CN War Update (2008-08-04)

Started by Tezkat, August 04, 2008, 01:31:28 AM

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It seems that the airforce drill is being postponed indefinitely until further notice. The spectre of a real war is looming a little too close on the horizon to be messing around with friendly wargames at the moment. :dface

Just so you know, we were going to be fighting our allies in OMFG. Our alliance was only assigned one target (Greater Newcastle, 37k NS). I suppose we could have asked for more, but it's 63 OMFG vs 240+ Pegasus members--not a whole lot to go around. :3 I figure Kasarn, llearch, and I would have been the ones to take him down.


We are, nonetheless, supposed to remain on high alert. Even though we aren't going to be fighting in-game, I would still like to conduct a simple readiness exercise and assume that everyone would have had a target.

The official start of the war was to be 10 minutes before the August 5th update.

9:50 PM PDT  August 4 (Western USA/Canada, GMT -7)
10:50 PM MDT August 4 (Mountain USA/Canada, GMT -6)
11:50 PM CDT August 4 (Server Time, Central USA/Canada, GMT -5)
12:50 AM EDT August 5 (Eastern USA/Canada, GMT -4)
4:50 AM GMT August 5 (GMT +0)
5:50 AM BST August 5 (Britain, GMT +1)
6:50 AM CEST August 5 (Central Europe, GMT +2)
2:50 PM AEST August 5 (Eastern Australia, GMT +10)

(I really  hope I got that right this time... :animesweat)

To see that everybody in our alliance would have been paying attention to their target assignments and prepared for war, please come and post the word "BANG!" in this thread when the war goes "live" or as soon as possible afterwards. >:] Yeah, it's silly, but it'll serve as a substitute for actual war declarations to give us an idea of when our nations would have mobilized (and, in particular, how many of us would have been able to make the update blitz).

So... everyone get ready for our great and completely imaginary war with OMFG!!! :kittydevious

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


BANG!....  Damnit, even when pointing at the sky my aim is deadly....
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


Waiting is boring... oh wait.


fake edit: I wanted to be first :<


Woo... nice turnout so far. :mowcookie

BANG! :kittydevious

Tezkat quads his imaginary opponent. :mowninja

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


I hereby claim victory over my non-existent opponent.

James StarRunner

llearch n'n'daCorna

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