Brotherhood of the Machine (IC Thread) [PG/14] {02}

Started by Ryudo Lee, October 10, 2007, 03:04:38 PM

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   "One ass-guard, comin' right up!" Jexx said, as he darted back and forth between different crates and construction equipment, tailing Jathon and Mitchell while looking out for any zealots that might try to jump them.

Ryudo Lee

The guards in the top of the tower hit the deck when another wave of hot ammunition came their way.  Once they had a chance, they got back up and returned firing.  They had good cover, and were using it to their advantage.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Prof B Hunnydew

Pvt Mitchell, Jexx and Jathon find the sleeping guard, when gunfiring from the top of the tower can be heard.  They spy the guards on the top of the tower shooting down on the rebels. They don't seem to be trying to shoot at Jathon, Mitchell, or Jexx. 

"Jexx, It looks like we have a clear path back to the vans.  Give us a half minute head start, then you can try to take out some of wind from the tower top. "  Says the medic and motion Pvt Mitchell lift the guard on the stretcher.  They lift the guard and run back to the rebel vans.



Morgan had studied the top area intently with all variety of scans and could see no activity in the area they were planning to move to.  It was still risky as the Brotherhood were laying down fire from the top as well.

The guards were pinned down temporarily by fire from the diversionary forces.  Morgan quickly spoke into his comm, "Dorcan, deploy two grapples, I am heading for your location."

Morgan, quietly, but quickly headed back over to the group and prepared to head up when the lines were secured.

"Foster and I will go up first and secure the area, Dorcan follow with Murphy."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"Sir," Dorcan said, and fired.  He'd spent a little while shooting trees at the camp to ensure he had a good feel for this particular weapon.  The grapple had different ballistics to the dart he'd practised with, but it seemed to have paid off nonetheless.  Checking that the first line was secure, he took aim and deployed a second.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


With the grapples secured, and Morgan makes a concerted effort to make sure they are, he secures himself to the rope and gives a nod to Foster.

"Up we go mate."

Morgan deftly began his ascent, his cybernetically enhanced structure increased his weight significantly, but his muscles were augmented beyond what was necessary to cope with the increased mass.

He reached the top of the tower quietly and rolled over the edge, with the laser sniper rifle out, he expertly swept the area, finding it to be clear.  Foster came in just after him and also swept the area.

When finished he looked to Morgan who nodded, understanding the question before it was asked.  Foster headed back to the edge and gestured down to Dorcan and Murphy to begin their ascent.  From his position, Foster covered the surrounding area, insuring that Dorcan and Murphy could climb without too much worry for what might attack them from the surrounding area or below.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Dorcan made his way up and glanced at Morgan.  "Do we take these?" he whispered, gesturing at the grapples.  Leaving them there would be a dead give-away if the Brotherhood resumed patrols - but on the other hand, they might be useful for getting down again.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Exo does a diving roll for cover at the return fire, laying down another volley of suppressing fire before popping back into cover and switching to comms. [Morgan, I can't get a hit on those Zealots on the roof. Fortunately, so do I. Unfortunately, so do they.] It does a quick check of the rifle's power cell and lets off a few more shots, which no doubt go well over the heads of the zealots. [They can't be far from your current location, care to deal with them?]


Morgan was about to answer Dorcan when Exo sent a message to him, I suppose we can, standby, but do not release suppressing fire until I signal you.

Morgan looked to Dorcan, "leave them."

He quickly pointed to each member and to the stair leading down, quietly he made his way to it and headed down to the next floor.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Ryudo Lee

They came down into a mostly unfinished hallway.  At the far end of the hallway was an open section of the wall which the zealots were using as cover as they fired on Exo and his group.  They were absorbed in the firefight and didn't notice Morgan and his group entering the hall.  One side the hall appeared to be more finished than another, and above one door a sign read "Computer Ops" and above another door read "Supp. Fld. Gen."

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Prof B Hunnydew

Jathon and Mitchell have gotten the Brotherhood guard to the vans, and seeing that few others who are wound need him.  Jathon is torn beteween helping the wounds and help secure the prisoner.

After laying the guard in a secured van, Jathon calls HQ from some advice..."Jathon to HQ medical, Com'n Please.  I need some advice and to disarm a brotherhood Rookie class four battle armor?  Without damage the equipment or the victim/wearer?"


Ryudo Lee

The response came quickly.
"This is shift supervisor Martin.  You want to do what?  You don't have the resources to do that.  If you got a live one, you gotta keep him unconscious, otherwise he'll kill himself once he sees that he's been kidnapped.  That's all you can do until you get him to us, got that Jathon?" The voice on the comm said.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Morgan gestured to the zealots at the end of the hall and gave the signal to terminate them.  Aiming with his laser sniper, Morgan took a bead on the head of a zealot and fired a long, silent blast.

The grunt and demolitions soldier both took their time to aim and both squeezed of similar shots with their plasma rifles, hoping for head to upper back hits.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Ryudo Lee

They never saw it coming.  The two zealots slumped to the ground, dead.  The abrupt end of the firing left a ringing silence in the air.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"If there's anyone else out there, they're going to have a good guess that someone's in the tower," Dorcan whispered.  "Which way now?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Morgan nodded slowly, "I know, but I am not the mission leader, Exo requested, and I am required to obey as he is the leader.  We will just have to deal with the consequences."

Morgan motioned to Dorcan and the soldier Foster to check out the door titled "Supp. Fld. Gen.", while he and Murphy examined "Computer Ops".

Morgan indicated to Foster that he should watch the hall.  Morgan moved in and listened at the door for a decent amount of time before pushing it open quietly and sweeping the room.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Dorcan did as he was bid, pressing an ear against the door and increasing the gain in his auditory systems.  Satisfied that it was empty, he turned the handle, but to no avail.

"Locked," he said over the comms.  "Want me to open it anyway?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Prof B Hunnydew

"Keep him unconscious?  He has enough morphine in him to keep anyone out for a week, but him.  He could be awake any minute, Grrrr.. VI stat, .02 cc morphine per minute should keep him out.  That's if the Brotherhood main control doesn't activated him."  says Jathon  "This wireless heart monitor will alert us to any change."

Jathon goes to help the few wounded of the rebels, but keeps an ear open if the heart monitor goes off...


Ryudo Lee

The computer room was unlocked, and was left that way due to the sudden attack.  The other door was locked electronically.  The computer room was empty, save for the equipment.  There were several glowing consoles and many keyboards and microphones and headphones.  At a simple glance this appeared to be not only a data hub, but a communications center and security room all in one.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Morgan stuck his head back out in the hall, "without any obvious method to lock the door, it must be a security controlled door.  I'll try and see if I can get it open as I try my hand at the computer.  Foster, Murphy, watch the hall.  Dorcan hold the door to ops and cover the other one in case someone is in there.  I'll crack this system."

Morgan sat down at the main console and physically connected himself to the network, and began his process to gain user level and finally root access to the network.  He was using his CTC as the main processing unit for his attacks, with manual synth skills as backup.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


(OOC: I haven't been getting much action, so I've decided to script my own scene similar to what I did before. Ryudo, Prof, If there is a problem with me autoing a zealot, and maybe Jathon, tell me, and I will remove/revise this post)

   As Jathon was tending to the unconcious zealot, he didn't notice another sneaking up on him...until he felt cold metal press against the back of his neck.
   'Don't move, you rebel scum." A voice droned from behind the circuit-faceplate, as he then seemd to start speaking into a radio link. "Hey, I've got one alive here! He's hiding behind the computer materials crates. Sick bastard looks like he's dissecting Na-"
   Suddenly, a unique-sounding weapon repeatedly discharged, and Jathon felt both the gun to the back of his head fall away and the air heat up slightly. The zealot stumbled past Jathon, the back of his robes completely incinerated, and his back melted to a blackened mush. Out of nowhere, Jexx jumped in front of Jathon, sprinting right to the zealot as he wheeled around trying to find out what had hit him. Jexx, quick as lightning, already had his hands morphed out instead of handcannons, and used his left hand to grab the front of the zealot's robes and hold him. The right metal hand pulled back, and then delivered a fast and powerful jab with his cybernetic arm, strong and hard enough to crash right through the faceplate and cave in the face behind it.
   Jexx let the dead zealot drop, removing his now-bloodied right metal hand. His markings, of course, had been glowing, and as he turned to face Jathon, he could see that Jexx's red-pupiled eyes were faintly shining. The red X on his forehead, however, was obscured by Sally's Superbunny T-shit that now functioned as a bandanna.
   Jexx chuckled a bit. "This be a dangerous place to be stayin' put, man. Got to keep your wits about ya..." He snickered again, and then took up position to seen if anyone had gotten the zealot's last transmitted words, and was heading to investigate.


Rifle out, Dorcan took his position, covering the door and listening out, not just for intruders, but further instructions from Morgan.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


With the last of the guards dispatched, Exo regroups with Mackenzie and the two move off toward the tower, looking for a way inside. Mitchell in the mean time stays to keep an eye on the sedated grunt.

[Heads up. Specialist Mackenzie and I are making our way into the tower now. We'll do a check for optimal demo charge placements and work our way up to meet you. We can set the charges on our way out.]

Ryudo Lee

Morgan's work would take some time as the Brotherhood's systems were unlike anything being used in the rest of the world.  It would take all the tools at his disposal to finally get the access he required, but after awhile, he got in.  The data in the systems is all heavily encrypted by some method not yet seen in the security world.  It was plainly obvious that the tech boys back at HQ were going to have quite a tough time figuring this one out.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Morgan begins to download data, as quickly as the system will allow him to.  (OOC: Morgan's internal storage is about 200 yottabytes, which is hopefully enough.)

As he downloaded the indecipherable data, he searched the procedure routines for ones pertaining to security, door access, or anything else that looked interesting.  He also poked around for anything hidden or concealed, though he really wouldn't have anything specific in mind.

Multitasking on top of this, the red-haired lad readied a nasty little logic bomb for insertion into the file system. 
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"How goes it?" Dorcan asked furtively over the comms.  "Any joy with the door?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

Morgan's internal storage capacity was more than enough, as this system wasn't yet connected to the rest of the Brotherhood network.  But there was data here.  It wouldn't take him long to find the security locks.  Though it would take him some time to crack the codes to actually use them.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Morgan gave a sideways glance towards Dorcan and nodded, "I have located the security locks, it is going to take some time for me to crack the codes.  Standby."

Morgan went straight for the locks and began running his tools against them.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"So, er... how long have you been a human?" Dorcan asked, on the assumption that what Morgan was doing was more-or-less automated.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


A small, unimportant terminal near the door exploded quite suddenly after Dorcan had asked his question. 

Morgan did not appear to change expression at all until he spoke, "w...w...wha...what kind of question is that?  What would make you ask me how long I've been a human...?"

How could he possibly know something like that... and why would he just casually bring it up now?
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"