it, they would choose to die before cooperating  with another race. For this reason, the celestra's have cultivated an entirely self-reliant form of economics, which, though it is limited in a sense that have only a certain set variety of things, it works out nicely for them when they hear that some race  has had a false mineral import.

God-kin: An important thing to note, is that though their name implies God-hood, they are not quite Gods. They are mortals, and can die just as easily as any other race. However, if they are not destroyed by some kind of force, or illness (unlikely), they have been known to live for thousands of years.
The God-kin are a particularly tall race, with the average height being at close to seven feet. Though their height, if you knew a God-kin, would not be what you remember him or her by. Each God-kin has the potential to live forever and due to this sheer amount of time to learn and to hone their skills, either individually or as a community, they are dreaded by other races. The best way to stop a God-kin invasion is not to stop them with force, as that would be a pointless waste of lives and money, but to find some way of negotiating with them, in a diplomatic sense. It is true, the God-kin are not a violent, or power-seeking race. They are actually a quiet and peaceful race, and would prefer diplomacy over war. They are great to have as allies, with their knowledge, wisdom, and counsel, as well as their staggering ability to destroy. The God-kin also have a devastating sense of perception, and intuition. They always know when someone is lying, or has a card up his sleeve. The only weakness the God-kin have is economics. They prefer a simple system of trading and bartering, one with no actual currency. They don't really need much to survive, and can, in fact, go months without eating or drinking. Though, this does not mean that their supplies cant be widdled down, and the God-kin soldiers suddenly find themselves fighting fully clad enemy's with their fists.
Also important to mention is The God-kin's buildings . Rising in some cases taller than the celestra's great spires, and dwarfing all else around them, these are clearly works of art. It is unclear where they get all the materials from, or even they are from this dimension, but never the less, they are truly the face of the God-kin. These buildings never go down, and, other races have found themselves simply occupying their buildings rather than constructing their own after destroying them. It might seem like the God-kin have an unfair advantage over other races, but they have been defeated countless times throughout history. It is typically done by blocking off their trade routes, slowly strangling their weapons and supplies. Due to the God-kin's ability to go long periods without food or water, the blockades must be well secured  for it to work. Overwhelmed, outnumbered, and starved God-kin don't stand a chance against well-fed and well- supplied soldiers ready to kill.

Giants: Giants are particularly known for their sheer size, and strength, as their name implies. They have a very primitive form of society, one that is based  solely on patriarchal dominance. Though they have a higher intelligence level than animals, they are still among the dumbest of races. Their buildings are jagged piles of stone, wedged together or in between mountain crags.
Ok, now the part that you have been waiting for. Standing at an average of forty feet tall, These giants have been known to pick up siege equipment and throw it around like its just a toy, or catch the massive boulder's that the enemy trebuchets hurl at an oncoming enemies. They certainly have their uses on the battlefield. Despite their size and strength, they are not a hard race to wipe out. This is due almost entirely to their lack of intelligence, as they can easily be tricked, lured, and deceived.

Conryths: This is a very capable race who prefer to live in trees, rather than on ground. They are nothing similar to monkeys, as they have a body that closely resembles a human's, except for a few, highly unique things. Tusks growing from its cheek bones and mounted on massive jaws. These are useful in combat. This race  also has four arms, which they are able to use individually, as their minds are divided in four different parts. The first two parts are in charge of controlling the legs, and the arms, and because it controls not just arms just legs as well, is considered the stronger half. The other two parts are in charge of the other set of arms. This race is known for its savagery. Though it fights for good, their soldiers are among the best, wielding four weapons at once with machine-like precision. Their buildings are mere caves in the massive Oriex trees in the northern half (on which continent I have not yet decided). These are brutes, most around 6 feet tall, and weighing in some cases twice as much as a God-kin. Which reminds me, if this race were to go to war with say God-kin for instance, they would lose sorely. The God-kin remain probably one of the strongest races, by far. This is how they would lose. A God-kin would raise one hand at a charging and   Conryth, and one thought later, the enraged beast would be hallucinating its worst nightmare, amplified innumerably. If a Conryth were to fight a Lizard-kin, though, the lizard-kin would most likely get hacked to shreds. However, if the lizard-kin were to disappear (cloak, turn the color of its surroundings, etc.), and then surprised the conryth with a stab to the back, its possible the Lizard kin would win.
Conryth v.s. human, there are many variables. A human's best bet is to shoot it from a distance, and use his main weapon which is technology.
Conryth v.s. Celestra. Celestra would win, as Conryths cannot fly. Though, if there were trees nearby, and it used them grab hold of its wing, it might win.
Though, these races would never clash as they are drawn to loyalty and goodness.
Conryths have many weaknesses. They have an incredibly short life, lasting for a mere twenty years or so, maturation at age ten. On top of that, they have many reproduction limitations. The female has a "sensor" if you will that reads the genes of the male's sperm for any weaknesses. If the "sensor" sees too many weaknesses then "it" decides the sperm is undesirable, and she doesn't get pregnant.  It's a way of preserving the strongest among them, though, it keeps the population very small, dominated by only a few long lines of superior conryths. Conryths have an intelligence level, that, on average, is slightly lower than humans. They are much smarter than giants, but no where near the intelligence level of the God-kin. Celestras are in between the Conryths and the God-kin in intelligence. The Conrythic society is an infusion of physical dominance and a human sense of logic, and reason. Even though they are somewhat of a war-mongering race, they listen, understand, and have a sense of compassion. This understanding brings them loyalty and civility.

Tiger-kin: This race makes excellent mercenaries. They are also commandeering and therefore would make excellent leaders. They have vast cities and towns which are typically lifted proudly on a thick foundation. Though, it is interesting to note, a lot of their buildings are also underground. The reasons for this is most likely to confuse the enemy with this particularly inconsistent layout of their towns, and also, to use the underground bases to, if the ones on top are overtaken, to reform and ambush the enemies city, reclaiming it. They have a currency, and overall, an excellent economy. They barter and trade with only trusted allies, and if those allies ever are dishonest with them about anything, they quickly become enemies. Tiger-kin have an intelligence level higher than humans, and just below the celestras. This race is more motivated by  business and money, though, when it comes time to fight, they definitely do their part. Their close combat fighters use swords, axes, and pole arms, much like any race(well, excluding the elves, and a couple others). Though, the elite fighting force goes through the painful process of getting their claws replaced with steel ones, which are much larger and razor sharp. These mount all the way through their forearm, and are bolted into a particular joint near the elbow. The elites are first on the line. The elites are loaded with heavy plate armor half an inch thick, and typically carry two cross-bows strapped over their back, one for each hand. This is for the purpose of pummeling the first few lines on the enemy's line-up, hopefully catching them off guard. Next in the lineup are the pole-arms, who fill in the spaces between the elites, and also provides some protection against cavalry charges. Next are the regular militias, whose job  is to circle around the elites and the pole arm's men, attacking from the sides. The Tiger-kin have one of the most effective line-ups, and thus, can be very deadly on the battlefield. They way you could destroy the tiger-kin's line-up is by massive ranged attack. Because only the elites carry ranged weapons, their line up, though great against close-combat enemies, has a vulnerability to ranged attack. If arrows from heaven shall rain, only time, before the tiger-kin are slain. If, from the arrows they are protected, the enemy shall suffer greater losses than they first projected.

Elves: Elves are best known for their quickness, and agility. Their towns and cities and covered by a thick blanket of magic, and if not that, trees. You will not find this race, though, amongst the oriex trees the Conryths live in. Most have a hard time locating where they live, and some have even said they are a nomadic race. This race has no actual currency, but rather is sustained abundantly on things regarding the spirit, and of the heart. They have access to the sacred waters, a rejuvenating force which some of them have come to  worship as God, or one of many gods. The Elves make great warriors, though lack the defining strength most warriors have. They, instead, rely on their agility and quickness. Like the Atlantians, they have knowledge of healing powers and use them on  and off the battlefeild. Overall, Elves are a good race to be allied with. Like I said before, they utilize not strength but agility, and speed. Because of this you will not find their warriors weilding claymores and giant axes. Rather, they wield short swords and daggers. The average height of an elf is slightly taller than a dwarf, which is around four in a half feet. Though their small stature may invoke a feeling of superiority from other races, this becomes a devastating advantage for the elves. When the enemy underestimates the elves, the elves always win. This is a renown theme in their history . They are also good with magic, though most have a bent towards wielding weapons.
Also as I said before, they almost worship the sacred waters, which they  use as a counselor, though it's a natural force. The Elves though, claim it's a powerful blue dragon which Is their protector, their advisor, and the spirit of the elves. Though no other races can "see" what they see. Perhaps they were speaking metaphorically, or truly the elves have the ability to see things no other race can.

The rest of the races of loyal alignment will be posted at a later date


Yeah... Uh, I have some advice.

Stop making notes. Notes are for plot driven, tell-don't-show, clogged with adjectives stories with too much exposition and backstory. Or crappy webcomics. Anyone who writes up notes like this is either putting things off way too long, or is trying to sell something with bonus material. (I'm betting Amber would never had made this if she hadn't been pestered endlessly about this stuff.) These kinds of details? They don't matter. Really.

Start writing. Every single damn day. Six or eight hours.

Start and finish a short story. Post that. I'll critique stories, not notes. If you can't write up, edit, spell check, and post a short story in four days, you're sure as hell not going to write a novel.

I'm not really an authority on this part, but DONT try to publish a novel right off the bat. Every author's autobiography I've read starts with short stories, usually sending them to novels. (If you haven't read Stephen King's "On Writing", do so now.)
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


you obviously did not read the top. Im giving myself 3 years to write this, and these are just the notes.
In those three years i will practice every day with shortstories. j.k. rowling sometimes writes for ten hours at a time. So, i will one day write for longer than that.
I am working on a shortstory at the moment, one that i am pretty much finished with. That will be posted soon.

Thanks for the comment,


Acutally, I did read the top. I know you're giving yourself 3 years, and you hadn't mentioned the short story.

My point was that if you want constructive criticism about your writing, I'd have to see a piece of writing. I'm sorry I came off as abrasive, and I probably was a little more aggressive then I should have been.

If you want my advice, spend less time making notes about the mechanics and setting and just start writing the damn thing.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


Quote from: Fox LeBlanc on August 05, 2008, 12:43:26 AM
If you want my advice, spend less time making notes about the mechanics and setting and just start writing the damn thing.

From my point of view, it's a good idea – and I mean a really good idea – to at least know how things work and fit together in your universe, otherwise at one point you're going to end up contradicting yourself or hit some stumbling block that you could have caught back in the planning phase. But yeah, at a certain point you just have to sit down and get it done.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu



massive amount of text make my eyes burn DX

gimmie a bit to read through it all, but from what ive seen looks like a good idea.

And i'm going to have to say to start writing it as well, because, as i've found out, you write own all these ideas and all of a sudden you're consumed with writing down all these little details, then you never write the actual story. Makes it very hard to even -start- said novel.

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Quote from: Xze-Xze on August 05, 2008, 01:17:07 AM
And i'm going to have to say to start writing it as well, because, as i've found out, you write own all these ideas and all of a sudden you're consumed with writing down all these little details, then you never write the actual story. Makes it very hard to even -start- said novel.

And now you know why my little thread is four pages of stuff that when saved to a computer is sixty pages of information. All of that stuff is up in my head, and I'm just finally getting it down on paper. It's quite cathartic actually.

Write, Archanon. Write!
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


Quote from: Jairus on August 05, 2008, 12:45:38 AM
Quote from: Fox LeBlanc on August 05, 2008, 12:43:26 AM
If you want my advice, spend less time making notes about the mechanics and setting and just start writing the damn thing.

From my point of view, it's a good idea – and I mean a really good idea – to at least know how things work and fit together in your universe, otherwise at one point you're going to end up contradicting yourself or hit some stumbling block that you could have caught back in the planning phase. But yeah, at a certain point you just have to sit down and get it done.

hrm...indeed. I tend to agree with jairus. dammit, i felt like killing two birds with one stone. With time i could refine the  writing skill and gather ideas. Does this sound realistic to you guys? It does it me, but i am new at this.(ahh the humility it burns us!! ;)

In all honesty, i do not think i could write a novel (at this point, i dont think i can write a novel period, lol) without having notes. If it were truly my creation, it would be filled with complex details that might i might pass up when i write it. I want to eventually publish this thing, i mean.....i just want to take things with this novel step my step....my first priority here is refining my writing skill, because frankly right now it sucks ass...lol. Im even reading it and feeling drained...and in some places, lost. And for the moment, i can gather ideas for the novel.

And trust me, you will get your shortstories ...they will come in masses, because im terrified of the thought of, three years later, having a full length novel i want to write and lacking the skills to write it well.


just make sure you write the actual thing at some point.

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Quote from: Fox LeBlanc on August 05, 2008, 12:43:26 AM
Acutally, I did read the top. I know you're giving yourself 3 years, and you hadn't mentioned the short story.

My point was that if you want constructive criticism about your writing, I'd have to see a piece of writing. I'm sorry I came off as abrasive, and I probably was a little more aggressive then I should have been.

If you want my advice, spend less time making notes about the mechanics and setting and just start writing the damn thing.

Hrm... i appreciate your advice. Though, i want this to be unique and stand out above the rest. My opinion is that the more notes the better. Though, as i said before, im new at this. We will see, i just might take you up on your advice :) I will also write the plot line before i start writing it. I beleive that in three years worth of writing( writing every day of each year) , i should have developed the skill enough to write the novel. This is my logic. Please if anybody else thinks its flawed lemme know


Quote from: Xze-Xze on August 05, 2008, 02:30:45 AM
just make sure you write the actual thing at some point.

Indeed, good sir, once the skills i have in my hands the colors i have at my easel, mona lisa i will paint.

In time.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Archanon, double-posts are frowned upon here. Just so you know.

If you edit your first post, and scroll down, there's a list of the previous posts at the bottom, and the right hand side of which is an "insert quote" link; that will insert the post you're clicking on at the cursor in the text box... So you can quote several people at once...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


llearch n'n'daCorna

I should point out that there are exceptions allowed for if the previous post is significantly older - like, it's been there for a week, you can post another one after it - or if you're posting content in your art thread...

Just use common sense, mostly. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



im going to sit someplace and have a cookie :mowcookie