I suppose I'm technically new here...

Started by KelseyPotter, May 22, 2008, 08:24:30 AM

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Um, hi. Long-time reader, sort-of first-time poster. I was a member of the old DMFA forum a couple years ago, but then we switched over here and I never registered because I was an IB senior with little to no time to spend on the Internet except for schoolwork (fie, I say, fie!) and needed to simplify my sojourns. Now, I have a year of college under my belt and an entire summer of free time, so...what the hey, I figured I might as well join up and join in.

Really, what to say about myself? Well, as I said during a Secret Santa game some years ago where someone asked me the ever-so-brilliant question "Who are you?", I am a geek, an obsessive reader, a New Yorker by birth, a Virginian by the infinite wisdom of the US Navy. I am a slightly overweight individual who likes wolves, Harry Potter, and bizarre mixes of country and oldies music. I do my best to be honest, to be fair, to be helpful and considerate, to be cheerful and friendly, to use resources wisely, to help where I am needed, and to be a sister or brother to the people around me. I am a singer, a flautist, a writer, a United Methodist, and a child of God.


You never joined CMF?  Wow.  I knew it was a while since I'd seen you around, but I didn't think it was that long...  Welcome back.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ren Gaulen

Welcome back. Welcome to Clockwork Mansion. It's safer here.

llearch n'n'daCorna

... for who?

I knew your name sounded familiar...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I recognize your name.

You are a known flame.  :B


Kelsey! :B I remember you!

I could've sworn you joined already though...:/ Ah well. Maybe I'm just thinking about someone else.

James StarRunner

Wow... It -has- been awhile. Welcome back!


Wow, sometimes I wonder how it would've been like to have joined the old DMFA forums. Well then, welcome back, and I hope you enjoy this place.