[Art/Writing] Jairus: Merry Christmas

Started by Jairus, July 20, 2008, 04:25:08 AM

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Just something for Ren while I'm waking up to write the rest of the first mecha battle I've ever written.

We kick reason to
The curb, and we go beyond
The impossible.

Don't believe in me,
Who believes in you. No,
Believe in yourself.

Yes, I screwed with the words, Ren-sama: otherwise it wouldn't fit.

EDIT: 10 pages? Holy hells. I should write something to celebrate.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu

Ren Gaulen

Quote from: Jairus on September 04, 2008, 11:49:17 AM
Yes, I screwed with the words, Ren-sama: otherwise it wouldn't fit.
Bah, I don't care - it turned out well, and that is all that matters. In other words, ROW! ROW! Fight the power!
..But don't call me "Ren-sama", or I'll start calling you "Jai-chan".


Quote from: Ren Gaulen on September 04, 2008, 11:53:22 AM
Quote from: Jairus on September 04, 2008, 11:49:17 AM
Yes, I screwed with the words, Ren-sama: otherwise it wouldn't fit.
Bah, I don't care - it turned out well, and that is all that matters. In other words, ROW! ROW! Fight the power!
..But don't call me "Ren-sama", or I'll start calling you "Jai-chan".
"Jai-chan..." I've had worse nicknames in my life.

EDIT: From the ban game...

Answer me, Gaulen:
School of the Undefeated
Of the East, the Wings
Of the King! Zenshin!
Keiretsu! Tempa Kyouran!
Look! The East burns Red!
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


Part 2.

QuoteThree units down in less than ten seconds. And it was a unit Eleven had never seen before...
      "Red Hawks, this is Eleven! It's a new model, a LeNner model!"
   League of Nations. A new prototype, perhaps? Well, there was only one way to find out.
      "Four, let's move."

"Zander versus Sentinel" Part 2!

      "I'm point, sir."
      "Confirmed." Four's unit was in far better condition anyway. Four engaged his Zander's movement treads and skated forwards slightly, the movements creating the illusion that the Zander was hovering. Lacking the ability to do that, Five moved as quietly as the five and a half ton avatar could move... which was fairly quiet all things considered. Well-greased pistons and gears shifted as he walked forward, the only sound being a quiet "hrnhrrn" sort of sound when he moved and his steps on the ground. The city itself wasn't quiet of course... there was a battle going on after all.
      "Yes, Seven?"
      "I see it on my sensors."
      "Anything yet?"
      "Computer doesn't recognize it. It might be a new model of Roland... it's about the right size. No recognized weapons... crap."
      "What?" Four asked.
      "Stopped moving... I think it sees me."
      "Stay covered, we'll be right there! All units, move!" Five pushed as far forward on the controls as he could. If there was one thing that the mobile and maneuverable avatars had a problem with, it was running: an average avatar could maybe hit ninety or so klicks an hour, which is why all avatars had movement treads on their feet. It was the only way they could get any decent sort of speed. With a busted tread, he couldn't go very fast at all. He could use his jump thrusters but that would make him a target.
   The HUD changed slightly - Seven was being attacked.
      "Seven! What's happening!"
      "Crap! Sorry sir, but I just missed being hit: it fired its machine gun straight through the building!"
      "Damn, what kind of firepower is he-"
      "Seven! Seven!"
   Signal lost.
      "Squad, move it!" He couldn't go any faster, but the rest of the squad moved in on the foreign signal like a closing net.
   Eight was the first to get close... only for the HUD to report a "Terminated" signal and Eight's cockpit module to go shooting up in the air. One came around the corner six blocks away and promptly lost the signal. Two apparently used a cabled arm to shoot up the side of a building to try and get over it... no luck there. His core module went flying. At least his got away. Whatever this thing was, it was good... so he'd have to be better.
   Five aimed his arm at the top of a nearby building and pulled the trigger. Armor disconnected, revealing four powerful and compact rocket thrusters and a winch extending into the arm. The arm shot straight for the edge, prefectly aimed. It got a good solid grip, and then Five stepped on the right foot pedal, activating the jump boosters mounted on the backpack. The winch had been designed to pull the unit along on the ground, and was nowhere near powerful enough to actually lift the unit up ten stories: that's what the jump boosters were for. His Zander went over and up, and he landed with a "crunch" that sent shudders through the structure: it held up. The arm finished retracting and finally reconnected to the elbow: a quick mental flex of the fingers to make sure everything was connected, and he was off.
   Jump boosters weren't really meant to be used the way he was using them, but he was going to do it anyway: jumping from rooftop to rooftop, using the only good rocket arm he had to help clear the taller jumps or make more controlled landings. Just another few blocks...
   His HUD told him that Four had almost made it to the enemy unit. "Four, watch it..."
      "Sir, it's firing in three round bursts... biggest rifle I think I've ever seen. It should be able to fire faster than that..."
      "Not important. Are you covered?"
      "Yes sir, I think I see what you're doing."
      "Right. I come from above, you from the side!"
      "Got it sir, awaitin-"
   The signal died. And then the HUD lost Four's signal.
      "Dammit." No time for grieving... later. Last building. Take it down. NOW.
   Ordinarily, Five would use the arm as a sort of grapple to descend the side of the building. Not this time. He leaped over the side, machine gun blazing in the general direction of the mystery avatar. He had a general impression of blue-on-white, and a long dark gray rifle, and not much else. It looked up at him, and was just starting to raise its rifle - wow, it really is kind of long isn't it? - when the hailing bullets caused the pilot to drop the weapon in surpise and leap backwards using its own boosters. Five came down hard, barely using the boosters to slightly counteract the force of gravity slamming him into the ground. The rifle came up again - one lucky shot was all he would need - when the unit fired its right hand and snatched the machinegun up and retracted back into the arm and snapped the gun in half.
   The two stood for a second - something that according to his memory had never happened to him before - which gave him enough time to finish his impression. The avatar had a streamlined body, slightly thinner than the Zander, armor shaped to slightly deflect radar and offer some protection against weapons. Parade-ground white, blue trim, a few spots of red (warning marks, perhaps?), two blades - one long and one short - stored on the hips, a pair of buckler shields mounted on the forearms. The rifle was weird too: the barrel seemed far too long, and it looked kind of like it was expanded, it didn't even look like a normal machine rifle. It wasn't a modified Roland... this was a new unit. A prototype maybe. Not that it mattered.
   He selected and drew the two switchswords stored in the Zander's hip armor - he was out of grenades and the head-mounted machinegun was designed for anti-personnel purposes, not anti-avatar combat. The other unit hesitated, and then reached its arms down and disconnected the two blades from their hip mounting brackets before assuming an en guard position.
   For some reason, Five briefly held the impression that this new white avatar's pilot was inexperienced... a notion he dismissed in a heartbeat. Never underestimate your opponent's skill levels, and never treat them any differently. He ran towards his enemy.
   The switchswords were shorter weapons, designed for dual wielding and close-quarters combat, rather than the general sort of combat the enemy was trying to use. And Five was more experienced than his enemy: he picked that up quickly. But whoever it was was good. Very good. And the different lengths of blades weren't giving him any trouble at all: maybe the other pilot had actually studied dual-wielding instead of just watching it on 3V. The shorter blade was mostly blocking, while the longer one was used for slashing and attacking. Very good. The other pilot seemed really in tune with his Phantom Limb system: the avatar was moving too smoothly for him to not be.
   The other unit had a faster response time: a dozen or so extra milliseconds, maybe. And it seemed stronger too, despite its lighter frame: the power core must have been incredible. Block, stab. Stop worrying about that... beat whoever this is and let the engineers pick over the designer later.
   A particulary close slash drove Five to use a power leap backwards, which gave him enough room to flip the left blade around into a reverse grip and fire his rocket arm at the enemy unit. A close-range grapple could allow him to knock the unit off-balance and then finish it off...
   ... and then other avatar dodged the attack and dropped the short sword before it grabbed the cable linking the forearm to the Zander's elbow. Five actually stopped breathing for a moment... and started again when the white avatar brought the sword up in a slash that severed the cable, leaving Five an arm short and very very screwed.
   The avatar followed up its attack by lifting its now free arm up and flexing slighty, causing a pair of blades to unfold from the forearm and point straight forward. The arm fired and went straight for Five's cockpit. It missed, but only because Five in his panic forgot that one of his treads wasn't working and spent himself splaying when he tried to race backwards and away. A burst from the boosters sent him backwards and up, back onto his feet...
   ... in time to see the other avatar racing straight towards him with the blade pointed forward.
   He didn't have time to react before the blade punctured the cockpit and kept going through the torso and backpack straight through him.
~ ~ ~
   The young pilot of the Sentinel prototype finally allowed himself to relax slightly. He drew the Long Blade from the Zander's body and let it fall to the ground. He latched the sword onto its place, and then retrieved the Short Blade and stored it as well. The rifle was next, and a flip of the switch withdrew the barrel into the gun and then collapsed the rail drivers, converting the gun back to totally automatic rather than its long-range/armor-piercing mode. A quick check of Sentinel's schematics and stats confirmed that damage was minimal, mostly cosmetic. Sentinel was an amazing machine.
      "Ensign Gale, reporting Zander squad elimanted. I am returning, Durandel."
      "Confirmed, Ensign."
   The young marine tried to ignore the red stain on the Long Blade, and turned his attention back to the distant hiding ship. He engaged the treadwells, and skated away from the battlesite.
   Not bad for his fourth battle.


Finally done. Okay, some quick info about Sentinel Star (the working title).

No, I have no plans currently to expand on this universe. Unless I feel like it.

In this story idea, there were mechs and avatars. What a mech is should be obvious. The thing that separated mechs from avatars is that avatars have two distinct control systems. The first are the manual controls, the joysticks and levers and shifters and such. The second is a system called Phantom Limb, which is designed to enhance an avatar's combat prowess by picking up a pilot's brainwaves to figure out what the pilot wants the avatar to be doing and translating that into control input. Sufficiently skilled pilots can actually do martial arts or intensive sword duels using the PL system, though in practice it's normally just used to smooth out the reaction and the controls. Incidentally, the Phantom Limb system will later be used to develop the Phantom Bit system, which any follower of Gundam can make a guess as to what it does. And no, to my knowledge you cannot control an avatar completely through the PL system (though skilled pilots really do incorporate the two systems together almost perfectly), since it's just too complicated to trigger thrusters and weapons and stuff like that.

The Core Module is something that's bothered me about most giant robots: no escape mechanisms. It was an idea I incorporated into every avatar (except for the early ones and some test models) to try and improve pilot longevity. Basically, the Core Module incorporates the main power core, the cockpit, the head, and the backpack and its thrusters, all mounted in a sort of block in the avatar's torso. When it ejects, rockets shoot it up and away until the backpack can flip back and the cockpit can rotate up slightly to form a somewhat aerodynamic shape suitable for escape purposes. The head is included when ejecting because it has the main sensors and an internal machine gun that can be used defensively.

Zander is a reference to Friedrich Tsander, the Soviet rocket designer. I mispelled it because that's how I originally saw it spelled, and also because it sounds just a little more sci-fi. All Arkozian units are named after space explorers or scientists who worked on getting us there. Their largest warship is the Tsiolkovsky-class, which is essentially a dreadnaught designed for taking on both avatars and normal mecha and other ships, while their standard carrier is the Goddard-class. If I recall correctly, anyway. LeNner avatars were going to be named after mythological/historical knights, while their ships were named after weapons or kings and rulers. Subtle, I know. Also, Sentinel's main gun is designed to function like a machine gun, but when it's linked up to Sentinel the pilot can extend the main barrel and then open the cooling/protection mechanism around it which in that configuration acts like a high-powered magnetic rail gun for long-range and armor-piercing uses, though you kind of picked that up, I hope. It can only fire three-round bursts in this mode, however, and it's fairly energy intensive. The cabled rocket arms are a somewhat (haha) realistic take on a Rocket Punch, except in this case they were originally intended to be used as grapples for climbing, and it was only a few enterprising individuals who realized that you could use it as a weapon... though this usage does have some drawbacks, as you saw.

Also, that's metric tons for the Zander's weight (yes, as an American I think that we'll be using metric in the future... shocking, isn't it?). To get the number, I assumed a two-meter tall human-shaped robot weighing 450 pounds (metal, ceramics, plastics, electronics, etc.) and then did 3 x 3 x 3 (three times taller, three times wider, three times deeper) to scale it up to six-meter tall mecha size (in other words, 27 times heavier). It actually comes out to just about five and a half metric tons, or just over six US tons. Should I go for something a bit heavier?

Okay, questions, concerns, comments, wtf's, suggestions?
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu

Ren Gaulen

You have watched much "Code Geass", my friend. But the combat sequence is very well written. And the data on mechs is really interesting too.

Quote...largest warship is the Tsiolkovsky-class...
..Feels me with pride for Mother Russia. :3 Do you have any mechs or ships called Gagarin by any chance? :B


Quote from: Ren Gaulen on September 04, 2008, 05:08:51 PM
You have watched much "Code Geass", my friend. But the combat sequence is very well written. And the data on mechs is really interesting too.
Actually, aside from the treadwells on the feet and switching to grappling arms instead of grappling hooks, everything else was pretty solid in my head. And originally the Core Modules were going to be shot out of the back, but I couldn't get the design to work in my head so I went with the "up-and-out" arrangement. Besides (he prepares to confess) it's only recently that I've really started following Code Geass. I actually missed most of the first season (but that's what DVDs and an upcoming birthday are for).

Quote from: Ren Gaulen on September 04, 2008, 05:08:51 PM
Quote...largest warship is the Tsiolkovsky-class...
..Feels me with pride for Mother Russia. :3 Do you have any mechs or ships called Gagarin by any chance? :B
I might have... if I recall, Gagarin was a variable environment ship (space and air worthy), with one being used by the youngest Arkozian prince.

By the way, does the weight sound right?

Also, if you ask nicely, I'll try and dredge up the short story (and I do mean short... it's like two pages long) that kind of started this whole idea and post it so you can get an idea of how bad of a writer I was back in high school.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


Since obviously doing a low-grade rewording of a great song and posting a four page thing about two giant robots fighting wasn't enough, I feel like more haiku. And since my creative juices are strained from this morning, it's not even good haiku.

Since the day has dawned
It has been light; soon the Sun
Will set, and night falls.

What is it with those
Damned vampires? They're not hot
Or sexy, they're dead!

Rise from your slumber
Mighty Longinus: strike down
The gods with your power.

In time now past, we
Sought to shepherd mankind from
Without, to protect.

The waterfalls raise
A hiding mist. Within it,
A man can know rest.

A final shot from
A man who hated what the
World became. Lockon.

Why is it, that when
I take a vacation, the
World needs rescuing?

A B.F.G. is
The biggest gun ever? Yeah right.
Meet R.Y.N.O.

Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu

llearch n'n'daCorna

And still the haiku
Flow free from the author's mouth.
Should we be scared now?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Not really, Boxy.
It's just something I do when
I get really bored.

Do you have any
Questions or ideas for what
I should cover next?
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


Quote from: Jairus on September 04, 2008, 05:28:44 AM
But, seriously, should I finish "ZvS"?
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Ye-
Sorry, I really gotta remember to run an antivirus scan soon... :robo

That actually was pretty cool. I could picture that really well. The only real thing of note to me is that the avatars were actually carrying their weaponry, instead of it built-in. In BattleTech, nearly all weapons are built-in, specifically for the reason of automatic reloading, and you can't "drop" your gun. And no grenades on a bandolier :U
However, it seems something unique to your writing anyway, so I'm certainly not asking for a change, it's really all right. Just something that caught my attention.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on September 05, 2008, 01:14:06 AM
That actually was pretty cool. I could picture that really well. The only real thing of note to me is that the avatars were actually carrying their weaponry, instead of it built-in. In BattleTech, nearly all weapons are built-in, specifically for the reason of automatic reloading, and you can't "drop" your gun. And no grenades on a bandolier :U
However, it seems something unique to your writing anyway, so I'm certainly not asking for a change, it's really all right. Just something that caught my attention.
Well, that's a mech in my universe. The term mech is a general word that basically refers to any piloted vaguely humanoid frame of some kind, but in a military setting it is anything lacking the Phantom Limb system. Military mechs have built in weapons or even optional equipment. Avatars, on the other hand, are more styled after Japanese style giant robots, so they are more humanoid and their weapons are mostly hand held, with a few built in or mounted depending on model. As for the grenades, they're actually in a sort of... crud, I just realized that I've got two weapons systems mounted on the same area. Shoot. Oh well, that's what you get for writing based on three-four year old notes and ideas. Maybe I should post a little more information, that'd help clear things up...

... why am I offering to post information on an idea that will never be finished unless I give it to someone else to write?
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


Quote from: Jairus on September 05, 2008, 01:18:44 AM
Well, that's a mech in my universe. The term mech is a general word that basically refers to any piloted vaguely humanoid frame of some kind, but in a military setting it is anything lacking the Phantom Limb system. Military mechs have built in weapons or even optional equipment. Avatars, on the other hand, are more styled after Japanese style giant robots, so they are more humanoid and their weapons are mostly hand held, with a few built in or mounted depending on model.
Ah, got it. You're actually using both worlds of giant robots. Nice ;)

Quote from: Jairus on September 05, 2008, 01:18:44 AM
As for the grenades, they're actually in a sort of… crud, I just realized that I've got two weapons systems mounted on the same area. Shoot. Oh well, that's what you get for writing based on three-four year old notes and ideas. Maybe I should post a little more information, that'd help clear things up…

… why am I offering to post information on an idea that will never be finished unless I give it to someone else to write?
*shrugs* I dunno. You're the one writing it... :P


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on September 05, 2008, 01:23:25 AM
Quote from: Jairus on September 05, 2008, 01:18:44 AM
Well, that's a mech in my universe. The term mech is a general word that basically refers to any piloted vaguely humanoid frame of some kind, but in a military setting it is anything lacking the Phantom Limb system. Military mechs have built in weapons or even optional equipment. Avatars, on the other hand, are more styled after Japanese style giant robots, so they are more humanoid and their weapons are mostly hand held, with a few built in or mounted depending on model.
Ah, got it. You're actually using both worlds of giant robots. Nice ;)
Indeed. Mechs tend not to get as much attention as avatars, however. In-universe, mechs tend to have more weaponry and slightly heavier armor, while avatars are faster, more maneuverable, and more adaptable. They're also a little easier to pilot because of the PL System.

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on September 05, 2008, 01:23:25 AM
Quote from: Jairus on September 05, 2008, 01:18:44 AM
As for the grenades, they're actually in a sort of... crud, I just realized that I've got two weapons systems mounted on the same area. Shoot. Oh well, that's what you get for writing based on three-four year old notes and ideas. Maybe I should post a little more information, that'd help clear things up...

... why am I offering to post information on an idea that will never be finished unless I give it to someone else to write?
*shrugs* I dunno. You're the one writing it... :P
Clearly I am insane. Meanwhile, just for a bit of fun, here's what data I recall of the Sentinel Prototype, using a stats sheet cribbed off of MAHQ. Let's see what I remember and can piece back together...

General and Technical Data
Model number: INRI-XA9013, LNMA-1013, S-001
Code name: Sentinel
Unit type: prototype combat avatar
Manufacturer: InterNational Research Institute (INRI), League of Nations Military (LeNaM)
Operator: INRI, LeNaM
First deployment: 2156 CE
Accommodation: Pilot only, in standard Phantom Limb-equipped cockpit in torso
Dimensions: 6.3 meters
Weight: 6.3 metric tons, standard load out
Armor materials: super-ceramic composite
Power plant: 1 x Ouroboros power core (high-energy fusion cell); Cruciform power network; 1 x HTP capacitor, chest mounted; 2 x backup "Flamel" fuel cells
Propulsion: 2 x variable-usage main thrusters, mounted in backpack; 2 x rocket boosters, mounted in lower legs; 2 x Treadwell high-mobility terrain propulsion system, mounted in feet
Equipment and design features: Core Module ejection system (cockpit, main power core, main thrusters, head); 2 x rocket-grapple forearm (cable mounted)
Fixed armaments: 1 x machine gun, mounted on head; 2 x dual razor claw, mounted on forearms; 2 x buckler shield, mounted on forearms or shoulder armor; 1 x long vibration sword, stored on left hip, hand-carried in use; 1 x short vibration sword, stored on right hip, hand-carried in use
Optional Armaments: "Impulse" machine rifle (normal firing mode + long-range anti-armor railgun mode), mounted on rear armor; Folding bazooka launcher, mounted on rear armor; "Buster R" beam rifle, mounted on rear armor; "Buster S" beam saber, mounted on backpack
Technical and Historical Notes
One of the products of the InterNational Research Institute's Titan Project, Sentinel is arguable it's greatest success. Sentinel was designed not only as a combat unit, but also as a testbed for a number of technologies developed by INRI. Foremost among these was the new Cruciform power network, which ran superconductive materials through the body of the unit, essentially giving Sentinel a vast amount of power to call on as well as being able to channel power to any point on its body with maximum speed. The HTP capacitor is a component of this, and acts as a reservoir of extra energy during combat. These additions allow the unit to equip a number of experimental weapons, such as the "Impulse" variable weapon or one of the "Buster" series compact beam weapons. The frame - and the unit itself - was also designed to be compatible with any more recent technologies developed by INRI, meaning that the unit can be upgraded to continue service over time. In addition to all of this, refined programming and designs to the frame mean that Sentinel is extremely reactive, although the Phantom Limb system is a little finicky and over-responsive, making it difficult to find a pilot who can properly synchronize with the unit. Plans are currently in development for a full overhaul of Sentinel, the upgrade having been given the temporary designation of "Sentinel Zed."
Miscellaneous Information
Pilot: Unknown (Ensign Gale at this point)

And there you have it... reconstructed from some of my notes and a handful of the ideas in my head. That's Sentinel. If I get a request, I'll try and rebuild Zander's specifications as well.

Anyhoo... you know how this goes. Questions, comments, concerns, clarifications, WTFs, etc.?

EDIT: Damn, I've added like a whole page to this thread in one day. You know, sometimes I love you people.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu

Ren Gaulen

Neat. I'm looking forward to see Zengar's Zander's data.

Quote..Cruciform power network..
..Dan Simmons's "Hyperion"?

Quote.."Sentinel Zed"..
"Sentinel Zedd"? Will it be painted red to go three times faster? :B

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Ren Gaulen on September 05, 2008, 06:53:12 AM
Quote.."Sentinel Zed"..
"Sentinel Zedd"? Will it be painted red to go three times faster? :B

No, only twice. For three times, you need to paint the flames down the side.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Ren Gaulen on September 05, 2008, 06:53:12 AM
Neat. I'm looking forward to see Zengar's Zander's data.
I'll see what I can remember... in the meantime I'm still wondering why I'm writing all of this out. It's not like this story will ever get written.

Quote from: Ren Gaulen on September 05, 2008, 06:53:12 AM
Quote..Cruciform power network..
..Dan Simmons's "Hyperion"?
Never read it, sorry. INRI is an acronym I came up with back when I was a freshman in high school, and I was wondering where I first heard it when I remembered it's what Pilate put above Jesus of Nazareth's head while he was on the cross. So I kind of decided that some of INRI's designs would have religious code names. "Cruciform" means cross-shaped, so... yeah. There's also the kind of minor thing I just realized... the original meaning behind the code-name "Avatar" was because an "avatar" is the mortal incarnation of a god descended to earth, much like how an Avatar was the mortal and expendable body of the human pilot inside. And the most powerful avatar ever designed has a system called "Cruciform." What a lovely little coincidence.

Quote from: Ren Gaulen on September 05, 2008, 06:53:12 AM
Quote.."Sentinel Zed"..
"Sentinel Zedd"? Will it be painted red to go three times faster? :B
Okay, I get the reference to Char Aznable, but I don't get the reference to Zedd. I will mention that the HTP is red, but I don't think it would have ever glowed in series. This was a somewhat more realistic (hah) take on giant robots (note the size... and also note that they're running on super-efficient batteries rather than tiny nuclear reactors or something like that), so the "Glow of Power" is out on it's butt... as far as you know.

As a side note, don't you love the 00 lampshade-hanging on how the Trans-Am system makes a Gundam move 3 times as fast... and turns it red?
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


Quote from: Jairus on September 05, 2008, 03:10:32 AM
And there you have it... reconstructed from some of my notes and a handful of the ideas in my head. That's Sentinel. If I get a request, I'll try and rebuild Zander's specifications as well.
Well, I've gotta skedaddle in a little bit, but let's see if I can reconstruct Zander's specifications.

General and Technical Data
Model number: ARD-XA007, AS-007
Code name: Zander
Unit type: mass-production combat avatar
Manufacturer: Arkoz Research and Development (ARD), Arkoz
Operator: Arkoz
First deployment: 2142 CE
Accommodation: Pilot only, in standard Phantom Limb-equipped cockpit in torso
Dimensions: 6.1 meters
Weight: 6.6 metric tons, standard load out
Armor materials: super-ceramic composite
Power plant: 1 x Ouroboros power core (high-energy fusion cell); 2 x backup fuel cells
Propulsion: 2 x rocket main thrusters, mounted in backpack; 2 x boosters thrusters, mounted in lower legs; 2 x Treadwell high-mobility terrain propulsion system, mounted in feet
Equipment and design features: Core Module ejection system (cockpit, main power core, main thrusters, head); 2 x rocket-grapple forearm (cable mounted)
Fixed armaments: 2 x machine gun, mounted on head; 2 x switchswords, mounted in hip armor, hand carried in use
Optional fixed armaments: 1 x heavy shield, mounted on left shoulder; 1 x long-range bombardment cannon, backpack mounted; 2 x 4-barrel missile launcher, leg mounted; 2 x 4 grenade rack, hip mounted, variable load up; 1 x anti-armor sword, backpack mounted, hand carried in use
Optional Armaments: 1 x machine rifle, stored on hip armor, hand carried in use; 1 x machine carbine, stored on hip armor, hand carried in use; 1 x assault rifle, stored on hip armor, hand carried in use; 1 x folding low-recoil cannon, stored on hip armor, hand carried in use; 1 x folding bazooka launcher, stored on hip armor, hand carried in use
Technical and Historical Notes
One of Arkoz's most successful Avatar designs, the Zander has currently been in action for nearly fifteen years with minimal upgrades to the design. The Zander was Arkoz's third mass-production combat unit, and was built using lessons learned from the previous two units. It is a good all-around unit, specializing in nothing yet able to handle almost any circumstance. A number of modifications have been designed over the years to adapt the Zander for specialized environments such as desert or aquatic combat, but the original Zander is still the primary unit. Most of the weapons currently used by the unit have been introduced as a way of keeping it up to date, and originally it had barely half of the weapons it has today. It is somewhat slower than more modern Avatars, but makes up for it with thicker armor to improve its defensive characteristics. However, the Zander is starting to show its age, and newer mass-production or limited mass-production models are starting to take center stage: in addition, most LeNaM units are younger and more advanced than the Zander, and have an advantage in the technology department. An upgrade referred to as Zander II is currently undergoing testing, which will bring this long-lasting model into the modern age.
Miscellaneous Information
Pilot: too many to farking list

I'm starting to remember that Sentinel's swords were really weird... like they had a plasma cutting edge or something. This is what you get for trying to remember this stuff years later.

Okay, questions, comments, concerns, clarifications, WTFs, etc.?

EDIT: And now to attract Cogi...

This door does not work:
I push as hard as I can,
And it won't open.

The third act death scene
Ho hum, done before. So bored,
Yet can't look away

This filthy smut should
Not be here! It should be in
My computer, now!

Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu

Ren Gaulen

Good, good. By the way, you made me make connections between "Code Geass" and "Heavy Gear" in terms of mech design. At first I thought that your mechs resemble Knightmare Frames from "CG", but now I think they are more similar to Heavy Gears from, well, "HG". Which is much more cool in my book.

Quote from: Jairus on September 05, 2008, 04:03:31 PM
This filthy smut should
Not be here! It should be in
My computer, now!
Well played, but you are too slow. It's in my computer already.


Quote from: Ren Gaulen on September 05, 2008, 04:44:19 PM
Good, good. By the way, you made me make connections between "Code Geass" and "Heavy Gear" in terms of mech design. At first I thought that your mechs resemble Knightmare Frames from "CG", but now I think they are more similar to Heavy Gears from, well, "HG". Which is much more cool in my book.
Hm... I guess I should look up "Heavy Gear" when I get a chance, since this is the first mention I think I've heard of it. Also, do you like how both Western and Eastern mecha types are present? techmaster-glitch seemed to...

Quote from: Ren Gaulen on September 05, 2008, 04:44:19 PM
Quote from: Jairus on September 05, 2008, 04:03:31 PM
This filthy smut should
Not be here! It should be in
My computer, now!
Well played, but you are too slow. It's in my computer already.

Your filthy smut shall
Never tarnish my mind! It
Already has been!

EDIT: fixed the haiku. Eheheheh.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu

Ren Gaulen

Quote from: Jairus on September 05, 2008, 04:46:24 PM
Hm... I guess I should look up "Heavy Gear" when I get a chance, since this is the first mention I think I've heard of it.
It was the first computer game involving large robots I have ever played. And it seemed awesome back then. Also, it's a table-top game and a setting revolving around robots, somewhat like "Battletech".

Quote from: Jairus on September 05, 2008, 04:46:24 PM
Also, do you like how both Western and Eastern mecha types are present?
Yeah. More of the Western types, though, I think.


Quote from: Ren Gaulen on September 05, 2008, 04:51:43 PM
Quote from: Jairus on September 05, 2008, 04:46:24 PM
Also, do you like how both Western and Eastern mecha types are present?
Yeah. More of the Western types, though, I think.
Well... I guess I could figure out what I had planned for them. Mecha weren't as prolific in the story because Mecha are piloted by the army, while Avatars are piloted by Marines: since the ship was crewed by naval and marine personnel, they just didn't show up. And mecha really aren't suited for close range combat: they're more like walking tanks (though some roll).
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


As a present for Ren... I present the Zander Prince Theophilus Custom.

Zander Custom - Theophilus Aleron
General and Technical Data
Model number: AS-007c
Code name: Zander Theophilus Aleron Custom
Unit type: custom mass-production combat avatar
Manufacturer: Arkoz
Operator: Arkoz
First deployment: 2153 CE
Accommodation: Pilot only, in standard Phantom Limb-equipped cockpit in torso
Dimensions: 6.2 meters
Weight: 6.9 metric tons, standard load out
Armor materials: super-ceramic composite
Power plant: 1 x Ouroboros power core (high-energy fusion cell); 3 x backup fuel cells
Propulsion: 2 x rocket main thrusters, mounted in backpack; 2 x boosters thrusters, mounted in lower legs; 4 x high-output vernier, mounted in shoulder shields; 2 x Treadwell high-mobility terrain propulsion system, mounted in feet
Equipment and design features: Core Module ejection system (cockpit, main power core, main thrusters, head); 2 x rocket-grapple forearm (cable mounted); 2 x vernier-equipped shoulder shields
Fixed armaments: 2 x machine gun, mounted on head; 2 x switchswords, mounted in hip armor, hand carried in use; 2 x impact knuckle, mounted on hands
Optional fixed armaments: 1 x custom sword, backpack mounted, hand carried in use; 1 x impact lance, backpack mounted, hand carried in use; 2 x 4 grenade rack, hip mounted, variable load up
Optional Armaments: 1 x machine rifle, stored on hip armor, hand carried in use; 1 x assault rifle, stored on hip armor, hand carried in use; 1 x folding bazooka launcher, stored on hip armor, hand carried in use
Technical and Historical Notes
A customized Zander used by Prince Theophilus "Theo" Aleron, the Zander TA Custom has been fine-tuned for his needs. The shoulder armor has been enhanced to include two rotating vernier-equipped shields to enhance maneuverability. The third battery helps to power the enhanced joints which improve strength and response time at the cost of less active combat time. The hands have been built to include a pair of "impact knuckles," folding blades that are designed to punch through armor when fired as a grapple or in close-quarters combat. As is the purview of commanders, he can also equip an impact lance for anti-armor combat, but Prince Theo prefers a long vibration sword for combat. While it can still equip most of the weapons that normal Zanders use, Prince Theo only uses a handful of select weapons in combat. Due to its modifications, it is both power hungry and difficult to control. But combined with the Prince's own skills in battle, this is a dangerous machine that few opponents have survived an encounter with.
Miscellaneous Information
Pilot: Prince Theophilus Aleron

Okay, questions, comments, concerns, clarifications, WTFs, etc.?

EDIT: And now to attract Cogi a second time...

Did I choose this sword,
Or did this sword choose me? How
Can one ever know?
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu

Ren Gaulen

Niece one. I like it. I'll have to make something like these data sheets for my mechs and stuff later.


Quote from: Ren Gaulen on September 05, 2008, 05:18:16 PM
Niece one. I like it. I'll have to make something like these data sheets for my mechs and stuff later.
That'd be neat. Meanwhile, I'm going to try and sketch the two of these out over the weekend. We'll see how much I can ruin the Giant Robot genre all by myself.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu

Ren Gaulen

Quote from: Jairus on September 05, 2008, 05:19:24 PM
We'll see how much I can ruin the Giant Robot genre all by myself.
*Bright-slaps Jairus* Don't you dare say it! You lose the moment you give up! So never give up! Never surrender! Punch your fears in the face and kick them into the curb! Believe in yourself, Jay! Not in me, who believes in you! Not in you who believes in me! But in you who believes in yourself! Draw-Macha Brigade!!! Who the hell do you think we are?! >:D


Quote from: Ren Gaulen on September 05, 2008, 05:24:44 PM
Quote from: Jairus on September 05, 2008, 05:19:24 PM
We'll see how much I can ruin the Giant Robot genre all by myself.
*Bright-slaps Jairus* Don't you dare say it! You lose the moment you give up! So never give up! Never surrender! Punch your fears in the face and kick them into the curb! Believe in yourself, Jay! Not in me, who believes in you! Not in you who believes in me! But in you who believes in yourself! Draw-Macha Brigade!!! Who the hell do you think we are?! >:D

Fine! I'll do it! On my back, and in my heart, your words and deeds shall live on! Who the hell do you think I am?!?


Anyway... here's the real reason I made this post.

Okay, I lied. One more modified song.

This is nowhere near as modified as the last song... really it's just swapping names around. So, without further ado, "Dammit, Jyrras!" starring Abel and Jyrras, adapted from "Dammit Janet" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." I think the scene is set after Dan's wedding to Matilda. It's the only way I could really make it work, and Jyrras apparently came up with plans for it at some point in his wardrobe upgrade. This is obviously non-canon.

Dramatis Personae

"Dammit, Jyrras"

Hey Jyrras,

Yes, Abel?

I've got something to say.


I really loved the skilful way
You beat the other girls to the bride's bouquet!


The river was deep but I swam it,


The future is ours so let's plan it,


So please don't tell me to can it


I've one thing to say and that's
Dammit, Jyrras, I love you...

The road was long but I ran it


There's a fire in my heart and you fan it


If there's one fool for you then I am it


Now I've one thing to say and that's
Dammit, Jyrras, I love you...

Here's the ring to prove that I'm no joker.
There's three ways that love can grow:
That's good, bad or mediocre.
Oh J-Y-R-A-S I love you so!

Oh it's nicer than Dan Tifion' had


Now we're engaged and I'm so glad


That you've met Lex' and you know Dan
I've one thing to say and that's
Abe' I'm mad for you too...


Oh... dammit!

I'm mad...

Oh Jyrras!

For you...

I love you too!

There's one thing left to do...

... and that's
Go see the girl who began it!


When we met in her SAIA home school it


Made me give you the eye and then panic...


There's one thing to say and that's
Dammit, Jyrras, I love you...

Dammit Jyrras...

Abel, I'm mad...

Dammit Jyrras...

I love you!

... Amber is so going to kill me for this, isn't she?

And I know Abel misspelled "Jyrras." It doesn't work unless he does.

Okay, I am doing no more of these things. I'm done. Really.

EDIT: Here, to help make up for it...

A heart of courage
Can accomplish any goal!
Believe what I say!
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu

Ren Gaulen

Quote from: Jairus on September 05, 2008, 09:30:28 PM
I think the scene is set after Dan's wedding to Matilda.
HERESY!! D:< ..Err, you heard nothing! :animesweat

The song is really funny, by the way.

Quote from: Jairus on September 05, 2008, 09:30:28 PM
A heart of courage
Can accomplish any goal!
Believe what I say!


Quote from: Ren Gaulen on September 05, 2008, 09:38:55 PM
Quote from: Jairus on September 05, 2008, 09:30:28 PM
I think the scene is set after Dan's wedding to Matilda.
HERESY!! D:< ..Err, you heard nothing! :animesweat
Well, he had to marry someone... I thought if he was marrying someone Jyrras approved of it would work.

Quote from: Ren Gaulen on September 05, 2008, 09:38:55 PM
The song is really funny, by the way.
Not my song, but thanks. All I did was change the names.

So... should I send Amber a link? Or no?

Quote from: Ren Gaulen on September 05, 2008, 09:38:55 PM
Quote from: Jairus on September 05, 2008, 09:30:28 PM
A heart of courage
Can accomplish any goal!
Believe what I say!

Only one percent
With true courage can becomes
One hundred percent.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


QuoteDid I choose this sword,
Or did this sword choose me? How
Can one ever know?

One seldom ever
grasps a blade for
The same reason

One begins with the
desire of strength - but
that is elusive

The Haiku are good, sir, and I like that one above lots. The song, though...I think I'm still laughing. Very nicely done, sir, although I've not seen the picture show before to get the reference. Even so, I appreciated the humor muchly.


Quote from: Cogidubnus on September 06, 2008, 12:31:38 AM
The Haiku are good, sir, and I like that one above lots. The song, though...I think I'm still laughing. Very nicely done, sir, although I've not seen the picture show before to get the reference. Even so, I appreciated the humor muchly.

Well, I'm glad you liked the haiku. As for the song "Dammit Janet," here's the version from the movie. As you can tell, all I did was swap the names around, but it's still a fun song. Brad = Abel, Janet = Jyrras. I'd also like to make it clear that there are a lot of AMVs to this song, I just didn't have movies of these two to edit together into a song.

I really am tempted to send Amber the link to my version... except I don't know how she'd react. Could someone give me a hint before I condemn myself?

PS: (This is sort of a comment on the process that drove me to write "I'm Holding Out For Regina")
Three in the morning
And nothing seems to work. Why
Can't I get to sleep?

And these are from the ban game...
You broke some rules, you
Naughty person. The only
Thing is to ban you.

The rule you broke was
That you posted before me,
So I must ban you.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu